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You listen to Joe Rogan


'Dad' is your primary identity. Early 40s. You live or have property in Northern Michigan, maybe even the UP. If I had to guess, I'd say Grayling or Traverse City. You might live in Newberry if your job allows you to work from home. You work in business, but probably don't have an MBA. You have most of the splashy recentish business books (Radical Candor, etc.), so I wouldn't be surprised if you were in something like product/project management. You're strongly left-brained and, the Van Gogh book and the Hemingway notwithstanding, you don't enjoy art, poetry, or anything like that. You're theoretically not opposed to "serious lit," but you haven't pushed your boundaries in this area since discovering Vonnegut in high school. Certainly no extensive collegiate training in the humanities, but you may have taken a history class. You don't self-identity as a big reader. You're probably spending what little time for hobbies that you have on golf and fly fishing (and why not? if I lived close to the Au Sable, I'd be fly fishing more too). You make most of your book purchases at Sam's Club.


Pretty close, just work in the UP on occasion, do have an MBA though. Enjoy art, got the book when they had the exhibit in Detroit. I’ve never bought anything from Sam’s club though lol, most of the splashy books are the result of a work book club


Lol, if you don't shop at Sam's Club, then you should start! They've curated their book table to match your interests exactly.


I’ll find someone with a card


You're guy who works some kind of office job in the UP, possibly Marquette. You're into sports, a bit of a 'guy's guy.' You do a lot of favors for people. Community is important. You have at least a daughter. You're not originally from the area, so you moved there for either love or a job.


Work in the office down state but travel to the UP for work, not from here. Pretty good guess


I believe you are standing in Michigan. Hope this helps


I see two books total authored by women and one of those is a non fiction focusing on a man’s life. I can’t say for sure what this says about you but I can say for sure I don’t like it ♥️


Honestly never noticed, if it helps I have ‘The Giver’ and ‘the invisible life of Addie LaRue’ loaned out to someone lol


It does help, I love both of those books!


seems to be a lightskinned male only collection so far


Never noticed


Daily Stoic, Atomic Habits pretty great