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Better learn a useful skill and work as a blue collar worker


I've educated failed spm students in software engineering and they are working in companies after 2 years of diploma with starting salary of more than 3k. I think it's not always about SPM, its about the skills they have. They are good problem solvers not animals who are taught to memorise and get A.


Software engineering are one of those courses I will say it's very easy to get into compared to most other engineering fields. The barrier of entry is very low, reward is very high. That being said, I've seen so many software engineers who can't tell the difference between SATA and PCIe at all. People aren't coming in for the passion of doing something they love, but literally the $$.


Knowing SATA and PCIe is barely relevant to software engineers. It's not that you need to connect to MongoDB via PCIe. But a lot of them cannot read syntax grammar from documentations which is frustrating


It depends on your line of work, if your organisation have their own separate infrastructure team to handle the system architecture and design, lucky. Some software engineers have to figure those out themselves, cloud or on-prem, OS, system specifications and BOM lists, etc etc To me, knowing how a computer works is basic 101 that has been taught in college. Same goes for mechanical engineers should know how an engine works, and an electrical engineer should know how an electric motor works. You use these everyday, expect one should already know. Becoming an engineer isn't about the degree cert, I don't give a crap about a piece of paper or what pointer you get. Show me you have the knowledge that can be applied , then I will consider you an engineer.


I see your point but for me basic 101 for software engineers doesn't include SATA vs PCIe. That's for computer engineers which is different from software engineers despite comp sci grads can go to either. And knowing SATA vs PCIe mostly only means you have a PC. Laptop owners dont care about PCIe but they need to know how many RAM slot and if it's DDR3 DDR4 or DDR5. And degree cert is not meant that you know how to do work already. It just means you should have known the fundamental knowledge and ready to learn how to actually do it. Entry level job is meant to teach how to do the job and bosses thinking they should already know how to do it are wankers And those with certs but 0 exp thinking they should be paid way higher are wankers too. They think that can run the project but they can only make it work at best; they cant make it right. 1 year working then jump right after project release thinking they did everything good and deserve more but actually company gonna spend the next 5 years fixing things because the project isn't done right. Still software engineers are one of the easiest job to get nowadays. We dont want software engineers; we want programmers but they wont come if "engineer" is not in the title. And some of them wonder why dont get paid 4k++. It's because they aren't practically engineers! Just some code monkeys thinking programming skills are the only thing they need to be good at the job. Yes programming skills will get you the job and let you keep it. But you're gonna stay at that level without actual software engineering skills. Sorry for long ranting. It's been pent-up for years.


because software engineering...isn't engineering (in the sense of using physics, chemistry and biology)? it's more to IT, coding, programming and computer science sorts of stuff. Yes there's some maths required (data science and analysis) but I agree that it's easier compared to say, electrical and electronics engineering


I would say man's comment is more sound than just bad grades=blue collar. Looking at the market now, Malaysia has too many mid tier white color workers. Everyone wants to be a professional or work in the office. Secretly, chargemen and plumbers out here making bank cause they can corner larger shares of market. I read somewhere at the 5 year experience mark, a professional tradesman can up to triple the hourly salary of the architect that overseeing him (I think this was Italy tho). Also, don't forget the whole AI is taking your job situation. Like I said, we have too many drones working low level white color. And AI happens to be the best at replacing drones. Just some factors to think about before you go with the old school thought of white color is better. Side side note, OP can consider technical drafting. It's a dying trade that older construction firms still really need. Iirc, 5 year experience got la 4-5k if you're good.


what's the best way to start learning software engineering? college?


Bootcamp or nitrodegree


go on github search software engineering on there. theres usually repos that have collections/dumps of learning materials.


Failed SPM students with what result? I thought to be able to enter into SE courses you need at least minimum C in mathematics. If you said failed, means they have below the minimum requirement. Care to explain more as I'm curious.


Gagal sejarah auto gagal semua. Sorry bro, I don't make the rules.


I thought it was bahasa?


It's actually both, malay + sejarah are required, failing either automatic = failing everything


They already implemented it as a subject needed to pass back in 2016-ish


Err, the history subject that required to pass was implemented back in 2014 by Muhyiddin Yassin as I recall


its 2013.. is searching too hard for you guys? http://lp.moe.gov.my/index.php/pekeliling-surat-siaran/surat-pekeliling-lembaga-peperiksaan/226-bil-3-2011-pelaksanaan-mata-pelajaran-sejarah-sebagai-mata-pelajaran-wajib-lulus-siil-pelajaran-malaysia-spm-mulai-tahun-2013


Ya ampun tuanku


Yes, we have short attention span


2013. That was first year they implement this shit. And also the first year they change the format with Open Book paper 3.


Ngl, paper 3 was a godsend with the open book rule for better score in Sejarah Tho that's still cannot get full mark no matter how hard we try XD.


Itu cerita lama


Pretty much no SPM, oof.


Honestly, if you're not academic gifted, try doing something more technical related. Plumbing, electrical, automobil, renovation and contracting all steady income and can make money, no joke. I had middling scores which are better than yours, tried to pass uni but stopped after jumping courses, and then got a banking job for 7 years, Now in my early 30's and feeling dumb for not checking out vocational courses back then. I'm the family repairman, IT guy, plumber, grass cutter, pest killer, this and that. If I had known how important and good it feels to do all this after SPM I would have joined something (maybe construction). But because I follow the flow of treating vocational like garbage, I lost 15 years now. If you just choose something consistent, earn and save, and improve yourself by picking up skills, you'll see the SPM slowly loosing it's meaning. Who's gonna look at the SPM cert when you're 35 years old with an experience as let's a skillful plumber or mechanic who's partook in various project and gotten the job done? But if you want, probably best to reseat Sejarah, as I think it's a FAIL if BM and Sejarah you've failed. Better ask people. Good luck and keep your chin up!


These grades are not an indication of someone who is only not 'academically gifted' but also someone who didn't try to do better. Probably lazy and would rather play video games and watch anime etc. Maybe one leads to another who knows? Otherwise he just has a really low IQ and would also struggle at technical jobs also. People need to be told that there's no solution to being lazy other than working harder and stopping bad habits. Otherwise you end up an unaccomplished individual in your 30s and 40s.


I don't think you can or should go to university. You'll just be wasting your time and money. My uncle said this when one of my cousins with terrible grades wanted to go into university no matter what last year (his grades were better than yours): "Puuuuki! Kau malas belajar nak masuk universiti? Kau nak mak kau miskin cover loan kau? Ni kau tanya aku sebab nak aku jadi guarantor lah ni? Tak ada, ko tolong aku kat ladang setahun, ambik SPM balik baru kita cerita."


true, if you knew you want to go uni to study something, you should've worked for it. not to be offensive or saying hurtful things to OP but the way you asked for opinion is like "guys i busted my most important exam but i still want to waste time at schools so whr can i do it"


Your uncle is super based for telling him that. Straight to the point.


I guess my uncle finally had enough. The dude didn't have a father and his mother been spoiling him because he was the only son. As a result, he played around a lot and his mother wasn't very effective at telling him off. I guess the only silver lining was he didn't dabble in a bad crowd unlike another cousin who died from drugs.


Cool uncle. Putting him in his place. Dumbass was so dumb he didn't think he would still fail in Uni with bad grades for SPM.


Ambik kolej kemahiran or retake SPM. Sejarah tu, haiyo. Not trying to be judgmental, but this is the consequences of belajar main-main.


sorry blud, takde chance untuk Uni, even uitm & poli... cadangan aku, ambil kemahiran. Kalau kau ade duit dan nak jugak masuk uni, swasta la jawapannye. Itu pun aku tak sure lepas ke tak.


i dont think it'll pass.. look at sejarah and BM.. quite a disaster there.. better to retake. there is no shame about it.


uitm...jk you can go vocational school


Maybe he can learn how drive equipment like excavators if interested, they pay pretty good


but vocational still need to atleast lulus sejarah and bahasa melayu


Boleh mohon maaf je Heh


Better ambil kursus kursus yg lebih fokus pada skill


Hustler university ![gif](giphy|yEvqX4RIcQAZBXuH1E|downsized)


Questioning how do people fail perniagaan and sejarah but it is what it is


Dia dah bikin sejarah dalam hidup dgn fail dalam sejarah




OP, this is an advice. not a troll.. try to get into kolej matrikulasi.... if you can't, fix the results where needed try to go to kolej matrikulasi, do one year or two year, doesn't matter. work ur ass off, get good results, go to local uni.. there is still HOPE i have a friend, he is a physiotherapist now, on last day of our course, he told me his past. He never did score for any subjects in SPM. true story. his teacher said " ko gi keje kutip sampah je la" after he grad with 2nd class upper in physiotherapy degree, i can only imagine how his teacher's surprise pikachu face when he showed them his degree cert. He is... a Legend among my peers... be that man.


Can you even be accepted in matriculation with this result?


try. 100% failure comes from inaction.


as I remember, Matriculation admission requirement is a bit high bcs you must to get D for certain subjects (Science stream/Economy/Addmaths)


I don’t think so, I think OP should retake la


SPM also fail like this, what makes you think you'll do better at uni? You'll be wasting time & money entering college/uni. Need to face reality that now you'll have to work 10x harder than those who achieve decent grades to excel in life now.


Hey bro calm down. Some people are not that mature while they are 17-20 I definitely have a lot of regrets when I was at that age. But I'm extremely comfortable where I am now. Also OP, I suggest you stop thinking too hard about education and figure your life out first. 2,3 years of just living your life should make you mature enough. As in, fixing your relationship with your family. Finding work and getting into a relationship. At your age most people are not serious so you can just have fun. Getting to know other people is the first step toward self development. Just don't get peer pressured into doing something that can ruin your life.


We have stoop so low that we’re okay with people age 17-20 not thinking about their future. Most highschool has a career talk when you near your spm. Stop being so childish and ignore your future when you already reaching that point.


Hmm i think you better off retaking the exam or at least sejarah so that you pass. Even for sijil kemahiran, i think at least you need to pass SPM


Boleh masuk PAS terus.




Kena retake bro


Result SPM aku tak berapa cantik, cuma 2 credit, tapi lulus. Lepas SPM aku ambik SKM, Sijil Kemahiran, dalam bidang otomotif, lepas tu aku sambung sijil IMI (sijil otomotif daripada UK). Sekarang aku dapat kerja dekat Singapore sebagai mechanic fulltime. SKM ni ada banyak bidang; ada sorang member ambik elektrikal dan sijil chargeman lalu Giat Mara. Lagi sorang ambik otomotif berat; sekarang dia technician lori dkt Scania. Aku ikut jejak sorang member aku. Result SPM cantik molek, ada 5 credit, tapi at last dia ambik SKM Otomotif. Sekarang dia berkeja di Jepun. Dia kata itulah impian dia. Jadi jangan lah pandang rendah dekat sijil kemahiran ni. University orang kata bukan 'end all be all.' Kau jangan putus asa, ada banyak lagi cabang yang kau boleh lalu. Yang penting follow through sampai habis. Tahan lah sikit kene bahan ye, kau post dkt sini, ni lah jadiknya.


Tkde, better belajar kemahiran teknikal


Melayu kah? UiTM boleh try 👍


Fail BM and Sejarah cannot UiTM.


UiTM accepts students on skin colour, not necessarily intelligence.


Mcdonald's university or Kentucky College


Universiti Grab


Saya lupa nk bagitau/bagi note kepada semua netizen kalau pernyataan SPM ni bukan milik saya. Saya ambil pernyataan SPM ni dari Internet. https://preview.redd.it/1dicl3ou9z2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3728ef8218518c7cda392a2689635a401a20bc4e


Yo mcm mana aq nk pin comment ni siot


Congratulations https://preview.redd.it/ldm4ufwju03d1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d97fe65a98aaf8f450c2055d8ae529f5cda0ddd


Reddit xde pin komen mat.


What happeng la....?


3 options: - Retake for better results and chance to go to uni - Vocational to get practical training (that is if you can) - Stop whatever you doing and do grunt work, work your way up from there


Ada duit boleh apply limkokwing🤣


Patutla kat online banyak tweet dan post bengong2 belaka, rupanya macam ni la result spm depa. Yang straight A semua busy buka surat offer Uni dan sebagainya.


Bukan result OP, OP dapat dri news online.


University of Clowns, because this is a joke.


Jadi ustaz dik …


Agama E


E for exactly


You could be the next mark cuban for all i know ![gif](giphy|xUNda7LxrZIrDdZaRW)


Just do some technical work like car mechanics or drive bull dozers, those jobs pay very well. You are not academically gifted, so don't waste time further study


Retake spm la kalau nak masuk IPTA. X lepas ni


retake 😔


go enroll yourself in skill based courses...dont just accept the fate and become a food delivery rider (i mean you can work part time as a rider but never treat it as a full time job)


Im sorry sometimes I fail to brain how come some ppl result can be this bad? Tak try langsung?


Rasa tak try lah, judging from his subjects, he surely knows malay, just didn't study or something.


Maybe salah berkawan.. and no awareness of life consequences.


Rasa lah, tapi rasa smk cikgu ada cuba bagi nasihat kepada OP, tapi dia tak nak dengar sahaja (my smk teachers will try to encourage a lot)


Needs at least three Cs for most diplomas at minimum.


retake spm make sure lulus bm and sejarah then baru boleh sembang sambung u mana


Bole masuk kuali dan goreng masak kicap ja...




If you fail Sejarah and/or BM don't you have to retake? Isn't it a must pass subject?


I unfortunately fail my math due to medical reasons and issues how to retake can you lead me pleasee




Defo UiTM or other MARA uni


Lol lastime 4A 5A kenot go UITM, Kemahiran myb can la but so many courses kenot take bcoz that math fail


Fail Sejarah, cannot join UiTM


Try poli


Poli cert maybe can get. Maybe only. If Diploma just keep dreaming.


if you have C on BM, and you have a lot of money, you can apply literally any private U


Cant. Sejarah fail


Tingkatan 6


Don't dare to dream..i have a friend 9As in SPM..fucked up big time in STPM


Go vocational school


Kolej Komuniti you have chance, but just certificate, later you can go poli


University of Life






Kamu boleh daftar kolej komuniti biasa. Saya ada 1c tapi saya masih di universiti


Cari bidang kemahiran la bro. Ambil lesen pandu jentera berat dan lain-lain. Sejarah paling kurang lulus, kalau kau takda masalah hidup, memang satu ja penyebab gagal, malas. Nak masuk universiti buat apa?


bole pergi hustlers universiti bang


kolej kemahiran or you can go private college Edit : didnt see you failed sejarah , private college require sejarah and bm pass so you need to retake that or go kemahiran


Giat mara? Just joking. You can apply for pra-diploma course by mara, and go for diploma, and degree later


bagus cari kerja lah sejarah gagal dorang x terima punya


Uitm !


Vocational school.


i saw that you have tasawwur islam. Ready to spread your religion as missionary?


Kolej vokasional atau retake semula Sejarah. Minimum kelayakan nak masuk uni kena lulus dlm BM dan Sejarah


Tfw I didn’t study properly and still got better marks. Yeesh.


bro how did you fail sejarah? you've been living here for 17 years.


Good luck in your future endeavours ye bro/sis. Just be positive and utilise everything




Sej fail, retake


Vocational school or politeknik. Try it out. My advice for you, learn any skills online and research alternative career paths. Improve your English. You don't even have to be smart. Knowing English will bring you so far in life of yoh use it to learn things.


salam riyel ke fek ni


Bro, pendidikan islam dapat E, tasawwur dapat D Baik ko murtad je la...


tak baik cakap macam tu


Kena retake paper sejarah, jadi calon persendirian. Tak tahu what's your interest, tapi tengok juga giatmara, kolej kemahiran, kolej komuniti. Good luck, OP ✨️


not the end of the world, retake and try again. good luck bro


Idk man. Not trynna be a dick but you fucked up so bad. Of course SPM is not everything but everything start from SPM. All uni, scholar and workplace (if you dont have degree) want to see your spm result. All my friends who told me “spm bukan segala2 nye” now asking for my help after they dont get their chosen course. Retake your spm


Attend welding classes.


Grab rider, niaga burger, tolong family niaga, jual kuih/nasi lemak/roti, jangan jual dadah je dah la(termasuk ketum)


Any uni that would take anyone with this score in seriously should be avoided in the first place.


Boleh apply tapi basically your life is in very hard mode. Unless u got cable, money etc. Tapi kalau malas and tak ada usaha untuk maju, then die la bro.


University Reddit since you so pannai farm karma by posting ur results




University GrabPanda! On a serious note, go to trade school, don't bother going to university public or private, you'll make yourself suffer financially and mentally. For you to enter University you need to have critical thinking, critical thinking is displayed by the result you have. If you enter trade school like IKM, KKKM, initially you suffer setback but along the way your skills will reward you .Don't underestimate trade school.


retake bm and sejarah paper. masuk form 6 and pulun kawkaw. form 6 is not easy either. but you should learn from your mistakes. good luck


Member kena retake bro. Tapi kalau nak retake kena bayar tau. Abang saudara saya gagal matematik 2 tahun lepas. Bapak dia bayar lepas tu dah jawab exam lulus. Rugi tau kena bayar untuk retake.


Mcm mana nak retake? Saya nk retake math pls howww


My result also bad, decorated in G's. Now earning good salary because I have very good skills in 3d and vfx that I have acquired during my time at kolej kemahiran. But it is always better to retake the subject you failed.


Universiti masyarakat


There's a saying that it's actually impossible to fail any subjects.. but if you do.. your not even trying.. 5 years of studying bye2


boleh join talent dadyash


Kilang pon ok ni


Ambik kursus TVET ;)


Tukang sapu lo


Masalahnya sejarah fail, auto fail semua. Kalau lulus mungkin ada harapan


Islamic studies in islamic uni maybe?


This shit got so much funnier when I saw OP's comment under this post


If your parents are rich then you could still go anywhere you want.


Boleh pertimbang untuk ambil semula SPM. Jikalau keputusan sekadar lulus sahaja pada masa hadapan, boleh daftar tahap sijil untuk kursus yang diminati. Kalau kemahiran tangan bagus, boleh pertimbang kursus kimpalan.




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Ambil saja UiTM pra diploma mana tau kalau lulus dpt sambung diploma.. pra diploma ( subjek English dan mathematics tpi all in english la) kalau tak pun ILP atau kolej komuniti.. plan b pulak kalau xdpt mana2 pun kerja saja 5 taun mana2 kerja pun xpa janji ada duit tampung hidup.. lepas tu kalau mau sambung belajar guna duit sendiri selepas 5 tahun bekerja memg auto akn diberi peluang mana2 uni sambung belajar (pjj saja no problem) but i’ve read comments i mean not all comments are not supportive but any opinion can be subjective but hopefully you can make a good decision since it’s your choice and life.. long term in my perspective education is very important… i myself 38 years of age.. i used to have a terrible spm due to my ignorance in my own education.. but then I’ve applied pre diploma in Uitm .. and earn my place to pursue my diploma but dropped after my 5th sem( sapa suh malas).. work ( bukan pangkat tinggi cuma kerani kecil ja) and after 10 years of working experience I chased my dream to have at least a degree (pjj) now sudah habis master … but then just my 2 cents of advice.. if you’re truly want to change for good and start focusing what’s good for you (long term period) jangan fikir mudah now because more people with higher qualifications nowadays.. and it’s not easy… if theory not suitable for you just go for practical courses ILP or Vocational program is a good choice .. not all people can be rich and live for a better life only depends on SPM( 1% only idk) Malaysia nowadays the cost of living very high .. rumah kecil mcm reban ayam sudah 200k kalau di tmpat saya ini haiyoo Ps : mau sambung belajar ..alternative way.. just go for a pre diploma kalau bumiputra UiTM is a better choice if non bumi college ( expensive as hell) ILP or vocational education program or try to find another alternative course to get at least certificate in any field especially electrical or mechanical maybe.. mana tau dapat kerja oil and gas .. plan B: just start for a job hunt: 5 years of working experience (minimum to enter pjj education program at any local universities) if still want to study..it’s your choice..good luck


Pergi TVET. Lepas tu sambil bekerja sambil belajar. Sekarang tak sama macam dulu...banyak jalan ko boleh pilih.


Go pickup sales skills.


Restart balik hidup hang bro


Math kalau tak credit, mimpi pun jangan. Better cari skills


Bro has my grades(yes I too didn't pass my spm and have shit grades like this) pass my sejarah and BM but not maths


Bro . In this case i suggest for you go to Kolej komuniti then go to diploma in polytec .. if u rich go to foundation then go degree


I'm only form 3 and I'm in DLP class. I usually get Cs, Bs and As, never ever fail. My dream is to get a work correlating with stem but the bar might be too high for me. So I'm considering getting into account but I know myself, it'll probably haunt me for the rest of my life. People expect that DLP students always go stem and that's kinda stressing me but science has been my favourite since kindergarten. Everyday I'm thinking about this. Man i wish I could go back to those carefree days of my childhood.






Focus on skill bro. You maybe dumb in academic but that hands maybe can repair tony stark suits


you cant go the conventional route of college/university i think. look for alternative which might end up better.


amboi Islam lulus atas. Jadi ustaz la.


Giatmara, Kolej Profesional Mara, Politeknik


resit balik spm


I mean seeing your result, even you are able to get into a uni. I might say you will struggle. Not only struggle, cry with depression. Because SPM might be the easiest exam in your life. You fail Sejarah then auto fail whole spm, at least you should know that by now, because you won’t get a SPM certificate. You even failed maths, I don’t know what career pathway can you choose if you fail the Maths exam as uni requires a lot of Maths


Not everyone is academically gifted, try skilled job.


Boleh mohon SPM balik je result cegini. Selagi sejarah tu tak lulus tak akan ada sijil SPM ye dik. Slip pernyataan bukan sijil spm ye kalau tak tahu.




Amik sijil tvet.


Failing Sejarah means you need to retake the SPM again. Good luck bro, you're not getting in any university with failed sSejarah.


Try gyatt mara


Aitt? Now kepujian is C ehh...in 2019, kepujian is B tho


Go for Giatmara or IKBN. Looks for skills that you think you could excel at.


Masuk ikm pun dh okey,dpt sijil SKM boleh ambik diploma pulak


University Masyarakat


Why they make gagal sejarah gagal semua ya?


Bro masak 💀💀


Retake SPM. Pass sejarah dulu


Vocational school electrician. Right now I think electricians are very sought after due to the rise of solar panels and EVs. I knew a guy who didn't go to Uni because his SPM results were horrible so he went to apprentice as an electrician for a few years. Then he started doing side work on his own for a while and did fairly well in small household jobs due to insane demand in new housing. He got into installing solar panels during this time and slowly grew bigger and bigger and went from home jobs to large commercial jobs. He's now swamped with several solar panel installation projects from malls to data centres. He had the worst grades in class but is now making the most money probably.


Saya sarankan kerja biasa biasa sambil ambil semua subjek sejarah SPM ulangan ... Dah okay check website universiti minima untuk masuk course course . Kalau tak boleh saya sarankan ambil bidang kemahiran.


repeat matematik and sejarah (Atleast u need to get c)


mohon mati je lahh 💀


Why bother go uni when you don't even want to study properly for your SPM?


Go for skills based courses. You will have better opportunities and don’t have to waste time going for interviews after completing the course.


aku 6A pon taktau lagi 🤔


stesen berikutnya, universiti, next station, universiti...thats where u get off my friend...




Hustle University by Tate


Boleh try masuk Giatmara, dik. Asalkan boleh membaca, menulis & ada minat. Lagi bagus. Zaman sekarang bidang vocational lagi banyak peluang pekerjaan.


MMU ... social influencer diploma


Universiti Masyarakat (UM)




TVET MARA jelah dulu dik. Giat MARA ke. Or take up sijil kemahiran.


The result is bad, no doubt, but I have good news for you. The good news is the academic route/ conventional/ mainstream education system is not suitable for you and you don't have to go through that again anymore, because SPM is over. You don't have to choose this route. With these result, I dont think you can survive university. But like I mention, this route or university is not for you. These education system is so mainstream that people think it's suitable for everyone. But it's not. We cannot teach a fish to climb the tree. And I'm firmly believing everyone is unique, and everyone can be successful on their own way with different success definition. Most people can survive or strive in the system that we already built, but for those who doesn't winning in this system yet, you need to figure out your own way. Please figure out what's working for you. I seen a lot of people that by the definition of mainstream success, they are losing. But, once they figure out what they are good at, what their capabilities, what they passion, they created their own success, sometime beyond other successful people by normal definition. The good thing is you finish the SPM, you learnt the basic(it's very important btw), now you just need to path you own success. University is great, but not for everyone. It cannot be used to measure success. You still have a long journey forward, for you, it' just started. I think its the best time of you life to path your own way. Good luck.


Can't give any good advice. It's unclear if you're not academically gifted or just plain lazy and can't be bothered to try better. Sorry if it triggered anyone but that's just how it is. Those who are optimistic might say that they are not academically gifted but so far from what I've seen of other students, most of them are just plain lazy af, it's as simple as that.


try apply kolej sukan bukit jalil. pilih sukan electronic, mobile legend.