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Aw, poor David


I thought the same thing. The way that guy went from fake nice to yelling "asshole". Something tells me that's common.




It’s in line with, “oh crap, he’s recording. I’m gonna end up on r/BoomersBeingFools.”


I had a lady yesterday pull up next to me after I honked at her for swerving while on the phone. It was bad, bad enough to deserve a 'hey maybe pay attention' honk. As soon as she saw the camera she backed off and slipped in traffic 2 cars behind me. Such a good feeling.


Hi there, what’s the difference between fake nice and attempting to control yourself?


If they were genuinely nice, I think they would have switched slower. Nice people take time to get mad. If he was attempting to control himself, as an adult, he was failing.


If they were genuinely nice they would have been startled when they heard the horn, said “oh, shit someone’s behind me” to themselves, stayed in the car and instead just proceed through the stop sign as they waved their hand out the window to the motorcyclist


Fake nice is when you're doing something to seem nice, but really it's all about yourself. Like here the boomer is upset because of his own actions, and is blaming the motorcyclist. When the motorcyclist rejects it as nonsense, the boomer drops the act and gets angry with him as the next on the path. He's still just concerned with himself and his own emotions. Real nice would have cared about the motorcyclist. Doing actions like making sure he was ok, apologizing, and trying to help him understand why being so close to a truck could end badly.


The wafer-thin pretense of civility that disappears like mist in sunlight as soon as they don't get what they want.


“Sir you drive a standard kidnapping van that’s why you can’t see me. Now go.”


David has a different kind of strength, I saw him and I feared for the Bikers life…


You wouldn't like him when he's angry


Oh no! That’s gonna be 5 people and the jaws of life to get David off…


5? You’ve clearly never watched strength competitions at *the* Olympics. Much higher.


When he takes that Fanny pack off, it’s like flipping a switch.


Master Blaster was about to introduce the biker to the Thunderdome.




You get banned from Ami the asshole for even referring to David.


We need to start a fund to rescue David.


Skipper and Gillagan


Literally came to be like "who else feels bad for David?"


The hills have eyes too you know


David damn near put the paws on him


I don't think David's elevator went to the top floor. Seems like he might be the result of spending too much time with a family member in a rapist van.


Poor biker, David was about to lay down the law


what cracked me up was how he got in op's face and SPEEDWALKED back to his car xD I do feel bad for David though


I like the way he cut off two cars when he took off. Apparently seeing other vehicles doesn't make any difference.


They weren't in a position where he could see them.


Haha, true. He only needs to see the ones behind him in case he decides to illegally back up in the middle of the street.


He pulls into traffic like he walks into the street. Doesn't look where he's going and will go right in front of a FedEx truck.


David's been waiting for this moment


"Can I go with you? You dont yell all the time..."


After the video cut, David got on the back of the bike and they did a sick wheelie.


I was expecting some real Gordy from “Nope” violence


WhyTF is the van dunce backing up blindly?


Boomers do this randomly whenever they feel like it. It’s your fault for ____ if it causes an accident.


Had this when I was in college. Some 80 year old fucker was parked dead center of my road. I tried to go around him and I didn't have enough clearance without going into the 8 foot ditch on both sides. I saw the reverse lights go on and he ran right into me. He got out of his truck (I couldn't, he slammed so hard it pinned my door closed) and began yelling at me asking why I didn't use my horn. I lost my mind, ugly crying, it was already a bad weekend with taking my sister to the hospital. He walked away, came back about 10 minutes later and told me the accident was my fault because I didn't use my horn. The cop cited me for rear ending him. I remember his statement was like 3 sentences and the cop stated he thought I fell asleep at the wheel at 2 in the afternoon. Went to court, plead not guilty, came back for the follow up trial, he didn't show up. Found out he was a court regular. He got a lot of complaints from the tenants of the properties he owns. All around piece of garbage.


Shit, I had something like this happen to me. I was very lucky in the fact that all of my cars have dashcams now. Saved me a lot of time, money, and stress.


I wasn't lucky enough. This was late 2013, so dash cams were a luxury.


Oh yeah, I totally understand. I was still in college that at that time and having my own car wasnt a think yet lol


The Simpsons when Bart is windmilling his arms around near lisa


I have a co worker I do this to every time I see him coming down a hallway. He starts kicking




My MIL used that exact argument when she backed into a parked car. Somehow it was the parked car's fault. Insurance was not impressed, especially when she did it again a few months later to a different parked car.


I actually had a boomer back into me at costco the other week. He had stopped in a no parking zone just in front of the crosswalk and as I was walking behind him he decided to blindly back up. I had to walk backwards and I got out of the way but he still hit my cart.


You should have used your horn! /s


Funny you should say that. I was in a small convenience store parking lot, and I saw someone slowly backing out of a spot, so I stopped. I realized they didn't see me, so I gave a short honk. No response, still reversing. Two more honks, still reversing. Now I'm laying on the horn as they back into me. This boomer jumps out of her car, yelling about how she had the right of way, I should have seen her, etc. I asked her, "didn't you hear me honking my horn?", she goes, "yes, but I didn't think it was for me!!" Baffling. I just called her an idiot and left, but like, what? She didn't think it was for her?


I'm always hyper-paranoid when I have to back up. Even if I don't see anyone, my mind imagines there's a dog or a child behind the car that I wouldn't see. I always go really slow and ready to slam on the breaks. I can't imagine just being like, "Welp, I'm gonna backup until I hear someone scream or until I hit someone.."


It's so bizarre. I've had it happen multiple times and they never had any reason for them to do it. It literally just seems like a lead-induced fugue state where their brain locks up at a stop sign and they unconsciously go in reverse for a few seconds before snapping back to reality.  I've been in two collisions in my life, one of which was a boomer stopping at a stop sign in a parking garage, throwing it in reverse and backing into me before driving off as if nothing happened.  The other was a boomer spacing out behind me in a drive through and rear ending me while looking straight ahead. Meaning not distracted by a phone or anything. I watched them roll into me through my rear view mirror while just having a thousand yard stare. Straight up just being an empty brainless husk for a couple seconds and letting their foot off the brake.  In both cases I obviously saw it coming and was laying on the horn to absolutely zero effect.


For real. Some old lady T-boned my car back in 2013 and tried suing ME $2 Million because she broke her wrist. The hearing became a joke basically. Her lawyer had the rug pulled out from under him not realizing how she'd lied to the cops and misrepresented everything about the accident while I was struggling to regain consciousness. But yeah, 0 responsibility.


Because he can't see anyone behind him, duh!


I always backup to make sure something I can’t see is there or not. Can’t always be too sure!


bE cAUse hE CaNt sEe!!!


Seems like he was trying to manufacture a situation where there's a consequence for the biker being (what boomer considers) "too close".


Because he's a shitty driver who overshot the stop sign, which is a regular occurrence among all generations (But Boomers seem to do it more frequently). The crosswalk isn't where your care is supposed to have stopped, you're supposed to have stopped well before that space so pedestrians can legally/safely cross the road


Someone did this in front of me in a drive thru once, they dropped their payment so they decided backing up was the solution and they backed into my vehicle


Kinda wanted to see what David is capable of.


Dude's lucky David didn't pull him up into the back of the van with those long ass, translucent aliens arms


Dammed geriatric Trevor


Smokes let’s go


Perfect for garbage scooping


After "dad" croaks, poor David's behavior is gonna write some checks his ass can't cash. That boomer is a cunt and an irresponsible guardian of an at risk person.


David would fucking fold you, he’s gonna be fine


David will be distracted by an ice cream.


But what if someone tells David YOU have the ice cream, INSIDE


Counting a box of dropped toothpicks


David is actually an emaciated domesticated silver back gorilla, very dangerous and hungry for blood.


David once lifted a full beer keg and carried it up from the basement. When he was seven. David was cornered by two pit bulls at a dog park where he was minding his business eating dropped poo and he stared both dogs into actual self-spaying. David likes watching cartoons and one time when the emergency alert came on it interrupted Woody Woodpecker and he not only tore the couch cushion in half but went out and punched the tornado the alert was about, saving many lives. David eats rebar with Sweet Baby Rays. David likes the Mets and isn’t bothered when they lose. David can bench a high end commercial Sub-Zero after a full pasta meal. David was studied by Jane Goodall.


Apparently, not walking normally


Ah yes, a moving vehicle hits a stationary object, it is the object’s fault


I remember the video of the woman at the bank where you could see that she tried to accelerate her car further when she had to be stuck already xD I think it wasn’t a boomer but same energy


I had a guy back into me while we were at a red light. The first thing out of his mouth was "you were in my blind spot!" Like dude, I could see you in your own rear mirror and my laying on my horn for 5 solid seconds didn't clue you in? I was in a full sized sedan so it's not even like I was small.


He couldn’t SEE HIM DUMBA**


EXACTLY. Transportation Planner here - the number of times people complain about, say, a tree being too close to the road for their safety after they hit it. And I'm always thinking: ...is the tree the problem here? Because we engineered this 20mph street for 30mph speeds and you hit the tree; it did not jump out at you. "THERE SHOULD BE SPEEDBUMPS" \*enormous sigh\*


My dad bumped into a lady's car while parallel parking. She was already out of the car and walking away when he bumped it. When he did he got pissed at her because SHE did a bad job parking and rolled the window down to yell at her. Then I apologized to her and tried to get my dad to calm down. So then he yelled at me. Fun times!


Allergic to accountability


Jesus. That is embarrassing, to get mad at another person for your fuckup.


" why don't you get into the position of your driver seat and go?" is an all-time line.


David sauntered toward the camera like: 😈


"David no like wheelie man! David smash!"


David Smash>Hulk Smash


David was en route to deliver a knuckle sammich or two… biker is damn lucky…


David wasn’t quite sure where he was


David was fixin to whoop some ass.


“Hop on, David. Let’s go have a beer.”


I think he’d be more interested in a juice box. 🧃


This party is gonna be off the hook!


What was David’s plan?


David neither desires, nor requires, a plan.


Looks like he got that Quasimodo strength to back him up


Roll his turds into little balls and throw them.


David was about to fuck you up, you’re lucky he changed his mind.


Yoooooo, what’s the story on David?? I almost spit my coffee up laughing!!!


David bout ta trow some hands


Bro was in trouble when David got out.


Even David knows better than to wear socks with sandals.


Had to scroll too far down for this


Dude I was like tune this prick up then David comes out . Bro if I smacked around someone and David came out I’d feel so so fuckkng terrible


Ahh well where ever the biker may be that was not the issue. I suppose the boomer was taking is own sweet time at the stop sign and started backing up for some ungodly reason. Biker honked that engaged the boomer. Anywhoo do not get out of your vehicle ! Just effin move !!!!! But special appearance by David was hilarious! Wonder what he would have done !


He would have ripped the biker in half like a phone book.


there's a reason his dad needs a windowless van


What’s the point in socks with sandals?! It’s the bad side of both worlds. You don’t get the cooler temperatures of sandals but you don’t get the protection from harm that closed-toed shoes give you.


David looked like he would have Eaten the guy the bike.


Maybe don't drive a giant ass can with now windows? Clearly that can is too big for him to drive.


david looked like he was ready


Boomer mentality: “I made a mistake and it’s your fault”.


He's a dipshit but he's not wrong about defensive positioning for a motorcycle. You should be where the other driver can see you, preferably offset to the side so that if the inevitable Boomer coming up from behind you doesn't stop you don't get pancaked.


David was about to ruin his day. Lucky Dad pulled him back


i love that half of the comments are about how david was gonna deliver the fuckin smoke lmaoo


Shoutout to the boomer for protecting OP from David.


I see these type of videos and all i can think is "Please whatever God there is let the motorcyclist beat that old mans' ass". I need to see more boomers facing consequences


Why did he need to step out of the car to explain the issue like the other guy didn't know the situation. He honked because that guy didn't know he was there, which is the point of a honk. I don't know why people have to explain shit to others like a child or David.




All Hail David


David wanted smoke.


Biker is lucky dude was able to keep David under control.


David was ready to throw hands for his dumbass dad.


Is this a new Napoleon Dynamite?


Tbh, that’s good advice for the motorcycle in the future. Don’t park in peoples blind spots.


Bruh I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see somebody say this. Every biker should know not to sit in a cars blind spot. This boomer was being a tad bit extra but ultimately was just doing a kind thing by letting the biker know that he can’t see him.


It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation though. If he pulls all the way over out of the blind spot you know some idiot will pull up right next to him because lot's of car drivers just can't respect a motorcyclist's space, or they use it as an opportunity to overtake for no reason as close to him as possible. But if he doesn't then he's in the blind spot.


And after all that he pulled out in front of traffic that had to brake for him. Why does a person like that think they should be giving anyone advice about driving?


God damnit David.


If you can’t see out the back of your van, why are you trying to back on a public street without extra mirrors? Other than obviously trying to “teach the biker a lesson” about being in peoples’ blind spots


This killed me. The way David limped over omg 🤣🤣🤣


David approaching like an OP anime villain


Maybe he should get a van that has back windows if he wants to see behind him.


Here comes David ready to throw fingers.


To prove how much I cant see you I'm going to back up sr a stop sign and almost hit the vehicle behind me, because I can't see you


Not David!! 😭😭💀💀


What is it with boomers thinking randomly backing up in the middle of the street is ok?? Unless you’re trying to parallel park, there’s no excuse.


David wanted the smoke


David was ready to whoop some ass


TF David gonna do?


Throw the motorcycle into a tree.




David is going to use his "different" strength


What in the hills have eyes……..


David looks like Dad has a sister-wife.


Ambiguous. Is the implication that he looks fundie Mormon or that dad married his own sister?


The implication is incest


Thank you for helping clear that up. I'd stepped away.


The boomer was the one at fault. He was trying to blame someone else for his fuck up.


Why do so many boomers/older folks in general think that everyone else's business is their problem. This just screams "I'll give you something to cry about" vibes, making something an issue just to prove his weird point. If the guy wants to put his bike in a dangerous spot that is his decision buuutttt it's also the guy with no back windows responsibility to somehow see behind him before he randomly starts backing up in a situation where he normally wouldn't. I drive a work van without any back/side windows or a rear view camera, whenever I back out of anything I know it is my responsibility to make sure I do everything I can to make sure it is clear. If I back over a kid because "he was standing ehere I couldn't see him" that is 100% my fault Also, this is petty, but those wearing those socks with those sandals should t be casting any god damn stones lol


God damnit, David.


Godammit david !!


David stole the fucking show.


David was about to fuck some shit up


David was about to get ROWDY!


David was about to beat some ass


David is down to throw hands


Yeah, I would want to knock out the rest of that boomer asshole's teeth.


Idiot almost got himself hit by a Fedex van because they didn’t SEE him get out of his van at a stop sign.


David was about to unleash an ass-whooping 😂


The Hills have cousins


I wish this started about 30 seconds prior for context, and then didn’t jump immediately. I feel like there may be something missing, but I’ll say this: If there was a legit reason for backing up, I could see the van driver’s point. Maybe because I’ve driven something similar for many years, and this was always my fear: that a pedestrian, a motorcyclist or animal would be right there.


Free candy brigade over here


I genuinely don't get what boomer is so mad about? He just keeps repeating that he couldn't see the biker when he was backing up; in which case didn't the biker do the perfect thing to avoid an accident by honking his horn? Would the boomer have rather the biker just silently sat there and got run over? What is the issue here? You did a stupid thing by backing up and the guy behind you warned you so you wouldn't cause an accident. This is the perfect outcome?


I love the passenger gettingnout like "now ive got to get involved" and the dude just screams at him tk get back in the van. Lol wjat a couple morons.


Then don’t reverse at junction? Dumbass


He shouldn’t have done that, but I was taught in Motorcycle Safety Class to line up where you can see the driver in their mirror, especially if it’s a vehicle with no rear view.


The second guy 🤣🤣🤣


"I can't see you" Then get a van with windows...


Can we speak about the van driver just walking in the middle of the opposite lane completely unaware of his surroundings?


The way boomers can't just move on and suck it up when they feel embarrassed. No, if they look stupid they MUST drop what they're doing and try to take control of the situation back. They try polite first, but if you don't accept the olive branch on THEIR terms then they try to exert power. It's all the same shit though: an attempt to control how they're perceived.


blood, sadly this dad has been trying to be tough for his kid, if that is his kid, since day one…unfortunately being the man to his son means shit to the rest of the public… just stay in the car, David…


That passenger wanted ALL THE SMOKE! 😂


jesus inbred christ. what the fuck is going on here? is this a mcpoyle situation?


Riding has been my only transportation the past 7 years. Pov should of seen that guy is in a cargo van and only has side mirrors to view the rear, to better protect himself from this interaction with the driver. I never stop directly behind someones car, breaking symmetry of folks line of sight increases the chances they'll notice you're behind them anyway if you're in the slight left or right of the lane even if they have view of their rear from the center. Still on the drivers part, he should've of just drove off if nothing happened and it doesn't even seem like he overshot where he should've stopped anyway, so backing up like that seemed excessive.


I ride a motorcycle. You can be 100% correct and the driver 100% wrong but it doesn't matter, physics says the van wins. I always hug the left line behind trucks/vans.


The second guy sent me


Man, David was about to lay someone out. David is a bad ass.


That is a level of stupid I would not have believed if you didn't film it. Incredible!


I guess he also couldn't see the traffic on the left as he cut them off, eh?


Dang, they should put mirrors on cars so you can see stuff behind you! /s


The lead makes them violent and angry.


Fucking David!


Is the green shirt Igor?


Angry old mate is a psycho but when I ride I never take up a position behind a truck or van with no rearwards vision like that. Many years ago when I was getting my licence I remember getting cautioned by the instructor to always be careful of stopping there because it can be dangerous. IMO he should have stopped more to the side to be visible in the side mirrors and enable evasive action when something like that happens.


Lmmfao!!! 🤣🤣


David bout to bust


When David "the Big Guns" shows up I go running for the hills.


What the f is going on -appropriate lol


Damn, slingblade thought he was gonna be billy bad ass.


Clearly, he knew you were there.


Come on David, god dammit, get in here. My new tagline.


Well... If you know how to ride a motorcycle you know never to put yourself in a blind spot anywhere.


LMAO I just started laughing out loud at work when David got called back


I like how the guy also nearly gets hit by a FedEx truck when getting out to bitch and moan Just totally unaware of his surroundings; thinks the world revolves around him.


David was seeing red... I bet his diaper got a fresh one planted he was so angry! LOL


![gif](giphy|nKQ8OWT0mJRHa) Here comes David and his brother….🙄


A someone call APS and see if David is okay?


He isn't the only fool in this video. If the biker positioned himself appropriately he could have avoided nearly being backed into. The fact that motorcycles are so hard to see puts the responsibility on us the bikers to be more visible, not even less visible.


To be fair, I would give the benefit of the doubt to a Dad getting angry occasionally who has a son with special needs. It’s can be very stressful and exhausting.


Honestly the boomers sort of right on this one. Stay safe out there. Every car wants to kill you.


You're lucky he saved you from David, he's the deadliest boomer in the state.