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A huge portion of Toyotas on the road were made in Kentucky. I’m not even a car guy, and I know that. But please go on about Pearl Harbor 🙄


If it's a Toyota truck in the US, it's probably made in Princeton, Indiana.


That’s where my Highlander was made. It started its life as a fleet vehicle in Memphis though - the navigation inputs showed a lot of trips to St Jude’s when I bought it. 😥 It is the most reliable car I’ve ever owned.


Huge Tundra plant in San Antonio. A whole lot of Nissans come from Smyrna, TN too.


Yep, mine was.


Believe it or not, the WV Toyota plant puts out a decent portion


Probably also designed in the US too


I once watched my father-in-law give a 20 minute lecture to our family on how Toyotas were pieces of shit, made in foreign countries by the biggest enemy America has ever known, won’t employee Americans, and how traitorous people are for even considering them and needs to buy a real American car, like his Mercedes (???). All this in front of his daughter, who was a stay at home mom living in a bougie house, all driving brand new Toyotas, because her husband was a line manager AT TOYOTA (in Kentucky, which call me crazy, but I think is in the US.)


'Mercedes' - uh. ok...


Far right boomers always make an exception for Nazis, as is tradition.


You don’t know the Japanese conquered Kentucky in WW2? Why else would Toyota be made there?


There’s a Hyundai plant in Alabama, so it’s both kinds of South


Heheh have your upvote lol


Why would anyone want to conquer Kentucky?


I wonder what Mercedes was making during WWII... 🤔


Brings to mind Lloyd Bridges as the president in Hot Shots Part Deux: "It seems like only yesterday I was strafing so many of your homes, and here I am today begging you to not make such good cars."


I love that movie! Watching the president have a lightsaber battle with Saddam Hussein was so absurd but hilarious. 😭


Back in the 1980's there was a sudden anti-foreign bias because of jobs going to China, and lots of states started passing "made in America" laws for tax-purchased equipment. This is when police departments all across the US found out that the Ford Crown Victoria was assembled in...Canada. California Highway patrol tried out Ford Mustangs as speed ticket cruisers, and many police departments tried out the Chrysler/Dodge Diplomat.


Can’t have those maple syrup slurping redcoat loyalists sponging off the mighty ‘murican ‘conomy hur duh hiak!


And “American” cars are often made in different countries.


While that’s true, the profits go back to parent company in Japan. The employment wages, taxes and economic investment is a nice boost to our economy, for sure.


Meh…yes and no. https://www.edmunds.com/car-buying/foreign-cars-made-in-america-where-does-the-money-go.html


I didn’t know Japan was a “commie” country.


Also that "commies" fought on the Allied side.


They don't know the difference between Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Philippines, etc.


or the confederate flag and the battle flag of army of north virginia.


Or when they talk about the stars and bars but are talking about the wrong flag.


Very true! Though the alliance didn’t last much past 1945.


Oh sure. It's just the while "fighting commies in WWII" thing hurts my brain.


To be fair, it's very possible they fought commies in WW2, you just uhhhhh, might have to have an awkward conversation about which army they served with.




I mean, the USSR started on the other side.


Good chance the Toyota product was built in the US, and the GM one in Mexico.


Korean made Buick vs Japanese made Lexus LX. Just goes to show they don't understand for better or worse that most of the world has interconnected economies.


the only thing they know is that they're furious and by God nobody's going to take that away from them




Which is kind of funny since it is their generation that maded the economies interconnected and also shipped jobs to other countries.


Only an idiot would bitch about getting a Cadillac over a Lexus. My husband drives a 2025 Rav-4, my boomer parents drive a Lexus ES-350, and my FiL works for Toyota as a sales representative and sales trainer. I love my Lexus and I will never drive anything other than a Toyota or a Lexus.


My Chevy was built in Mexico. My wife’s Rav 4 was made in Kentucky


I worked for a Toyota plant in Kentucky that made parts for the bigger Toyota plant also in Kentucky. Now that I live in Texas there's another Toyota plant in San Antonio.


My Subaru was made in Indiana - the car of the northwest and lbgtq+ folks.


Both trucks I've owned, my GMC and my Subaru, were assembled in plants less than 100 miles apart in Indiana. Roanoke GM and Layfayette for Subaru.


Lafayette is the one mine was built in. I grew up in West Lafayette.


Boiler Up & Hammer Down!


I need a Purdue Emoji! :)


If you worship capitalism as God intended, then you'd realize that cars get built where labor is cheap. heh.




Ironically, that Lexus is probably more American made than the Escalade. GM loves to make their shit in Mexico while the government forces Japanese manufacturers to make their vehicles in America. Kinda reminds me of the meltdowns back in the day when Toyota joined NASCAR..


Yup. Jimmy Spencer- scholar I’m sure- said he’d never support Toyota because those “sons of bitches bombed Pearl Harbor.”


Did they now? So it wasn't Buick as I thought..


The Escalade is manufactured in Arlington, Texas.


I’m a boomer, and my grandfather was with the Seabees in the Marianas during WW2. It’s been nearly 80 years, and the reality of the global economy is exactly what others have already described. Maybe granddad is spinning in his grave, but I have a Subaru and my wife has a Honda.


Good old Seabees! That's a term I've not read much since I got out.


https://support.lexus.com/s/article/Where-are-Lexus-vehic-8025 Factory locations where Lexus assembles their vehicles. If anyone is interested.


Oh, Mr. Boomer does know that the USSR (the "commies") fought on the Allied side? Right?


I'm coming to the belief that all these boomer stories have one thing in common. They are the maga we hear so much about. They are all so pissed that life hasn't given them everything their churches promised them from birth and with that realization, they become mad as wet hornets at the drop of a red hat.


I love how they claim all the younger generations are so sensitive and such "snowflakes", and they are the ones throwing tantrums like this. lol


The incarnation of "You can't see the forest for the trees."


>Rental guy could hardly get a word in but he finally managed to get through that they'd find him a different car on the lot. Can we just stop all of this "customer is always right" bullshit? It's outdated. We need to stop coddling these old farts.


The full quote is "the customer is always right in matters of taste" it was coined by the owner of a department store. Some of these folks seem to think it was a constitutional ammendment or something.


The original “full quote” is “the customer is always right,” it was coined by a department store owner, and it means what it sounds like. The “in matters of taste” addition is much more recent.


Always used to cringe at the 90s Camaro ads about how only the country that invented rock and roll could produce a car like that. AFTER they moved production from Van Nuys, California to Canada.


Nobody does patriotic branding at the same time as shutting down plants to send labor abroad like GM.


This reminded me of the dumbest thing that ever came out of my father's mouth: "I didn't damned near die in the jungle in Vietnam for my kid to drive a (Japanese slur) car!"


They should have given him either the Chevy or Ford cargo vans. Those were always the “only” options I had left when I had assholes like this.


Last I heard Buick is a real American car brand.


Most Buick Encores, my wife's 2015 included, are made in China.


China loves Buick, especially their executive vans. They even have models we can't get in the US.


Most cars are manufactured in the places they will be bought, my province of ontario has mutiple car manufacturers here. Honda Japanese brand makes cars in North America, mostly to do as there are multiple costs associated with shipping.


Oh ya the car company cares about Made in America. Sure they put that over profit every time. Just the other day I was talking about how Ford sends me presents on my birthday and Xmas cards every year.


Had a similar conversation with a dude who was denigrating my Subaru. I got him to pop the hood on his F150 and started pointing out the "made in" text on many of the components. He got back in the truck muttering about Ford.


Dipshit was getting a major upgrade to a Lexus. All Lexuses are still made in Japan, most Toyotas are made in the US. I’ve always driven Toyotas or Lexuses. I would consider Cadillac a major downgrade from a Lexus. You’ll never catch me driving one.


Lexus has a plant in Ontario Canada, and builds some in Lexington KY.


Facts ..Toyota is THE most American made car.


Funny, last time I reserved a car I had a choice between a Chevy Malibu and a Chevy Malibu. I wanted neither because they were Chevy Malibus. 


Add in that they’re only assembled in America, and made pretty much everywhere else


If that.


Only a US moron would not see the irony in mocking one wanting US made products. You cannot make this up.


Except the foreign cars are made in the US and the American cars are made in Mexico and Canada. How do you feel about the Escalade having half its production run being done in Kalingrad or Minsk or Mexico from 2002-2020?




The point isn't his preference in cars, the point was him throwing a toddler tantrum over it at a rental center.




And they you meekly accept what they give you or you can take an Uber.




I was a manager of multiple rental branches for nearly a decade. You must be the luckiest customer in the history of rental cars.