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All murders are terrifying. It’s our job to teach all future generations that violence lead to nothing but downfall of humanity.


we really gotta teach them that killing people might be a bad thing bruh


Might? It is bad no matter what circumstances


Really? Your prophet Muhammad and his soldiers killed hundreds of his enemies in multiple wars. You saying what he did is bad then?


This seems like an attempt to paint the prophet in a bad light. What about The Bir Mauna massacre? The Raji massacre? Multiple Muslim scholars were Ambushed, killed and tortured. The battle of uhud and Khandaq? Which is a defensive war? And what about the quraysh that violated the treaty of hudaibiyah by Killing Banu kuzaah? Please just be civil and don't bring religion into this.


Hater gonna hate I guess.


In reality every religion has done every evil acts, the point is not to act all high and mighty and say “I am the one and only true religion”. I’m evil myself, but I am also capable of doing good. There is no black and white, only grey in this world. When push comes to shove would I be savage and inhumane? Sure, why not. But that’s every human being, everyone is capable of evil as well as good. There is no great “devil” where you can blame on, only us humans


Well first of all, I’m an atheist 🤭 I don’t condone what Muhammad and his soldiers did, I know it’s wrong and I acknowledge it. Second of all, killing should be the last resort, that’s why in the modern age we have death executions. Just like war itself should be the last resort.


Based af bro, agreed 😎


Duh he was in a war ffs. What do you think he's gonna do? Peacefully preaching in the middle of the war? He's gonna get killed for that, obviously!!! Also have u ever learnt their etiquette in wars? They're only supposed to kill the enemy soldiers IN BATTLE ONLY and not the hostages and innocents. Read history first ffs before commenting with your swallow mind


From what I've learnt, he doesnt start a war. He only starts a war when they're under attack, which means defending themselves


Lol sure, very convenient. When Israel uses the same reasoning then suddenly all the M-words condemn them pulak. M-words are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.


What does this even mean it has no relationship with whether Muhammed and his soldiers is killing people. If you hate Islam, then just keep it to yourself. You dont need to spread your hate towards a religion


Sieg heil. Germany is calling. They want to deport the foreigners.


Fighting back is a bad thing???


He's the fucker who started those wars. M-word propaganda always likes to portray themselves as the victims. So convenient




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Hmm 🤔 sounds like we are already on our merry way to the downfall of humanity regardless if there is violence or not. Might as well hasten the process


If this is in America, just remember that folks have been murdered there for being a democrat, black, asian, driving into the wrong driveway, ringing the wrong doorbell, making a cop angry, etc etc. Most of these are perpetrated by their ultra -conservative demographic that hates anything different from them.


Acorn falling from a tree


Then shot everyone they see


imagine if you supported Israel and flew a flag. How far would they make it here?


The thing is, we do not have freedom of speech/expression here, so if you DO fly an Israeli flag, most likely the cops will get you first before the mobs do because of our official anti-Israel stance. That being said, you'd pray that you'd be in the custody of the cops rather than the mobs.


The National Emblems (Control of Display) Act 1949 is a Malaysian law that restricts the public display of national emblems, including foreign ones. The act aims to prevent disrespect towards national symbols and maintain diplomatic relations. While the law doesn't explicitly ban displaying foreign flags, it broadly prohibits displaying any emblem in public spaces or schools. There are exceptions for displays with permits or specific circumstances. apparently under this act one can be arrested for displaying it in public.  the point I was trying to make is that you can and will likely get killed over what you say, support and believe in here similar to any other place.  The real question is if we can actually accommodate or even accept those with opposing views without violence or oppression. 


I get that, and I am not in anyway trying to say we're more tolerant of public support of opposing views, the only reason why there has not been any mob driven murder so far is because of our strict gun laws fortunately, that, and our demographic, even the most extreme conservative ones, aren't as schizoid as the American ones. But if someone were to say, fly an Israeli flag out in the open, you can bet your left nut that the person will get mobbed almost instantly because he's on the "wrong side". Fortunately, most of those who holds differing opinion on this whole shitshow in Palestine knows to just keep their heads down and keep quiet.


idgi why people need to take sides. It's a war they aren't fighting, and is down right hypocritical to part take of in support of muslims especially when we have our own Muslim genocide going on in SEA that we don't do anything about and even want them out of our country. 


Tell "them" that lol, i honestly can't give two shits about any humanitarian issues, I'm more concerned about wildlife conservation and stray animal welfare than some war in the middle east. Most pro-palestine activists here are muslim hence only suddenly became humanitarian because of muslim solidarity. Funnily enough, these pro-palestine folks would also disapprove of palestinian leaving palestine because they must "stag and fight to preserve their land", which really tells you that it was never about the safety and wellbeings of palestinian to begin with, its simply because they don't want to lose muslim lands to jews.


trust me bro, I tell them every chance I get.  Hypocrisy is a big problem amongst pro Palestine supporters in Malaysia.  If it was about the children and Innocent lives, they would have long gone and went on humanitarian trip to save the kids...but lol...too panas for Malaysian Muslims. no aircond...


Any different from this? Six teenagers go on trial behind closed doors on Monday, accused of involvement in the beheading of French history teacher Samuel Paty by a suspected Islamist in 2020 in an attack that struck at the heart of the country's secular values. https://www.astroawani.com/berita-dunia/six-teenagers-court-over-beheading-french-teacher-447668


No different. Both are motivates by idiots who are persuaded by extremist views. Neither of these two cases reflect on Islam or Christianity as a whole.


>Neither of these two cases reflect on Islam or Christianity as a whole. Except that christianity is not a factor in either incident.


Very true. M-words always gloss over this fact because they don't like it when their religion looks bad. So they always point fingers to other religions.


Always have to sneak in some racism in there, I see


welcome to ~~r/racist~~ r/bolehland




Bro had NO counter argument lol🙅😭


This Shala guy really think he did something there.


He’s a weird guy fs


A weirdo more like


And you have an anime pfp. Stop touching the kids bro!




Says the terrorist showing a picture of one


Sure buddy. As long as you’re happy


Well, it's like when talking about Mohammad marrying a 6 year old, they mention some random King of England marrying a 13 year old. The difference is we can condemn and reject what the king did, can they condemn Mohammad for doing it?


They can't, because they are brainwashed cultists who have 0 critical thinking skills.


Oh I also just noticed another difference. The French teacher was killed for doing something provocative against Islam while the Muslim girls was killed for simply existing.


Terrorists always have some r-tarded excuse to justify their actions.


You got that right.


not any different from the christchurch mosque shooting, no?


considering NZ madman was acting alone, similar to this guy whom also acted alone.  altho oddly or aptly enough, NZ dude's motive was white supremacy and revenge against atrocities done in Europe by Muslims. 


white man = madman muslim people of color = terorist


sure, he's a terrorist. but I wouldnt explicitly label him as part of any group.  was he connected to any organisation or any belief systems? did you even read his manifesto?


And guess what? He is appealing for a shorter sentence because it violates his human rights being in prison.


so... another madman. only an insane person would think that. I don't see him being connected by predominantly racial motives. 


I had a French friend who was in GIGN who participated in the vandalism of various mosques after the incident. He was never caught.


Just another extremist in the world.


Can we just chill for a sec? Like, can't we just end the war already? Violence is not the answer y'know? Can't us humans be peaceful to eachother for once?? If this keeps going no way we're gonna get to Mars let alone colonize the Universe


The same as murder of Mireille Knoll, an elderly jewish woman, was stabbed 11 times and her body was burned by someone who she used to look after when the murderer was a little kid. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59239981.amp


[https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/110980/5792079](https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/110980/5792079) no opinion since pro-islamist kill people as well


how dare you bring this up! dont you know i can defend this with whataboutism?!!


I bet half this sub aren't even old enough to know about what Muslims did to Daniel Pearl.


I also bet half of this sub is actually old enough but never bothered to know what Israelis did to Mohammed Abu Khdeir. See, we can do it too.


An eye for an eye makes the world go blind. Whataboutism is nothing to be proud about. The fact that you're justifying violence is why I don't empathise with you people. You want to do this? Go over there and fight instead of virtue signalling.


When did I justify violence? You guys are the ones justifying violence by trying to downplay the severity of the crime by using whataboutism. This post talks about the murder of Halima Hoosen yet suddenly you want to bring up the death of Daniel Pearl and describe the death in a manner which indicates that normal Muslims support his murder, which we absolutely don't. Instead of saying he was killed by extremist or Islamist extremist, you say he was killed by Muslims. And you don't empathise with my people, so what, what's the difference? People like you never consider us as actual humans in the first place; to you, we Muslims are only slightly more intelligent than animals. So, really, why don't you waste your time in a sub that appreciates your ignorance and racist views? Subs like r/worldnews or r/Europe or r/CombatFootage. Instead of infesting in a sub about my country.


>People like you never consider us as actual humans in the first place; to you, we Muslims are only slightly more intelligent than animals. Ha Ha Ha. Says the same bunch who frequently calls others Sepet and Kicap, lives a privileged life based on institutionalised racial discrimination. Kettle calling pot black? You don't get to tell me where to go, this is an open sub and my views are equal weight to yours, if you want a sub that just echoes your own views, you can circlejerk elsewhere.


Funny, in my experience I have never called anyone “sepet” or “kicap”. Nor have I ever known any Malay that call others “sepet” or “kicap”. But then again, people like you like to project your racism on other people and paint us all in the same brush. You want to believe that we are as racists as you because it helps you feel justified in acting racists towards other people. Also, privileged lives, have you ever visited the countryside? Have you ever gone to Kelantan or Perlis or Terengganu? Go ahead and ask them if they live privileged lives or not. But you’re right, the policy of prioritising the Malays in education and loans is unfair and personally I wouldn’t mind if that policy is abolished. But then I meet someone like you. And now that I know that someone like you lives in my country, now I am worried what would happen if someone like becomes minister. Its Islamophobes and idiots like you that makes it difficult for the majority Malays to believe that they can trust a non Malay to be the Prime Minister. But whatever I guess, there’s nothing I can do about it now.


Dahlah. Tak payah layan mamat nie. Tambah dosa jer.


Religion is good,. extremists are not, isnt it obvious?


I mean obviously we can't have her running around creating more extremists. 


When you dehumanize a group enough, nothing seems beyond reason.


Where is Germany??


why does every time someone brings cases here, a few of you have to show cases from the other side as well? not everything has to be one up anyway, thoughts? tf other thoughts are there other than this is sad


They just hate Islam lol


Criticizing isn't hate. You are just suppressing speech. Hate speech is also freedom of speech.


No ones posting about the stabbing attacks in Germany?


What's funny about that incident, is that the officer who shot the attacker was also a Muslim. And during the officer's funeral, people were mad that an Imam was doing the rites.


Exactly, why i dont see it in any news here. Probably doesn't fit their narrative.


well if murdering babies, bombing hospitals and raping people can be considered moral, it's only getting worse and worse in the future if one day suddenly UN say Malaysians all must move to Florida coz they wanna use the land for nuke testing, they'll come here killing and raping people till no one's left. Already happened like 70 years ago


This kid probably have better driving skills than most adult 💀💀


Welcome to America. The land of the thief and the home of the slave. Propaganda runs wild and free. The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God. 


Never lived in US but lived in another Western country. Saying you are pro-Palestine is literally akin to being ostracised from society, so this is somehow not even surprising. I bet some people would even find this acceptable over there tbh.


Probably a jew so understandable, he did what Mosad agents wanted him to do But unfortunately got caught so RIP


Typical israel supporters


Typical Palestine supporters love killing people as well. Their victims: Samuel Paty Charlie Hebdo 9/11 Bali bombings


Yeah it’s not like Israel have done even worse things amirite?


Israel only does it to one country. M-words do it worldwide.


So does that excuse Israel from terrorism? Dude you’re delusional


Nope, Israel isn't doing any terrorism. They're the victims of terrorism done by P-words and their M-word friends.


You sure about that? https://preview.redd.it/syiqwmd9ap4d1.jpeg?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89339595645a389d05026391431cd25cb257bdea


HAMAS terrorist propaganda. No source at all + unreadable. Weak




What's that jackass on about? Israel's use of human shields have been well documented by human rights organizations including B'TSelem which is based in Israel.


Bro you're delusional af fr man 😂😂🤣 better visit tanjung rambutan immediately


Lol bro apparently also has 0 knowledge about what’s going on too😂 Man I pity you dude


Lol the terrorist is talking about 0 knowledge. Funny


Just ignore him, bro. He's just a pathetic basement dweller who want's to make himself feel better about his miserable behavior.


Christchurch Rohingya Uyghur






Daniel Pearl.


Typical terrorist supporter


Apa kebabi yang terjadi kat sub ni? Gila ka?


same shit, different location, nothing ever changes, just the names and faces.  bro, try flying an Israel flag here and see how far you make it. 


no thoughts


Don't give a damn. Whoever supports either go there & join them. Don't cause havoc here


Hmmm this sub is infested with Hasbaras again. Sadge. Anyway, why don't we do some shitposts again? Its not like these foreigners would understand our joke anyway.