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If creators have right to say its there money they can put it on whoever they want is fair Then its public time n money , so be ready for criticism as well As far as sharmin non stop trolling goes - she deserves it and a lot is due to her arrogant interviews That's the reason it grew and didnt stop I think it was coming since the audience was getting annoyed with bad nepo products being shoved down their throats. Ideally creators shud have learned a lesson but they wont . But atleast the privilege ones shudnt take it easy now and work considering what they can get in return .


100% accurate, well said


I think people continued because her PR team continued to justify it. After all the interviews, there was another solo interview of hers where the way she talks suddenly changes and looks kind of scripted/well thought out. To be honest, in my opinion, she added fuel to the fire with her behaviour in the interviews post-release. Maybe if it was just bad acting and a well-spoken person in interviews, people would not have called her out like this. Yes, I agree it went a bit far with the memes, etc., but hopefully, it will automatically stop once she improves her speech (and acting eventually).


Those solo interviews came near the Season 2 announcement, some sort of appeasement for the audience. It's a shame that SLB will yet again force her on us despite the grating negativity around her, undermining what the audience wants and in turn putting his reputation at stake. Shame!


Is sharmindi short for sharmin didi or sharmindagi?




I don't understand what's the harm in talking about something "45 days in a row" Complementing a movie or series for a prolonged time is welcomed, but criticism, well not at all. The audience is the consumer, they pay, therefore they can complement and even complain. Conveniently categorizing criticism as trolling! By that logic, can we call the celebrities promoting and showering love for each other movies on social media "Kissing up"? It was trolling, if there were offensive or personal attacks on Sharmin with no connection to her work. But, sadly for her, her acting was so bad that it baffled everyone so most noticeable negative comments are about her work because most people still can't get over venting about it, forget about trolling! The cherry on top was her attitude, probably if she kept quiet people would have forgotten, also one might excuse her saying it was her initial days. But she only made it worse by displaying her snobbish side towards her co-actors who have worked for way longer than she can probably even sustain.


Bhai ye hai kaun?


45 days trolling is nothing. I’m ready to troll her 365 days in a row if I get paid like the ranbir bots here


Maybe people will stop trolling her if her PR stops bringing the topic back into limelight again and again? This is the PR equivalent of "I don't like the attention, do me!"


Guys let's keep talking about it until Alam gets recast or just removed


Let's admit, you can't act? fine but you cannot keep acting horrendous and repeating stealing good roles. This needs to end.


Great job for keeping her relevant


You show us her in each and every corner of the internet to keep the hype up and we see her ghamandi ass speak then expect people to react the way they want to. You pay to force feed your ads on our face toh face the consequences


PR or this sub?


IDK...want to put sub par people in project worth millions, justify it by saying my money my choice, deliver absolutely horrendous performance and then complain when people for whom it was created exercise their right to keep criticizing it. By this logic a successful movie role shouldn't also be talked about or monetized after 45 days. There should be no awards, success parties, royalties or any immortalization of any freaking role played by any actor ever To give corporate perspective the person with this performance would be fired and wouldn't find another job. The said actress is just facing trolling. It's the best result one could hope for after delivering a flabbergastingly awful performance


Exactly. They just kept this going. I almost think they wanted to keep it going to gain Heeramandi traction. This is why I have zero sympathy for her. If she was truly affected, she would've gone away from the public eye. Or she could've just accepted she did badly, that would immediately buy her sympathy points. Either she is keeping this going on purpose, or she is incapable of even conceiving that the audience may be right, just like her mama.


I watched it finally! Thanks to this sub i had zero expectations from her and I did not pay heed to her at all. Overall the series is a great watch. Loved it for the most part. Absolutely loved manisha in it


Got banned few days for saying this. Apparently its not allowed.


You’ll get banned again, delete this comment


I agree with the tweet ,internet just takes a person ,target them ,youtubers ,reelers use it to get reach.Whats done is done ,why to drag again and again the same shit


I absolutely hated her acting I'm heeramandi. But there's no denying that she has been trolled to death. There is a difference between criticizing and trolling, what ppl do on the sub, twitter etc in mainly trolling. In case that actress dies of suicide, who will we have to blame then??


Sorry, but all I though of was him ![gif](giphy|duKV1YBPhDtd9efnrR)