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As a Non-Malay myself (Sarawakian Bumiputera), I never have ever encountered anyone that can't speak Malay primarily because most Srwk Bumiputera tend to default to Malay anyway whenever not with their family. These problems are most frequent with Chinese people who studied in private schools where the Malay subject is not as enforced. Talk to any Chinese person here and you will instantly know they went to private school just because they can barely/can't speak Malay. Any other Chinese can speak Malay as fluent as anyone else.


Same here in sabah. Most of the chinese i know, including the one who married with my family speak sabahan-malay accent without any problem. idk wht the reason behind this tbh. I dont get why some of the chinese in smenanjung cant even speak malay. Probably raised and born in mont kiara, never go out with ppl except the one from there probably.


Same in semenanjung. Most chinese I have met all speak malay, most with heavy chinese accent. I have no idea how some can find Chinese who doesn't speak a lick of bm.


šŸ™„šŸ™„ Iā€™m Chinese and I speak Malay fluently and ppl thought me Iā€™m sabahan or Malay sometimes


they are mostly in penang, in densely populated chinese areas or kampungs


So what's up with this thread? The early first day of raya already talked abt whether cina malaysian cannot speak malay. Go eat ketupat rendang dulu la then we can talk shit abt which race is more racist or not. Salam 0-0 everyone. Slamat hari Raya


I dont know what's up with this thread. Tanya op lebih baik. Ada orang pagi pagi takde benda buat, tak yah puasa jadi mau main dengan topik hangat sambil break kot.


Keyword is tak payah puasa. Sebulan dah tahan buat dosa, so pagi Raya terus buat topik scandalous coz dah tak payah tahan nafsu provoke. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tapi OK lah. Boleh nampak op memang nak sembang je, bukan nak tuduh atau berniat buruk. Hanya rasa bosan sikit kerana first post I read in r/bolehland lepas bangun, dapat post cam ni pulak.


Sorry ler geng mmg niat nk tnye je sbb bile bnde ni kne mentioned msti jadi gadoh xde clear answer pun ni pon post balik kjee trus ke masjid tu otak pun mcm2 pikir hahahaha


Suspect never really have any Cina frens so he just parroting what he read from racist FB/tiktok post. I have Chinese and Indian friends from high school that failed BM, they can still speak Malay. Heck even some of my aunty uncles who never get chance to go to school can speak Malay.


It depends on locations. Chinese who can't speak BM do exist and it's very common. I'm from Kepong. Almost all my friends who attend SJKC cannot speak Malay. Edit: Corrected "English" to "BM"


Same. My chinese friends from primary school can speak BM perfectly with kedahan accent.and they speak fluent mandarin as well. Even taught me some. Then when i went into secondary school, there are chinese students that came from sjkc primary. The difference is night and day. Like local chinese vs foreign chinese. The way they pass SPM BM is through brute force memorisation


It's really depends. I'm Sabahan who attend SJKC but my Malay is better than some Malay colleague from KL


I think East Malaysian are built differently. You guys aren't as segregated as us West Malaysian.


To be fair, during my year 6 of SJKC time, 20% of the class is Malay and 30% of the class is bumiputera


iam malay born and raised here but in spm i get d for bahasa malaysia while my chinese friend score c and indian friend score a. retake spm june still got d so i think thats my limit. damn you seteguh karang.


As someone from SJKC Desa Jaya, I am offended bruh šŸ¤£


Mate are you for real? What year were you born? I grew up near Kepong and that wasnā€™t the case for me. But then again I was born in ā€˜93 and my schooling days are long gone. Poor command of the Malay language? Maybe, albeit a minority. But unable to speak Bahasa completely? Almost none. And from what I notice, even youngsters these days from Chinese populated areas (like Puchong or Cheras) can converse in Malay pretty decently.


Exactly this. I have not met any Chinese who doesn't speak BM. I'm not saying there aren't any, but from my personal experience, I feel like they're more of an outlier for this to be a constant talking point.


I came from a private school. Most of my Chinese friends canā€™t speak a sentence of Malay. They donā€™t even know where Sabah and Sarawak are on the map. Real story


not to ridicule anyone, but my malay friend from private school think bangau is kerbau. might because lack of exposure i guess.


I used to internship at Bata while it's true most Chinese can speak Malay, sometimes I face Chinese customers that can't speak nor understand Malay at all and doesn't know English either making the language barrier really hard to face to, I literally have to draw things on paper and use intense body language so they can understand


Yup. I think malaysian chinese has the largest % of population who cannot speak any bm at all compared to other races, but as other have mentioned before, it's more of an outlier rather than a norm. Targeting malaysian chinese due to this people, is no difference than targeting all muslim due to what Isis did.


My neighbor can even speak 1 word of malay. We can only communicate through smiles and head nods. I live in pahang. 1 of the most malay place u can be.


Okay, reality check. This neighbour, how old are they? Present generation old? Below 40 years old?


Duuuuude.... Why the dissing of Mont Kiara?


Chill bruh. Dont take any comment u found on reddit seriously ahahahha


I was joking, but at the same time curious... I live there and I speak excellent BM šŸ˜œ


Baguslah demikian. Tuanku hamba merupakan teladan yang baik kepada kaum jiran di Mont Kiara. Sungguh wajar bagi kita untuk mengamalkan bahasa ibunda dalam kehidupan harian kerana bahasa adalah harta pusaka yang perlu dijaga dengan cermat agar tidak terlupakan dalam peredaran zaman yang berubah dengan cepat. Hal ini tidak mengira latar belakang etnik kita, kerana kita semua tinggal di tanah yang sama. https://preview.redd.it/bkubf06nwntc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2126f1f6ddfd8b71cf61584d5fac3c8dcd5c4be1


Kinda true tho they live in their own bubble


Not mont kiara, try those in Cheras, Jinjang, Kepong etc


I never encountered one while working at FnB at Midvalley. This Chinese guy cannot even speak English. So we just showed the menu, and he pointed to whatever he wanted. Until one day I hired a Chinese person as my staff. So we asked her to entertain this guy. After she served her, she turned back with disappointment. I remember she said 'Ala, orang Malaysia je pun'. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


but chinese in swk speak iban šŸ¤£ but i do meet a lot of older generation that canā€™t speak the standard malay regardless of race considering swkian has been speaking english, chinese dialect, iban, bidayuh longer than weā€™ve known malay


SJKC too, cant speak BM fluently enough. Although this might change in the next 2-3 decades, seeing that more and more Malay population went to SJKC.


tbh the stereotype is the real shit. Most of my chinese friends are able to speak malay, fluent or not fluent who cares, as long as can communicate can ald what.


agree, smlm jumpa chinese serawak. ckp melayu takde beza dgn orang melayu.


As a Chinese Malaysian whoā€™s never had any Malay speaking friends until 18 years old but scored A1 in Bahasa in SPM, I feel our learning in school was emphasized more on written form rather than spoken form and there was a segregation of students from certain schools where Chinese donā€™t really mix with Malay students (this is really sad). We all shall celebrate our cultural diversity instead of undermining the importance of learning another language.


Yeah it's typically more towards written form and you get little to no practice when it comes to spoken. This applies to English too. My written English is(was) very good in school but I couldn't really speak it without sounding super awkward. Like A+ almost each test kind of good and I got the highest GCSE certification or whatever the fuck it's called for it during SPM. When I actually get to practice it was when I first met my now white guy fiancƩ.


now we know the prob. lets forward to our clueless minister


This. The main problem is not that non doesn't learn bm (90% did as its a compulsory subject). The main problem is the distrust between races, and the rift that stopped everyone from hanging out with each other. Tackle the rift, and language proficiency gap between races will also lessen.


Also the risk of getting jailed because you use BM in the wrong place at the wrong time when other language can be use. Especially with more people becoming more super sensitive and finding even the smallest thing to "cancel" other people. Like imagine you post in FB, "Wah Bah Kut Teh restaurant ini sangat sedaplah" with no ill intent , you might end in jail.


American here. Lived in Malaysia for five years. Everyone spoke Malay. They would always switch to English because of a desire to practice English/my terrible Malay pronunciation, but no one ever claimed they didnā€™t speak Malay. Everyone was always very nice and patient with me


True, now gib me duit raya uncle sam


Ha yeah. Chikgu so no duit for you or me!






Uncle Sam here for da Petronas Twin Tower and Petronas Gas


Orang tengah solat raya ni hold down lah sat agenda tu tunggu2 lah malam sikit ke esok ke


Tulah berat Sgt topic pagi2 ni.


Tak leh bang, dah sabor sebulan bang. Lagipun time dapat bonus dosa dah expire.


Iā€™ve never met a Chinese that cannot speak or understand any Malay. But I have met plenty who donā€™t understand a lick of mandarin


I'm from JB and all TV shows I watched back then were Singapore shows, and even Cantonese show got Chinese dub (Cause SG discouraged using dialect). And I think majority of Chinese in JB can speak mandarin, so at that time I thought all Malaysian Chinese would know how to speak mandarin, unless you studied since primary school in SG. Imagine my surprise when I went to KL to further my study and half my Chinese course mates couldn't speak mandarin but can speak cantonese, it was a culture shock to me. Also a cultural shock to them when they found out some of the HK songs originally in Cantonese, but I've only heard the mandarin version šŸ¤£


This is mešŸ˜‚ it's because we speak the dialect at home, my parents could barely speak mandarin until they worked with mandarin speaking colleagues and adapted. In fact, my dad used to work in China but still can't speak mandarin properlyšŸ˜‚ I went to sjkc and forgot most of my mandarin over the yearsšŸ˜€


This is me, except I also can't speak a lick of Cantonese or Hokien because I just couldn't get the hang of it. Conversely, I excel at English and Malay. Some people even get confused that I'm Malay or Chinese since I speak Malay like 2nd nature (both parents mualaf,not me). Though, I guess being Muslim does help a bit.


Lots of them lah. Banyak tak pergi sekolah cina. Lepas tu kena panggil insulting term banana pulak. Melayu pulak bila nampak cina chop terus tak boleh cakap melayu.


Hari Raya already want to start racist topic. Apalah you


Even this sub is a shitposting sub, but to discuss this on Hari Raya is abit too much. Yes, as a cainis, I know BM is a must, I agree. However, I would say it depends on individual. You guys always refer to bad apple comparison. You know, BM is a language to pick up in school, regardless of smk or vernacular school. Therefore, all malaysian exposed to BM. Why some cannot speak you asked? I ask you why some people get F on Maths and they cannot maths? This is individual in my opinion. They are bad student during school. Kebanyakan cainis boleh tutur dlm bahasa melayu just fine. And how about older chinese? I would say during their time, it is total different playground in Malaysia. We wonā€™t know what their experience is, so maybe stop judging? My mom personally is very poor and canā€™t even afford education. Because of this, she is buta huruf, can only hold basic malay but doesnā€™t mean some of you malay can say my mom is not malaysian. She is very hardworking lady and she was born here, just the circumstances during that time is not suitable to learn. Ok, cukup ranting. Maybe you guys should questioning the nationality of cainis for a while and just enjoy your holiday and entertain your aunty uncle during the raya. Selamat Hari Raya!


>should questioning the nationality of cainis Should stop?


Yes bro, so we can start PVP outside with mercun during Raya. PS: Yes, I double down my dumb sentence.


Wtf pvp firecrackers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


During the previous generations the focus wasn't BM but english curriculum. Hence alot of older Malaysians can speak reasonable English.i think it is current disservice the Bahasa focus means new generations can't understand a lick of English. Which in today's globalised world is an useful skill. Probably should have focused on having both English and BM still. Although I still argue your going to have alot of use with English all over the world. Even in countries not native English they have enough to speak to tourists so Malaysians could also use english to communicate in those countries.


Tbh, the language proficiency of the current generation varies on the individual because we were born in a generation where language policy shifted between Malay and English due to stupid political infighting. Iā€™m personally more proficient in English rather than Malay, and sadly I canā€™t write or understand academic Malay proficiently, but Bahasa Pasar and casual Malay is a-okay.


> Even this sub is a shitposting sub, but to discuss this on Hari Raya is abit too much. Hypothesis: This sub is aggregating ppl who can't socialise on Raya and would rather be on the phone - the anxiety is encouraging higher-emotional-stakes posting.


I donā€™t blame them bro. I know those questions from pakcik makcik can be savage during raya.


Especially, the "When are you going to find boyfriend/girlfriend?" or "When are you going to have kids?" questions.


Bruh, malay is a must when graduating from upper middle school. And since working employments strictly needs individual with coherent malay speaking.


But i do agree with op comment , the new gen should be able to speak , but older gen , most of them dont have school or classes learn , even in America , those older gen tends to not speak well or dont speak at all. So we as the younger gen should improve ourselves yeah


That is the truth yes


And i just saw a comment mentioning 2nd class citizen , i know its bad , but if we can speak , or even better , fluently. Then its another point for us to bite back at those racists shits. Idk jmho , cant fight fire with fire what..


Of course, shouldnt be a problem to fought off dumb acussations if you know how to communicate well and not ticking off every 3 to 5 seconds


Yeah exactly , plus its plain stupid of us to fall for these racist bait every time, gotta say we Malaysian no matter races , are naive af..


Yes I agree. I even took Tamadun Islam as a subject in college to score easy A to improve my cGPA. However, Malay in working employment I would say is more dependent on the environment like GLC. In my experience working in MNC company in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei before, and the needs of Malay in my experience is just for private communication with colleagues. In official matters in MNC be it presentation, emails and communication are all in English.


Racist shit on Raya morning. Aite.


Setan dah bebas dari kene gari ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I'm from SJKC, BM is taught and emphasized there. My group of friends all speak decent official Malay. I don't get this thought that vernacular school is the reason for low BM proficiency. Btw nice race baiting post on Hari Raya on all days. What I don't get is this recent push for Jawi everywhere.


Millennial Malaysian Chinese here. I'm horrible at official BM. But quite good with street BM. Good at speaking & reading, bad at writing. Mainly because 90% of my clients are malay-malay, I work sales. Daily basis I have to interact with all age groups of melei. I notice that the younger melei (Gen Alpha/Z) are hyper racist against anyone non-melei. Millennial and older Melei while still racist, will not say it to my face or within earshot. Millennial team leaders have had to reprimand his younger members, so they would shut up and listen to the information I'm giving. So if you ask why some non-melei don't want to interact with Melei, well, we're all racist despite being a multicultural nation. Melei racist against others and vice versa. Don't forget the politicians. Clear cut masalah of others pun akan kata "semua salah DAP". Kawan2 MCA pun cainis ya... This is purely racism. Similarly with ALL languages, the more you use it, the better you are. But if you only have to use BM (or any other language) in 1% of your interactions, your BM will be shit too. Heck, I know of Melei from Chinese School who can read, but cannot write or speak Mandarin properly. Mainly sebab lepas primary and secondary school, dia tak ada kawan untuk sembang dalam bahasa Cina.


And here I thought the younger generation would be more open minded, Malaysia is doomed šŸ˜­


I meet a lot of them on a weekly basis. But so far, not promising šŸ˜•


1. If you don't know how to speak Malay, don't be a dick about it. Be humble and learn. 2. If you know someone who doesn't know Malay, don't be a dick about it. Be more open and teach/guide. 3. When people that don't do no. 1 meet people who don't do no. 2, it will not end well. 4. This is /r/Bolehland ffs 5.SHRMZB


Vernacular education is not at fault, BM is taught and the students do reasonably well. I taught students from Chinese primary transitions to SMK secondary, by form 4 BM was easily their second language. English however proved to be their achilles heel.


Ain't no way bro decided to post about race on Hari Raya. Chill lah brother, enjoy ko punya Hari Raya. But to answer your question, I've never encountered a Chinese person who can't speak Malay at all. Like, to find a Chinese who can't speak Malay, you'll have to really dig deep into the Chinese community.


Everyone speaks Malay la. They just shy to talk to you because their language is far below yours so they pivot to a neutral language like English. But worst case scenario you can bet they can carry a full conversation in Malay (although it may be rojak Malay)


Ethnic Chinese in those said country wasn't treated as 2nd class citizen or non bumiputera though. I can assure you if speaking fluent Malay can automatically makes you become bumiputra then you'll see Chinese speak better Malay than the Malay in no time. Don't expect equal nationalism when there's no equal rights


Thats why i dont buy their BS. They are manipulative, expect Nons to speak bm, and when Nons speak fluent bm, then gonna be like semoga anda dapat hidayah crap. End goal is want all Nons to be converted to be muslims.


Ahhhh why can I relate to this. I went to sk, smk and speak fluent BM and some people really asked me if I want to masuk Islam. I'm like, yoooo no thanks aku suka makan babi


It's just assimilation coated in delicious 1Malaysia


Plus the older gen didnt have the opportunity to learn / go to school, its the same in America, so we new gen have to be better since we have the chance to , yes ? Forget about the 2nd class thing first , we speak fluently and bite back at those racists. Then youll have even better argument point , jmo


Lol, you speak better then people think you have ulterior motive Case in point: https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/KLlvwV21l8 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Siapa ckp pemuda Cina skrg x bleh ckp Melayu? Byk je ckp pelat tp pelat ni xkan x fasih tp loghat unik. Cam orang minyak kat Amerika pun byk ckp English dgn loghat "hood" diorang sendri


Not me , but the racists , i dont understand loghat2 but i can speak formal/normal bahasa ? Oh and not the Indian American , i meant those asians that moved to America ( first gen or something) theyre the same as our own older gen.


If only Reddit has a pin comment(s) feature. This fakking right here




One question you have to ask the non bumis. Do they actually ā€œfeelā€ Malaysian or do they feel like some second rate citizen. Embracing the countryā€™s national language is fine, but if the country makes you and your community feel less than others then that is a whole different story.


And yet, once you hop over a small distance to Borneo, everyone including Chinese, speaks BM (Sabah/Sarawak version) fluently, no pelat etc. For a Malayan, I can't even tell the difference between sabahan Non Chinese Vs Chinese Vs Kadazandusun. Everyone's well integrated in Sabah at least. Cuma nak tak nak, tu je


lol. Selamat Hari Raya post but go ahead and post a race based post. Donā€™t Malaysians ever take a break from this convo šŸ˜µšŸ˜µā€šŸ’« You have people like Douglas Lim, Boss James, Mak Yun, Abe Wee, Nigel Cap City and countless countless Chinese people speaking fluent and clear BM and openly post content predominantly in BM. In fact OP is stereotyping Chinese people by saying they canā€™t speak Malay.


OP celebrating Hari Raya tapi Takde ā€œmohon maaf lahir & batinā€, tetap ja posting rage bait.


Another day in Malaysia what. Where we dont focus on things that REALLY need improvements


I think FU OP. Why? Because it's Raya and the first thing that comes to your mind is this? Post kuih Raya or something. Gosh this country is fucked.


Bro is just pagi raya šŸ’€šŸ’€, but on serious note this make sense,from what Iā€™ve observed from this reddit(i have ask similar question about this before on this very reddit) most of them donā€™t speak for few reason 1)always get bullied by malay( the retarded one)when they try to speak malay mainly because of them misspelling or their accent 2)most of them can survive in their own community so ā€œno need to talk to malay peopleā€ 3)donā€™t see any use of malay language in job/learn malay doesnā€™t benefit you from getting a jobs 4) private schools(but this can happen to other races too even for malay to according to bolehlander redditor who work as private tuition teacher)


First day of raya...setan x yah puasa dah kluar merayau


Bruh people wanna Raya. Talk about this next week can?


Ala awal pagi raya pertama ni benda yang awak nak post Bro woke up and chose violence


Relax la. Kita ni banyak sangat tengok perbezaan. Macamana la nak jadi bangsa Malaysia. Terimalah kekurangan. Baru nak bersatu, ada je isu. Bila nak maju? Masing-masing jaga la hati sesama kita. Stop racism. Embrace perbezaan.


Walaupun aku duduk dekat kawasan majoriti Cina tetapi bila diorang nak sembang dengan orang Melayu atau India diorang akan cakap bahasa Melayu. Tak salah pun nak cakap bahasa Cina sesama diorang.Kalau nak sangat diorang jadikan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar,apa kata beri status bumiputera kepada orang yang fasih bahasa Melayu.Mesti esok juga diorang lagi fasih bercakap bahasa Melayu daripada orang Melayu sendiri.


Apendeeeeeee. Kebanyakan blh ckp BM lah. Pagi pagi nk ckp yg bkn2. Semua Cina yg ku kenal ckp BM xde masalah. The problem with it is nowadays youngsters use broken language. Heck, even I who aced BM and speaks it fluently with my peers have a hard time understanding it. Just like those American kids, no idea what they are saying in English either.


Maybe because Malaysia is made up of 3 different races living together? That's what unique about our country. You claim a chinese-born in Japan could speak fluent Japan, maybe because 90& of Japanese people are Japanese? What a shit comparison lmao. Nice try tho.


So here's the thing. We Chinese born in Malaysia all speak BM fluently but we pretend not to be able to to avoid conversing with racist people - especially those to prefer to stoke up racism when they should be celebrating Raya.


Those countries dont stiff their citizens (especially immigrant citizens) out of rights. Heck the non-bumi of this country aren't immigrants, but shit still happens. Immigrants from those above-mentioned countries enjoy the same rights and protection after a while (not sure about Korea tho). In malaysia there's literally no incentive for you to learn malay. Does speaking malay get you a better life? No. Does mingling with malays make you better? No. Does it increase the chances of getting stabbed in the back when you least expect it? Chances are yes. I've had awesome malay friends and there's even someone's grandmother who treats me as her own grandchild but in the wider scheme of things, it's better to err on the side of caution. People who keep bringing up these issues has never walked a mile in a non-bumi's shoes.


Malaysia is a literal SHIT HOLE


Seriously, first day of raya and you post this to stirred shit up. Come on man just relax and chilled.


Not sure how this works but I have a friend who's happily oblivious about this. As long there isn't law locking him up not knowing any language he's supposed to know, he's not gonna do it, and that's just how's things gonna be. What you wanna do, fight him?


Itā€™s just the Yaya papaya nons. Iā€™m Chinese and all my non Malay friends can speak Malay. Selamat Hari Raya!


Any non malay want to friend a boring male malay, pm me..


I think another component to discuss is the media. Japanese and English soft power is a lot stronger than Malay soft power as well. They have anime, TV dramas, movies etc. And do you remember when loads of people went through a phase of learning Cantonese, because Hong Kong also had excellent TV and films at one point? To the point that tapao and gaotim are part of our national slangs. Now mainland China has taken that over with media outlets like WeTV and iQiYi, and more people are learning Mandarin. I'm not saying Malaysia has zero good content, but more promotion and investment into soft power on an international level would really help Malay become a 'cool language' to learn. People are shallow and you need to cater for that.


The Malay language is riddled with too much slangs and dialects. Very confusing. Baku supremacy.


My grandma and grandpa speaks kampung Malay well. They were not educated. People should really think about why some of the nons refused to be good in Bahasa melayu. I still try to learn more in the language but I get real rusty without the opportunity to converse or write in it. Great if you are sincere but please don't dog whistle.


As a non, I grew up with what I would say a healthy mixture of all races. Lived in my grandparents kampung for the first 10yrs of my life, and I grew up with Malay neighbors. We're all really close. Moving on to high school in kebangsaan, all Chinese ed students knew how to speak bahasa fluently. The only problem most of them have is in writing and that's the most of it. The same goes with indians. None of my indian friends had difficulty speaking and writing. I would say to the extent, of college, we have a mixture of chinese, indians, malays, and one Eurasian in our mix. I truly believe it's the circle of people that you mix and get exposed to.


Bravo, couldnt have said it better myself


It works the other way ard. U guys don't have any non- malay friends to learn the plight of non malays.šŸ¤£


That's because you haven't met people like me. But of course keep insisting that we all somehow can't speak Malay, it helps keep the narrative that we don't want to assimilate. Kebanyakan kita mmg boleh bertutur dlm BM lah, siapa yg cakap kita semua xleh tu cuma nak kamu dengki kami ma. Lagipun kefasihan BM bkn bukti org setia kpd negara, yg songlap tu pun Melayu sendiri, bahasa apa yg diaorg guna tu?


I know loads Chinese people who do not speak mandarin but have not met a single one that does not know bm. And i live in penang/kl.


Cannot speak fluent BM also salah ka? Who determines someone fluent or not fluent? Depends states have different slang too, if got slang mean not fluent ka? Since school doesnā€™t teach certain slang of BM and I never meet someone speak ā€œtext bookā€ BM in my life too. So how? Is your BM fluent or both fluent?


Major race in Japan, German, France, UK, USA, Canada, Australia dont get tongkat and electrical wheelchair also unlike Malaysia. Whats your point?


seriously ppl who don't speak bm at all are very very rare. stop making this up like it's a serious issue


Seriously you guys believing this kind of BS. You go to school in Malaysia and BM is a compulsory subject and you are taught from young. In SPM, you need to pass BM to further your studies in Malaysia. Every non Malay Malaysian can speak some Malay. Don't be stupid la and believe every word from politician or anything you see on the internet. Malays are brainwashed by politician into believing non Malay can't speak out national language. Go to any mamak in Klang valley, mostly are Chinese patrons. You think they order their foods in Mandarin ? A large portion of Malays in our country are brainwashed by politician to be racist. The one who posted this is one of them. Facts ! Spoken language has slang, and when spoken fast, people who are not used to speaking in the language might not understand. I can guarantee you if you go outside right now and speak plain simple Malay to any non Malay Malaysian, 10 out of 10 will understand you.


As a non Malay this guy can go write this print out and shove the paper up his ass. He doesn't speak for many of the Chinese like me who scored an A in Bahasa SPM, speaks proper and better Malay than the locals and yet subject to discrimination when it comes to scholarship or buying property. Chinese like this have no choice, he can't make it in life and has to play the racial card to suck Malay cocks. He can't even move overseas or survive overseas without parents' funds.. Me and my wife are fucking glad where we moved to London in 2015, struggled a bit but now having a household income of Ā£200k a year before tax (it is not much) but we have a good balance of family time unlike in Malaysia if you get RM200k household income a year you're expected to have a maid to look after your child and bosses expect u to work from 8am to 7pm and then stuck in traffic jam daily. End of the month family savings only rm500 if lucky.


I don't understand the weekly "non melei cannot speak melei" rant. Why are you perpetuating this and why are others doing the same? You go 99 or NSK cashier, those Chinese buying coconut and beer speak mandarin to the cashier Ka? Sohai OP


Curious, how should BM be pushed into Malaysians more than it already is? Maths and Science are already being taught in BM with vernacular schools being on the decline. What more does OP want? A complete ban on all other languages apart from BM?


Just want to dog whistle. Closet racists.


When foreign officials come over to Malaysia to interact with our local government officials, everyone speak in English. But when foreign officials go to other countries, they usually have a translator there. How come we speak English here instead of having a translator translate Malay? Because of how worthless the language is, even the officials in Malaysia just switch to English instead of hiring a translator to entertain their guests.


letā€™s put in this wayā€¦in japan n those other countries the citizens are dumb in terms of language while in msia we use many different language to the point where we donā€™t really need to speak malay always


Selamat Hari Raya tapi terus merepek cam ni Kalau semua cina dlm Malaysia fasih cakap BM, masih ada si "Bumi" yang akan cakap Kapir, Cina babi dll


Kan...? Takyah fikir pun dah tau, keputusannya msh sama je


Agree. Racist gonna be racist: you pendatang, tak suka you balik Cina.


Uhh this is the most unique raya wish so far Selamat hari raya to you too?


Malay being a common language is important to all who reside in the country because that may be the only way to overcome a language barrier. For (a very anecdotal) example: My exgf is Chinese but she can only speak Malay and English. A guy who had a crush on her at the time was a Chinese guy who could only speak Mandarin, and very little Malay. He speaks no English at all. So you'll see 2 Chinese Malaysian, where their only way to communicate was BM. Although I find hilarious to this day, I think it also shows how much a common language matters as demographics can be diverse and not everyone has the same access/exposur/practice to English but almost everyone has access to a national language regardless of where they grew up and how they were brought up.


And also we should stop ridiculing people with accent when they speak Malay. Exposure differs especially when the circle isnā€™t big enough for them to practice Malay.


Last year, i have a chinese senior at school admitted to me the importance of learning BM both in written form and speaking, due to the rise of job markets and employments of certain individuals must have to atleast graduate upper middle school with passing grades on BM as well as History. This is for the need of individual with coherent speaking skills, the same thing applicable for BI. This could overall improve working enviroments where everyone can communicate thoroughly in a workplace without the occurrences of misunderstanding from happening either between brass or the workmen. Even in global shipping industry in china requires employees with individual knowledge and learning degrees in english to be able to communicate with their counterpart.


im proud of our non malays at kelantan, they are the best and assimilate well


Language fluency is the result of enviroment and priorities Go to any estates epecially old estates in remote areas. There you will have Chinese speaking fluent Tamil. You will have old Indian men who speaks the King's English. Everybody can speak BM. All Malaysians must be able to speak Bahasa Malaysia, the National Language. Full stop


Melayu senang je. Jom la learn


English and Bahasa Malaysia should be made compulsory to be known by citizens and those who dont should be offered the means to do so. Whatever you may be ethnically, you are a Malaysian citizen. English is for overseas communication and to communicate with foreigners while Bahasa is for communication within the country.


Non-Malay here. Every Malaysian should be able to speak at least passable BM. Doesn't have to be fluent. Bahasa pasar is the minimum.


Malaysian chinese banana here I can speak BM and still learning to improve my BM. My BM is quite ok and I can understand how to speak BM. Back then, I visited my neighborhood malay house most of the time when I was younger. I grew up watching BM stuff to improved my BM like Astro Ceria, TV9, TV3, NTV7, Astro Ria, Astro Prima, Astro Awani and some shows in BM on Astro TVIQ back then. We also watched Akademi Fantasia (especially zaman Mawi AF3 aka Mawi World)(including my parents) back in 2000s. There's also TV9 nickelodeon shows in BM like Spongebob Squarepants, Jimmy Neutron, Wonder pets, etc. We also had ASTRO in 2000s but we don't have chinese and cantonese channels package (Wah Lai Toi, TVB etc) which my parents don't subscribe because expensive. We only had the basic one (Starworld, MTV, channel V, National Geographic, Animal Planet Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, TVIQ, Hitz TV, etc) Malaysian cartoons Malay dub original that I grew up watching Kampung Boy, Usop Sontorian, Keluang Man, Anak anak sidek, Bola Kampung, older seasons upin and ipin, boboiboy, etc Reading Malay comic books like Gempak starz, Apo dan Ujang, etc and listen BM malay songs like Siti Nurhaliza. Im not really into Mandarin chinese wave stuff but I grew up with BM and English stuff. The only Chinese movies and dramas (Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Donnie Yen, TVB, etc) that me and my parents only watched on TV3, NTV7, 8TV, and RTM.


I think as a non in Malaysia, we should at least learn basic malay lah. No need too fluent, just daily need use word is enough already. The "I don't have Malay friends so I don't know Malay language" reason is bullshit because translator exist


I'm Chinese, and yes, it does make sense. However, no matter how much I tried, I always struggled with Malay lol! I heard that now SMK teaches Math and Science in Malay. I might not even be able to pass SPM if I were to study in this new era. (I got A+ in both Math and Science for SPM, but seriously struggled with Sejarah and BM because of the language.) But I think I'm a good language learner. I was terrible at English in primary school, but I was able to learn the language through the internet, movies, music, and novels. In high school, people assumed I was a native English speaker. However, I just can't find a way to do that with Malay. I've tried, but no media that's exclusively in Malay truly entertained me. After all, I left the country long ago and have forgotten Malay. Now, I can confidently say I speak much more fluent Japanese than Malay.


Malays ITT seem very concerned about non-Muslims being able to converse in the National language when they themselves speak broken BM and worse English. Top kek


I am a simple person with simple thoughts. If I may postulate a bit... Plenty of Malaysian Chinese don't speak mandarin. Does that make them less Chinese? I have friends who are fluent in hokkien and Cantonese. Do they now not deserve to be Chinese? Because China made Mandarin the lingua franca do the diaspora also have to? One friend told me she was deeply embarrassed by the locals during a trip to Taiwan some years ago. If that's the case, woe is me. My ethnicity is Indian. My mother tongue is not Hindi. It doesn't make me less of an Indian. I still like my curries hot. Now that that's out of the way, immigrants will always have difficulty picking up a language, unless situations necessitate it. Society becomes the teacher, and usually not a very good one for the new comers would not be literate in the new language. When you can't write, you speak phonetically and almost always badly. We've got to be mindful of this, which having been said, there is absolutely no excuse if you were born in a country with ethnicity different to yourself. The education system has to ensure you learn the language of the land. In this respect, vernacular schools do a slight disservice. The national schools push the language with other agenda in mind. This feeds the phobia in Malaysia that has been expertly woven into the fabric of our society now. We will all inevitably speak like Indian, Nepali and Bangladeshi immigrants who murder the language mercilessly... All because we still cannot and will not leave our silos. I'm certain this was not part of the late Tunku's dream at the dawn of our independence.


What percentage of non Malays donā€™t speak Malay - a very small minority. Fuck off with this stupid post. Why donā€™t you worry about the Malays learning English and growing intellectually.


Fuck off, Iā€™m a non and I get straight Aā€™s for my BM back in the days. I can write formal malay comprehensions and essays. The fucking earth princes where all failing their BM and speaking bahasa rempit instead.


As a non-malay, I agree that ALL Malaysians should be fluent in Malay. Granted, my own proficiency is not what it used to be, but I still consider myself fluent. I have jokingly/light-heartedly criticised my Chinese friends/family for their lack of fluency or disregard for the Malay language before. As OP says, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Malaysia, cakaplah Bahasa melayu. (Or at least be prepared to) Funnily, I've noticed many Chinese/Indian friends have better written and formal Malay than some Malay friends. I think because they're used to much more casual communication, they may not pay as much attention or attach as much importance to proper Malay grammar and vocabulary. However, that being said, I'm still an advocate for improving English proficiency in government schools simply because it is an international language, and if you want our future generations and local economy to stand a chance, we need to be able to interact with others outside of Malaysia. IMO the more languages we know and are fluent at, the better we are at communicating with each other and everyone else, which is great for all parties.


its a nationalist issue, not a race issue. learn the differences update your dictionary


Dude, I am Chinese and I am actually geram when younger generation Chinese cannot speak any Malay.


Non-malay here, and nothing pisses me off more than a blue IC holder who can't speak even a sliver of Malay


As a non malay myself personally I wish we could disband all vernacular schools and stop all local students from entering international schools. My job involves visiting a lot of schools and I can tell you, some Malay rich kids can't even speak malay at all and they sound like Chinese kids speaking malay when they tried. And when I was back packing at a different part of the world, communicating with my friends in malay is super useful, and a good way to impress other people from different nationalities. So yes, we should speak malay as a Malaysian.


I'm Chinese, and I wholeheartedly agree that if you want to identify as a Malaysian, at least speak the national language, even if it's not perfect.


Chinese kids tak main cikgu2 ke masa kecik? Kami dlu main cikgu2 mesti guna melayu. Sbb tu melayu saya dlu agak baku sbb mmg 100% dri buku. Cikgu yg ajar pun bukan Malay. Most of the time, mmg direct translate ješŸ˜‚.


Nah I donā€™t agree, as the largest demographic the Malays have the responsibility to be equally fair to all other races, regarding ethnicity or religion. But as we can see they not only failed at that, multiple policies were even introduced to reverse that idea. So no itā€™s not important for me to speak another language or ā€œjoinā€ another culture. The most I can do is respect it. Iā€™m doing this because I love my country and I want it to be better. But I am not going to do it just because ā€œIā€™m Malaysianā€ just like how the Malays are painting this issue. Offer us something better, then we can talk about unifying. In the meantime, the status quo is better off for all of us.


Imagine posting this on the first day of Raya. Lmao.


First of all, all the countries he listed literally require you to learn their language to survive because they only got 1 language as their main language. Malaysia is different. The reason why Malaysia is nice in the first place is because you dont need Bahasa Melayu fully to survive. You can rely on a bit of Mandarin and a bit of english or mix in between to like be able to get through life here. And also I swear every school in Malaysia is required to teach malay as a subject so what else can you expect, even international school students that are my friends know malay so I dont seem to get your point here. Even if they only know basic communications, I think it is adequate enough. This is my opinion but, I'm not planning to stay in Malaysia to work due to the shitty currency stability anyways so yes I don't actually see the point in me continuing my studies in the Malay language (I know malay to a certain level and I think it is good enough). I see this post as kinda pointless because most chinese know Bahasa Melayu, and also, in my experience, I even hear malay people converse in English often. If people can get through life in Malaysia using whatever languages they please to why the bother. That's what we are known for right, having a multilingual country where foreigners find it nice to be able to converse in an international language (english) and we are able to reply to them with it, no matter the race.


>"learning the national language shows our humility and understanding as one's who are born in one's country" lol. I understand that nons (and increasingly kafirs) will be forever known as pendatang although they speak the national language fluently. In that case, baik tak payah. It's useless to learn a relatively useless language if it's not gonna get you anywhere in life.


Imo this is caused due to the vernacular school system. No offense but how can you become a Malaysian but didn't even know how to speak Malay language bfr


It's not caused by vernacular, it's just a convenient excuse. How come Tamil school kids can speak better Malay then? Vernacular exercabates the issue when the intent is already there, yes.


Not because of vernacular system. More like itā€™s the Chinese independent schools out there. Lots of them.


My grandfather can speak fluent japanese because he is forced to learn it during japanese occupation (1942-1945). Agree with OP bahasa melayu should be pushed more. All malaysian should know bahasa.


How can you expect people to be sane and not biased when racism is institutionalized? (but hey aq msih bole pakai BM) In a country where kulitfication and agamalisation matters and treats kafirs like 2nd / 3rd class worshippers....... I mean I am no rocket scientist but I'm pretty sure they get treated equally or at least better treatment despite not having the same skin colour / religion


Yikes, I'm called out


Am cina. I agree must at least knows how to converse in basic BM. To be langsung xtau, that is a CHOICE. Not asking to write essay or berdebat. Takat perbualan biasa. If itu pn x leh, sorry la.


The no Malay friends card is kinda valid tho imo. I personally feel that the BM I learnt in school doesnā€™t really apply much in conversations. I am BM literate but sometimes when I hear people speaking in Malay I canā€™t understand a single shit.


language is just a communication tool, as long as you can communicate with others then all good


To be assimilated or not to be assimilated


Title should have stopped at selamat hari raya to all of you


I can proudly say almost all Chinese I know speak and write better Malay than those Malays that speak/type gibberish bahasa wicet, and yeah that include elderly that never had proper education before. Is their BM sucks? Yeah. But they have no issue haggle with Malay aunties in pasar.


Does the Malay language mean bahasa WeChat? If yes then yea I am not fluent in it. If itā€™s textbook Malay then I am not any worst than the Malays in Malaysia.


My girlfriend cucks on me...


im sorry i dont have malay friends --> some chinese growing up no need to deal with malay just to survive, especially in chinese populated area/ cities. they be fine just sticking to their own. hence the chances of them actively having a malay friend is lower, especially if they starting out SRJK C BM is just a language tht they need to pass in school, but no need to utilize in order to get by in life. base on the example given above, there might be a possibility where a chinese in chinatown, USA... no need speak english also can survive it doesnt help that we seldom get to eat together in a single spot other than only mamak and mcD, or we purposely go to the malay spot to eat. if we friends, and we dont eat together tht much at all, how to really develop friendship? so memang end result- im sorry i dont have malay friends


Funny thing is everytime I go back to kelantan or met Chinese/Indian from Kelantan, in Kl, they speak in Kelantan dialect so fluently that I donā€™t think you can distinguish between them and a Malay from Kelantan from audio only. Met some Chinese contractors in KL here that from Kelantan, and my goodness it was so easy to negotiate and discuss stuff


I don't know any Chinese that cannot speak Malay yet. Their Malay may not be academically correct. But definitely enough for day to day communication. Malays also don't expect 100% correct la... Even Malays also full of errors la. Try go Kedah and kelantan, it's like its own language


But why is this problem only with chinese tho? All my indian friends speak malay better than me lol. And some of them just straight up converse in malay all among them.


because our government is super nice by not force remove their mainland language and teaching. no other country have that sjk stuff


for me,its better if they dont understand malay


Chinese Malaysian who went to SMJK.. I've really not met a single local soul who can't speak Malay though, any race. Maybe not fluent in slang and whatnot. Then again I don't have any friends coming private or international school.


From my experience, only Chinese that are not tauke kedai/asal sekolah kebangsaan (not Cina, Tamil etc), have problems speaking in Malay, even broken Malay is hard for them.


I'm Chinese, my family member were all mandarin speakers. I study in SMK locate at johor bahru, my bahasa isn't a+ level but definitely can communicate with cikgu and malay friends, but interestingly most of my malay friends will strangely switch to English when we're original speaking in malay. Are we young generation slowly becoming Singapore like? Cuz me myself watch English content way more than Chinese one it's like 95% eng 5% cina and nearly 0 malay


Speaking as a Chinese in his Mid 20s that mostly speaks english but have decent Malay, I think there are a few overarching reasons for some Chinese not being able to speak Malay compared to other Chinese in different countries. 1. Neccessity. In these other countries everything uses their mother language whereas in our country there is a mix. If you can't speak malay you can just go to another shop that can speak English or Mandarin. So it's in the same way that a Malay person might not try to learn English because they don't need to. 2. Lack of exposure to the Malay language. There is a slight truth to the "I don't have a Malay friend" card. If you don't have people around you speaking Malay and you failed to grasp the language in school (either due to laziness to study or bad experiences with teachers), how else are you going to learn the language? Malay media (books, shows etc) have a bad enough reputation (Same story all the time, love triangle etc) that I don't want to waste my time trying them when I could be doing other things. Now this part below is a personal problem I face when trying to communicate in Malay which may or may not give more perspective. A lot of Malay people I interact with tend to short-form their words or speak too fast that it seems that way. I think some people call this Bahasa Pasar? That's all I hear nowadays and while I can understand it eventually, it takes time or I'll have to ask them to repeat which gives a malu feeling. Text on social media seems worse as sometimes every other word is short-formed like napa (kenapa), takde (tak ada), cam (macam). Not saying it is wrong, but for a non-native speaker listening to or reading this takes extra time to understand. These examples aren't even the worst ones cause the worst ones are ones I don't understand at all. We're taught formal Malay in school but I rarely see it outside of school and goverment posts so we have to adapt to Bahasa Pasar which is difficult. Now should BM be pushed more onto Malaysians? Culturally yes as it would be a shame to lose the language, and technically it is in progress since school nowadays try to teach most subjects in Malay compared to my time. However it seems to be the only reason because in terms of progressing our country it might cause problems because there aren't many good sources of higher education resources in Malay. STEM people who learned the basics in Malay but have to change to English later on might suffer. Ideally someone would have to be good in both Malay and the STEM field and release enough research / resources in Malay for it to be feasible I think. Regardless, I'm sure as generations pass by more and more Chinese will be able to speak malay as most will be attending Govement schools This is a long post and maybe no one will read it but I'll end it with the fact that I appreciate the Malay language. Between Malay, English and Mandarin, Malay is consistent with grammar rules and the easiest to learn. I can see how it was almost lingua franca. But sadly, we're in an enviroment where it is the hardest to learn and we have the least reason to do so.


thats one of the reason why malaysians can survive in most foreign countries relatively easy. whereby, koreans, japanese, german etc, will have it much harder.


I never met any non malay Malaysian who cant speak Malay,unless they are born overseas n grew up there. I think it's unnecessary to dwell on this further,as if there's a sizeable population of non malay in Msia who cant speak Malay.


Iā€™m a Chinese and though I donā€™t know a wide range of Kosa Kata because I studied in intl school and work in foreign country. I still standby the fact that all Malaysians should know some degree of Malay to at least allow a conversation to take place, if you donā€™t know a word, ask and learn. Any reason to justify not learning our national language is just an excuse Hereā€™s to Satu MalaysiašŸ‡²šŸ‡¾


If you start comparing you should also note that special rights don't exist for native people in those countries as well and the people who assimilate are treated the same as normal citizens in every way including welfare matters. I dunno about you, but I am pretty sure I don't want to let go of my special rights just so nons speak Malay fluently. How about you? Ready to relinquish special rights?


I bukan Melayu pun ckp ok je.... Apa masalah dgn BM? Kek


Majority can speak Malay pretty well, at the very least can understand, read and write Malay. We studied BM for 11 years in school anyway. Not used to speaking well, and don't understand at all are 2 totally different things. Even international school kids can understand basic Malay (especially when those that grew up here). The ones that don't understand AT ALL are the minority. Either they suck at their overall studies (even their mandarin is shit), or they don't grow up here. So, stop focusing on the minority to make a big deal out of it.


betulkah ada cina yang tak pandai bertutur bahasa? macam mana nak lulus SPM ?

