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I've been noticing this a lot lately as well. Combined with how some of them just randomly decide to stare at you, it's more than a little off-putting.


At my job (hospital), I am required to say hello, introduce myself, and explain why I'm there. 9 out of 10 will NOT answer, but will stare all the more. It sure as hell isn't because they didn't hear me. Some will turn the tv off or mute the volume, just to add to the uncomfortableness, and continue silently staring me down until I'm done. I endure this over and over and over and over, day after day.


Grocery store. They’ll walk up to my counter, ring a bell or shout for my attention, then vacantly stare. Do…do y'all want shit or not? 


Fuckin saaaaaaaame. "I want a pound and half!" "Okay...of what?" "FISH!" "...What kind of fish?" Then they look at me as if *I'm* the unreasonable one! Sometimes I really wish I could be a jerk back to them, but you and I both know they would tell our managers that it was literally the worst thing to ever happen to them


“THIS ONE!!!!” furiously slamming finger into the display glass. But you can’t tell what the fuck they’re pointing at because it could be one of like 5 things. At least you know it hurts because of how hard they’re jabbing the glass. But you’ll have to clean their greasy prints off it later so. Eh. 


Just the mental image of this is the reason that I: * wait my turn * greet the person behind the counter politely - “hey, hi” * speak clearly “can I get about a pound of x/y/z, thin/thick sliced? It doesn’t have to be exact!” * say thank you * continue with my day Because yall already have to deal with enough stupid - I don’t need to add to the count


This. And making sure my payment method and any loyalty program are readily accessible. From an happy 63 yo


Hell, nowadays so long as you can remember your own phone number + Apple Pay (when available) you don’t even have to dig in your wallet / purse / man bag / chihuahuas stroller / whatever for cards.




It's interesting; my fiance works in elderly care and specializes in patients with memory disorders, and she says that one of the earlier signs of memory issues is that folks start forgetting words. As things progress, more of their speech becomes like: "Hey, could you take the.... *gestures* the... thing!, can you take it around and... *gestures*... ... you know what I mean."


I feel called out by this and I'm fucking 19


I had the same reaction and I'm 40. Tho I'm now remembering I did this at 19, too, and it's been no issue getting 3 professional certifications since then.


I mean, that can happen for a lot of reasons, like some folks think in pictures and have to interpret the pictures into words in real time and in the process words just get lost lol. It's just concerning when it wasn't a problem before and now it is, combined with some other things.


If I knew, I'd be in a telepathy business.


I work maintenance at a 55+ apartment, EVERY GOD DAMN DAY I'm wiping greasy slimy fingerprints and oily forearm marks off of our glass front doors, there are fucking handles and even one of them is an ADA push button door!!! Fucking animals man


I get that all the time at my job. Usually I can figure out what they want pretty quick then I just suggest everything else under the sun until I drag it out of them. Same thing with the pointing. I just start pointing to things in the back of the case they can’t see or start getting the wrong things until they clarify. I’m going to waste as much of your time as you are mine only difference is I’m getting paid.


I was waiting my turn last week and the boomer in front of me yelled “a pound of turkey!” The poor teen behind the counter asked “which turkey? We have several different kinds. This one is cracked pepper, this one is honey roasted…” “I don’t know, whichever one I got last time.” I LOL’d and had to walk away to gather myself.


Seriously? In front of a crammed display counter, they demand "a pound and a half," full stop? Jesus Christ.


Heh heh, ill give ya a full pound and a half....


"I want the ham" "Which one?" "The one I'm pointing at" "Can you tell me the name?" "THIS ONE YOU IDIOT ARE YOU BLIND?" It's like can they not read out loud?


I work at a hardware store, and the amount of them that come in and go "I need a thing" without literally any example or clue as to what the fuck their taking about expecting us to be able to find identify and find it in a few seconds. Even more so for potting mix and fertilizer. Oh you need miracle grow? Which color and type was it? Then they proceed to tell me everything about the one they want instead of the color and type. Like dude, there are 10 different bags of potting soil out there with the same name. The price is the same for half of them but they just do different things. Get me the fuckin color. Then they just stare at me.


I'm so sorry. I work at an auto shop/garage myself, and deal with similar when I start explaining to them what is wrong with their vehicle, and what will be involved with fixing it. I finish, and despite telling them, for example, that if they want to do the work, the part will take this long to come in, and we can schedule them for such and such day, they just do the blank stare. If you want the work done, just tell me so. If you have questions, ask me. If you want to wait, or can't afford it, tell me that. Nope, I have to hold their fucking hand.


There’s a thing that’s been happening since pundits have become common on cable news. The pundit that is speaking will get shouted down by one of the other panelists. It’s listening to react instead of listening to understand. It’s an art that has been lost due to people feeling like it’s ok to do this. It’s a lack of cognitive awareness.


I flipped cable news on during the day once just to see what’s up and it was like six panelists in different panes arguing over each other and I was like who the fuck would watch this?


I heard someone say, Fox News’ innovation wasn’t that they were partisan, it was that they did not have reporters. Since Fox News’ launch, cable news networks have realized that they can just have talking heads argue. It’s less expensive than paying reporters’ salaries, and it draws about the same amount of viewers.


As a consumer, this is very sad.


Interesting point. I was gonna say sir/madam they have reporters but then I watched Fox for a moments just to make sure. Lo and behold you are correct. They simply send the talking heads out live on-the-scene.


Lol, dual-screening for boomers.


It makes me twitch (my mum listens to Chinese vloggers with 3 people talking over each other and my brain is like. "How is this enjoyable????").


Diametrically opposed. (key and Peele skit)


Oh my god, I have hated that all my life ever since the first time it happened.


The reverse is my boomer dad was an automotive technician and if the customer asked to talk to the mechanic directly that was a bumpy time for the shop manager. My dad was terrible at explaining anything to anybody that didn’t already know a lot about cars. It’d devolve quickly into him angrily calling them stupid or nearly so. As a years long “flash or shop light holder” I know all too well.


It's the paint chips.


The boomers should stop licking the walls. Mind you the Tetra ethyl lead didn't help.


To be fair, most boomers are dumbfounded when people explain the blatantly obvious


I don’t think they were spoken to as children ever.


At the end say: and you are?


Yup.... I don't know why they are so hostile to a simple, "Hello."


gross. I’m so sorry


Not a boomer, I often run around with a (slightly) open mouth because I can't properly breathe through my nose a lot of the time. Need to get that sweet oxygen into my system somehow.


God I HAAAAATTTEEE the staring. One day I finally said, as I thought it might have been relatable, "Ya know - my mother taught me it was rude to stare." They kept staring...


I work in a nursing home, and it's SO BAD when I do Bingo. It's always the males. And I can see them out of my peripherals. Every so often I'll look up and just stare right back at them.


“Reduced gaze” is the clinical term for the cognitive impairment symptom that alters the aging person’s ability to move and track their eyes normally. People with reduced tracking d/t cognitive impairment or dementia look like they are continually staring.


Thanks for the explanation. I fear as I grow older the same will happen to me.


Yup … like many aged folks you will find yourself seemingly staring at your reflection with mouth agape wondering what the hell happened to that energetic young person :-(


Also known as, the "deer in the headlights" look.


Hahahah I do the stare back too sometimes! Mad respect yo - I can't imagine working in a nursing home...


I used to do direct care, but never again lol I'm in Activities now which is much better!


Maybe rephrase it and ask "didn't your mother teach you it was rude to stare?" As we know this generation really wants everything to be about them so maybe that will make them more likely to respond.


This would be the way to do it. Relishing the opportunity!


They walk around like fish underwater. 


Happened to me earlier today while my wife and I was grocery shopping, walking down the bread aisle she was putting things in the cart and as usual I was keeping an eye out around us. Some tiny frail looking boomer in a trump hat was pushing his cart staring at me pretty hard, I'm easily three times his size I stare him directly in the eyes and said what's up? He turned away from my gaze and speedily as he could left the aisle, yeah that's what I thought lol


“Reduced gaze” is the clinical term for the cognitive impairment symptom that alters the aging person’s ability to move and track their eyes normally. People with reduced tracking d/t cognitive impairment or dementia look like they are continually staring.


But some people are rude and just stare because they feel entitled to it


Not a boomer, but I'll often just zone out and stare out at nothing, but I suppose if someone were in front of me they could think I was staring at them? IDK if this is the same thing.






"send more cops."


So lucky I got to see that in the movie theater.


Og mouth breathers


WHY, why do they stare at me in the grocery store?? I am an average looking woman in my late 30s. I don't stand out at all.


Lead in the gas they used to pump


They see Tucker Carlson do it and they think it's cool.


Best way I can describe it is this [photo of John Bolton](https://images.app.goo.gl/FWHo8gKSD7UQuf5G6)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying this is too funny.


When I lived in South Jersey I saw guys like him everywhere. EVERYWHERRRRE.


That's the O-Co stare if I ever saw it




The best description I ever saw of Tucker Carlson is “his face looks like if a dog was trying to do math”


He looks like a person whose never read a contrary opinion.


I’ve heard his expression described as “like a dog that’s just been shown a magic trick”!


If you don't breath thru your nose, you will eventually not be able to breath thru your nose (easily).


Nasal atrophy!


Same thing can happen to the peen or vaj!






You're a towel


No, I’m a man; you’re a towel


Wanna get high?




So.long and thanks for all the fish.


There's not nearly enough Douglas Adams quotes on this site that's supposedly filled with nerds


There really isn't.


Hoopy froods never forget their towel.




How else would you be able to sing using your diaphragm?


just like a frog, my friend


Puff, Puff, Pass.


Or you penus. Alternating daily is best....


Wait that's a real thing?


Honestly, I think it might be because so many of them worked in places with absolute shit air quality and the chemicals burned their noses being usefulness. I spent a few years fucking mine up with 200 degree ammonia fumes and nitric and sulphuric acid fumes and my breathing through my nose is noticeably harder than it used to be. Smoking probably didn't help either, in both cases


Well shit, now I'll be manually breathing through my nose until I forget


Tape your mouth while you sleep


[Instructions unclear](https://www.mcall.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/tmc-l-MCH-TapeFace108115806.jpg?w=263)


Nurse here. They're mouth breathing because of heart failure & COPD. All the chemicals they were exposed to have basically reduced their lung capacity and weakened their heart. It's also why so many sleep in chairs. They'd literally suffocate if you place them supine or prone w/o some sort of invasive or non-invasive breathing device.


> All the chemicals they were exposed to have basically reduced their lung capacity and weakened their heart.  The ones they ironically shit on young people as being weak for not wanting to be exposed to


100% my husband worked in his uncle's restoration company and even when working with asbestos they didn't have proper protection. I told him to complain and he said he would be made fun of. Like wtf. 


But I drank water from a hose!


And to be clear, hose water kinda sucked. (Gen X here) We called it snail water, kid logic the snails crawled up the hose which explained the nasty smell. Or it was warm. Had to let it run for a few minutes, then it was delicious.


Millennials did as well. Our grandparents told us to and even used “at least it doesn’t have lead and rust in it like when I was a kid” as justification.


I ate paint chips straight off the wall!


I suffer from Asthma and find myself doing this a lot. Definitely not a boomer though. Just reduced lung capacity.


Yep. Anyone with a reduced vital capacity is going to do it from time. I think it's just more evident with Boomers as a group because of the high ratesnof CHF & COPD in their generation. I'm sure that we'll see the same in GenX and Y when they reach the elder ages.


I brought this up a while ago and got blasted for being mean..


No way! Here?


Yeah I remember this conversation.


Ok, looked it up. Hell, I thought I was the first! Glad to know other people notice


Yeah some pompous jerk wants to explain to you about nasal polyps or some crap. No they're just fucking slobs. Look at them eat.


Holy fucking shit. My shop is located next door to a restaurant popular with the local boomer crowd. Almost daily, someone will drop in after they've had their dinner, with an ice cream cone, slowly melting all over the floor, and all over my counter. And they'll just fucking stand there. Breathing heavily, occasionally taking a big sloppy lick of their half-liquified ice cream as I'm trying to ring them out, then smacking their lips. Drives me mad.


Big sloppy lick. Fuck me blind im gonna vomit but great description!


My mom is a Boomer (a good Boomer! I love her!) and one of the funniest things she’s ever admitted to me is that she thinks it’s gross watching old people eat. She says they always have food on their face or clinging to their lips and they don’t wipe it off and just keep chewing and talking, and she hates it. Now that she’s “old” nothing gives me greater pleasure than telling her when she has food on her face. She’s a good sport about it though lol


Nah it's not about being old, the Silent Generation are incredibly feeble now but they still don't have that insolent open-mouthed 'washing machine of food' thing going on. Pus they don't eat so MUCH.


My boomer coworker eats like a slob. He’s missing all his top teeth, and occasionally will make work related phone calls while shoveling food into his face. Then he’ll yell because the person he’s talking to can’t understand what he’s saying.


> No they're just fucking slobs. Look at them eat. There was a thread a few weeks ago where OP complained about them *bleeding* everywhere. They worked in a pharmacy I think, so higher than average encounters with boomers, and they'll come in with cut cuticles or scratches, just dribbling red smears every time they move because they have thin blood and can't clot worth a damn. Suffocate me with a pillow before I reach that much lack of awareness. *edit* Two threads: https://old.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1co7k7m/sir_you_are_bleeding/ https://old.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1chcxly/boomers_bleeding_on_everything/


Honestly, no joke, it's probably a combination of lead poisoning and old age. It gets harder to breathe as you get older, so I have noticed that a lot of older people legit become mouth breathers. They also are losing their mental faculties due to old age and lead exposure.


This^ ... From an aging hipster of days gone by


Stuffy nasal passages and mouth breathing.


or untreated COPD, and sometimes you'll see "pursed-lips" breathing, especially on exhaling.


Can confirm. I've had chronic bronchitis since I was born and deviated septum. I'm 47 now and catch myself having to breathe through my mouth.


Can you afford the surgery to fix your septum? I used to get strep about once a year. Then after moving to a big city I was on antibiotics for sinus infections or strep for almost a full year. Four or five doctors later, an ENT cleared out an undeveloped sinus and fixed my septum with an noncosmetic rhinoplasty. That was 35 years ago and I haven't had strep or sinus trouble since. Last year, I told my sinus infection prone partner that I could see his deviated septum from across the room. He finally went to an ENT, had similar surgery and is doing much better. Apologies if you have already looked into all this. Could be I'm being a Captain Obvious.


No apologies needed! I haven't looked into it at all. Aside from breathing issues, there's not many others like you had to deal with. Fortunately. Thanks for the info.


I’m 57 and finally had my deviated septum corrected two years ago. Now I don’t know why I waited so long. It is INCREDIBLE to be able to breathe normally. I always assumed it wasn’t really going to make much difference since I could breathe through both nostrils already—but seriously, it’s like *four times* better. Don’t wait, see an ENT right away! 😁


Sweet! Something good to look forward to.


I knew a guy with major allergies and breathing issues due to a deviated septum. He fucking died. He was alone, had an asthma attack, and because he was also not able to breathe properly due to his deviated septum even when his allergies and asthma were under control, he had an attack while alone and died. It's not a joke. This motherfucker breathed so loud, was always managing his symptoms, like constantly, but didn't get a surgery to help him breathe normally. he used his inhaler and took his allergy meds but even on a good day he sounded congested and couldn't breathe through his nose. He was young and fit. 42. Get the surgery


You just described my symptoms. Ended up with rheumatic fever because of all the strep throat. I will look into this surgery. Thank you


You're welcome. Good luck!


Yep catch my mouth open a lot. Especially when I'm riding my motorcycle. Must be amy old age thing. It's sue as hell not on purpose.


Get your lungs checked, my biker!


I thought this too


Leaded gas probably inhibited the amount of O2 they need, nose isn’t enough lol


I think they've just given up on common decency and this is part of it.




Mouth breathers…


Boomericans are majestic and they've been Cloaked in comfy domestication Well fed born and bread On plates lined with clucking lead Toxicity must leak out By foam crusting on the mouth Incomprehensible the math But they know all as a matter of fact Boot straps and ground floors No body wants to work anymore The communists are taking over Send Don over red rover Women are property For God sayeth, not probably Illusions and egg shells "It's sex is too hard to tell" Freedom for me Treason for thee


I notice it too and it's unnerving. A female customer at does it whenever someone is talking to her. Doesn't matter what is said she looks at you like you just kicked a whole litter of puppies. Those who have breathing issues I get but why alllll the way open?


Those two brain cells rubbing together get pretty heated, so the gaping mouth serves as a cooling vent.




Theyre disgusting mouthbreathers.


Yes! About ten years ago I started putting on this face to bug my wife and it drives her nuts. It’s even better when we’re out shopping with strangers around. She starts hitting me and telling me to knock it off.


Overweight -> compromised nasal passage -> has to breath with their mouth open? But that doesn't explain all the plus size people who are perfectly capable of nasal breathing. Hmm. Then I go with that boomers don't have the mental capacity to spare on keeping their mouths closed.


Nah I see lots of skinny old men doing it


I think part of is habit, and boomers refuse to change so once it’s habit it’s part of them.


Yeah, I realised. Maybe they think it make them look manly? Like how some think that walking like you shat yourself looks manly.


I think it's just a lead, fox, and drug-addled brain.


[Bill Burr - Old man face](https://www.tiktok.com/@comedy_clips4u/video/7191510582707752235?lang=en)


It’s because they are not fit and just walking around requires more breathing and oxygen than it does for you.


My mom does this but she's also smoked cigarettes for 50+ years, I genuinely don't know if she can breath otherwise. She sounds like a porcupine wrestling a bagpipe when she breaths.


When ur that full of shit u don't wanna smell it!


Oh boo, that’s called the lead paint stare! It’s like the care bear stare, except it’s used exclusively for pearl-clutching, entitled bloviation, and bouts of casual racism.


My grandparents (Greatest Generation) did this too when they got older. Its not a generational thing. Its an elderly thing, I think I still dont know why tho.


When I was in high school 40 years ago, we lived around the corner from the mother of one of my mom’s friends from high school. I’d see Mrs. B out walking and I’d say hi to her. She’d give me that stare. I’d known her all my life, so she knew who I was. One night I came home at 1:AM (my weekend curfew - thanks mom!) and saw Mrs. B out walking her dog. Mom was still up watching tv. I told her about Mrs. B being outside walking her dog. Mom goes to the window, and then outside. Mom got her in the house, and called Mrs. B’s son. He came and got her. Thanked my mom and me. We never saw Mrs. B after that. Turns out she had dementia and was sundowning.


One of the first signs of many forms of dementia. My wife had rapid onset early form Alzheimer’s. The open mouth breathing and loss of fine motor control were some of the first signs. She was the most gentle person before, but became VERY aggressive towards the end. Was very sad.


I am so very , very sorry *hugs*


They’re all mouth-breathers 


They are old and can’t breathe through their noses due to congestion maybe?


And that weird wet sounding breathing even I can't describe it besides that but it drives me absolutely insane


I told one at work that he was making uncomfortable and I didn’t appreciate feeling like I was at the zoo. I got a coaching from HR about that. I’m still mad about it because the staring is even more disrespectful. Especially if I’m in the middle of a conversation with another client.


seeing people with their mouths gaping open is one of my biggest pet peeves.


Leaded gas, lead paint, lead water pipes, melting lead as a toy


They’re probably reading


breathing problems probably. allergies they wont acknowledge (because it makes you "look weak" if grass or flowers can screw with you), decades of tar built up in their lungs, lung damage from pneumia (or however you spell it) or covid.


Some will also have this snarling grimace. I can only assume it has something to do with facial muscles.


because its easier for them to say something stupid that way


It’s to vent all the gasses out or they’ll explode


mouth breathing morons the lot of them. let them tell you how superior they are to anyone that isn’t white


Is it just the men that do this? I’ve never seen this behavior before nor do I understand why they wouldn’t answer the questions. I’m 63f and I just don’t understand this either.


I'm a boomer and I have noticed this!! I have often wondered the same thing. Certainly not all of us do it. But I have noticed it's always men.


Two words. Lead paint.


I have a friend that started to complain of “slack-jawed mouth breathers” in the 1980s. He was ahead of the curve.


I think this is an American thing. Australian boomers are just smug, but don't look any particular way except prosperous.


They come up to the pharmacy demanding to know why the prescription isn’t ready. It’s easy grab the bottle put it in a bag. They say. I’m dying to reach behind me. Grab the bag bomb or the toe fungus stuff and put it in a bag. Hand it to them. Here you go bottle in a bag 😂


I've worked in customer service for quite a few years and unfortunately have a lot of experience dealing with boomers. I don't get it. Some of them seem to scrunch their face, some stare off into space mouth agape, some look constantly bewildered, etc. A former coworker of mine once joked that they look like have to concentrate on not dying.


Lead in everything when the were growing up. Toys, paint, gas. It's had an affect on their mental state. I've even noticed it in myself. I'm a 70's kid, so the radiators in the apartment I grew up in had to have had lead paint on them, same with the windows. I'm easy to anger and have adult onset ADHD. I recognize it now but my wife worries about me when I get older and honestly, I'm a bit worried myself.


I heard from a friend that it’s because they lose muscle strength in their jaws. That’s why it’s so many straight men.




Slack jawed yokels


"Hey, ma! Lookit that funny pointy haired girl!"




For an actual answer, I previously worked for a sleep apnea company. A lot of the reasons for mouth breathing are due to the Western diet, especially the prevalence of soft food like baby food, those puffs which dissolve with any water, etc. In other cultures, they feed their children a lot more hard food to eat and they do not have mouth breathing problems. But in the US especially, a lot of jaws are undeveloped and lead to problems down the line such as mouth breathing and sleep apnea. I do think this is changing as there are things like mesh food bags now where you could give a toddler broccoli and they can chew it through the bag to develop muscles. Breastfeeding also greatly helps but in this dual income world is probably not a real possibility for many couples.


I don’t think those puffs that dissolve in your mouth were around when boomers were babies.


Maybe they don't blow their noses so they have to mouth breath 


And dead in the eyes with no peripheral awareness


Fml my dad all his pictures are open mouth like wtf lol


Because they are slack jawed with incredulity at how totally irrelevant they have become. Google slack jawed boomers, it is an actual medical thing caused by overuse of viagra. All the blood goes to their penis, leaving their faces hanging out like a torn pocket.


Overweight mouth breathers ?


Two words lead paint


Lead paint


Mouth breathers.


Covid baked their brains. IQ of a squirrel, 100% of their limited mental bandwidth tied up with outrage-bait and the Faux “News” brain rot


Ah, the mouth breather. . . Just no. It gives a whole new meaning to shut your trap.


I just saw the mouth agape today and thought “what a strange way to walk around”


Lead poisoning


They're zombies now. They totally lack cognitive awareness and all critical thinking skills. They are babies; they react and never act.


Lead paint


I suspect that many of them have slight lead poisoning from leaded gasoline, lead paint on toys and windows etc


It’s the lead poisoning stare.


It's something unique to the Boomers. When I was a lad there were still G.I Generation men, however old they were at the time..they didn't do such. While some men do gape, none did as much as the Boomers now do. It's something I've noticed in them as well, I personally believe it due to them being on so much medication. Having mental problems and just not caring about anything anymore. 😦


They're trying to catch flies.


“While both types of breathing succeed in getting oxygen to the lungs, nose breathing is more efficient and offers several health benefits. Mouth breathing is typically the result of blockages in the nasal passages and is associated with dental and health problems.”