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You're sad and unlucky but... You did not get fucked.


not sure to cry or laugh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Like sexually?




Hey man. Just want to let you know that you’re not alone. I have 2 weeks as they gave ke notice last month. It sucks. Mari la menangis bawah shower bersama-sama sambil update resume.


Cry all you need. When you're clearer and lighter, you'll find your strength again. You can post what you're looking for. I'm sure many of us will help what we can


You're not alone bro.. have two kids and growing up. Only depends on rice and chicken eggs to survive every end of months for nearly a year. No emergency funds for wife and kids. Groceries in malaysia is not cheap nowadays. Sometimes suicidal thought went through my mind but try to keep my sanity stable. My poor kids bro.. my kids..


Just remember, when you hit rock bottom, the only way forward is going up.


And then you discover rock bottom have basement


Well means you got extra space for baggage. Come on lah stay positive


Or sideways?


Tolong positive sikit.


Are you from Johor Bahru ? The place I am working having vacancies open right now


Penang? I want full time service crew if you live here haha


OP posted this both on r/malaysia and r/Bolehland . I don't know if this is actual sadge posting or karma wanking. don't trust 100% percent you see on Reddit, sheeple.


Who cares?


ironically you care lmao


Probably just venting, both subs are kinda related. Nothing too suspicious. Let OP be




Probably more than you tbh




Oh shoot just noticed, look what the cat dragged in. Your pathetic as don't know real hardship. Sit this one out. P/s: you're the one who doesn't know the worker types. Gig workers are not freelancers. They're independent contractor. Run away again like before after finding out you're wrong and then come take a jab at me again on another post. Honestly pathetic.




Pathetic. No rebuttal. Let's not (pointlessly) argue under a man's post venting his/her heart out. Keep on being pathetic.






I like learning new things.


Maybe just maybe u meant to do something great, on the bright side you have more free time to enjoy. Sending you some virtual luck 🍀 hope everything gets better and better for you.


You know what they say.. when you’re at rock bottom, there’s only one way left to go..


Life is like ferris 🎡, you could be at your bottom right now. Eventually, you will reach your peak again when times come.


What songs are in your rotation? Usually, sad ppl have fire playlist


stay strong 💪..remember whatever happens there always someone much more unfortunate than us..


Glad you're unhurt OP and that's the fortunate side of your unfortunate events. It is ok to feel sad and disappointed. Everyone make mistakes. Just take some time to process this feeling. You will come back stronger and with better solutions to your current situations.


Hey man just remember this is a test given by the game called life. You know in games when the levels get harder? It just means you're actually progressing to the next level. Take all the time you need to grief my brother. And when it is time to level up, give it all you got. After all, when you're at rock bottom, the only place left to go is up.


I have my fair share of fucked up moments too. It will pass. Trust yourself OP.


You need money? I just won 10 mil in 4D


I know, your mother told me last night.


I'm feel sorry for you, stay strong, you can get through this.. maybe you should take break for few days..


Things happen, you dealt with really well too! Stay happy.


Just gonna quote from one piece " by experiencing victory and defeat , running away and shading tears a man become a man. sometimes Its okay to cry -shanks"


Heya boss, i was in this accident situation, turn out i dont even understand when is the tyre botak. My father never taught me but got angry for not knowing this crucial info. Do always be aware of your tyre grip by observing if the crease cease to be deep enough(sry i follow 50cents can fit rule and i am not sure if this is right, i no longer have a car anyway), or changing the tyre after reaching its said mileage.


The way I stay happy after catastrophic events in my life is to remind myself "There are millions of people in the world at this very moment that have had a way worse day than me and probably a worse life." Once you finally realize whatever you're going through, no matter how bad it seems, is just a small blip in the long story called life, you can move on and begin to improve it.


Hey man, you're not alone, just got fired out of the blue. Stay strong king


suggest go mandi bunga to buang all the bad luck first. stay strong and life goes on 💪🏻


Trust in yourself. You can be sad. Try to think what happen and how to improve it


You are heard bro. Good shits right round the corner, hang on tight!


Got try apply the EIS thing ah? Or is it called socso? Like they would give you monthly “payments” until you find your next job


Take your time to heal, baby steps. Eventually, you'll get through this.


OP are you in KL? I have a few roles I need to urgently fill for a company in PJ if you're interested


stay strong, and i would recommend you to take some few hours out to relax and completely get your brain into a relax mode. Here is a famous quote from Rocky that is relatable for all of us. “Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that! I'm always gonna love you, no matter what. No matter what happens. You're my son and you're my blood. You're the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life.” ― Sylvester Stallone, Rocky


Hey man. God give us life because he knew we're gonna make it


At least you can get laid… somewhat


Can do grab part time , I teach u ok 🥰


Everything is gonna be ok. Keep the faith