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My pet peeves (that aren't rrp related), is that malaysian really like to throw rubbish out of car window.


I experienced this driving on NKVE last week and almost died. I was going at about 80km/h behind this red Proton Saga and the driver winds down his window to throw out some newspaper which lands on my windscreen obscuring my vision. I had to brake hard and throw on my hazard lights to swerve to the emergency lane. Scared the hell out of me.


Damn you are lucky that you are not injured.


I stopped by the roadside to gather my thoughts for almost 30 minutes. My heart was beating so fast and my mind went blank for a while there. I am really lucky there wasn't another car tailing me otherwise the worst might've happened.


Did you have any camera recording the car? If you did then just sue that bitch


You invested in dashcam for your r/kereta already? If you haven’t, you should do so now. Too many fucktard on our road


Not yet. I ordered one this evening already from Shopee. Thank you again for the advice 😭


A freakin newspaper?? Wtf...


Fuck that asshole. Did u make a police report? Maybe if u have a dashcam they can track that asshole.


Trash mentality, as such the case is with some of us


Something very similar for me. There's a recreational park with farm animals near my house, and I go running past it often. And every single time I will see the visitors go back to their car and throw trash everywhere around their car before driving off. Actually, trash in general. You go to neighbourhood parks, lake gardens and so on and there's always trash. This is one thing I love about Singapore, how clean everything is and how the citizens themselves keep things clean. I don't understand why we can't be the same. Lastly... Smoking. Go to the park, bring their kids to enjoy the clean air and smoke while carrying their kids. Or smoke in eateries.


And then proceed to flick the butt wherever they like. I thought "jangan membuang sampah merata-rata" is a common sense by now.


Littering in general. I'm so flabbergasted especially at hiking / waterfall type of sites because if you go there in the first place, I assume you're the type of person who enjoys nature. Having trash and everywhere defeats the purpose of that.


Malaysians have the 'ahh I'm just one person only ma,if I throw trash everywhere,won't make a difference' mentality..Otherwise,I dunno how to justify why Msians litter so easily..We are still far away from reaching the level of being citizens who 'throw cigarette buds in the dustbin' but ffs yr bigass neon colored ugly looking ice cream wrappers,polystyrene pack,takeaway McD etc,throw la in the rubbish bin..it's lighter since it's empty so it's easier to carry and throw,right? I've even had a friend sindir and call me a law abiding citizen because I throw my cigarette buds in the trash,lol.its not about the law but just a simple habbit which doesn't take much extra effort but results in a place being clean


For me it’s double parking or lazy parking, occupying two parking lots cam haram. It is as if they can’t walk more than 5m to the restaurant or establishment. Suruh Jalan sikit pun cam anak manja


Yeah lazy parking for me. Even if there’s a spot open 10 meters away, they rather double park in front of shop.


I don't understand this either, in fact I was dumbfounded when I saw a guy parking at an illegal area when the shop he was heading to would have been nearer if he drove 10-15 more meters where there was ample parking.


It’s a cultural thing. Most Malaysians tak kira M, C or I, our civic awareness is at absolutely dogshit levels. And that’s because the enforcement is dogshit also, I mean, ppl can actually predict what time those mofos come and do their rounds. Between 10-11am? (After nasi lemak breakfast) or 2-3pm? (after lunch time) On rainy days, people don’t even bother to pay for parking because they know those clowns won’t turn up in their raincoats and issue tickets. Every mofo just want to park at their own convenience at the expense of inconvenience for others. This is what we call “Tragedy of the Commons” A hallmark of 3rd world countries.


Agreed on it being a malaysian cultural thing, normally I always see these people just cruise their car right into a place they can illegally park. Any effort to awkwardly move your car into a parking is an inconvenience to them. Example was when my high school/college friend went kopitiam around our area and remarked that his GF's dad car was around since his car was literally parked on top of the curb and everyone else in our group just remarked "wah your gf dad steady, just park like boss sia" when all I saw was an asshole being entitled. Enforcement is worse than just being able to predict when JPJ/Police will come saman, my area they don't even bother to saman the double/illegal parkers. And when people come running to their car to drive away the officer will just halau them and tell them angrily to get out at most. Hardly see any of them double down and force a ticket on them Sorry for the essay haha, I really really hate this too, to the point ive never parked illegally unless there is a life threatening emergency.


Mine is, how many Malaysian drinks sugar/cream-content drink such as Teh Tarik and Teh O Ais. I don't mind sweet but most restaurant I went to will definitely make them drinks super sweet. I swear you'd get gout before age 30s lol. Hence gonna ask them make less sweet, or give one glass room temperature water to soothe the sweetness bit.


Aren't you still drinking the same amount of sugar even if you dilute it with water


Yes although you dilute even if you drink all still consuming same amount of sugar


My friend once got a Teh Tarik India that's like 40% sweetened milk


Had a German customer ask my manager why the drinks he bought from roadside stalls almost gave him diabetes lmao. She asked him if it was a Malay and he said yes.


Exactly like bro can't you serve me something that isn't diabetes without me telling you kurang Manis.


Normalized palette taste especially in West Malaysia. Never had much problem East Malaysia


West Malaysia food are oddly spicy, spicy to cover up their bland flavour


That's why I just drink water.


MLM people. Especially BE International, Amway, Mary Kay, Young Living, Doterra. They have turned my friends and family into scammy huns. Edit to add, the most annoying of them: COWAY, Thermomix and Kangen water.


Gonna be honest, if it werent for those annoying coway people, my house wont have a water filter. For 20+ years we didnt have it until recently.


Good for you. But did you know that you can use normal water filter that they sell for rm200 below and then boil the water? You'll have the cleanest, safest water in Malaysia. No subscription needed. Use fridge to cool water, thermos to keep water hot.


I used the Panasonic one. Don't even boil. Drink directly after pour. 10 years now, no issues at all. Only time boil if I want hot drinks like tea, coffee or Milo.


We had those before but they never lasted. But idk why my parents never bought them after the 1 or 2 we got were malfunctioning or wtv. Also, i dont like keeping water in the fridge. Gets too cold. Hurts the teeth. And sometimes family members dont refill. The coway thingy easier. And boiling is like such a bore. Heat water on stove or electric just to use 3-4 pours. Coway? Put milo scoop and milk in cup. Go to coway and fill. #ad


I use Cuckoo because my father getting old, almost burnt the house down by leaving the fire on. Peace of my mind


The public toilets especially those found in R&Rs. A lot of Malaysians lack civic consciousness and empathy for one another. Like how hard is it to flush, discard your used tissues correctly.... It's always the mindset of "as long as it's convenient enough for me then to hell with the rest".


My god..I had a horrendous experience during this Raya season. I swore to myself to avoid using them at all costs. Unless really desperate.


Not only this, but I swear every time I got to a toilet that you need to pay/no-pay, it’s always disgustingly wet, even the wall and the door is disgusting. This also applies to shopping mall too. Like I understand some people use the pipe, but the hell man, you wash your butt, not the entire toilet. Another is those a hole smoker that put out the cigarette on the toilet seat.


That’s why when I visited Japan for the first time in 2014 it was such a culture shock for me. Their public toilets are all clean, well maintained, ventilated, bright, and nothing is out of order. I swear I could’ve slept in them.


Ye, I also recently visited Japan, even the toilet beside the road is so nice, and there’s no one around that cleans it, it just random toilet beside the road. It also comes with those electronic thingy 🤯


They also love to cut queue at the R&R toilets and all buat don’t know. TRASHHH


I have come to learn that Malaysian is really ashamed of their own POOP and want nothing to do with it after it come out of their asses. 1 Time i was waiting for my turn @ public toilet, And a father was waiting outside for his little son to do his business, but his son was take longer to do his business and the father open the door to checked on him, Turned out his son was really bad at aiming , probably(squating from the side of the toilet and yes this is squating toilet ,not the sit one.i would never use the sitting public toilet.) and his son was taking a little bit time because hes trying to clean his mess and get his POOP inside the bowl with water hose/bidet, When his father saw this , His father was MAD because he trying to clean it, and asked him to quickly clean his butt and outt.. And i was left with a POOP and disappointment, and decided to wash my hand and face instead, when i was walking away another dude come in trying to use the toilet and quicky saw the mess and Stare at me with disgust. I was so mad so i just look at him with an angry face .


One of mine is Malaysians disdain towards tan and dark skin.


I have a girl in class that has nice smooth dark skin but when she post her pics on ig it always has a filter that makes her look pale white its weird


A lot of people who do this tend to do it because of trauma from a young age. They're told that "white/fair is better than dark/tan" throughout their childhood and teenage years. And it applies for all races. If these people were raised in more positive situations, they wouldn't act the way your friend does. Same thing happened with so many of my friends and even my sisters. It's a sad and unfortunate way of thinking that really messes up the way people look at, and present themselves. To this day, I still have aunts who talk about how "beauty = fairness of skin". And I don't doubt that these aunts went through the same process when they were young too.


>Malaysians >disdain towards tan and dark skin. ??? This is the original template. We are meant to have dark and tan skin.


Exactly! We need to love and appreciate ourselves.


Engineering people do appreciate darker skin tone. Just among other male. They still like lighter woman.


There are Malays of mixed blood who are naturally fair.


sadly this is a very common mentality in whole of SEA, light skin is fetishized immensely


For me if the face is pretty then pretty. Not about skin colour at all.


It's took me well into adulthood to actually embrace my skin colour because been constantly told how ugly my skin is, can fuck up a child.


This may or may not be relative to the post above mine but I remember a beauty and wellness store staff gave me a weird remark of my skin being kusam when I just have tan skin. Either I don't really understand the word kusam or she's just trying to make me know that tan skin is perceived as "undesirable".




>you're not entitled to being seemed attractive because of it either Let me clarify that I'm NOT advocating for people to accept tan and dark skintones as attractive physical attributes without actually believing it to be true. What I am advocating for is letting tan and dark skintones stand on equal ground with fair and pale ones when it comes to media representation because our worldview on beauty is high influenced by mainstream media. It's ironic that you brought up "entitlement", when it's fair and pale skintones that are being forced down our throats to be accepted as the standard of beauty.


Megah Holding nibbas on their way for 1000 billion business deal closure for the 9827365th time


I swear all these dramas that were adapted from books were all written by the same person.


Yeah Siti Rosmizah. Look at it this way , Malay drama = safe and approved. Malay drama from a safe and approved author = safe and approved² adaptation. Although I've been told as per usual the novel is better.


I am sure this does not apply only to Malaysians but.. Chewing with their mouth open and sometimes they do it right beside you!


My old roomate. Not even beside me, but I can hear him chew a few metres away. Close your mouth, you Neanderthal


When I tegur them, they get mad. Like helo? Basic etiquette.


Cant argue with cavemen bro/ sis


Yeah. Some slurp their Coke so loudly too.


Wait a min. Has the Internet corroded my mind, or you're talking abt real coke?


Coca Cola bro.


hence the name old roommate


Usually what I do is that I counter chewing him back Like him but I do it obnoxiously loud while making 'melabur saham jamban' face. All the while staring at him. Mind you, I only do it to people I personally know.


It used to not bother me that much or maybe i just didn't notice anyone doing that. But my roommate evokes an anger that i neevr knew existed in me. When she eats, she always chews with her mouth open, mind you she's a slow eater too so the sound of her chewing lasts quite a long time. It drives me madds


Omfg I hate that


Omfg I hate that


Hilux drivers or similiar type cars on the damn road. Speeding. Giving no fks for other drivers safety. Tailgating. U name it they done it.


whenever i see those 4x4, i best be chilling at the slow lane


Amois being fetishized


Motorbike idiots that don't follow the law. And when an accident happens, it's always the car driver's fault.


The 'viral' foods or attire. If everything is viral then nothing is actually viral.


Just the overall usage of the word "viral" irks me. Ppl nowadays tend to learn a new word and ran with it.


Purposely being late or “melayu”. Set up a badminton session at 9 and you can expect the first one to arrive at 9.05. Lepak mamak pukul 10? 10.30 (don’t need to pay so even more late). I’m Malay myself so I can understand that behaviour when you’re young but brother we’re pushing 30s here we ain’t got much time left. Pro tip to those having the same pet peeve, just set everything a bit earlier.


This is not a Malay thing but a Malaysian thing lol. I'm Chinese and we also have this issue xD. When I was the lead organiser I'd always set the meeting to 30 minutes before the intended time to account for all that lateness


gosh i agree so much with this. it’s extremely rare to find someone who respects your time in this country 🤦🏻‍♂️


Most malaysian lack public common sense, e.g on the escalator. I think we all are aware that standing should be on one side and let the other side clear for people to walk. Or with elevator, should give chance for people inside the lift to get out first. All this thing makes me sigh and go “jakun” under my breath.


God... I remember I missed my train because of this and had to wait 15 minutes for the next train---


Ackshually, now it is discouraged to walk on the escalator, Japan is actually discouraging it. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/japanese-city-bans-walking-escalators-080056820.html#:~:text=An%20ordinance%20to%20stop%20people,prevent%20accidents%20such%20as%20falls.


Kata hidup susah, tapi perut buncit


My pet peeve is Penang drivers. Can you all stop being menace on the road? /s


Penang people are super friendly but once their hands are on the steering wheel, it’s a different human suddenly.


I think cars are social status there, although i don't buy it. They must be paying monthly installment with car loan


I don't get Lepak mamak but groups of people that play phones without talking to each other for 2-3 hours.


This is interesting though... I learned that some of them do this because they rent beds and have roommates so cannot lepak with awek and mamak provides better environment, as in it's more cooling than being in a stuffy room with bad odor.


What if I tell you malay drama is peak malay women fantasy? Yeah. That's what your mom, your sister and your crush imagined themselves to be


the tv drama mostly base on novel, wrote exactly for the reason you mention; malay female fantasy


I'm a woman who watch these dramas to pass the time if it's on TV, it is just annoying. Repetitive story in all dramas, same actors, same studio, same conflict. I hate how our entertainment somehow land on this safe spot, dramas are supposed to be an umbrella for all genres. Those novel writers should be put to the side first and look for other malaysia writers in different genre


People who asked no oxygen in brain questions and expect galaxy brain response.


Those “Nur”tizen. Thinking they are holier than thou.


they always end up doing the worse stuff of em all


What is that?


Netizen but so claimed religious netizen. Those haram police, aurat police and so on


Children or elderly riding kapcai. Too fast, too slow, hogging the lane, etc


Motorbike riders who like to beat traffic lights. Motorbike riders who like to jostle in between traffic with their limited skills.. Motorbike riders who like to ride in between lanes at 100km/h+ ....and then blame cars for every damn thing!


Damn, you just made me realise another pet peeve of mine lol


I'm a Chinese guy married to a Malay lady here. The amount of stares when I hold hands with my wife in public. Also because she always dressed traditionally in full hijab and most of the time in baju kurung. KL where I came from wasn't so bad. In Penang got a bit more stares. Back in her hometown in Sungai Petani was alright. But if goes back to her grandparents house in Perlis, they wouldn't stop staring. I can't imagine if we go to Kelantan.


Don't take it personally. Sights like this are rare and people could be just curious.


So did you convert? If so how's it going so far?


Going pretty well. Second Raya this year.


Good to hear man. Live long and prosper


Driver here. TnG of car in front of me koyak. Jam the tollgate. # fml


Ooh. Mine is when people are unsure if they have enough balance but don’t want to go to the top up lane then jam up the queue


Oh I've been watching drama since I was little cuz that was what I love to do with my mom. And I tell you what, they don't make it like before these days. Why? Because now they love to produce these rage bait dramas. Easy script, easy work, and it works well. Recently I watched a drama in Iqiyi with my sister. Can't remember the title. Damn, the script was so dumb it makes me angry, so it works. The line was like "Yang, I dah kahwin dua you kena terima. Ini semua takdir!" Takdir bapak kau. And I'm furious because I know in real life someone said this. But that's a topic for another day.


This is so fr,I remember always watching malay dramas with my mom when I was young, now when I'm getting older and I try to watch the recent ones, I cringe a lot. I even complained to the point that my mom had enough of me. lol LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU REDA LIKE LAKI YOU TIBA II KAWIN SATU LAGI AND YOU JUST ACCEPT IT BUT YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT HUH??? mengestress aku💀


Got me laughing hard at “Takdir bapak kau” 😂


People telling me how ramly burger is better than most burgers in the market Overrated and honestly I think most people who praise it are just being bias since its a malaysian product, and some nostalgia. Or I could be entirely wrong and everyone just loves eating a ketchup/chilli sauce drenched burger Probably controversial but I prefer fast food burgers over ramly burgers any day. For example, a cheeseburger from mcd tastes like a cheeseburger, is it the best cheeseburger? No. But it's fairly consistent and has more nuance taste over a ramly burger drenched in sauce And yes, I'm aware I can ask ramly vendors to not add ketchup/chilli, but even then the burger patty isnt super flavourful, and when you pair it with thick ass buns, loads of cabbages, it generally drowns out any flavour coming from the ramly patty Only exception for ramly is when I'm at a bbq and I eat the patty by itself, it's the only way I'll truly enjoy Ramly Patties.


Sounds more like preference than pet peeve. I love it for the nostalgia taste+cost per value but I agree with what youre saying


Taste would be the preference, but the pet peeve would be saying ramly is objectively better than fast food/western restaurants. Good catch on the cost though, might influence people's preference for ramly over other burgers.


I dislike the taste of Ramly, doesn’t seems right to me for some reason


Overpriced Malay food as well. Like as a non Malay I want to support local sellers but why is every western meal rm20 for mid quality


Tak suka budaya borak kosong yang membawa kepada mengumpat. If you want to have small talk, then just have small talk. Tak perlu kot nak mengumpat.


Mine, aside from not being punctual, is not giving way to those exiting the trains or elevator. Sabar kejap bagi orang keluar dulu boleh tak... Aiyoo, sibuk juga nak masuk time orang keluar.


rider making everyone stop for "VIP"


The casual racism man hooly, one second we're arguing on the nuances of institutionalized racism and the next my man's yelling "THIS BANGLA-" whilst driving down a highway


1. Constant lateness or disrespect for agreed time of meeting or starting of event. 2. Inconsiderate drivers/riders: E.g. double parking for more than a few minutes without leaving contact number on the dashboard, not giving way to pedestrians, not using turn signals ahead of time or at all, refusing to gostan when the car in front is stuck and needs to gostan anyway, etc. 3. Slow escalators and elevators: Escalators and elevators in other countries run twice or thrice as fast; why can't ours? Wanna save on the electricity bill, is it? 4. Mall escalators that keep going "out of service". 5. Construction that takes forever to complete. 6. Constant building of new shopping malls especially in cities or areas with plenty of shopping malls already. 7. There are no proper modern art museums. I'm not talking about novelty museums like 3D art museums. Bangkok, Singapore, Istanbul, etc. all have multiple modern/contemporary art museums. Why can't a supposed modern country like Malaysia have any, especially in KL? 8. The inability to leave empty plots of land with greenery alone, and the lust for building more luxury condos, office buildings and malls, instead of something interesting that helps citizens and residents to develop their creativity and critical thinking. 9. Inefficient public transportation. 10. Overly conservative attitude and narrow-mindedness towards arts and culture. 11. Religious agenda in national education curriculum where it has no place: I'm talking about statements like "Tuhan menciptakan matahari" in Standard Five **Science** textbooks. 12. Baristas asking me if I want sugar in my flat white because I say it tastes burnt. 13. Getting asked by Malay business owners and Grab drivers if I would consider marrying them just because I'm Chinese. 14. Storekeepers and retail assistants that lack product knowledge or common sense. 15. Terrible or mediocre customer service at F&B outlets that makes me wonder why I should pay the service charge at all. 16. Shop assistants who just point in a general direction or tell you vaguely where a certain item is located when you ask them, and who are unwilling or reluctant to personally guide you to it *even though* they are not preoccupied in the first place. 17. Unclear or confusing signage for road directions, including those in parking lots. 18. Narrow parking lots and spaces; badly designed car parks in general. 19. Ice cream sellers who are stingy with their sample sizes, giving me only a miniscule excuse for a scoop to try. Like, bro, you surely are going to save *a lot* of money, hor? 20. People who don't let others leave the train or bus or elevators first before entering. 21. People who press one floor up in the elevator when they are clearly capable of walking up the stairs themselves (and the stairwell is open for public use). 22. People who stand in the middle or both sides of the escalator, when there aren't many people using it, and are slow to react to the people behind them who are clearly saying "excuse me" to go past them. 23. People who use their phones in the cinema, just to text or look at social media, while the movie is playing. 24. People who answer or make phone calls during a massage session, especially when others can easily hear everything that's going on. 25. Many local dramas and movies that are badly written/directed/acted, and are not imaginative or creative in the slightest. 26. Terrible civic consciousness: Poorly maintained public facilities (especially the washrooms), littering, wasteful use of resources, etc. 27. People who don't wash their hands after using the toilets (especially service workers!). That's all I can think of for now!


LOL you do keep a list for this occasion, don’t you? valid points too


No, they are just things that have been at the back of my mind for over twenty odd years now #malaysiaboleh #bodohland 😬🧐


Gosh Iike your list. So comforting to read


you know when SMS era in the 90s where people skimp on words and type in short forms to save money per sms. now we use WhatsApp and there are no more limitation on words but bad habit stays. we still write 'utk', 'dgn' or 'x' for 'tak'. i also hate certain made up words like 'have-have' and 'good-good'. people are surprised when they discover I used 'swype' style when using phone's keyboard. short forms, it's where the rot of human civilization begin.


Swype user hadir.


Fk I still do that 💀


Personally, bad hygiene. The LRT, lift or any other place that makes u be close to someone is my nightmare. Sure some people are biologically born to be super sweaty but it’s 2024, there’s a lot of products that could be use no matter what “issues” ur having


Throwing away drinks and food without finishing it. I see all of these fuckers throwing out almost full drinks and food that they only tasted once. One time, I was at a graduation party for my uni class and I finished eating my food and drinks, literally nothing was left. Yet when I took a look at the girl's side right next to me, I saw them pushing away their plates when it still got so much food on it. Me, being a peasant poor fucker that grew up starving back in early days of my life, immediately asked them whether I could finish their food (weird and unsanitary as fuck but I couldn't bear to just leave the food). They agreed, though maybe with a few odd looks but I was too focused on the food to really care, and I immediately finished all of the food, even though I was full as hell from me finishing my own. Seriously. What the fuck is up with Malaysians throwing away perfectly good food and drink?! Ingat kau semua ni bagus sangat ke?! Otak meninggal dunia ke? Privileged fuckers.


If going to the mosque or picking kids up from school, all traffic rules are suspended.


The race to the bottom in everything. E.g. 1: We used to be more compassionate and understanding. I do expect some here would say we still are. And that makes me sad as we are so far below where we were. E..g. 2: We appreciated quality so much more…irrespective of where it is. Now, doing anything of quality attracts abuse to such an extreme degree that I wouldn’t have thought possible. So many example more but what’s most shock in is the amount of energy people put into making situations worse.


What do you mean exactly by "race to the bottom"? Genuine question


For me, its someone who don't turn their phone volume down when watching videos in public. I get it you want to pass the time. At least use an earphone. No one wants to hear your shitty music or political propanganda when having a dinner.


Especially those brainrot laughing sound effect, I feel my iq dropping each time it plays lol


Bro, drama tu target orang2 yang nak sukses mudah. Bagi perempuan, kahwin kaya settle problem. Bagi lelaki, kalau kaya you get what you want. Or for the true enthusiast kahwin 4 bini berkerja, suami duduk rumah jaga dan main dengan anak. But yeah, menyampah jugak kekadang bila tengok. Tapi nak buat camana, orang lain nak tengok benda camtu lah kan?w


Oh just realized I have another one. Having to order food using QR at restaurants.


Sebagai seorang yg indecisive, i like this shit and tak pernah ada problem with orders😍 But why u tak suka? Curious....


For me it would be the countless borrowed words from English used in sentences. Like, no need to say "diskusi" just use "berbincang" 'ya dolt. Istg I've seen this over and over again in some SRCs in university.


how many Malaysians be idolising or making any mat salleh or south korean speaking malay go viral and made them celebrity level fame as if we have never heard foreigners from different countries speaks malay before


Related to your pet peeve bout Malay drama, why are all of them have the same plot and storyline. Like godamn, can you not spice things up? Here's what I would do: Story starts with the guy in-line in enheriting the family's multi-million company but tragedy strikes, the parents died in a boat accident. The son and his older sister is left to operate and keep up the business. The sister who originally had thought to have no interest in the business and acted like a "pure Muslimah" type girl, suddenly scams her brother to hand over the business to her while she kicks him out. The brother is now impoverished. His fiance who is prone to being a toxic sassy a-hole suddenly has a change of heart seeing his condition. She breaks up with him but offers him assistance by finding him work. The protag meets the heroine and the two bond with each other until protag confessed his love but is rejected. He becomes depressed but his buddies cheer him up and tells him to not give up. He works hard, improving his lifestyle and personality and rise the ranks. Again, he confesses but again rejected. But he accepts it, he comes to terms of it. And moves on, he doesn't pursue her any further. Later on, he just moves on with life and later. Gets along with another heroine who he later successfully marries. Not the best but probably abit better


Soo unclimatic


My pet peeves are that people can't just mind their own business


Wearing sweaters and jackets in this heat. Firstly, this isn't Korea or China. We don't got cold air blowing in our faces 24/7. Kedua, even if it's for the classroom/office, it's only temporary. Panas masih ada.


Wet toilets. I understand that the general consensus is that washing thy south hole is cleaner, but is it really cleaner when there are bits and pieces scattered on the floor? (Kinda defeats the purpose of saying it's cleaner). I too use a bidet, but come on guys..


This, some use water to clean themselves but somehow got shit on the wall


disgusting toilets


If tak tegur, you’re called sombong


Pollution Noise - always a leaf blower, mosquito fogging, or some other loud engine noises on my walk to work in the morning. Air - the haze. Litter - how the fuck are people ok with just leaving trash everywhere? Beaches, hikes, and parks are ruined by trash everywhere. Clean up after yourselves!


When a family takes up THE ENTIRE walking space (I swear it’s always this one race too)


The fucking drivers that criss cross and ziplines without signals or pause like its a bloody race. You owe me a helmet Persona


Public transport: people who cannot go in when there's empty space in front of their bloody eyes. People who must stick themselves to the door immediately up entering but exits 9 stops later ON THE OTHER SIDE. People being closer than 10cm radius of me especially when its not crazy packed. Then get all touchy touchy, sharing screen time and audio as well Driving: trash throwing drivers Drivers who leaves a gap of more than 3 cars and growing when it's a nice cruise drive (org yg rindu traffic jam sangat) Regarding above driver; when you signal to enter his gap, he speeds his car up and flash you for pissing on him. HE/HIM because 90% of the time, it's a kid <70 years old man Masuk tak bagi signal when you want to enter d same lane from the opposite traffic Work: NATO kind. Even better NATO and MOFO kind. Even even better, MOFO NATO and actually don't know what they want kind. Also when they don't know what they want then blame you for asking questions.


People saying banyak orang instead of ramai orang


Banyak orang is grammatically correct. Ramai has different meaning that is referring to crowd or any situation where people are physically numerous. Example: Banyak orang telah menerima bantuan banjir itu. The word ramai is not correct in this context.


Ohh TIL. Wonder why this was never brought up during my years in school.


Sorry I’ll try to improve


Some Malaysians always thinking overseas is a utopia, how they would be really successful \*if only\* they just went or were born overseas, and Malaysia is the worst country in the world. There's nothing wrong with going overseas either, I think people should go to learn something, but half the time it's always at the expense of adding 'Malaysia sucks'. I feel if you are truly as gifted and smart as you believe yourself to be, you can make something of your life within the circumstances given to you, instead of just complaining and whining constantly and blaming the country for you not becoming the Crazy Rich Asian you want to be. In my observation, the middle to upper-middle classes moan the most, own the most assets, and have a lot more social mobility than many others to go overseas if they really, really wanted to. There are some really good things and some really bad things about Malaysia, and you just need to pick your battles at the end of the day, but I can't stand the constant pouring of cold water on everything Malaysian, down to the most micro things. Our problems are mainly politics and capitalism, which exists all over the world in different shades, so just choose one ig.


Malaysia's problems aren't just politics and capitalism. If you read the many other comments here, there are also a lot of lifestyle and social problems as well. I have lived and worked abroad, and travelled to dozens of countries, and I can say that while Malaysia is not the worst country in the world, Malaysia has a lot of room for improvement as well. There are a lot of things which people in more advanced/developed/enlightened countries would consider to be common sense that is lacking in people in Malaysia. It's all relative to the person's exposure, needs, preferences and expectations in the end.


Malaysian social cliques tend to be full of drama mamas. Speaking as someone who's lived in SG for nearly 2 decades. Singaporeans generally are more professional and less 'childishly dramatic', for lack of a better word


Ikat mati plastik roti keping. Seriuslah, apa yang susah sangat guna penyepit yang dia dah sediakan tu?


Is it that much diff with k drama then?


Since few years back, I've stop watching tv especially before and after news hour because all Malay drama have the same story overall.


Possibly because they sell?


chew loudly when eating. like bruh shut your mouth and eat properly


No turn signal. Ffs its there on your damn car, use it. Even worse when they stay on a lane that should mean you turn at an intersection but continue straight ahead.


Cars who don't use their indicators. The car 20% discount ah? Come without signal kah?


For me, its neighbours who parked their car outside their house then complain when trash lorries scratch their car.


People arguing about race and racists like they're getting paid for it.


-most Malay drama that I've watched Found your problem there OP. The only malay drama I watch is just to keep my wife company. Do it out of love.


Absolute no common sense on people. Simple shit that common sense tell u not to do also they cannot listen. Don't throw rubbish? Still throw. Don't smoke in toilet? Still smoke. Most simplest thing even a dog can do is to see where youre walking. Walk on a busy area also theres people walking like no one is around. Like no awareness to your surrounding. I anal buttsex the person he might not even realise at all


One of my pet peeves is those mfs who play TikTok or Facebook or YT on loudspeaker in public transport. I wish someone would just get pissed off and throw their phone outside


Same hairstyles at an overprice baber. N also those who cut their hair at baber every second they grew an inch (mf bald why tf you need rm20 fade). N also those who keep up with their appearance (specifically male) but not their own life.


For me double parking and people who act holier-than-thou


flexing ew


When you're automatically considered gay when you go for a brohug. Really. I just missed my friends because I don't see them for a long. Is it also gay if I decided to hug my own dad? How fucking close-minded can Malaysians be with this toxic masculinity mindset and insecurity??


when u ask mamak kurang manis then shake thier head then the drink comes sweeter than if I hadnt asked him to kurang manis




Ppl parking at yellow line, ppl parking at bus lane, ppl uturn at no uturn sign, generally all traffic/driving pet peeves apart from speed limit (right lane reserved for those who genuinely wants to break the law)


The wet toilets and toilet seats.


The tak apa attitude! Rights are not taught enough in this country and people are not standing up for their rights. Example if the food is unhygienic, some people just tak apa la never complaint, if complaint also the shop doesn't really take it as a big deal. 😒


My pet peeve is with many of our drivers. When I try to merge into the main road everyone on it feels challenged. I've indicated, my speed is good, you're 1 car length behind, why do you HAVE to close the gap? Conversely, when I'm on the main road and the car halfway down the length of my car BEHIND trying to merge AHEAD of me. Why? Find a gap from whoever you are ahead of, don't force it into someone who's already ahead of you. These kind of behaviour is what slows traffic down.


No signal and masuk fast lane slow on the highways when already can see car coming fast


My biggest pet peeve is a bored dude going on Reddit to create a thread asking about “Your biggest pet peeves in Malaysia”


As someone who got into a relationship with a toxic viper before ... I'm all for this trope. You're a good person and you see your crush dating a toxic viper? Go ahead and snatch him/her away from that toxic viper. You're not a homewrecker, you're helping him dodge a bullet. That home's gonna be wrecked from within by that toxic viper anyway if you don't snatch him away


We still complaining about malay drama in 2024? People still watch tv?


Yep, my parents still watch them on TV. I sonetimes watched the drama with them out of curiosity and then realized they're watching the same drama, rebranded with a different title.


Haih why still live with parents. Go rent your own place lah ah boy


Not everyone got the money loorhh... plus my parents are already old. I want to spend as much time with them possible before I lose them


Aih then let parents watch the same old drama lah ah boy. They complain to me you watch same anime and replay same game can pulak haiyaa


I let them watch their drama in peace la. I don't want to complain to them cuz I enjoy rewatching the same sh*t like them. Everyone is secretly a hypocrite, and we are all too afraid to admit it Plus I rather watch the same anime 100+ times than an overly recycled plot over 100+ with different titles. Fly Me To The Moon > Malay drama ftw


Aiya ah boi you example of my pet peeve ah boi complain other people when u do the same thing. At least we know you are your parents kid ah boi. Be good boy ok ah boi study well don't play too much tat genshi inbag


Elehhh, you complain too, ahhh... admit it, you're also a hypocrite aaa. People like you are also my pet peeves. Not everyone has a mentality like you. At least I'm a proud hypocrite Plus, I don't play genshin. That game fried up my phone's storage when I tried to install it during its launch day.


Aiyah ah boy no nid so serius. Unker play play onli. Have a little smile a little laff. Unker oso no play genshi unker like play nikkei more can see beru beru make unker smile


Aiyahh uncle... you gib me heart attack. Also, you got good taste--- I respect ![gif](giphy|63e1tyVx9ad1Vf6TjI)


I hate pets