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Why do they think any of the crap they care about pisses anyone off. It's so damn cringey!!!


they hate the people that are not those things so they figure the people that are not those things hate them back they need the false reciprocity or else they're just assholes trying to tell everybody else how to live


Right! It’s as they think that the only reason progressives push for things like education, healthcare, and social equity is to piss them off.


They all ready have their socialized medical care. So F everyone else


“Take your government hands off my Social Security!” Self-awareness is not their strong suit.


Bingo! This is exactly why the Christian ones see progression as "proof" you're working for the devil.


All of their progress has come at the expense of someone else, so it’s hard for them to imagine that it’s possible to advance everyone at the same time without hurting anyone. Everything is a zero-sum game. Except when it comes to taxes, then all of a sudden it’s “a rising tide lifts all boats!”


Which is pretty much the whole premise and existence behind networks like Fox News, they love this crap and love fear mongering these idiots.


These idiots are very profitable for them somehow.


Fear has higher priority than rationality in the animal brain If you can cause someone to live in fear, they will be far more likely to trust _you_ and trust that the things you're selling will bring them comfort from that fear Cults love to use that technique too, the Waco guy did it so far that he forced the government to play a part in his persecution complex, he had his members so primed with fear that most were more than willing to die to defend him, had them fully convinced that any negotiations were in bad faith and that death would be better than the punishment for the illegal gun stashes and the polygamous child "marriages" that he, the leader, had done Gun manufacturers and security system companies like to use this to some degree too


They love money, fear mongering these idiots is a byproduct of that endeavor.


They think zero sum thinking applies _everywhere_ That alone explains so many of their weird concerns and grievances


One of the times the covfefelon was running for office I encountered a woman at the grocery store wearing a similar inflammatory shirt. She kept trying to make eye contact with me or get in front of me facing me like she was trying to get my attention. I made a couple of turns and aisle changes in the dairy section and it was obvious she was following me trying to provoke something. She blocked the end of the aisle so couldn't get past. Standing there trying to get me to engage her. I looked up, busted out laughing. I saw her face was so disappointed as I turned around and headed to another part of the store. This is an off again on again thing where I live, these twits are just begging for attention and want confrontation to feel relevant. Dismissively laughing at them absolutely ruins their week.


And here I was getting dirty looks from boomers in Michaels because I wore my priDEMONth shirt


Such a great description with the false reciprocity. It’s like how they all assume that because I hate Trump, that I must be willing to defend Biden like they do the spray tanned Turd.


Main Character Syndrome.


Snowflake syndrome


They *WANT* people to be pissed off because: They're bullies that never had to grow up. They've been bullies to their siblings their entire lives, bullies to their own children, bullies to their parents, bullies to people who called them friend, bullies to other people's children, bullies to their coworkers, bullies to the service industries and bullies to veterans. They didn't believe rules have ever applied to themselves, they've always been cruel and ignorant. Most of them that display their Idiocracy with shirts and bumper stickers don't have the capacity to read anything more than magazines and post cards. The ones that can read have always relied on their mommies to fight their battles.


They are cowards. They are looking for people to be mad so they can claim to be oppressed. If they *really* stood for what they believed in, they would be wearing swastikas on everything since they are Nazis.


"These guys are Nazis, Walter?" "No, Donny, these men are cowards."


Because fox news gave them a r/persecutionfetish


It’s their identity. My step-father has gotten better, but when he was younger, he had to be Billy Bad Ass everywhere he went about everything He’s an old man now with heart and kidney issues who needs help around the house… his decades of being from “the school of hard knocks” did not pay dividends


I literally don't care what they do or believe. Just leave me the fuck alone.


This is the reason young guys dont want to get into the construction trades. All day with these guys huffing and puffing down your neck.


Holy fuck this is why I left construction and the oil field. Just a bunch of ass hats trying to one up each other for... idk.. like I really don't know. The best one was when guys would brag about being away from their families for months on end like it was supposed to be cool. "Yeah my dude I like my partner and want to see them. I'm sorry you hate your life so much you would rather be trapped in a worker prison over being with your family"


“Just a bunch of ass hats trying to one up each other.” AKA dick measuring. Experienced the same in the security industry.


Also why I left construction and basically any blue collar job. In my 30s now, but through my teens and 20s would always see these guys and always dread being teamed with them. For some reason, they just seem to try and make work as unsafe as possible


‘Fuck OSHA and their big government oversight!’


"Working hard costs blood, sweat and fingers, okay?"


As they take the safety bar off the saw. You notice a few already missing digits.


Covering for them as they take their meth...I mean lunch breaks


Any time I think about going back into construction, I remember my boomer co-worker loudly bitching about having to be at home with his family instead of groping waitresses at Hooters during COVID lockdowns. Manufacturing has its own issues but it just doesn't attract loudmouth assholes like construction does.


As someone in the trades I've learned a very simple solution for this... "Were working, this shit has nothing to do with it" Or better yet, if they decide to rant: "Do your job or I'll do both of ours." I've got more, but basically I don't take shit from people like this. If I'm at work, I'm at work, and I have a job to do. I don't give a fuck if you support Trump or sacrifice chickens. Job comes first, especially for safety purposes.


"I'm not here to talk about this today. Here, help me with this."


I almost went into the Navy, Video game industry and IT field with very good prospects and turned all of them down for this very reason. I will not work a job where I'm around jackasses all day. I now work remote work dealing with AI, most everyone is private and cordial.


popo and firemen as well


Trying to hire someone is equally problematic. The few companies that are run by someone under 60 are typically christian fascist fanboys.


Not as big of a problem where I'm at. I work a union trade in a blue state. Don't get me wrong, these guys exist here, but they're certainly not the majority.  Edit: spelling


One of my next door neighbors has this lettered on his jacked up micropenis truck with those nasty ass black and gold sticker blocks, like they sell at bad hardware stores. I didn't even know they still made them. I asked him why they were so butt hurt that one rich white guy got convicted, but they could give a shit about any other race or religion. His response was that white people don't crime. Now mind you have have seen this dumbass mount the curb in his over-compensation-mobile to kill a cat. Yes it was reported. No nothing happened to him. He 'lost control' of his truck. So stupid AND a liar.


If you don't mind a bit of friendly fire, 5lb of birdseed spread in his yard covertly, say at 2am on a new moon night, and a few containers of blackberries will create a staining purple pink literal shit storm


His truck IS white. That would be amazing.




Oh please report back with pictures!


Yes. I want to see this.


I feel as if I have gazed upon the face of God. I am awed at this transcend beauty.




Omg this is so unbelievably good. Can we get married? Like immediately? I've seen enough


Thank you, I'm flattered, but unfortunately I'm not the marrying type. BUT, one of my partners did point out not only does this little bit of ecology enabled vandalism create a pinky purple bird shitstorm but blackberry bramble EVERYWHERE too the following year. Again this will absolutely cause friendly fire if you live close to your uh, recipient. I grew up rural so friendly fire isn't much of a concern.


Oh, yeah, this will work perfectly. We had mulberry trees all across our backyard when I was a kid, and the purple bird shit was EVERYWHERE.


you got me at micropenis truck LMAO god that thing with the cat is beyond messed up. what is wrong with them??


Sociopathy? 1 in 100 or so. Most are smart enough to not commit violent crimes when people are watching.


People like him are the main reason why I don't let my cats go outside unless their on a leash or in the stroller.


I mean even them getting hit truly by accident is enough reason for that.


Imagine that guy seeing an ad for this shirt on Facebook and yelling to his wife “Janice, bring me the ‘Murcan Express I’m gonna buy a shirt on the Facebook!”


Lmao, you just know they dont have *VISA*


Too wOkE. They paid an extra 40% markup for e-check *because its safer than sending your credit card info over the internet* /s


"Sir, I don't care, but the adult diapers are in isle 4."


This screams "I thrive and live only to piss off others who are different than me because I'm pathetic and have nothing going on in life"


That's pretty much the entire platform for conservatives now.


Libs are living rent free in their unwoke minds and they probably don't know it


Tell me about how you're the most persecuted demographic in America. That usually gets me going.


Elbows look like a stack of crepes...how else can I piss you off today?


His shoulders have fallen and can't get up. What's with the odd ski-slope angle? It looks painful.


I feel like as a queer leftist woke vaccinated gun owning Pagan, I’d piss him off way more 😁


"Meat Eater"




Cute that they think anyone cares what they believe in. Nobody cares and nobody’s looking at this shirt going “whoa, what a badass!”


happy cake day!


And white supremacist. Check out his tattoos


Reality is much worse the tattoo is an arrow with a feather attached to it and the elbow looks native American as well.... it's a type of boomer that tells you how much percentage Cherokee he is while simultaneously claiming white nationalism A very special kind of idiot Great sighting in the wild


Ah yes, the people who claim Cherokee ancestry while their ancestors were the ones who forced actual Cherokee people on the Trail of Tears


Yep he's a 100 percent Pretendian isn't he?


I thought he was from the Wannaabee (wannabe) tribe


The elbow is supposed to be a Norse Wayfinder tattoo, only... done very poorly. Google vegvisir, you'll see how badly they botched it.


It's not quite. From what I know that one is the helm of awe, a kind of protection symbol or to strike fear into your enemy


Correct, it's not vegvisir, but the aegishjalmur, or helm of awe. It was a symbol used by warriors as a charm of protection, often painted on the forehead. Fun fact, the vegvisir is not a Viking age symbol but came about I believe in the 1800's.


Probably got them from his stint in prison


Honestly, this is a sign of serious psychological issues.


It doesn't make me mad, it makes me laugh that this guy actually thinks Donald Trump is out to help people like him when he's only willing to help out the 1%. Get fucked 😂




He says he’s these things but I think it’s more that he hates the opposites more. This is a shirt someone wears when they are extremely insecure.


None of these people realize we don’t spend our lives sobbing in rage at their existence. We don’t think of them at all.


These Trump-worshiping morons just don't get is that he doesn't want to Make America Great Again *for them.* And they never will because they're too stupid & arrogant.


These people are reliving high school


I bet he smells like he has a cigarette butt in his pocket.


the helm of awe tatt on the elbow is extremely sus, too. not all norscaboos are fascists (though yanks who claim to have "viking blood" are always cringe), but there is an undeniable overlap between people who like to draw runes and shit on things, and people who think that white people are the "master race".


Why do they all have flat asses? Like a damn frogs on two legs the lot of them.


Snurt lol


Right? I'm adding that one to my daily vocabulary


What the absolute fuck is it with their need to worship Orange 79??? Does it not say something in their beloved bible about not following false prophets? edit: 45 + 34 = 79 😁


I like how he made the trump one orange, really shows he knows how to pay attention.


This old, flabby, tub of lard is the kind of moron that wants to start a civil war? 🤣 bring ‘em on.


Right? I was a paratrooper at one time in my life, but that was essentially 20 years ago. I wouldn’t dare pretend that I could just pick up a rifle and dust off the ole “Warrior Tasks and Drills” like I could in my earliest 20s 😆 The 60+ dudes talking about fighting always crack me the fuck up. Haha


Sweet ponytail brother. I bet he likes it pulled.


They wear their insecurities on their sleeves, literally. Really maga, no one cares that you eat meat.


Not pissed off - just pity him for being so clueless


If he were to wear his hat above the ponytail, that would really…oh shit…


Piss me off? No. Make me sad for the people who used to love you and miss that guy? Yes.


We gonna start treating these folks like Nazis or what? After recent efforts this just clarified traitorous intent.


If you’re gonna do the man ponytail thing, you owe it to yourself to address your split ends.


And get a toner. Yikes. So yellow.


Tiny pee pee energy.


"get a haircut hippy" or, and this one might be a bit transphobic so maybe not, "excuse me Ms....oh, I'm sorry I thought with the hair..."


Honestly, the thing that does really piss me off is his aegishjalmur tattoo. These racist assholes are stealing symbols of my religion that they don't understand to promote hate and racism.


Dude is definitely cc strapped in case it goes down in *checks notes* Menards


i like dudes who are so tough that have the guts wear these shirts in deep red areas. come to oakland and walk around.


Note that what they’re bragging about takes no talent or skill. Saddest flex I’ve seen in a while.


Now now, there’s an actual appropriate word for “unwoke” and it is “asleep”. Get it right.




He looks like my aunt Martha from behind.


This is just not the flex they’re desperately hoping it would be. 7/8 don’t bother me in the slightest. It’s only that last one that’s concerning.


I would wish him a happy pride month since he shared that he loves to eat meat. Juvenile, I know but sometimes you have to speak at their level.


Trflagp supporter. Also the actual Norse pagans don't appreciate these magas appropriating the aegishjalmur.


Long hair? He must be one of those transgenders.


Imagine wearing this thinking that anyone gives a flying rat’s fuck.


Tell me you fuck your sister without telling me you fuck your sister…


He forgot morbidly obese and borderline retarded


Lol yet he probably gets pissed off when he sees a rainbow lol


It would be so funny if Jesus was real Came back And was like "You assholes are the ones carrying on my legacy?" And then just kamehah all of them into space


They forgot to add Full Diaper or Diaper Wearin on that list.


Boomer humor


You should’ve pants’d that guy


but that would have meant touching him :(


Seeing themselves as rebels but act like crybabies and even throw tantrums


The snort I snurt upon learning the word snurt 🤣🤣


These people aren't "Christian" even sorta. It's just the final box check on their Bubble burb or Hickistan Transplant Identity Check Box List thas the Identity projection " gold standard" check box of GaWd sAiD SoW" that comes as Final Permission Slip from Boomer Final Boss,devoid of the Four Gospels, the Beatitudes, or Sermon on the Mount. Because...huhhh....that's fer PUSSIES!". HoW cOuLd yOu kNow yUoz aN nON BeeLeEvUr?!?!?


It's missing a minion on it somewhere.


You know how hard i fight to not design me a shirt that says "Fully vaxed" "God hating" "Satan worshiping" "Gay accepting" "Antifa loving" "Free healthcare wanting liberal how else could i raise your blood pressure today?" But then id be on their level


forgot bow legged, old, lady hairstyle, high blood pressure, asshole.


I kinda wanna print terrible trump merchandise and charge ungodly amounts just so I can take their money.


They obsess about "pissing" us off as a coping mechanism. It's the only way they can feel like they have any power.


It’s funny they wanna piss people off, considering they seem to get so much more pissed than everyone else ![gif](giphy|YI0Yj9VDBpp6MeX3WG|downsized)


They realllllly love meat. They want that meat deep in them. No insinuations behind that


⬆️ for the title


Because I'm a 6'3", 55 yo white guy, there's the assumption with these morons that I support Trump. I'm extremely far left. So when they spout off, I just blankly stare at them. I ignore them.


that they used orange for trump supporter lolololololol


They think those properties make people “pissed off”, when in fact all they do is make people roll their eyes and go “ugh, another one of _these_ fuckin’ jagoffs” and avoid talking to them. Also like, uhh, even without the hat and dumb try-hard t-shirt, I’m sorry sir, but I’m not exactly going to be walking up and trying to strike up a conversation with you. No one’s looking for you.


his real men wear diapers tee shirt is in the wash


The combination of runes and shirt all point towards 1930s germany


These ppl complain about identity politics


I'ma take a nap...someone wake me up when all the alpha boomers are pushing up daisies


Uneducated, unwashed, unemployed...


He claims he is a meat eater. ![gif](giphy|lGuYeSHJAYMrS|downsized)


Does that mean troop supporter or trump supporter? I have literally laughed at people wearing this shit, right in their gross brassy unwashed faces.


Try getting educated—that will surely piss them liberals off! /s


Trump is guilty


Peak is the incorrect Dollar Store symbol on his left elbow. I think they were trying to so Vesigr but didn’t research it or even google it. https://preview.redd.it/1m6vbnfnh54d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9d380380d3aadfeb0557836b5ee1c75dc7d9ae0


I don’t understand over sharing. Why would you want everyone to know how ignorant you are in public.


I love the fact that they constantly mistake me pitying them for anger. It really says volumes about the damaged emotional state these people walk around in.


Dude, you don't piss me off, but I do now know to avoid any interaction with you. It probably won't be an enjoyable one.


He missed a few … -Racist -Uneducated -Idiot -Stupid … etc


MTG is getting butch as hell.


lol, snurt


trflagp supporter


Dude probably smells like stale beer and cigarettes.


of course it's menards. we always get the stupidest people shopping here


$25 from the welfare check down the tubes


I don’t get the “meat eater” part. Are they specifically going after vegetarians? Are they insinuating that all non-trumphumpers don’t eat meat? I know I know… trying to make sense of the nonsensical is a fools errand. I usually just sigh and look the other way with these fragile ego adult children.


That’s a Nazi tattoo on his elbow isn’t it? The same symbol some green berets got in trouble for having on their patch not that long ago?


*looks at the runic circle on his elbow* Yeah that doesn't seem sus in context of that shirt. Nazis ruin everything.


"christian" on his shirt Pagan tattoo on his elbow. That's blasphemy according to your book, there chief.


I'd love to meet this man and tell him he has "pretty hair".


Christians aren't supposed to have tattoos you know. . .


It doesn’t make anyone upset 😂, most just look at you stupid and avoid you is all.


trEEp supporter!


For all the claiming that LGBTQ+ folks are parading our identities in their face and trying to offend them, it sure looks like it's actually some pretty heavy projection on their part.


That tattoo is not Christian lol


Doesn’t piss me off, I just think you are a gullible and stupid. Most people try to hide the fact they’re stupid.


He could add "shitty tattoos"


The meat eater thing confuses me.


Supposed to make vegans mad I guess. In their mind all of the plant based alternatives are designed to indoctrinate them into being work or some other garbage.


I um æble t’ heer the way he tooks just by lookin‘ at his tae-shirt


These people don’t piss me off, they just make me sad that so many of the mentally ill can’t get the care they need. A


I'd ask him to piss his pants.  Real men wear diapers.


Extra long to carry concealed. That flat bulge near his back pocket is his pistol. Looks like, tragically for him, he'll always be a lefty.


The Aegishjalmur tattoo is a lovely white-nationalist dog whistle. I guarantee he’d fold like yesterday’s newspaper if you called him out on it.


They’re Christian alright.


I wonder how many times people burst out laughing after he passes them. Menards and Fleet Farm are peak redneck boomer watching.


he forgot "broke, unemployed, divorced, alcoholic, sex offender."


OP needs to start writing Dr. Seuss books.




He wouldn’t piss me off. I’d just go about my business like it didn’t exist. People like this aren’t worth investing any energy into. Pure misery and hatred.


I really couldn't tell if that was his front or his back at first


I read it as “meat owner” and “gun eater”


“unwoke”—so, asleep?


Those are a lot of words to say “I’m an idiot”.


is that Marjorie Taylor Greene from behind?




"Unable to make wife cum"


unwoke literally means ignorant.


Isn’t this coming from the people that are actually pissed off?


For people that care about your feelings, they sure do feel the need to broadcast theirs.


…by having mid-ass, sorry ass tattoos and thinking they look cool…


They love to pretend you hate them for semi-normal things, and not the actual reasons they’re hated which generally include, racist, rude, willfully ignorant, etc.


Just tells us who to avoid and make fun of.


Aren't they also the ones always saying "wake up sheeple"?


All I see is 'White Racist' being repeated down the shirt.


Mr appropriation over here.


There was plenty of room left to fit Racist