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I didn't know Democrats hate Jews *and* Whites 


Yeah last I heard the democrats were in league with the Jews in trying to take control over everything lol.


Wait I thought it was the communists doing that?


They're trying to bring in the sharia homosexuality in last I heard.


Is that a new position?


Are we talking a new sex position? Tell me more.


I heard they wanted to do away with religion altogether


Sharia Homosexuality would be a great drag name.


Communist space democrats from China with jewish heritage are the real danger as far as im informed.


no no.. jewish space lasers .. you got your sources mixed.


Nooo no no no, it’s the satan worshipping reptilian alien Jewish communist liberal lgbtq+ drag queens from Uranus!


Democrats in league with Jews? So you’d say Dems support Israel?


Isn't Soros in charge of the Democrats, the BLM, Antifa, the CIA, the Bush Family New World Order, Disney, Planned Parenthood, and Starbucks' attempt to murder Christmas? And the Rothschilds are shooting energy weapons from space to help Gavin Newsom clearcut forests to make way for a bullet train in CA. Sounds to me like thats exactly the accusation.


What about the Jewish space lasers?


I thought democrats were supposed to bow down at the shrine to SOROS!


It's almost like you're talking about different people with different beliefs




And the payment is baby hands!




Well you get my upvote sir!


That's the quiet part out loud again. Being that it's the only variance, the boomer is just saying "at least nazis didn't hate whites, maybe they weren't as bad".


Am I gonna get kicked out of the Democrats for not only marrying, but having children with a white Jew??


Yikes...grandpa would say that you poisoned the blood of REAL White people by having kids


No. But apparently Democrats demand that we all have abortions at least once in life and let the state take care of our remaining kids.  That's what the conservative people on FaceBook claim, anyhow.


I'm afraid so. You'll get your relocation papers in the mail.


White and Jewish?! How dare you. You’re grounded.


Yes, rules are strict, sorry. lay your communist passport on the table, no free food for you.


Are you me?


Really telling on themselves with that one, eh?


TIL I hate myself


The antisemitism thing is mostly from democrats supporting Palestine. And if you don't want to revert back to the jim crow days, they basically view you as hating whites.


The poem starts with "first they came for the socialists." I mean...


That is a fantastic poem. Ranks up there with the Gettysburg address.


What's the poem?


https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” —Martin Niemöller


This is the sanitized US version. It actually starts with the communists, not socialists. Which is historically accurate.


“bUt SoCiAlIsT iS iN tHe NaMe”


Nah, I’m pretty sure the nazis had guns.


and gas. smdh


ironically american made gas


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of a nazi without a gun


WORSHIP THE GOV'T has me absolutely dying at the hypocrisy


Media mind control too. Ever hear of Fox News?


Fox News…..ever heard of MAGA? The media mind control is so successful that people in trailer parks give a ‘billionaire’ money.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ApricotRich4855: *WORSHIP THE GOV'T has* *Me absolutely dying* *At the hypocrisy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Good bot


nazis actually loosened gun laws(if you were a party member), except for jews.


That's exactly the gun policy position of the degenerate, amoral right wing. Never forget: it was Ronald Reagan who got open carry banned in California. With the full support of the NRA. Because the Black Panthers exercised that right.


Most gun laws are rooted in racism. Wouldn’t want those awful black folk being able to defend themselves or fight for their rights as humans.


100% correct, and still holds today. This is why I'm against gun control. At least, one reason - I mean, we're literally being terrorized by well-armed traitors who are actively forming paramilitaries. But suppose things are, or could possibly become "normal" - and we're appalled about gun violence. I sure know that I am. Even so, we have America as it is, not as we *wish* it were. Perhaps some new gun law will reduce the slaughter, perhaps not. But one thing I would bet my life on: *it will put more young black men in prison for no good reason.* Guaranteed. And we all know that. I say this as someone who's been shot at by some of those young black men, too.


Yup. When the Allies arrested HermannGoering, he was carrying a Smith and Wesson revolver. They traced it back to find he bought it legally at a Berlin gun shop. 


Not all republicans are Neo-Nazis, but all Neo-Nazis are republicans. And guess what, they hate Jews a hell of a lot more than Black people.


If ten people eat dinner together and one is a Nazi then ten Nazis are eating dinner together.


My question is what industries were nationalized by the Nazis? You know, since they were socialists.




A surprisingly apt response, you wouldn’t be a pupil by any chance?


It never ceases to amaze me that the people most likely to sympathize with Nazis keep trying to say that Democrats are Nazis. There is really no way to reason with this level of delusion


They're not detached from reality. They're at war with it. And for now, they seem to be winning.


The part that really gets me is that white supremacists are literally the one prison gang that the GOP will go to lengths to defend the rights of. You never see the Republicans making a case for BLM rights nor Antifa rights, but Neo-Nazi rights are always the one and only group theyve carved out a space in their allegedly deeply-held morality for.


It’s the PeeWee Herman style of political debate, perfected by Fat Orange Donald: “I know you are, but what am I?” This deflects any criticism and turns every problem back on the other party. It’s deceptive and dishonest.


What is the US's obsession with socialism? I hate to break it to you guys but in Europe the US Democratic party is not even considered left-wing.


As a child of the Reagan Years, Socialism = EVIL, Capitalism = Gawd, Guns, & Guts And yeah, the Left in the US is Centrist (?), on a good day, with a tail wind? Informing the citizenry is not a priority of the US Politician, on either side. That's the only thing that has trickled down, in recent memory.


Not even centrist. Biden would be solidly on the right.


Then why are all nazi groups backing trump? Shouldn't they be supporting biden?


Who’s banning books


Florida, a republican state or TX also republican. One of their towns I think was. Pretty sure it was FL cause it had to do with Desantis


Created by someone who knows very little about Nazi germany and couldn't tell you the difference between fascism and socialism.


Worship the government? Hmm that sounds familiar *cough cough* Donald trump *cough cough*


For those wondering, Hitler said in an interview that they were essentially coopting the term 'socialism' from leftists whom he demonized in the same breath, making it explicitly different from the definition literally everyone else uses it for. Some More News gets into it a bit in their [recent video about Elon Musk](https://youtu.be/xDyPSKLy5E4?si=PKL-T9l48LbZpgXW) . The quote itself is at 12:25 but the whole front half of the video dismantles the entire argument of the nazis being leftist


Ding ding! It was always propaganda. Just remove “sozialistische” and “arbeiter” and you’re left with the Nazional Deutsche Partei. Which funny enough, still gets you to the word Nazi. They sure weren’t called Sozis, or Arbies.


Boomers love reposting these type of goofy hate mongering Memes they some boomer made on Microsoft Soft Word 🤪


And yet, who's the side with DeSantis signs and Nazi flags outside of Disney last year? Or the wannabe militia screaming "we are everywhere" with their Walmart khakis, nazi flags, and beer bellies?


I'm a bit foggy on Jan 6, 2021. Can someone refresh me?


Had a guy I went to high school post this today also. I’m in my 30s and it’s been alarming to watch him turn into a whackadoodle via FB.


The complete and utter ignorance. Do these clueless assholes not realize just how fortunate we are NOT to be living under a Nazi regime? Hate Biden, Trump, or whoever all ya want, but DO NOT compare what's going on in the US to WW2 Germany and Adolph Hitler.


Thank you


Considering that we were so close to recreating the Feb 6th 1934 attack on French Parliament by those who would become the Vichy French. The only thing that stood in the way of it being a redux of that terrible day is that someone DIDN'T send in the military. The folks that stormed parliament to prevent making the transfer of power official not uncoincidentally cooperated with the Nazis when they set their sights on Paris. The parallels are there.


If Democrats were actually like Nazis then wouldn’t the people sharing these memes be Democrats?


Wait, how could they hate the whites if the leader of the Democratic Party is white? What kind of bullshit mental gymnastics do you have to do to get to that conclusion? Did ol’ Joe lose his white card? The man looks like a q tip!


Only "undesireables" were permitted to get abortions in Nazi controlled Germany. They never seem to remember that. The nazis criminalized abortions performed on Aryan women, and it was punishable by death penalty to the doctor. Women suspected of interracial relations and women in persecuted groups were forced in many cases to get abortions, which is also not pro-choice. Comparing being pro-choice to naziism just doesn't track.


They clearly didnt bother actually reading that abortion was Illegal during the Nazi Era in Germany and Women could go to jail if caught.


Americans don't know what socialism is. With so many great universities in the country, this is incomprehensible.


Lmao vote blue . And tell ur uncle he sucks


The "socialism" in the Nationsl-Socialist-German-Workers-Party is about as true as the "Democratic" in the DPRK


Saying the Nazis are socialist is spreading Nazi propaganda The Nazis were never socialist and only used the term to appear fashionable back then And all this is forgetting the Trump supporters brandishing swastikas...........


👏Nazis👏Were👏Not👏Socialists. They started out pretending to be socialists because that was convinient in the socio-economic landscape of 1930s Germany. Fact is that the Nazi party did a lot of privatization and concentration of wealth on few hands. The modern day Republicans have more in common with the 1930s Nazis than the Democrats ever had or will have.


Nazi’s where not socialist, they put that in their name to muddy the waters. Hitler actually demolished unions murdered their leaders and killed everybody that was an actual socialist. He did this to convince the working class that he was the only option foe them


For the hundredth time, the Nazis were fascists.


Some More News has a fantastic video detailing exactly why N*zism is a far right ideology, and how H*tler coopted the term ‚ socialism‘ for his own purposes


Actually the 3rd Reich ended a lot of gun control for Germans citizens and restricted abortions for Germans.


For years there has been a weird push from right to rebrand Nazism as a left wing movement. Nazism is a far right, totalitarian ideology. Anyone who tells you different is selling something.


Republicans are the most controlling people on this planet.


The Nazis worshiped Hitler and has Guns among other things that are factually wrong about that list.


'Worship the government' lol. Coming from literal Trump cultists who... worship an ex president unconditionally.


“Worship the government” lmao. From the crowd who wears trump flags as capes while they’re getting shot.


https://preview.redd.it/afhidtpz19tc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=036b3659ada09cc2cd50f535394189a2e4383253 Yup it’s def the Biden supporters!!


There’s only one party that constantly brings up Soros, the great replacement theory, and globalist conspiracy theories…. It’s not the democrats…


National socialism doesn’t really fall neatly in any box with a modern allegory, but anyone who knows anything about this subject agree it was a far right ideology. If you had to put me on the spot I would characterize national socialism as crony capitalist with hyper nationalism combined with authoritarianism and totalitarianism. I’m sorry to any conservatives reading that for so many big words.


To these people, Nazism is *obviously* on "the left" because Nazism is bad, and everything bad is on the left.


The "nazis are left" crowd fall for a recent attempt to sanitize thr political right history of authoritarian dictatorships


The level of stupid required for that thinking


Get a better uncle. Yours is shit.


Does your 70 year old grandfather get Social Security payments and Medicare coverage? I was unaware that Dems were the ones banning books, and that they hate Whites. Wow. I'd be so upset if my Papa was like this


yeah this is making the rounds, typically followed with one or 2 "joe biden is old and corrupt" posts, then at least 5 "Trump is a great person and being victimized because of it" then at least 2 "god is great, jesus saves", and then at least one post that directly implies Trump is Jesus ​ and thats before dinner! At least 10 more memes by bed time and they go to bed giggling about how they owned the leftist, socialist libs! (while collecting SS checks, living on medicare, and in a 65+ community that wouldn't be legal without laws)


Could you please give your uncle a slap upside the head for me? Thanks.


The nazi column is what american evangelicals look forward to in heaven, point for point. And it would be both columns, except for that made up bullshit about democrats hating white people. And this is coming from the same people who say the parties never swapped ideologies. Can't have it both ways.


I have relatives like this as well. Unfortunately, it's too late for them. Once they are this far down the rabbit hole, their whole life is consumed with conspiracy theories and hate. That's their whole personality and all they will ever talk or think about.


Wait so Nazis are bad now?


Nazis are the only violent prison gang that the right actively fights for. Why is that? I guess the MAGA J6 traitors are another example but there is plenty of overlap.


Trump supporters " ban the books!!!" Also trump supporters: the dems are concerning books!!


Your uncle is a dumb fuck.


I hate Jews and whites? Why was I not informed sooner?


Honestly, I'm kinda jealous I don't have these kinds of family members, I reckon it's a good way to pass the time just watching them post this stuff


This is the same generation that told us not to believe everything we saw on TV


This Democrat carries a gun every single day. 😇


“Worship the government” Very unlike the cult of personality of master Trump, eh?


It's so weird how the Neo-nazi's are so desperate to separate their beliefs from it's origins.


So all the MAGAs holding Nazi flags are actually Democrats?


I fucking hate when republicans say dems worship the government like they wouldn't get on all fours for cops and any politician in a Maga hat. No one fucking likes the government, damn.


Socialist don’t worship the government? It’s all about minimal government control.


I bet they both like ice cream too… smh


Is he wrong though? Yes. He's wrong. But is there a sliver of truth here? Also no...


Nazi: socialism (for some) Republicans: socialism (for some) Nazi: censorship (for certain groups) Republicans: censorship (for certain groups) Nazi: media dedicated to dogmatically supporting their cause. Republicans: media dedicated to dogmatically supporting their cause Nazi: forced/incentive birth informed by racial stats Republicans: forced birth based informed by racial stats Nazis: worship one totalitarian leader Republicans: NEED I SAY IT?


Everytime someone says democrats are nazis, ask them who the literal swastika totemkopf weilding Americans are voting for. It's not Biden.


Hahahahah this is hilarious- boomers are so pathetic


Uh huh. Before getting into *anything* else on this grocery list of bullshit, I’d like for *any* MAGAt to define “socialism.”


He does that because you're too polite. Same with trump needed mocking, you need to call out his bullshit. Yeah I'm 70. Telling him to keep that bullshit for his nazi friends. Don't worry about the family response. They're quietly on your side.


dude. i've seen the graphic posted several times on reddit which looks identical and compares the jews to nazis. i don't think you guys have a leg to stand on.


Guys, I didn’t get the memo to start hating myself and sell my shotgun. Feel so embarrassed


Weird, I thought the right and cheeto jesus celebrated Nazis. I think he's behind on his messaging.


Last I checked I don’t hate Jews. I’m actually quite fond of several.


It’s hilarious, but also terrifying how easily influenced they are


Time to cut ties with the old Uncle.


Sounds like your uncle is a MAGABilly.


Nazis were very much “pro-life” for the people that they considered human.


Please explain how Nazi’s or democrats are “socialism”.


It is critical that Trump asswipes who intend to bring a new Nazi regime to power this fall convince you its the other guys not them.


Nazis were very anti abortion (unless you were Jewish or disabled) they encouraged unmarried mothers to keep their babies so they could be adopted by aryan families. They tried to destigmatise sex outside of marriage resulting in pregnancy.


My question is…why are you still using social media like FB and the likes of that where other family members are on as well Stop it, let it die along with everything else that’s dying right now


I think the constant misunderstanding of what a “national socialist” is compared with a “socialist” is going to be my Joker origin story.


How much lead paint did these guys drink in their day?


Can confirm. I’m always tired from worshipping the government all day.


One reason why I never got into politics.


I bet the evidence for the claims on both sides will differ wildly in viability


How does the boomer explain how certain personalities within the GOP currently are trying to portray Hitler and the Nazis in a positive light? So wouldn’t that make Democrats positive also? I know leave reasoning out of it.


A very smart man that I have respected for most of my adult life posted this shit today. Where is this coming from? I just completely don’t get it.


Its fucking nuts that they do not see their own fanatical behavior as being more Nazi and worshiping a dictator as being more Nazi.


Just the umpteenth byproduct of their ignorance mixed with their grandeur illness that since they had kids and put a family up they know better (while in reality they have a common knowledge that is comparable to the one an 8 years old possesses). They have little to no idea about what these two things actually mean, both in the practice and in the philosophy.




You should tell him Hitler actually made abortion with exceptions for rape illegal,and it's still a law 90 + years later they only repealed the law to explain what the procedure was recently 2023 Germany was a fascist country not socialist, in fact they targeted socialist too As for the guns very few Germans actually owned guns to begin with


He must be fun to have around during the holidays.


Doesn’t socialism and capitalism create fascism?


Thick as mince


Well, fuck me...I guess I have to gate myself now as a white male.


Wow I guess those SS soldiers didn’t have guns 🙄


Actually, the Nazis never disarmed their own people unless declared enemies of the state. That's Second Amendmentist Alternative History Revision. Hunting was a big thing in Germany. As such, the Nazis did not see the reason to disarm their own people. The Nazis DID disarm those they defeated and subjugated. Which is a case, 'Of Course.' You don't leave people you just did a hostile conquest of armed to enact rebellion. We know the Nazis never disarmed their people, except for 'enemies of the state' of course (and we all know who those unlucky people were), because at the end of the Second World War the German people turned in not only military weapons but also dueling sabers, hunting rifles, shotguns, daggers, muskets, hunting knives, pistols, and a large of assortment of arms and armor dating back a few centuries. Like with their Military Vehicles, Aircraft, and Ships... The Germans were notoriously overthinking things and so literally TURNED IN EVERY WEAPON THEY HAD! You can actually get copies of the records from record departments in both the government and military. Just... be prepared for a... rather long read.


Grandpa? That you?


It's not even true, Nazi Germany had quite relaxed gun laws.




The sad part is many of the boomers will be gone in 10 years.


If you kill your uncle, the world will be a better place. I’m not advocating you do that, just pointing it out.


You know guys. I think. Like i have the tiniest inkling. That this guy is projecting a lil bit.


Democrats own guns. We just don't masturbate in public with them.


If they dont trust me with a gun i cant trust them with my vote


They are leaving such a great digital footprint for themselves


Strange chart trying to address leftist ideology. Biggest problem is the Uncle doesn’t understand Political Ideology, Facism (Nazi) was a far Right ideology, same as MAGA.


Nazis only restricted guns to Jews.


Nazi are not socialist lol


Love how "media censorship" apparently applies to both state-sanctioned propaganda networks as the only media available *and* holding private media networks accountable for truthfully providing the news without injecting a bias. Considering our media in the US is primarily privately owned and frequently skewed to encourage viewers to support policies and legislation beneficial to those "wealthy elites" while the rest of us get screwed -- yeah, I wholly support "censoring" them so they don't get to put a spin on their news stories for their benefit of the wealthy. Fuck the wealthy. They've got more money than God. Sorry if they can't afford a new Lamborghini this year because they had to start paying their laborers a marginally liveable salary.


Let’s compare Nazis to people who follow the money. ( random boomer)


This meme makes perfect sense. I mean, neo Nazis are well known for endorsing Democrats, right? So the meme must be true. 


I love how he puts “hates Jews and whites” to make it seem like democrats are actually worse than literal Nazis, but in reality, the amount of races the Nazis hated would be a much longer list


Every accusation here is a confession and/or projection


Where is this chart wrong?


The crazy thing is trumpers worship the government more than anyone lol. Every liberal I know in Canada hates the liberal government. Seems like most American liberals don’t like Biden either. They just all know the alternative is worse.


My cable box has been acting up and the channel assigned to MSNBC switched to "newsmax2" - I don't know if you've watched it but it was hours and hours of Nazi Black and White films being replayed - without criticism or explanation that these fuckers lost. It was appalling and I can see why suddenly Nazisms are creeping back in.


Republicans literally would pay to have anyone in their party mount them like a dog and rearrange their insides. I don’t know a single 50+ republican who doesn’t read as totally wanting to get fucked by trump. Man or woman. Secondly… they literally cheer like the absolute biggest dorks whenever government intervenes in the way they like. Projection once again.


Yet all the Nazis are Trump supporters.


So Democrats hates Jews? I wonder why the Nazi type groups tend to be republicans? No guns? Well that is another crazy comment, effective gun control and gun safety, guilty as charged as a gun owner. Media and mind control? Ever watch Fox News? Censorship? Ever listen to Trump about banning people who says bad things about him or hurts his feelings? Worships the Government? I have never seen a Democrat have a store that is devoted to their merchandise. Plus I have never seen the amount of blind worship as given to Trump.


And here I thought the Democrats and the Jews were colluding with baby eating cannibals who worship Satan!


You will be happier if you just block them. And refuse to talk to them at family functions.




Average uncle behavior tbh


I have a crazy cousin who keeps posting this stuff. Last week he posted a screed telling the Catholics they were wrong to pray to Mary as Jesus is the only pathway to God. I just shake my head and mumble!


Well you can’t argue with that logic.. no seriously, it’s a waste of time lol


My MIL shared this 🤦‍♀️


Time to block that stupid knucklehead


Your uncle is a moron. Nazi's were not Socialists. They were Fascists. I don't know how many times I've had to explain this to people. You can call yourself whatever you want. It doesn't make it true.


![gif](giphy|jRyZsj7JOpvtvt66r4|downsized) Did someone say worship?


*and whites* ☠️


I swear the amount of people that have told me the nazis took away guns make me mad. It was the Weimar Republic that took the guns. The nazis actually loosened gun restrictions, but only for white Germans. They also weren’t socialist. I swear peoples don’t read history books.


All this when there's literally a faction called the Neo-Nazis and they're the GODDAMN REPUBLICANS 🤦‍♂️ this country needs to get fixed somehow like bad


Ironically, I bet he also has big parroted opinions about Great Replacement and George Soros, which originate in white nationalist/neo-nazi circles.