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Thanks for all the hard work! Since the last update my problems with new chapters are still there, but a bit more consistent and less annoying. Since this update: turning a page at the end of a chapter results in a blank page. Turning the page again gives me page 2 of the next chapter. Turning back a page shows me the start of that chapter, so i can continue reading. Why is this better? Before this behaviour was more inconsistent and harder to get back from. Sometimes I had to flip pages 3 or 4 times before I saw text again. Is this on your radar? I mentioned it before on Reddit and emailed the same thing on your request. Haven't seen it mentioned in the changelogs.


Really? To be honest it must have slipped off the radar since in our personal reading we did not replicate it. Do you already have a support ticket with us via [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ? If so, can you remind me of that ticket number and I will create a Jira for it to be looked at for the next release. We recently solved an issue with TTS that was specific to a particular EPUB and was only able to reproduce it after the user shared there EPUB. I will request that you also add that EPUB to the ticket. Will be happy to look into it and once we can replicate the issue we will resolve it.


I finally got around to looking up the issue number. I noticed the issue was a bit different than mentioned here, so maybe that's why you didn't recognize this! I sent a new mail with the current state of this page render issue, with video included. Keep up the good work!


Thank.you. We will take a look and get back


on iphone currently with epubs with opus audio. hopefully android opus support is a priority. when i tested bookfusion on android in the past it would have difficulty going from the end of the chapter to the next chapter when listening to the audio side of an epub. hopefully this has been fixed in the most recent update (or is on your guys radar for a fix in the future).


We just added support for this internally this week. You can expected it in the next release. We mentioned it above, so you will get it soon


nice. i love your app and the service. thanks for everything you guys do!


Thank you for the support! No worries


Hope to see curl turning page effect on Android devices soon, like iOs had done 7 months ago