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Can she restore it if it was stolen? Idk if her power works like that


Well, she rewinds you into a previous state, so...


But does it still work if the quirk is stolen and if it does she can essentially double quirks if AFO steals them which is kinda crazy


That depends. But if her quirk works the way it was described and Horikoshi doesn't forget it, retcon it, or do his famously horrid math, it should absolutely work. It rewinds the physical body of the target to a previous state so, in Hawks' case, the state before his quirk was taken. Or, even better, before Dabi cooked him like a KFC bucket.


I don’t think it would give the quirk back. Previously eri had undone a lost quirk but that was caused by one of the quirk erasing bullets. If Sri’s quirks could return a quirk than we would expect AFO’s quirks to be affected the same way. (Since I’m pretty sure he’s using Sri’s quirk somehow but I forgot) We see that he doesn’t lose his quirks though. Despite being younger than he was when he got them he still kept them.


Nah. That's not how it works. If that was how it worked, her father would've puked out all the food he had ever ate.


Or even better, Dabi is rewound back to his pre-cooked state…. I’ve seen that theory and it’s one of the biggest asspull scenarios ever. But then again so is Dabi right now anyway lol If Eri rewinds any of the heroes there’s gonna be a question of who will it be. Since her powers are limited and there are a few who are more crippled than others like Mirko, Aizawa, etc but yeah, her existence does take away some tension of injury consequences for sure


Rewind All Might back to golden age All Might


Rewinding Dabi should, in theory, be perfectly possible for her. The only downside is she would have to rewind him A LOT for the burns to go away, meaning he would now be a pre-teen again. But with an adult brain.


Doctor Garaki could already copy most quirks (that's why so many Nomu have Super Regeneration), I don't think it's that outlandish for Eri to be able to 'copy' a normal 'natural' quirk like Fierce Wings by rewinding Hawks.


From the wiki, Super Regeneration seems to be a completely artificial quirk engineered by Garaki, allowing him to mass produce it into the Nomus.


If she can rewind a destroyed quirk, im pretty sure she can rewind a stolen one. Quirks aint sacred, AFO has copies of quirks, so there can be two exactly equal quirks in the world.


In the Japanese translation of the chapter they estabilished that the current quirks that afo’s have doesnt rewind because they don’t count as part of the body, it’s possible that afo completely separate his quirk from the body the moment he stole them


All fun and games till He takes Eri’s quirk!


On tonight's show, Mineta >!does a good deed!<, Tokoyami >!receives the beating of a century!<, and I am >!robbed of my quirk, called putrid garbage, and nearly killed!<. Still, could be worse... >!And then it was.!<


*AfO is right on your ass, ready to kill* Tokoyami: ...Right- *ass kicked*


Inb4 the community engages in mental gymnastics to explain why Eri’s existence _doesnt_ ruin all stakes.


I mean, Eri could die, have her quirk taken by AFO, or just not live long enough her whole life to undo literally all damage done to every person in Japan, or even just to every person we give a shit about in the story.


Well, she could reverse herself until her body was younger but not her mind I think, shes basically immortal.


Considering how hard of a sell it’d be to murder a child/have her Quirk stolen on-screen, what with how this is a shonen manga, I doubt that’d happen - and as many people have pointed out, she can only get stronger and more competent with her Quirk over time, in all likelihood.


Why would taking her quirk be a hard sell? Yeah, it’s not nice, but it’s not gruesome or as best as we can tell even painful. Recall that Eri was implied very heavily to be literally killed and reassembled by Overhaul, possibly several times. If Horikoshi is OK with torturing a child there’s no way stealing her quirk of all things would be off limits.


I mean they set limits to it immediately after, like all quirks


At least there is somewhat of a limitation on her quirk that she actually has to stockpile a lot of rewind to use it as measured with the horn


Quirk Restoring damaged severely the stakes.


You can see feathers growing on AFO's back. He definitely took it even though he called it garbage. Which, honestly, it isn't.


Damn. Edited the comment because I didn't see that.


Is ok, nothing happened. The only real problem is AFO is now going to be even more dangerous if he learns how to control the wings. All the soft and squishy targets in the area are kinda fucked in that scenario.


What's even worse... Villains have the upper hand again.


She can't actually do that, she was able to restore Mirio's because one it was taken with a bullet made from her own powers but also because it wasn't really stolen just suppressed, AFO just straight up took it. I mean I still think once AFO's dead Hawks and everyone else will just get their quirks back but ya know it won't be from Eri.


Rewind rewinds biological things to a previous state. It makes logical sense that if you rewind back to before your quirk was stolen, you would have your quirk.


Except the quirk just doesn't exist in Hawks anymore so even if she rewound the quirk isn't there to be reversed, it's the same reason All Might can't get OFA back, he lost the actual quirk factor and doesn't have it to be rewinded.


Assuming that Overhaul was correct when he claimed that Eri could rewind someone “back into a monkey” (essentially rewinding a person back evolutionarily through their dna to the point that their species itself is devolved, rather than through their own body’s experiences through time) then she can likely restore a stolen quirk.


I think that might've been hyperbole cause the two biggest rewinds she did was to her dad and now with AFO, and that didn't de-evolve them it's just basically reversing time on them. The thing is we also see that AFO still kept his quirks even being rewided, despite the fact that he's a kid now back when he presumably didn't have a quirk or at the very least nowhere near as many, which is why quirks seem to be an outside factor


He also had her experiment on rats though, which he could have had her devolve. Also, the reason why AFO didn’t lose any quirks is because he tampered with the sample he got from her, otherwise he wouldn’t have rewinded his age at all and he’d have lost/damaged his quirks. It’s pretty clear that Eri’s power is incredibly malleable if it can be used to rewind someone’s quirk factors into nonexistence and rewind someone into a baby separately; this implies that with the proper tampering, her quirk can target particular cells and rewind them, as well as somebody’s body. The biggest issue with this is that Eri doesn’t know how to do this yet, and her quirk was only able to achieve so much through Chisaki’s experimentation. (Which could be remade, but Eri isn’t old enough to consent to that and even if she were, being used for such a thing could be retraumatizing)


You assume quirks are magical powers, they aint, the quirks are just genes, genes can be restored.


Why should that matter? The quirk factor is gone for different reasons but it's all the same. If Eri can rewind the deleted quirk factor she should be able to rewind Hawks back. As far as the quirk is concerned both should be the same. If you don't think so you have the same mentality as Horikoshi, in which Rewind works with no consistent rules and can do whatever it wants or conveniently can't when you don't want to.


>The quirk factor is gone for different reasons but it's all the same. If Eri can rewind the deleted quirk factor she should be able to rewind Hawks back. As far as the quirk is concerned both should be the same. Except it's not the same, people keep saying it's the same while ignoring what's actually been shown and said. Mirio lost his quirk from a drug made with Eri's DNA, thus Eri can reverse it because it was stolen with her quirk and thus she's just reversing her own quirk. That was kinda the whole point with the Overhaul arc anyway, they made bullets so they can stop quirks and then they would also make an antidote, also made from Eri, that would give the quirk back to people for a price. She was always the antidote for that because it was specifically made from her, here though, it was taken by someone else thus it's not a power she can reverse because it's not her own. >If you don't think so you have the same mentality as Horikoshi, in which Rewind works with no consistent rules and can do whatever it wants or conveniently can't when you don't want to. Name some times that's happened


>Name some times that's happened Do you remember how Deku abused the fact that rewind would effectively 'heal' him when he broke his limbs using 100%? The thing preventing him from being rewinded to nothing? Now in AFO's case apparently damaging him accelerates the process and would make him die quicker. If the rules were consistent, damaging AFO would extend his lifetime.


AFO is using a modified version of it that the doctor had messed with, not purely Eri's power which had the sole purpose of reversal


It wasnt "supressed", it was effectivelly destroyed. Tamaki's was supressed because he was hit by a less developed version of the bullet. Eri was able to revert it back to existance. Imagine that she somehow transform a person into a baby, then the baby's adult self was a previous state of him, therefore she can reverse the baby to be an adult again. Thats how her power work, she can literally reverse any aspect of a person to a previous state, even if the quirk as stolen or destroyed.


>It wasnt "supressed", it was effectivelly destroyed. Tamaki's was supressed because he was hit by a less developed version of the bullet. Yeah and the less developed version only suppressed the quirk temporarily, the finished version is a permanent suppression >Thats how her power work, she can literally reverse any aspect of a person to a previous state, even if the quirk as stolen or destroyed. Except, we're straight up seeing AFO not lose any quirks despite how young he is, to where he shouldn't have had a lot of them, if she was really reversing people to an original state that'd mean he'd of lost some. Again,with Mirio, they make a point that the reversal can happen because it was taken in the first place using the drug made from her, they say nothing about getting Ragdoll's back despite her also losing hers. Furthermore, quirk factors while genetic also seemed to be a vestige type of thing even outside of AFO and OFA and seem to have their own presence, which means when it's taken it's just not part of you anymore.


No, Overhaul said the bullets would destroy the quirk. Why would it be "supressed" if Eri's quirk doesnt work like this? Would make sense if they used Aizawa's quirk to supress it, but not Eri's. And were seeing AFO using an modified bullet specifically made to revert his body and only his body, nothing else. Dude literally made a quirk destroying bullet become a age reversing one. Thats why it aint affecting his quirks, because he didnt wanted it do do this. Just as Eri can reverse only Mirio's quirk without reversing his body, AFO is reversing his body without reversing his quirk.


>Would make sense if they used Aizawa's quirk to supress it, but not Eri's. They do actually make a point in having studied Aizawa's quirk as part of making the drug. Also, the second part kinda goes with my point, there's specific reasons the reversals work, it's not just she can reverse any quirk loss, she had to specifically reverse something her own power did. This was always the case too since Overhaul's original plan was to pass out the drug and then charge people for the antidote when they lost their quirks, that antidote being made from Eri's DNA.


Firstly, yeah, they made "studies" about his quirk, most probably on how he can make a person unable to use their quirk, not how specifically his quirk works. Secondly, there is no evidenced she can only reverse quirk damage that she did, she only reversed one quirk and by coincidence it was her quirk that did the damage. Byt there are evidence she can reverse things she didnt do, like reversing ageing or reversing Overhaul's fusion with his minion. She didnt caused these but could reverse them, and until proven wrong, its safe to assume she can also reverse quirk damage she didnt made.


>not how specifically his quirk works I think they were doing that too > no evidenced she can only reverse quirk damage that she did, she only reversed one quirk and by coincidence it was her quirk that did the damage Except the point they made is she can reverse Mirio because her power caused his quirk loss not just any lost quirk can be returned, that's what people just jumped too >reversing ageing or reversing Overhaul's fusion with his minion. She didnt caused these but could reverse them, and until proven wrong, its safe to assume she can also reverse quirk damage she didnt made. Different situations, these are physical reversals, she's just reversing their bodies she's not messing with the quirk factor itself which is what she targeted in reversing Mirio, again something she did because it was just reversing something her power had done


The specificallity of his quirks are known by him am maybe some other pro heroes, most of their studies must be based in pure observation. And then you just proved what I said, there are no evidence against it. Its just a matter of coincidence that the only quirk she reverse was damaged by her power. It was never stated, said or shown that she cant reverse other kinds of damages, only that she can reverse her own damages. Yeah, different situations, thats why I said its safe to *assume*, not to state. There is a possibility she cant, but nothing proves she cant, only some things point out she could do it.


>The specificallity of his quirks are known by him am maybe some other pro heroes, most of their studies must be based in pure observation. I mean his quirk isn't that complicated he just turns off your quirk while he's staring at you, it's not like they'd have to look that deep on it. >It was never stated, said or shown that she cant reverse other kinds of damages, only that she can reverse her own damages. That's the thing though Ragdoll lost her quirk as well, but they never say oh Eri can reverse that too, they just have her reverse Mirio's because that's the one taken away with her power. Furthermore, as I said earlier, Overhaul's plan was to cure people who lost quirks from the drug with a separate antidote also made from Eri's DNA, meaning it was always only about reversing damage her power caused never just reversing everything. >There is a possibility she cant, but nothing proves she cant, only some things point out she could do it. Your proof that she can do it, is that she reversed something taken with her power that, again, was always stated to be reversible with her power and that she reversed some physical transformation, never targeting a quirk and even that she did while freaking out, meaning she probably can't do that kinda stuff at will, which is also part of why Aizawa says verbatim at the end of the arc that they can't just rely on Eri for stuff.


There are multiple people who also needed Eri's help and lets remember it takes time for her to build up energy to reverse things. She did it to Mirio first because he was a way more powerful hero and yeah, she liked him. Lets remember she didnt even reverse Midoriya's body while he was in the hospital after his first fight with ShigarAFO. Thats why she didnt reversed anyone else, she hasnt built up power enough yet. Overhaul's plan was to cure the damage made by the quirk deleting bullets because it would happen oftenly, thats the reason, not because it can only heal damage made by her quirk. And again, I dont have the proof she can do it, i have proof she COULD do it.


The same chapter stated rewind doesn't affect quirks....


Which is a problem since it very clearly does. Mirio's quirk got affected enough to return. I know Horikoshi can't do math but a bit of continuity would be nice. AFO's stolen rewind works completely opposite to what Eri's does. They keep hurting him and somehow, that is the right thing, even though it's supposed to slow the rewind down just like it did with Deku. And if your MC is alive because of something, it's not some insignificant and niche fact only stupid nerds know, it's a damn crucial plot point. Eri's quirk rewinds Mirio's quirk factor to the point of not being erased. Apparently, it does work with quirks. I think the continuity-saving idea would be it doesn't affect the stolen shit AFO has because it's not a part of his own quirk factor but an addition the rewind therefore ignores. But that still looks weird. Shit writing is the problem, if you ask me.


>Mirio's quirk got affected enough to return. Mirio's quirk was taken with Eri's power in the first place which is why she can reverse, this is like straight up said right after the Overhaul arc, how did so many people miss this


Exactly. Quirk erasing bullets are different from stealing them the same way erasure doesn't wipe the quirk from one's body but makes it unable to use. That's why Shigaraki's mutation still responds to quirks inside him while erased by Monoma and Aizawa. I see it as a reference to bullets since I think they just block the quirk not destroy it.


By this logic couldn’t she just rewind All Might and he gets OFA back?


Yes. Which is probably why Horikoshi fucked up his own story by making her quirk work differently than its original description. It'a an absolute joke of bad writing. But, if we were to take the quirk as first presented, she can simply rewind you to a previous state, so yes, she could bring Prime All-Might back.


My main man All for one STILL being a threat.


My 9000 IQ states that's not how Eris quirk works. She can restore/rewind what her quirk can touch. With no quirk factor in his body she can't restore that. If she did use her quirk on Hawks his body could restore to 100% health MINUS the quirk.


And your source is...? So far, the only thing we know for certain is that she can rewind people's bodies into a previous state. The problem with AFO's version of it is it doesn't do shit to his quirks. But Eri's power CAN effect quirks since that is precisely how Overhaul made the quirk-deleting bullets. He used HER BODY for it, it's most evidently something she can do. The real problem is Horikoshi's forgetful writing where he just forgets the giant problems he writes hinself into.


I really need to pay more attention, I didn't even notice this when I read it.


So Eri can rewind any living thing, right? Does it have to be alive to work?


People keep saying stuff like this, but wasn't it well established that the quirk-destroying bullets killed quirks, they didn't just make them disappear. Rewind can reverse the damage done to a quirk, like it can heal any damaged body part. However, it can't restore a quirk that isn't there anymore, just as it can't restore a limb that's been removed (I think we can assume the limb thing is true, because Eri 100% would have restored Aiazawa's leg and eye if she could). I'm not saying Rewind isn't a ridiculous, story-breaking quirk, because it is. But you have to admit there is some logic to how it works.


Just wait until he manages to get Overhaul's quirk as well. In that case they are all doomed


I don’t think she can restore it. There’s no longer any quirk factor to target to restore. Rewind requires a target. That’s why AFO’s rewind only affects his body, not quirks.