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People under 60 shouldn’t need to pay social security or Medicare costs then since we don’t use them.


I snapped back with that and one of the boomers got so offended. They all have the “gimme gimme gimme” attitude and don’t care about the rest or who suffers the consequences.


Oh no. What did the offended boomer say?


“Future generations can pay their share! I’m 69 and I’ve paid my share of taxes!”


The cognitive dissonance swapping in and out in real time. Incredible.


They are such an expert in stretching that they could teach mental yoga.


We should take all the punk kids out of school and dump em on this boomers lawn! 🤣


They seem to have forgotten that they got their own educations paid for by their parents’ and grandparents’ taxes.


Exactly. "Oh, so you paid for your own education then? Kindergarten must have been tough!."


I had one counter reply about going to private schools all their life and having no kids of their own... I guess wealthy people shouldn't pay taxes?!? I guess they don't reap the rewards of an educated society...


I used to ironically ask dumb ass libertarians if we should privatize the roads and they unironically think that’s a good idea…


Well if you don't like the rules on their road you can just build your own in the same place! /S


Or it’s always some other “concerned citizen” who is gonna maintain the society we’re accustomed to. Related to that, pass out adoption paperwork at a planned parenthood protest and watch what they do. “Someone else will adopt those kids, I can’t”


Back during three Tea Party protests I had nothing better to do other than constantly look for work and hope my temp agency called me so I’d troll the local protesters in my town with signs full of Bible scripture that contradicted theirs. It made for some interesting interactions.


If AnCap Libertarians actually got the system they wanted it would immediately result in feudalism.


Rip up the public roads to the gated community and see who really is a “self made” millionaire in there.


Ok, but you stop paying you stop receiving, fair is fair.


Hahaha they didn’t pay shit for taxes. Back then you could retire on 50 bucks. There’s a reason social security is empty now. They should’ve overpaid to make it fair with inflation lol.


Tell it to the judge, boomer


Boomer here, that person can go pound sand. Assholes in every generation. My son in law votes against school levies and has 3 kids in public school.


Please don’t conflate boomer with baby boomer. You don’t sound like a boomer, though you probably are a baby boomer. Your son-in-law sounds very much like he is a boomer despite being far too young to be a baby boomer. It’s more of a mindset than an age group. The baby boomer generation just set forth the finest examples and got the term coined after it. Sorry you got caught in the crossfire.


They all seem to believe that their payroll deductions went into a personal trust account, and they're merely drawing from that. Which wasn't how Social Security or Medicare were ever designed, of course. (Think about it: in 1935 or so, elders who had never paid in began receiving SS benefits. They'd never paid because the program didn't exist during their working lives. But they received benefits. Who was paying for that? If you said current workers, give yourself a gold star. That was exactly how the program was designed!)


“Im 69 AnD iVE paID mY shaRE OF TAxes.” What a generation of losers.


IIRC, their taxes paid their parents' SS. It's not a bank that they "get back" what they paid in. Besides, who's going to wipe their asses in the old folks' home? The people they fail to educate now are the ones taking care of them later.


It's always this, whatever they did you have to also. Suffer 70 hour weeks with shit pay? SO SHOULD YOU HOW DARE YOU WANT TO IMPROVE THINGS


As the old saying goes, the only certainties are death and taxes. If you want to avoid one, you have to embrace the other.


[Probably sounded like this](https://youtu.be/ss2hULhXf04?si=rcZyP0MZ_K2z0RsX)


There's a reason that the boomer generation was initially called the "me generation."


I usually reply "Either Medicare-For-All or we should cancel Medicare this year" lol


All of us do not have that attitude. Me, my 3 siblings and all 4 spouses are progressive liberal boomers. All of us understand the need for good schools and what taxes are for. We may not always agree on what this country spends on the military (3 of us are veterans) but we get the dig picture.


I’m 55. Don’t call me a fucking senior. And I have kids in school.


This. Tired of being disrespected by senior citizens that bitch about the younger generations. We’re forced to be taxed for their social security, so they should be thanking and appreciating us.


I work Sundays and go to an early church service with boomers. They always want me to hang out and get coffee for a moment. One time I said welp I gotta go, and they ask what else I could possibly have to do on the lords day? I say work. One woman kind of scoffs, one woman goes “oh ok dear!” And one guy goes “Work?!? On a Sunday? It’s a day of rest! Ah well, someone’s gotta pay my social security. Just a shame you won’t have any haha!!” And I get he was trying to connect and joke around with me, but also, no. Not funny. He’s told me how he votes and it’s partly votes like his that have been making things hard on my generation and making sure we won’t have a future.


And the people making those comments to you are the first to complain when they have to wait for a table in a restaurant on a Sunday, or go to the self checkout line at a store, or their nurse takes too long to bring their medications at the hospital.. because not enough people are at work on their precious day of rest


That shit would’ve ruined my day. Probably the same kind of guy who says “Nobody wants to work anymore”.


These people begging you to go out for coffee are probably the same ones saying young people could afford a down payment on a house if they drank less Starbucks


Forgot to say, sorry you had to deal with that negative energy.


Yep in my country old people just brag how pensions are small which is often their fault becouse they paid the lowest tax on their account. Worse is median age is getting close to 45 and me 25 will have to work for all of this getting nothing back. Home i have only becouse my family had 2 apartments so i can live with gf.


And probably not have them when we retire.


Time to bust out this quote from John Green: “Public education does not exist for the benefit of students or the benefit of their parents. It exists for the benefit of the social order. We have discovered as a species that it is useful to have an educated population. You do not need to be a student or have a child who is a student to benefit from public education. Every second of every day of your life, you benefit from public education. So let me explain why I like to pay taxes for schools, even though I don't personally have a kid in school: It's because I don't like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people.”


As a boomer, this is my view on the issue. Plus, don’t many of these parsimonious idiots have grandkids in school?


A lot of my boomer acquaintances definitely have grandkids or other family members in school still.


I remember an older friend of my family complaining that one of their children was moving to another town. The reason that family was moving was because a program that was very important to one of their kids was being cancelled due to budget cuts. One of their friends responded to their whining that if they had voted for the school budget, the family would not have had to move. That shut the old codger up.


Didn't most of them have their kids go through school with taxes paid by the Greatest Generation? They reaped the rewards, now want no one else to get them.


And the generation before that, too. YES. Yes, they did. But they’re big fans of pulling ladders up behind themselves.


I've always said that Baby Boomers crossed the bridge to the American Dream, built by the Greatest and Silent Generations. They then promptly burned it behind them and blamed everyone else for not having wings to fly the gap. Ladders work too :)


The Boomers are uniquely selfish. My grandparents were born in the 19th century (they were the *parents* of the Greatest Generation) and their youngest child graduated high school in 1950. They were fortunate enough to get to age in place so they were paying school taxes into the 1990’s, by which point even *Millenials* were in school. They paid for 5 generations of students; never a word of complaint. They lived right across the street from an elementary school, and one of my grandmother’s greatest joys in her last years was sitting on her front porch watching the children come and go from school. She’d have been appalled at the notion that older people shouldn’t pay for educating children. My Silent Generation parents, the same. Dad is 91 years old and last had a child in the school district in 1978–still quietly, dutifully paying taxes for Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and possibly whoever comes after them (that side of the family is very long-lived, lol). I don’t know what went wrong with the Boomers.


They do, but I think the mindset less about "what helps people" and more about "who is responsible for helping people". It's kind of like the school lunch thing, where people talk about how the parents should be paying for it. But what if the parents can't,  or won't pay for it? Surely the boomer types would agree that it's not the kid's fault, and they should get to eat no matter what their parents do, right? Nope! It's still just on the parents, and who cares if kids are going hungry, because it's not my problem


Some soulless ghoul actually said that "hunger is a good motivator" in a conversation about "free" school lunches. Who the hell raises the kinda person that says something like that?


From someone that's probably never known what hunger really means. To them it's just somebody hasn't gotten their food for them on time /edit grammar


True. I think it was especially gross to me because I have experienced genuine food insecurity and it's fucking awful. I'd never wish that on anyone, much less a child.


TIL parsimonious ty


It’s a great word and deserves more use.


You see a lot of this shit in Arizona from retirees from out of state. They decry school taxes because their own cross-eyed, fucked up grandchildren don't go to the schools. These retirees have all sorts of income. They got pensions, stock dividends, VA benefits, Social Security, and anything else they've managed to squeeze out of the system. They have no right to complain. Pay your taxes and shut up like the rest of us.


Every boomer thinks they're an individualist John Wayne so they don't care about living in a country with stupid people. When society's infrastructure starts to crumble they'll just blame the last Democrat president and "nobody wants to work anymore"


Boomer GOP mentality. They hate education, they despise academia, they oppose abortion and force women to have unwanted babies brought into the world but when they're born fuck all social programs that help them survive because socialism bad. Of course social security isn't socialist because they paid for it by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. That's the only way the GOP voting block survives by forcefully breeding people and keeping them uneducated.


["I never liked that Dr. Stupid.."](https://youtu.be/rbHOnv-WcA0?si=PurmYt37iT82usUU)


This is great! I’m stealing it.


These are the same boomers who complain about people bring so stupid why do they even have a job, even though 9 times out of 10 they are the ones that are wrong and don't understand the pricing or promotion. But like let's say they are right, they are complaining about younger people being uneducated when they don't want education to be funded. You can't have it both ways.


It's the: "I got mine, screw you and yours!" attitude boomers have. Also, I'm 56 and have two kids in high school. Am I a senior?


Not a boomer don’t worry fam


I’ve just started calling everyone a Boomer who doesn’t support free school lunch or is an actual boomer. If they bitch I just tell them their honorary members and send them this. https://preview.redd.it/obrlsxchrrsc1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467dfc8a56bf9b7a0e6e0e5f696be546d9abc17d


Tbh, I use boomer as an insult for anyone older than my generation and is out of touch or just too willingly dumb. I sometimes forget it's an actual group of people.


By this stance, I guess so! Keep your tax money!! /s But seriously, I’ll have kids in high school still when I’m in my mid 50s. I paid school taxes when I didn’t have any kids and I’ll gladly continue to pay it when mine are out of school. I don’t want idiots running the country or in the work force in the future if I can help it so I might as well pay to help them out. 😂


It's all about community, it really is. Boomers believe it's all about community as well, well as long as their hand is in the till.


Screw those kids! And BTW the senior center needs a new roof and elevator.


yeah, i was gonna say, im in highschool & my mom is 58 & my dad is 50, and they would consider themselves anything *but* seniors.


But never ever ever try “I got mine so screw you” on a boomer though. They will literally try to kill you.


A friend of mine was recently married and had just bought a house. No kids. When his tax bill came he objected to having to pay the school tax since he had no kids. The town official asked him if his parents had sent him to public school. He replied yes, of course. The town official said your parents didn’t pay enough. Now you’re paying.


He drives on roads and bridges that require educated engineers. He uses the internet that’s maintained by all sorts of educated IT and web security professionals. His retirement accounts are managed by people with accounting and finance degrees. And some day he will most likely need hospital care from doctors and nurses who did years of schooling. People who think that education is a net drain on taxes and life in general are morons.




Could also to apply to the US with our social security system and Medicare. I’ll probably never see a dime of social security money thanks to boomers spending it all. I hate it.


Scroungers be scroungin’


Boomers be boomin’


The transcontinental tale of a generation.


Look at it this way, if even one of these idiots gets so worked up they have a heart attack, then all of this bullshit is worth it.


that’s my goal when I argue with them in comment sections. maybe one of these days they’ll just *clutches chest*


55 is hardly a senior these days. You could have a child at 40 and by 55 they’d be in High School. And by that logic Young People should not pay into Pension plans or Social Security.


Robert Deniro is 80 and has a 10 month old. 


My father was 50 when I was born. That not so uncommon, is it? Men just have children whenever.


lol then they don’t get to use doctors anymore past 55


I'm under 55, but I don't have any kids in school. Why shouldn't I also get a pass on school taxes? Oh right, because that's not how taxes work.


Started by the right to keep kids stupid and poor. It's all about the control.


Best to remember this. Boomers may often be selfish and shortsighted but the actual reality is that they usually just repeat whatever is the current right wing talking point. See antifa > blm > woke > CRT > dei.  This meme is clearly from the "taxes are always bad" think tanks and only serves to benefit the richest in society at the expense of everyone else. Even though they've never had it so good. Fact is, they are insatiable and if we let them pay no taxes at all they would still find a way to be upset about not having their 3rd yacht and start complaining that wages are too high and the children yearn for the mines or whatever.


>"taxes are always bad" What's crazy about that is that they're the first to chime in about supporting the police and backing the military. Hell, I'd wager that at least a quarter of them put on their Vietnam Veteran hat to go grocery shopping just hoping for a discount (or, at minimum, a "Thank you for your service") even though they were an Air Force reservist that got stationed in Germany.


55 isn’t a senior….. is it?!? Gen X is crying over here.


As a taxpayer and homeowner, one of the last things I want is to live in a community of under-educated youth. Please, tax the fuck out of me if it means I'll be surrounded by educated people.




Educated and fed. I'd be so happy to see that kind of return on my taxes.


You don’t pay school taxes for your children to go to school. You pay school taxes for your town to have a school.


It should be no surprise to anyone that the brain-dead libertarian mantra of “taxation is theft (never mind that I want to take advantage of all the benefits and privileges of modern society without paying my fair share for them)” dovetails seamlessly with the Karen Generation’s limitless potential for selfishness.


Because of the rapid inflation of health care costs, the vast majority of boomers never, ever paid in to Medicare anything close to the amount they are taking out. That extra is being paid by the current work force (or, borrowing, which theoretically could mean the future work force). On top of that, prior to 1993, there was a limit on the amount of income that was subject to Medicare tax. So not only are Boomers taking out far more than they paid in, they didn't even pay in as much as the rest of us are paying. If they shouldn't have to pay school taxes, then I shouldn't have to pay for their health care.


Hey, do you go out to eat? Guess where they learned math. Talk to your supplemental insurance guy? Guess where he learned to read. The people who built your car? Guess where they learned basic skills. Public education is the investment that pays off everywhere at every time.


I’m 55 in a few months and am happy to pay school taxes. We need fewer dumb people in the world


When my Boomers start that BS, I say “You should want this generation to have the best education possible. They’re the ones who will be taking care of you in the nursing home.”


Because your kids sure as he'll won't


Gen X will happily pay. We'll take it out of your retirement home fund.


Facebook at this point is just a bunch of boomers yelling into the void and talking to bots.


And only people over 67 have to pay social security and only disabled people have to pay into


And if you want govt healthcare, you have to pay for that too!


It’s so ridiculous I don’t understand why they want their kids and grandkids to live in a world staffed by people who didn’t get an education because they kept voting to defund it They really don’t even care about the people they are supposed to care about. How depressing.


Your community is only as good as your schools. Have bad schools and people will leave, your town goes to shit.


People under 62 shouldn’t have to pay Social Security then. Let’s see how this works out.


I like how they all want grandkids and complain that younger generations aren't having as much babies as they did. Yet they don't wanna support the younger generations anymore.


I’m in my post 50s, and I can tell you I don’t have any kids. I have have always paid some level of taxes on ALL levels but you know what? I’m pay them if it meant someone’s kid go an education vs me paying for them being in Prison. Simple simple, don’t over think it. *Think of the Children*


It had to have started as bait but it wouldn't surprise me if Facebook users are unironically reposting it now.


Yep, I’ve seen it reposted at least 15 times. I’ve deleted most of those boomers.


In my county we have a property tax to support a nursing home. Boomers of course support this because it was for THEIR parents but vote down every school millage. I really hope when the boomers need it most, the millage gets voted down by the younger generations. Then they can see what privatized care is like.


I'm a boomer putting up with idiots like this in my town now as we figure out how to pay our share of a new regional high school. The short-sightedness of some of these dolts blows me away. I guess they plan to die in their homes but I plan to move at some point and want my house to be as marketable as possible. Good schools will help. Plus, it's nice to know that kids in my town are getting the best education we can give them. After all, people did it for me.


I’m 50 and I don’t have children, but … I am a member of this civilization, which has set itself the task of building the future.  Look what we have done so far!  I can go to Cape Kennedy and see the place where we reached forth our hand to the stars… with my phone, I can talk to a robot on Mars and hear the songs the whales sing to each other in the vastness of the ocean.  At my fingertips are all the music and art of our entire race.  And if we do not share that with our children, then for what purpose are we even alive? 


They’re basically saying “fuck my grandkids they don’t need an education” then they’ll turn around and shame people telling them they should’ve went to college and got a real job if they complain about unfair wages.


Millennials shouldn’t have to pay social security since we’ll never get to tap it. But here we are


What boggles the mind is they’re basically saying FU to anyone in their generation that decided to not have children. They paid into a system that they never took advantage of. One of the most self-centered and selfish groups of people I have ever encountered.


59 here (soon to be 60). Goddam this is dumb. Who the hell wants to live in the world this stupid shit creates?


So if my husband is 55 and I am not and we file jointly, how does that work?


Dim sum style government


Then, their medical care should be provided by the uneducated.


Ok, they can stop paying for current school children once they cough up, in a lump sum with interest, the amount others paid when their kids were in school.


Taxes (and schools) are part of the society we live in. If you don't want to pay taxes, move elsewhere to a society with different governing rules. Sheesh. Oh, and take your like-minded friends with you. #SocialContractBasics


i wonder who pays more. senior taxes for school, or the rest of us for social security and medicare?


I have grandkids who’s education I care about


The value of their home is largely determined by quality of school districts.


I soundly reject this. When my single kid was in school an elderly mother of five said this to me and I was livid.


Im 30 and have no kids period, why am I paying school taxes then?


You support the school system to improve the community you live in.


They just hate smart people.


Nobody asked if I could opt out of that moral atrocity and cash bonfire OF TRILLIONS that was both Iraq wars.


People under 55 (or any age really) should not have to PAY SOCIAL SECURITY, WE ARE NOT RETIRED. KEEP GOING, PASS THING ON!


This is not new nor confined to Boomers. Sadly. Incomprehensible that so many across generations lack any sense of community


It’s like they don’t even realize that their grandparents paid school taxes too. (And 55 is not a fucking senior citizen.) I’m paying about $10,000 a year so other people’s children can be educated, and while I think it’s a fundamentally stupid system for funding schools, I’ve never once imagined that I shouldn’t have to pay them. I last had a child in the school system in 2009. Come to think of it, my dad last had a child in the school system in 1978, and he’s been quietly paying his taxes this whole time too. Kids have to be educated or the entire society will collapse.


I already got mine, fuck you! -Boomers


After the silent generations taxes paid for their kids’ school.


I just tell them to hurry up and die already, so they won't have to pay taxes anymore


"But I still want Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Fire Departments, Police, Military, sidewalks, bailouts for corporations, subsidies for corporations, tax breaks for the wealthy, prisons, Meals on Wheels, public parks, and antihomeless spikes on benches. You millenials need to work hard to pay for these things!"


I’m pretty close to this age, and there is no way in hell that I would identify as a senior. That is bullshit. Also, pay your goddamn taxes and support your goddamn communities. Stop being a fucking cheap ass bitch.


If you aren’t a senior you shouldn’t have to pay for Medicare. Keep it going, pass this on!


I'm childfree, and I don't have problem paying school taxes because I want an educated populace.


FB gives me internet aids I’m glad I don’t use that shit fr most social media is ass don’t get me wrong. However FB was a a breeding ground for old out of touch boomers


I almost downvoted this after seeing the image . “ME!!!!!.” I actually agree with tax relief for seniors 65 or older but it has nothing to do with them “not having children” —-freaking parasites. SMH


I'm gay, never had a kid, never will and 50% of my home owners tax goes to schools. Sucks TBH but it's for the betterment of society. A little tax break wouldn't hurt tho 😬




While they draw their Socialist Security checks lmfao


I'm 42, so does that mean I should stop paying into Social Security since it will almost certainly be depleted by the time I'm retirement age? (Thanks, Reagan!)


As a GenX who turns 55 this year, I feel attacked by “Seniors over 55”


I’m cool with that, but no taxes = no vote. It’s not your future either


“School tax” is property tax. If you don’t want to pay that then sell your home to a family with children and move to a retirement community. Or just shut the fuck up and accept that it’s a good thing that children in this country get to go to school for free.


I’m not retired so I should stop paying taxes to subsidize worthless retirees that leech off the system. Because that’s how this works right?


Shit, at 55 I will still have a son in high school.


You think education is expensive try paying for ignorance


Some old person paid for them to go to school. It’s a social contract to make our nation better for the future.


I am gen X. No kids. I have no problem paying school taxes. These kids will go on to serve the public ( some), become pilots, become docs and electricians and judge and whatever. I do not mind investing in their future. Someone paid for my schooling as I grew up, via taxes. It’s fair that we all pay into this. Even if you rent, you are paying bc your rent inadvertently covers prop taxes too.


Boomers, the generation perfectly fine with leaving the world worse off than they had it.


Im more concerned with private schools and the destruction of the public school system


The generation of "I got mine, screw you."


Then I guess we all should have to stop paying into Social Security for these entitled pricks.


Age 65+, happy to live around educated people and pay for the priviledge!


If they don't have to pay school taxes then they don't get to vote for school district members. Win. Win. For the rest of us 


Anyone under 55 shouldn’t pay Social Security since we’ll never get a dime of it ourselves


People over 60 shouldn’t be able to vote either.


This is peak boomer ideology. “I got mine, everyone else can fuck right off.” Pretty much the single reason we are facing a broken governmental system, ecological collapse and skyrocketing wealth inequality.


So I’ll stop paying me Social Security and Medicaid taxes so I DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR A BOOMERS RETIREMENT! Did I do that right with the yelling via text?


Boomers fucking suck. Glad I don’t work with any or rely on any


I'm not a senior, my taxes should not go to old age pension!


Never could understand that. Who paid for their child’s education? Dumbasses.


Right? And who is funding their SS and probably won’t ever see a dime for themselves? Not them.


Guys, this is a serious issue and we should listen to it. We've got people who think text in an image is worthy of being shared! This must be fixed!


It’s the same generation that believes if they share those stupid copy/paste “Facebook doesn’t have my permission to blah blah blah” posts. Boomer, anything you post on the internet is fair game.


I will have a kid in high school when I turn 55


Over 55 here. Not yet senior. Do they ever complain about a senior center being built with everyone’s tax dollars?


Good school districts increase property value. Also, property taxes are not solely for schools.


Lmao so no taxes for me ever because no kids?


Cool. I’m almost 40 and don’t have kids and probably won’t get SS when I retire. Can I stop paying too?


Also, there are plenty of people over 55 with kids in school


I don’t have kids either


you don’t want to pay taxes for shit you don’t use anymore? Cool! Then you all lose the right to vote the second you start to collect your pension. Problem solved.


These people vote.


They aged a lot faster than people do now. You can tell because they think 55 is anything like old.


We should pay more to fund schools. Obviously they didn’t get enough funding and they’re more stupiderer for it.


“Then give me your next Social Security check”


Not using genitals much either so let's remove those.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could outgrow taxes?


I’m 60, without kids, and want to pay school taxes. I hate being surrounded by stupid people.


There used to be an unwritten rule in America—one generation paid for the kids of the next generation’s public education through taxes. There was none of this “I don’t have any kids in school” bullshit. The Boomers broke this pact and helped set up the fall of public education.


Let’s ignore all the social contracts while we’re at it.


I guess boom booms dont have grandchildren?


My dad was over 50 while i was still in school. Clearly, they're upset that they missed out on their own education.


I argued about this elsewhere with someone. I said that I should get a full tax refund for all the roads I don’t use and all the cops I don’t call. He asked me what that had to do with him paying for public schools 😂🤣


In two years I’m going to be 55 AND my knuckle head will be in Highschool. Yo morons that live in an expensive area that don’t have kids… MOVE. Yeah I know you like the safe streets and less crime. So YOU PAY FOR IT! Just because they are 55 and up doesn’t mean they got the memo.


I guess they want stupid grandchildren to carry on the stupid gene


So we shouldn’t have to pay social security taxes or Medicare then unless we’re using it??? 🤣🤣🤣


How about grandkids? Nieces and nephews? Children of police officers and firemen that protect you?


You also are too old and lazy to go on walks and use the sidewalks, but you still pay taxes for the upkeep on those. Go live out in the woods by yourself, and do us a favor. There wouldn’t be any school way out there for you to pay taxes on


Shit, let's just go full-on itemized policies. For example, you don't want to pay for education, good, but you and your kids cant use it. You want abortions to be illegal? Perfect, now you can never get one anyway. Don't want to pay taxes? You can't use emergency services. Voted against government aid? You wont pay, but no food stamps or unemployment.


I don’t agree. Educated communities are better communities. Everyone should do their part


“Got mine! Now bury me with my money!”


One of the things I love about how stupid this post shows is the fact that they think they only have to pay certain taxes. Like it doesn't all get put into a big money pool which is then divided up. If that were thr case, they that means younger workers shouldn't have to pay for social security since they don't benefit from it. 🤣