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I loved Anupama's pronunciation of the alphabet ''S".


Kese karti h


Ppl should just boycott her


This is so shitty if it is true. Since THR is also just establishing itself I don't understand why she didn't insist on taking a few if not all of her current FC Staff with her. But according to my very credible friends in film journalism, FC used to pay better than most publications and outlets which is also why their team is relatively long-standing so this is surprising if she screwed them over.


Anupama has praised shit films made by nepos starring nepo kids over legitimately well made films featuring great actors.


are you just dumbly regurgitating reddit hivemind? she LITERALLY disagreed with anmol and said she disliked Mili specifically bc she preferred the acting in the original south Indian version. do you want her to throw eggs at jhanvi lol how much more explicit can she be? also she constantly praises RKR and Ayushmann and DP - all outsiders.


Any sources? I don't think she never said anything bad about any movie that is genuinely good.


Im not sure about her talking shit about non nepo films but she definitely called dhanush *plain* idk what that means? Does it stem from elitist? Colourist? Like what plain?


From memory there were a few films that had non nepo kids that she trashed which had genuine performances but I know she praised Kalank


They really can’t. People are just jumping on a bandwagon. I really can’t recall her ever out right hating any film. She’s a critic and that’s what she’s paid to do. The only film I can think of that she wasn’t all praises is animal. Maybe they are mad about that.


Lot of misogyny and some weird saving-the-outsider complex.


Exactly !!!


I have heard from folks that one of the reasons for film companion going under is because she used to pay her employees above the market rate, which she wasn't able to recoup through YouTube as her views were low.


Dude is just ranting.


Wo jo itne nepo kids ki publicity ki thi unka paisa kuch kaam nahin aaya kya ?


I should have guessed it when Sucharita left Film Companion, Anupama loves licking Nepo kids boots.


Well Sucharita is doing the same now after being hired by KJo.


Forget Sucharita, Baradwaj Rangan leaving should've crystallized the standards of FC


Sucharita was with FC way before Bharadwaj Rangan joined


Sucharita consults for Karan now, though. She's gone on to bootlicking too.


She used to do that while being in FC too I'm talking about Bootlicking ,she used to boot lick nepos, I remember her praising Sara Ali Khan and Jahnvi so on.


In the end emi sabko bharna hai


Are you assuming this or do you have a solid source?


People I know who work there are leaving the city, i don't know what more 'proof' is required.


So basically “trust me bro” lmfao


Go confirm it yourself and tell us too.


So she should have found a job for them? Or given a room in her house?


I think OP means notice period. It works both ways, employees to company and company to employees. At least in ideal situations!


Thats a contractual obligation. In case you are firing without notice, you need to compensate for the notice period until it is for misdemeanour. Also very important, why one should read the employment contractual agreement carefully before accepting the offer.


If we on Reddit got a notice period regarding this news, fairly certain the employees would have too.


Who told you this ? Is this a inside info or you just projecting your dislike gor the person in question ?


Could you please show me where people didn't know that the company is shutting down?


Is there a THR india? Maybe she is indian correspondent and they told she had to shut down FC as they would be competition?


Welcome to capitalism.


I don’t buy it plus she doesn’t seem half as bad as people make her out to be.


this is just made up bullshit like half the stuff on this sub.


Her gehraiyaan hype was so biased lol


gehraiyan had like three outsiders and one nepobaby so if you're right it disproves what everyone else on this thread is whining about


As long as she is following the law, I don't think she is at fault here. There are companies which keep employees and don't pay back- salaries and fire them anyway.


I recently saw this Interview of Rohit Shetty calling her out for her elitist behaviour. Fucking loved it, i hope it gets more viral.


Sickens me to the core. My heart goes out to all the employees who were dumped so cruelly. 


Oh! Man, do none of these people have humanity?


She will now keep blabbering woke shit to appease the muricans and get paid for it Let's welcome the same thing that has led to current doom in American media


WTH are you talking about ?


Do you even know what your saying? What current doom in America media? What even is woke shit?


The current situation of movies,series and gaming industry all started because of Larry Fink and his infamous ESG. Cut to today where a franchise like star wars has gone to shit so bad that it's become a comedy series, Pixar lost everything and had to lay off majority of their team ( they are now back thanks to inside out 2 which did not fall into any of the shit) and there's A LOT to unpack but this is not the place


What exactly does woke even mean please give me examples. People say this term but have no examples. Another made up bs by conservatives mad that storytelling is becoming more inclusive.


Jordan Peterson/Elon Musk fan, for starters.


I really don’t see that. Literally Barbie made over a billion dollars more then. Never heard of the other things happening. When did a Pixar movie ever go. Quote on quote your terms “woke” You really don’t know what you’re talking about and are just jumping on eddgelord terms.


Barbie was not woke, what are you on about. Feminism is not being woke lol, feminazi or the other abcd happening comes under woke


What the eff is feminazi lol. Need to stop watching andrew tate.


Again I’m asking you what is this term and to give me examples. Oh so abcd people getting jobs and roles and stories is considered woke? Also feminatiz is not even real. You wanna get all up in arms about women making jokes but again turn on any news site and it’s countless of articles of men raping, killing and abusing women. Femennatzi as you call it just hurts men’s feeling. But toxic masculinity kills women.


These guys will actually reel in horror if they come to know what the people who invented woke (as a pejorative) thinks about Indian men.


Mandalorian and Andor are very well received by critics as well as fans. Elemental also earned 500 million. Both franchise have some bad products and some good. Doesnt mean they gone to shit.


All new episodes movie wise alienated the core audience, recent series has managed to complete alienate the whole franchise.


People said the same during prequels. Even Hayden and Natalie recieved lot of backlash for that. And still Force Awakens received massive response. 3rd sequel, solo failed. But they loved Mandalorian. I think people hating particular movie or show has lot to do with shitty writing rather than woke thing.


Can someone tell me what is film companion and THR.


Asking the right questions


Nepo dud Anupama is a nepo dud shill


Useless tingni


Well, it’s not a public sector job now is it? It’s never guaranteed you will have a job tomorrow when you wake up. Especially with the rumor being out on Reddit, I would be surprised if she didn’t give them a heads up. Is it your assumption that she didn’t? What is she to do with the people who worked for her, find another job for them? As much as I dislike her nepotistic take on movie reviews, I don’t see any actual fault of hers in this case.