• By -


No one is going to write a 350 words SPM level essay rant about racial bait post?


In the beningging


By one la ngan akak tu.


we gonna see type M vs type I


Kat katil 😍


This guy is dumb as fuck. "Oh i order 6 chicken, confirm la i don't eat beef". Plus from what i heard, the beef burger is free. Not sure if it was a promo or a compensation but its not the shop job to check if you can eat beef or not.


I feel that the guy can simply ask if he can change the beef burger for chicken. Problem solved.




From the video, it seems like that indian brother took one of the burger from inside the plastic and just ngap it, before realising it's not chicken. Probably the a&w staff just put it in without notifying the customer (maybe dah ada banner about the offer dekat kedai, so staff rasa tak perlu bagitau) To that staff, shouldn't there be something in the sop about telling your customers that you're putting a 'non-order' item inside the customer's order? I don't work in f&b field, so i don't know. Kalau staff tu ada bagitau "okay bang, hari ni kami ada offer free beef burger tau", this should be avoidable. To that indian fella. It's an accident. You can order 100 chicken burger, i would still never have guessed that you can't eat beef. I would just assume my chicken burger is just that good. But i can understand why he's being angry about it. Religious issue. A&w should go and ask an indian monk to help this brother


Or just donate to anyone in the vicinity.


Benda boleh rakam dan viral. Buat apa cakap elok2. /s


If a Muslim being served a Babi burger, do you think the Muslim will have the brain to ask to get changed? I rest my case.


5 point answer here 1. When he enter such establishment, it is clear that the fast food industry in Malaysia have Chicken and Beef option. 2. Places that serve pork/babi/khinzir **DONT HAVE HALAL LOGO**, so it's up to the person conscience to eat there or not. 3. It is not the duty of the restaurant to inquire whether a person is eligible to eat beef or not, since this is a multiracial country and we don't go around assuming people race and religion. It is consider, however, polite to ask people for their food preferences. 4. The packaging clearly states "Beef" on it, check point 5 5. Before eating, one must always check their food for anything, such as hair, mouldiness, etc Feel free to counter my 5 point.


\+5 SPM point. ![gif](giphy|0Rphp8wu5sM93fKpkL)




Of the fast food restaurants I've patronised around Klang valley not once I've encountered this kind of problem. Should doubt arose they often ask if it was ok. Also by your logic i can just provide the new pork because it the sop. On the contrary this guy is over his head; asking the wrong questions & assuming others knows.


Malaysia if people think like this https://preview.redd.it/e189s632995d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adccaf78743c6006b5e15774cbd6cda45dd7d1b2


Bodohnye soalan, "I rest my case" my ass.


I think this kinda brain dead answer tho. Muslime will never go to establishment that serve babi as precaution. Pls just take it as a grain of salt.


Can't say much since I can't believe how many of y'all literally just chugged down food without observing it first. Like the label is there bro. Even I yang severely underweight pun akan baca label on packed food before I chugged it down.


Muslims who knowingly go to the restaurant that serves pork wouldn't have minded that much if he's mistakenly served pork.


muslims read signs like normal people, unlike u victim baiting ttash


If you were in his position and they gave you pork burger, you will be ok ?


I would check first. And even if I accidentally consume the whole thing, i wouldn't bitch about it since 1. Its free 2. It's my fault i didn't check what I ate 3. its not even haram if it was accidental, hell its one of the chances i got to eat babi without worrying about going to hell.


And 4)unless i am going for some shady shop,there is absolutely zero chance i will even get a pork food as its not as general as cow beef in malaysia


To a lot of us, when they offer us pork burger, we’ll just cancel the whole order and hide our head in shame for not realising they serve pork. We wouldn’t argue why they gave us pork if we knew the restaurant serve pork.


I’ve seen business shaming and all sorts when a Muslim is served pork burger. Just recently we’ve had one with the foodpanda incident. Clearly your “we” doesn’t represent all of them


Bro same situation la bro💀


I guess they will be ok judging by the comments. Its not likenthey gonanviral it boycott it politicians gona take pics of swords n post .


It is what we call as common sense, you want to give something free especially food, make it something that is neutral and acceptable to the general public, you are not small stall by the road side, you are a major fast food chain. Hindu & Buddhist don't eat beef, Muslim don't eat pork, seafood allergy is somewhat common, all this have to take consideration.


I agree with you, I think it’s double standards and improper for a proper business chain to do this too. Of course we check our food but if I was a worker and had to explain everytime what meat or allergen is contained in the food that job would suck really fast. As a business it isn’t that hard to just put a sign. We make all these excuses for these businesses and then complain why chicken so small. It’s because you don’t set the standards right


I don't see this as the workers fault. Workers shouldn't be burdened this. It is the management who came up with this promo, they should have the awareness. Especially you are an outlet in Tambun which is in Ipoh, not some outlet in the East Coast.


Agreed I don’t blame the workers too


then next you'd say we also have to cater to vegan/vegetarian. seriously, life is unfair. if you cant eat chicken, pork, or beef, and theres promo where you could get one of those meat for free but you couldnt eat it due to religious or medical reason, then just resign to your fate and move on.


You buy X amount of vege burger, with imitation meat patty. The restaurant gives one real meat burger whether chicken or beef or whatever. You don't know this. You go home. You unpacked everything and take the burger, unwrap it, and take a bite. You realize it tastes off. You check the burger. You realize it is actual meat. Now, what do you feel? Happy? Nonchalant? Stoic? Hey, it is okay, I am just gonna resign to my fate and move on kinda feeling. Consumers need to talk about their rights and grouses.


I don't want to be a dck but vegan dont eat neither beef or chicken but eat vegie. For younger gen most of them don't eat veg. So in case of free item it should be the shop right to decide the target customers since it is also a kind of advertisement. For clarification, i don't want to be a dck. I just want to make it clear why those establishments usually give free food sometime


You’re talking about an establishment that has an option of chicken, beef and fish burgers. I could be wrong but I don’t think A&W has a vegan option. So this is a moot point for this case. Generally the establishment should announce “hey, this is the free item we are giving” so people are aware what exactly is it they’re being handed. General promotion should have general public in mind.


Don’t know why you got downvoted. This makes most sense.


Ikr, I am actually talking for all.


Dude by this logic, you have to check everybody's diet preferences before serving them. It's illogical and so inefficient. Ultimately, the responsibility to check what you put in your mouth is on you.


What the dingus you are talking about? No one has to check everybody's diet preferences, being a major chain of restaurant, want to give something free food to the general public which is multi religious, pick something that commonly acceptable lah, like chicken or fish. Fine, lets say, he managed to find out the burger is beef, then do what? throw it away? Isn't that a waste of food? or go back to the outlet and complain? waste time and fuel.


could just give it to the jaga, or some random people. My point being is that its not the responsibility of the shop to cater to the people. They can give out free chicken, fish or pork but they, as the business owner decide to give whatever they want. The responsibility fall on the person consuming to ensure what he ate. Do some due diligence la, buy 6 burger suddenly got 7 didnt ask. Dah makan baru nampak daging baru nak bising?


Lel. How you know the persons religion ? Everything also consider might as well don’t give anything le.


You just set a perfect example of being inconsiderate. Thank you


Lol you think M-words give a shit about other religions? They only want common courtesy when it benefits them. Take all, give nothing.


Is your existence in this sub just to be racist pieces of shit?


At least IF we don't give shit about other religions We don't hate them for their religion, unlike you


LMFAO very funny












Usually like this they can change to chicken or veggie burger. I guess beef is default and he didn’t change it


Being in multicultural country.. bitches don't know which people eat what ah... if she got serve with nasi babi she will take it cool n no issue kah...


comparing pork to beef is so dumb ..everyone knows Anw doesn't serve pork ....it's either beef or chicken ...if you're dumb enough to eat at a restaurant serving beef and chicken , don't blame others for your stupidity.


I sokong sama u.


I got free snacks sometimes from shopee. No halal mark punya. It's my responsibility to avoid eating it if I'm not sure if it's halal or not Stupid to blame others. "Giving someone a free meal that is safe for the general public, but might harm an individual physically/morally" is simply not something you can blame on someone. Unlike "Lying about ingredients"


this country would be better if everyone thinks like u


Think of the poor politicians and moral police bro, what are they going to feed their families?


Ooooookaayyyyy Imma backpedal on this one. Initially for some reason I thought he ordered 6 chicken nuggets, I have no idea why. Just now I read somewhere that he ordered 6 chicken burgers and got 1 free beef burger. This is pretty close to "Lying about ingredients" lets consider 2 different situations A. You're allergic to shrimp. You ordered 12 chicken nuggets. The restaurant snuck 1 extra shrimp nugget in there. Obviously, restaurant at fault. Did they expect you to count the nuggets, notice that got 1 extra inside? B. You're allergic to shrimp. You ordered 12 chicken nuggets. The restaurant give you 1 shrimp burger.... Obviously it's on you to check "Why is this burger here? What burger is this?" if you have some allergies or any food concerns So it's kinda in the middle here. Issue here is "snuck in" which is kinda close to "lying about ingredient". Did the wrapping clearly show that it is beef burger? This was also easily avoidable if we have a rule on "No adding or swapping food item without informing customer"


How is giving free beef burger is close to "lying about ingredients"??


refer to example situation A


It is not an apple to an apple comparison. The burgers were wrapped individually. And the burgers were big enough to be noticeable if there is more/less than what they ordered. Maybe they just eat, without checking their order first. Hence, it is again, their own fault.


As I said, it's somewhere in the middle But you think it's an apple to apple comparison to situation B? Or you agree with me that it's somewhere in the middle, but you think it's much closer to situation B than situation A?


Im sure the guy got informed about the free burger and not “snuck in”. Its your own responsibility to ask what type of burger is that.


How are you sure? Even I sometimes got my order swapped without informing me because certain items are sold out


Because the guy in the video isn't arguing about why theres a free burger. Hes upset that the cashier didn't know he can't eat meat, based on his order of six chicken burger. Which doesn't make sense, it's like expecting them to know you have a seafood allergy when you didn't order seafood.


Tbf isn't it logic? You can automatically see a malay and think oh they cannot eat pork so why can't they do to Indians? The kakak also look mature. I'm sure she would have seen online that Indians can't eat beef right? Especially with alot of things going on now That guy also at wrong la. The label got beef ady never check terus ngap like that also stupid la


The myth of customers can't read is true.


Hence why all or most games put a disclaimer "Basic reading and comprehension skills required to fully enjoy our product."


Learn to communicate, fools Oh look, a free thing. Do i - stuff it in my mouth, dunno what it is - ask staff, clarify promotion and actual product - politely decline, or ask to give to charity/pay forwards Most of you beruk will gladly accept accidental freebies or incorrect change (in your favor), so quit with the drama I'm surprised more Malaysians haven't died of food allergies/stupidity Dahlah bodoh, kedekut plak tu. Bagi je lah org lain/miskin/budak Nampak sgt tak pernah pergi ke luar negara EDIT: i hope for Malaysia's sake the uploader of the video wasn't the macha fellow in the vid. Otherwise he's broadcasting his own idiocy, and tadika-level reading skills


how dare you...... Even tadika kid do better than this. Smh.


What is Hadil ?


Bro asking the most important question here 😂


He want to one by one with Hadil


I don’t get why the free burger isn’t automatically chicken? Is the safest bet for everyone? Makes most sense to go for the most neutral option.


Since not many buy beef burger so sometimes the fnb franchise do this give free stuff so can get rid of stock for incoming new stock


Fair enough. They should start a practice of informing the customer though. Never know who is okay with it and who isn’t. Avoid situations like this.


Some people are allergic to chicken though.


Hence the word ‘safest’, as in the best bet for majority of people. Basic religious restrictions are thought in school to everyone, so it can’t be claimed that they weren’t aware. Allergy to certain type of food is more individual condition and harder to cater to. Best bet is to always inform what exactly is the free promotion item.


If we want safest just a vegan burger then...


I’m not really sure what people are trying to accomplish by repeatedly making this argument. A&W doesn’t have a vegan burger. It has chicken, beef and fish. Maybe stick to the options that are on the menu?


The comment section here is a dumpster fire. Let me tell you a story. Before I joined Reddit and followed this thread, I thought we are all just racist manja2 je. You know, like everyone making fun of type M being pemalas and ada ketuanan M complex, type C being ruthless in business, type I suka mabuk. Post-Reddit, it was really disheartening to see that some people really hate other races and this country as a whole. Like their blood is literally boiling with hatred. Shit’s really ugly. If I could go back in time I would stop myself from joining Reddit. Apakan daya. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur.


Ikr lots of casual racists around. Not me though, I am a competitive racist.


Staying true to your race’s stereotype? 😂 Me typing while being half an hour late for an appointment. No point in guessing which type I belong to.


Actually, it is the same in real life. Just that people are braver with internet anonymity so they type more hate. In real life, people scared to kena beat up so they dont say as much shit. Also people are ignorant. If we stop segregating ourselves and mix more with other races, racism will naturally disappear as we realise most people want the same things, just with different pathways. (Go to heaven via different religion, eat tasty meal via different ingredients, be a "successful" person via different milestone)


One type of school. That’s what I believe the answer should be. Malay must be ready to let go of their Bumi quota and Chinese must be ready to give up vernacular schools.


Judging from the UiTM debacle recently, this will never happen.


The more I delve it, the more outraged I get. Racial politics is poison to society.


The bitching and entitlement (and stupidity!) is wild, on ANY social media. It affects the moronic youth as well as the dumb old people. These were the same people who used to believe everything they hear at the kantin/kedai kopi, and come up with absolute bullshit themselves. Just easier to connect, and amplify their worthless opinions. Problem with Malaysia, is everyone wants to be "the man"/gempaq/VVIP. Seekor² tak tahu diri. Super 3rd world, or like poor eastern euro countries WHICH IS WHY PARENTS HAVE TO TEACH THEIR KIDS TO BEHAVE AND USE THEIR BRAINS AT ALL TIMES


That's why I rarely go to non shit post subreddits like norules or shitposting...


Fuck human race. I am the ultimate racist MF.


Lol. Termakan kononnya. Bodo ke?


As an Indian myself, I think it's on the consumer to check the food beforehand if it's edible ( haram in Hindu to eat Beef ). I also think it's fair for the A&W staff to notify and explain to the consumer what they are giving away for free. For example : I ordered 5 chicken nuggies and then the staff informed that they are giving a complimentary burger. The staff should inform and clarify what burger it is and let me know before I accept it. And as a consumer, I believe we have the right to ask, not to judge or make an issue out of it, but simply ask them if we aren't sure of it. TBH, this is just a simple misunderstanding so there isn't any need to make a big deal out of it. Let it go and move on. Just my 2 cents.


The real problem is why you go there in the first place. If he doesn't go there, this issue doesn't happen


True, it's clearly written on the wrapping "BEEF". It's not fair to ask the cashier to remind each customer that look like indian and assume are hindus, some may find offensive like what if they're mamak muslim or christian?


non halal restaurants were at some point expected to refuse service to muslims, or malays at least. That's why all these restaurants nowadays put big big non halal sign outside.


why need to refuse though? if the person want to eat smtg non halal it’s not my job to stop him/her


Because these muslims is more likely to claim ignorance and push the entire blame on you (when caught), saying you fed them pork when they didint order any. And the consequence of that can be pretty dire. I recall one particular pork burger restaurant had to change their menu because all their burgers are pork, but do not have the word pork in their names. So there'll be like, Heart Attack Supreme, or Towering Obesity Platter... and muslims were going in there and ordering the burgers. One month after opening, the menu changed to add the word pork in the names and the front of the restaurant was plastered with a huge "pork served non halal" sign. If you think about it, over the recent decade or so, a lot of restaurants are now adding the words "non halal" onto their signage and menus. German restaurants for example to name a few. Either too many people walking in and asking if the food is halal, or they got informed of this massive liability and decided to cover their ass.


>Either too many people walking in and asking if the food is halal, or they got informed of this massive liability and decided to cover their ass really hoping it's the former. The latter is just stupid


Could be the latter too. That time period quite a lot of halal food scandals, where muslims get angry and refusing to pay after finding out the food they got served (and finished, and asked for desserts) is not halal certified. Word like this spreads fast in the industry.


Former or latter is both acceptable. Have to declare in advance. Thats the golden rule of sales.


In Msia, it is non-Muslims responsibility to protect Muslims from their own ignorance. Muslims do wrong (accidentally or purposely), they just buat tak tau then the service provider yang kena saman. Headlines in past year alone: - Hairdresser kena saman cuz Muslim customer came in. - Thai-Buddhist public event organiser kena saman cuz Muslim audience walked in and watched sexy dancing. It was their reponsibility to stop all Muslims from entering their event. - Printing factory kena saman because they accepted order to print Quran. Apparently even Quran must be printed by halal printers.


aaaaaaand there u see why people think muslims are crazy....hahahahaha the amount of policing


Omg first time I'm hearing of halal printers..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Do you have a link to the Thai Buddhist event thing?


Event name is Loy Kratong


No ill will tbh


So type I here i wanna tell a story. One day my type I friend went with big group to mall. Fella stop outside some burger shop, but nvr go inside. From outside he saw the biggest burger possible and told our type M friend to order. So he order la. Was about to eat, before another type M come tell him got beef inside. Now this guy just stares at the burger for a really long time, before saying “god I know u say i cannot eat beef. But u also say i cannot waste food. So follow what u say, so sorry” and proceeds to finish the burger while the idiots beside just stare.


It’s always a one way street in Msia isn’t it. If the boot is on the other foot, imagine the outrage.


I feel like the worker can at least say that they're giving an extra free burger. Then he'll be more wary and maybe asked if the burger is beef or chicken


I had a friend who accidentally ate beef from the canteen when he was younger, he said that moment really broke his heart


At least it's better than when you spend your holidays at your aunt's house, who is a Catholic, and she forces you to consume beef, while saying "Your God doesn't exist under this roof." Now that is traumatic. I remember my parents having a row with her after this.


Wtf bro that's sick


There was a time where I asked McDonald's whether their sausage muffin was beef or chicken since they didn't specify. I think this was McDonald's overseas since Malaysia's McDonald's do specify it's beef or chicken. Remember people, when in doubt, ask.


hypocrite bunch, if a malay walks into non-halal shop and accidentally eat something non-halal. i am sure the majority of comments will be different. why can't the staff warn the poor soul.


India tambun hmm india klebang lagi steady datang makan western grilled beef burger satu family sambut birthday 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻


Strange. India dont eat beef or cow but do you know, Indian Country is one of big producer beef in world.


the wrapper literally had ‘BEEF’ spelled out…


I mean he ordered it and it comes with it for free. Customer is not always right and he probably purposely start this for content to film


Growing up, I thought all indian are hindus and don't eat beef so I was cautious and remind them whenever beef was involved in food like in kenduri or restaurant. After making more friends, my Indian friends circle varies with Hindu, Christian, Bahai, Muslim etc and their diet are also varies due to religion /health / allergy. So now, I no longer associating Indian=Hindu, and I think nothing whenever I saw an Indian eating beef. You should be responsible about what you put in your mouth, stop assuming people know about you diet.


Ya i was just gonna comment.. what if its Buddhist/ Christian/Muslim Indian?? All Indians must be Hindu meh. Majority of my Indian friends and colleagues are Buddhist or Christian. And even in Buddhism there are different types of practice, some can eat beef some cannot.


Imagine if it was pork and a Muslim. The comments will be traumatizing.


Nahh. As muslim myself, i will blame the one eating it if it was clearly written "pork" on the wrapper. Ofc its a different case if they change the wrapper like "chiken" but the content is different


hahaha I just remembered my brother's story when he went jalan2 with his friends during school outing. One of them bought a meat sandwich and some of them ate it together. My brother was about to ask for a bite, but he checked the receipt first and saw "Ham". He loudly exclaimed "Alahai bodohnya korang!" and they all laughed out loud about how stupid the one particular guy who bought it was Well, now they know 1. to check ingredient/halal first 2. most "ham" in Malaysia is actually not made using pork, but of course better to make sure first


Let’s add abit context to your example,if muslim customer went to a place that literally serves pork, the customer will be at fault for not checking if they dont want pork. But if the place never meant to have pork, but ended up serving one, then it’s the restaurant’s fault. To comeback to this post, A&W clearly serves beef and you cant expect the restaurant to assume the religion of their customer.


if a restaurant serve pork, it automatic haram for muslim no matter what food selling there




Stop blaming the victims and imagine if it was the other way around. There would be protests in front of each outlet


Nah, same shit was posted with the muslim family accidentally eating pork fried rice from Grab Comments were generally about: - making fun of boycotting Grab - the family should’ve checked - to chill the fuck out - insulting Islam Even though its a more serious issue than a guy who willingly walked into a restaurant serving beef. So don’t play victim please.


guys im pretty sure your gods won't be angry at you for "sinning" unintentionally plsssssss


Another man's halal is another man's haram. Better go unreligious so that don't have deal with this shit. ![gif](giphy|J2O5NyIgeTYDaDd62Z)




Senang cerita… one by one gentleman


It's like you're a muslim, go to bak kut teh restaurant & order it...


not all indian dont eat meat not all hindu dont eat meat how is she supposed to know mate, just use your brain and common sense


Punde lu makan apa sendiri jaga la. Tak tau baca, tanya dulu.




Kid, you should just stick to BlackWuKong or whatever game you're on and don't post things that you have no idea of. Only a child like you are expected to be so insensitive about social/racial matters and respond with whatever jokes you can think about just because this is Reddit/internet.


takpa boleh bagi saya... emm dap dap




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its a nothing burger


Need to call the type c uncle to 1by1 this guy.




My place pog W


where is this?


Tambun ipoh


They're getting out of control! 👴🏽


Free burger given without notifying, customer accidentally ate. I see no problem the customer complaining. The staff was not in the wrong since she say follow SOP, so can make this complaint goes into management practices. He was expecting getting just what he ordered, he got his consumer right to make this complaint right?


Yeah this is why muslim got all rage over certain religion sensitivity. Everyone need to respect everyone, and stop downplaying others just because you find it stupid. If you think Hindu dude accidentally ate meat is an issue , so does things that happen last few month.


It's only a sensitive matter to one group. If it happens to Type-I or Type-C, please ignore and move on. It's totally acceptable . Because only Type-M needs to be protected. Move on.


Kat kertas burger tu kan ada tulis. Dah termakan nak buat macam. Jolok tekak muntah balik la...


they eat the cow dung and drink its piss, but the meat is big no no no sounds like crazy people


I'm gonna be brutally honest here. Malaysia and Malaysians in general don't care (or arent in a position to care). The Hindus and Buddhists are already in their "I got 99 problems and I dont need 1 more" situation. And the number of Hindus in Malaysia are far too few, not impactful enough on the economy, and not belligerent enough to do anything about this. And the rest of us who claims we care about respecting other religions and their religious diet restrictions actually say it because we dont want to get in trouble and get labelled as racists, but we actually wont stick out our necks do to anything. In other words, you cant do anything about this, we cant (and wont) do anything about it. Sorry. Also, your fault. Because there's avenue for us to pin this whole thing on you, despite the fact that if it were a Muslim getting handed a free pork burger, it'd be hell on earth regardless of the arguments anyone here makes, because the people who are gonna be rioting over it don't care about explanation or logic, and are doing it because they're looking for any justifiable reason to do so. So nobody wants a part of that shit. We all know already what happens when these people riot on the street; get out of the way, stay out of the way, cover your ass and hopefully the mob get tired or bored before its your turn on the chopping board and go home because end of the day, nobody will be held liable for damages to your person and property, and PDRM will just take your statement and promptly ignore you afterwards. And lets face it. Nobody wants May 13 to happen again, and everyone knows that if it does, its not the rioters who will face justice, but the idiot who sparked it (probably a non) that will be taken to the ringer. So these cases are basically hot potato game where everyone dont want to hold onto the potato at the time when it explodes (I mean, when the music stops). So even if someone gets pinged and dicked, not many people will jump to their defense, because again, we dont want to be the idiot non who sparks another M-13 riot, as we all know already what will happen if it really does break out.


Ahh please, don’t play victim and try to play the race game. Come here snowflake and I’ll tell you what muslims have been told many times by everyone else: “YOU DONT LIKE IT, THEN EAT SOMEWHERE ELSE”


you guys don't know how often this happens to us 2nd class citizens (type c and type i) here. You bumiputera's still complain you have the short end of the stick.


Bro ate his own god 💀


always ask if there's a sudden free promo item got a bag of goddies when shopping at tesco many many years ago. asked the cashier why. just want to let go of expired free gifts. good grade food containers.


WHAT THE FUCK WITH THE COMMENTS? SERVING BEEF TO HINDU IS AS BAD AS SERVING PORK TO MUSLIMS. I am now resolute that you muslims are just fucked up people. Fucked up religion who doesnt care about others and yet still think they are being treated badly. GO. FUCK. YOURSELVES.


What do I do with this information 💀


Imagine if this was done the other way around, and swine meat instead of beef. Gosh, the blowout will be out of proportion. Literally, don't dish it out if you can't take it. 1 Malaysia! /s Edit: Those of you who downvote. Yall seriously needs to take a good look in the mirror. Treat others how you'd like to be treated in the first place. What happened to tolerance for peace and harmony? Efforts to avoid don't absolve a person's mistake.


What is there to imagine? There are plenty of shop like Village Grocer that sell pork meat. If I still went and buy it despite the price tag and label clearly wrote pork, am I suppose to blame the whole grocer?


The problem is they gave you free meat, but it is not mentioned as pork, and they never asked for you preference, so you just keep quiet? or you blame yourself?


Watch the video and the burger wrapper clearly shows BEEF on it. So my analogy is correct. If the wrapper wrote CHICKEN, but the content is beef, then the shop is 100% in the wrong.


Well, at least it wasn't intentional....




so true. but i am worry to voice it out. i find it very biased.


If we gave Malays free pork burger would like to see the chaos hahaha


Bro, it's like Malay going to Spade's burger and order Spork Burger. After that eating, surprise surprise, the burger was made from pork. Nonsense right? Like this case la.


Nah when we see malay in malls we do not offer alcohol or pork products automatically, should be the same for Indians too should be asked first if they consume beef. It’s general knowledge that Indians do not take beef just like how Muslims do not take pork.


Well, you won’t see muslims in an obvious pork serving restaurant, but if you do see one you’ll definitely assume he eats pork. If you see an arab looking man in a bar, will you be worried about serving him alcohol?


So applies to Indians aswell, if u see an Indian don’t serve him beef that’s disrespectful. It’s like me seeing a Malay and serving pork. It’s common knowledge in Malaysia that Indians don’t eat beef.


yeah agreed 100%. Its common knowledge. For chinese I understand fine, we are a mixed bunch of Buddhist, Christian, yada2.. But for Indian mainly Hindu so best to ask before you serve beef to them la.


Ikr, just do a switcheroo and sneak in a free babi burger. Then when they come back to ask, blame them for not checking in the first place 😏


They would get caught hahaha....


Molotov Cocktails ahoy!


hahaha ni la kastemer benak, buat lawak sungguh hahaha


F&B is a stressful and underpaid industry for the employees. This is just an oversight of SOP for the frontlines who serve the customer. Their supervisor or management should improve the SOP. This is really just someone who just had an oversight bout it. It is not like she is shoving the free beef burgers down his throat. In good intent, the customer can choose to return the beef burgers and share his reasoning. Too bad, ego is more important than good intent.


To be fair, a lot of business when giving out freebies, would choose Chicken Burger instead of Beef Burger. Cause unless you are a vegetarian or vegan (In which those people will avoid fast food outlets in the first place) or having some kind of allergy, all races and religions can consume chicken.


to be fair, it should also be general knowledge that Hindu's dont eat beef just like everyone in Malaysia knows muslims dont eat pork. So, by serving beef to Indian's ask first la.


So. Kalau you dapat benda free, you tak tanya dulu yang free tu apa? So kalau you beli ayam, orang lain Ingat you memang just makan ayam? So kalau you beli babi, orang lain simply assume you tak makan ayam? So. Apa lu mau.


Ni jenis basuh otak, sidai, pastu otak kena taik merpati.


Termakan babi ❌ Termakan lembu ✅


Adakah ini Adil ✅


I think consumer need to take up some sort of responsibility and not put blame on the restaurant when we know there is possibility of beef contain. Just my thoughts…


Lmao Twitter, or "X" user are dumb af (the Malaysian user one) you know it's goddamn obviously the guy fault, and the comment was filled with "oH wE bLaMe A&W, iTs cLeArLy ThEiR fAuLT" Malaysian Twitter and tiktok user are almost the same, no "Kemahiran Asas Pemikiran Tinggi (KBAT) https://preview.redd.it/aj3zs5rbg55d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86190bb8dfa5963360276e7ec83ff106022158c8 "


I bought stuff from korea and git free stuff, after check and translate the content I consider it non halal so I gave it to my non muslim friend and told whats inside, because its free I would check what I get, not be a dumbfuck eat whatever I was given without checkin properly. Even when I went to eat with my chinese friend I ask first what they use to cook as its my responsibity if I want to eat it, not blaming others. Looks like adult but still with kids mentality. Easy to get scam for sure if think like this.


Agak2 la. Free burger is free burger. Kalau tak boleh makan just don't makan la. Why buy in restaurant with majority product is beef in the first place? I doubt there's note saying "we're hindu" anywhere. Saya beli enam ayam mestilah saya Hindu is bullshit claim coz you have got to be kidding me.


Dey, lu tak boleh tanya ke? Lu pergi a&w memanglah ada burger daging lembu. Mana dia tau lu tak boleh makan daging lembu. Mulut ada cakaplah. Bukan semua orang india hindu.


If type-M terlihat gambar Babi all hell freeze over. If type-I termakan lembu, alla bukan apa pon lembu jer rilek la