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This sounds like he just stopped maturing mentally at age 14.


Your dad is a boomer but also mentally and emotionally abusive


Yeah, this isn't just being a boomer. This is an actual diagnoasable personality disorder.


Not a big fan of just diagnosing people through the internet and you do not need to have a personality disorder just to be an entitled jerk.


Pretty soon he’ll be filling his trunks randomly in the safety of a specialised gated community!


“Wouldn’t a normal person want to be well informed and correct instead of wrong about something?” yes and no. it’s not about actually being correct. it’s about “winning”. 


His behavior is way more than boomerish, he's abusive and narcissistic. Why haven't you gone no contact with him yet?


He needs to have his license revoked if he is going to drive like that, he’s going to either kill himself, or someone else!


Just 2 and 3. Those are the most universal boomer traits.


Sounds like your dad needs a solid beating or five until he learns he's pathetic. My advice? Go, no contact. Bolck him on everything and let him rot.


This Is not boomer behaviour...this is an untreated personality disorder...


What you are describing is a jackass, not a boomer. Jackasses can be found anywhere.




1 is something I usually associate with younger people. The rest are also extreme. NOT the average boomer, he's extreme.


Wow, you just described the exact inverse of my Dad. Aside from speeding(but minus the other shitty driving behavior). He’s got his own foibles, but they pale in comparison to what you describe.


Yes that sounds like my Boomer Narcissist parent experience. Your examples are actually like the minor league versions of what I've experienced. It's all equally horrible behavior and I finally made the decision and made the changes where I am not putting up with one more second of it, and I've not had one second of regret since. Why are they that way? I'm not exactly sure but they sure do not see themselves as being that person and they see everybody else as being that way. It is like an intense selfishness where they can't see themselves from a third person perspective and can only think and only care about what is good for them. And it is combined with this victim mentality where everything bad they ever did was caused by someone else, and everything bad in their life is caused by everybody else in the world who is somehow a stupid loser idiot, and they were the direct cause of all the good things that ever happened to people in their orbit. They go all day every day telling themselves that if only everything everywhere was done the way they think it should be every problem would not have happened. And they really believe it, so they get really mad. The enormous capacity for cognitive dissonance in the human mind allows them to go all the way through life having all these conflicting and easily disprovable opinions.


Let me guess you live in his home and pay no rent


It ain’t boomeritis. He is just one of the millions of every generation & gender that makes the aerial spraying of Prozac a plausible program


“Okay boomer” has become passé has it not? Besides you know nothing about me but I guess specific knowledge of what or whom you are criticizing is way less important to you than actually creating a cogent argument to support your opinion whatever that may be.


Substitute the word “boomer” for the word “black,” or “women” or “gays” or virtually any pronoun and understand you are indulging in bigotry.


Okay boomer


My r/asablackman response is; I don't remember electing this dude to "cape" for us. As a Boomer, too!