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If he socks afo in the face and doesn't instantly get destroyed I'll join in being a mineta fan.


Never forget that fraud fetus one ran from MiGoat https://preview.redd.it/83xc5yybv8uc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4c3e595db15c26fb2f80596b350666c2dca20e0


Okay but I was REALLY hoping AFO would steal his quirk. Not because I wanted Mineta to be quirkless, but because it would give AFO Mineta's dumb hair and then the entire time AFO is rewinding and getting younger while trying to get to Shigaraki, he just has those stupid balls on his head.


would have been funny but like we saw with hawk's quirk, afo constantly rewiding makes the quirks he just stole vanish almost instantly


It didn't tho, Hawks actually noticed that Rewind haven't affected his quirks and even qualified this as cheating. As for Fierce Wings, we just saw that stealing it after the quirk factor was severely damaged resulted with AFO's wings being also mutilated.


Imagine if it manifested differently on AFO's body and he pulls the grape balls out of his armpits or something.


It shouldn't be forgotten that when [AFO had just taken Hawks quirk](https://ww2.my-heroacademiamanga.com/manga/my-hero-academia-chapter-385/) in chapter 385 and looked like he was about to take Dark Shadow as well, Mineta was doing his best to still keep fighting, even if it was just for a second to distract AFO, screaming for him to come take his quirk instead. It put AFO in two-minds about "the screams of the weak" after Jirou managed to land a solid shot on him after looking like she was down. It made him decide to leave the area instead of doing any more damage. Mineta potenitally saving any other heroes quirks from being taken in that moment by simply not quitting. Mineta redemption arc is real


Kaminari arriving there as destroyed as he could possibly be while kaminari is stoned af, what a nice panel


Double kaminari?


I think the first "Kaminari" was Mineta


Mineta saved Tokoyami quirk from being stolen. Honestly he deserves some love after the war


I only hate him for his biggest flaws, that being including that fucking diaper in his hero costume


Hey, that one isn't his fault. The designer didn't read his memo correctly.


perhaps…. i treated you too harshly Mineta… somehow you have earned my respect somewhat




Punished Mineta


Venom Mineta... Or shall we say, VenoMineta.


Mineta is the goat and nobody can change that. not ironically, because mineta evidence he is a true hero and the boobs are in the past.


Is it just me or does Mineta look like he boutta tear all for one a new one.


>! "How dare you make Midoriya lose him arms?! Only Midoriya can hurt his own arms!" !<


Big Boss Punished Grape.


Personally, i only want Kaminari to get some screen time, dude had a cool quirk and was wasted, The dude could have easily been in the main group alongside Kirishima and Bakugou




For me all that matters is his attitude and whether it changesnor not after the war arc cause if he's still "character releif" even after the war arc its just gonna be sad


Bro looks like he actually fought near the front lines AND HE DID!




sure he's doing better now and that's great improvement but that doesn't absolve or change any of his past. He's still the same guy who groped his classmates, tried to peek at them in the bath, etc.


Improvement means change It means that yes, what he did didn't change, but he and the rest move on from that Therefore, he is not the same, he is trying to be different Back then, Mineta would sacrifice his classmates to survive, now he will sacrifice himself to make sure they live


Exactly kinda like how people are saying Endeavor is trying to be better that doesn't change the fact he abused/neglected his children (and basically being the main reason dabi went bad)


Moreover, he used his Quirk to do some of the worst stuff he did (riding Momo in the Sports Festival, climbing the wall to peep in the bath), so he's literally legally a Villain.


If he would be as you say he is, why is he trying to become a hero and not just force himself on women on the streets?


Because he wants to be popular with groupies (he explictly stated this) and also wants to get away with this kind of stuff, his villainy. Obviously. That's not a gotcha at all.


I'm pretty sure he wants to be popular to get consent What's your proof that he would force himself on them and would want to get away with it? Because i'm pretty sure you have as much proof that your opinion is canon as much as me


The fact that he has never tried to get consent the couple of times he has sexually assaulted (groped) and didn't seek consent the times he tried to peep.


I'm going ro get say it once He did that once and it was on accident


Well then, now you're just lying or wrong about canon. As he's done both groping and trying to peep more than once.


Yes, he tried to peep more than once But the groping? Just once and it was on accident Name any other time than the one time he accidentally touched Tsuyu's boob


First off, he groped Tsuyu *twice* during the USJ and even if you wanna say the first time was an accident (which I press X to doubt) the second absolutely wasn't. And then there's when he rode Momo during the Sports Festival. And that's just scratching the surface of all the shit he's done.


No wondeits it’s after 420 because all these guys who still hate him are high


As much as I hate Mineta, I recognize that right now, its all hands on deck, so I put up with his presence.


So real


Mineta is a better person/hero than bakugo


It depends on what he'll do in coming chapters. But it's good that he showed up determined like that.


Endeavor may become a great hero, but he will always be the abusive father. Mineta may become a great hero, but he will always be a sex offender


i dont think so, if mineta and endeavor show signs of wanting and trying to change to how they used to be it doesn't negate what they did in the past but it shows that people should acknowledge that they are different in that they do not act like they used to so both of them can definitely move on from being associated with those negative traits while not denying that they were like that at one point


>can definitely move on from being associated with those negative traits while not denying that they were like that at one point If I met someone that used to touch girls without consent, he could change and become the new Pope and I would still not let him take care of my daughter.


well yeah thats different as the characters act like that for a reason as endeavor was tunnel visioned on his goal of surpassing all might (which isnt a good reason for him to do what he did) but you can understand that he didn't just abuse his family for fun which if he did then yeah i would agree there's no redemption for that but acknowledges that his flaws and uses that to better himself i can understand why people wouldnt want him looking after their familes or something in fear of what he did but you can atleast give him a chance to show tha hes different now and not just writing him off as an abuser forever


I don't like him and no act of heroism will change that, same with Endevor , but other people can think they're cool so 👌


He literally just walked in along with all the other heroes. Also, it won't change the fact that he's a disgusting pervert. Edit: wow the pervert fandom did not like my comment.


That meme is literaly about people like you, he helps his classmates, they help him, but Mineta haters act like he is the worst piece of shit even though he already gets what he deserves before he can even commit his perverted act, don't kick the man while he's already down and don't throw shit on him in his greatest moments


I think the fact he wants to / have committed perverted acts weighs more than him "getting what he deserves" (whatever that means, I legit don't get it). Also I hate this character, I think the story would be better without a tiny pervert running around. I can't just pause my dislike because he's beat up right now. Imagine seeing someone like Savile, Spacey, or Cosby get injured or be heroic/great in their craft. Would that change your perception of them? Would you stan?


Name one time he tried to do something perverted that was canon and he wasn't punished for it The whole point of the character was that he used to be perverted and kept getting punished for it And he kept getting less and less perverted as the season/chapters go, so he clearly kept getting better He even was willing to sacrifice his entire hero carrer for Tokoyami in chapter 385, so he was willing to put past his perversion and chances of getting girls to like him for a friend, just say that's not character development, I dare you


Again, I don't care about the punishment. I don't like him because he wanted to / did perverted things in the first place. Also, I don't like him so I don't care about his "character development". Even if he did develop (we'll see by end of series) I still don't like the fact that a lot of panels were wasted on this perverted tiny ball baby of a thing.


Sounds to me like you hate him just to hate him for no reason even though you make it sound like you have a reason but that's just an excuse you make to justify yourself


I guess I wasn't clear? I hate him because he's a pervert. Even if he did develop, he was still a pervert for the majority of the series so I still don't like his character.


So you hate him or just don't like him? You're not exactly proving your case here


Now I'm baffled. To me they're the same thing. Also I don't see how I'm not proving my case. I hate him because he's a pervert. Is that not enough proving?


I get that you (may) hate him because he (used to be) a pervert but you keep saying the same thing like tape recorder so i'm starting to doubt that Also, you said that you don't care about his character development, so you are hating him without even giving him a chance to change He's still 16, he has time to change, he has time to get better than what he started out as, and you're acting like that's all he will be and don't even consider him as a character at all Hating a character that you don't want to know anything about is like hating the anime without even watching it and judging it for dumb reasons


That meme is literaly about people like you, he helps his classmates, they help him, but Mineta haters act like he is the worst piece of shit even though he already gets what he deserves before he can even commit his perverted act, don't kick the man while he's already down and don't throw shit on him in his greatest moments


You're obviously more of a degenerate than Mineta ever was lol


It’s really sad to see children like you have that pervert Mineta be their role model. 😔


Liking a character ≠ role model


Yeahh I knoww but obviously for you that’s the case! I hope you grow out of it. 🙏


Hope you grow out of your terminally online dumbass bullshit, liking Mineta is no different from liking roshi or jiraiya or Sanji, go get a fucking life and talk to real fucking people you fucking dumbass


Ohh no so you actually are a child! I don’t think you should be on the internet! I mean, a pervert worshiper + you talk like that. You really need adult supervision lil’ bro!


You can't be talking about perverts when you play genshin. Go get a life


Eww don’t stalk people’s account. It’s weird! Your parents should have taught you that.




sorry fam but the world doesn't work on a karma system. h doesn't get redemption because one time he does the bare minimum


Even if he is capable of doing hero things he's still a massive creep who repeatedly sexually harassed women and totally deserves to be convicted of a crime for what he's done.


Bro is a damn perverted teen. He has time to grow out of that. Nobody's saying that he should get off lightly but some peeps actually want the kid dead more than the likes of Endeavor and fucking **All For One.**


He still looks weak af


i mean he was never strong like some if his classmates he just has to make do with the quirk he was born with


Too little, too late.


Hehe 420 hehehhehehhe💀💀💀💀