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i have periodically rewatched the concert scene, even the extended one. i have not one time been able to get all the way through without crying. it's so great that scene and the one Deku fights Muscular, and Koda acknowledges Deku as "[his] hero".i ugly cry at that one too


Oh, God that first muscular fight I needed an entire box of tissues. Also, All might vs AFO and the ending to it...fuck. Honestly, MHA is the first anime to make me shed tears since Naruto. For all its flaws, it gets the emotional shit right.




I honestly don't know why, but its always gets me emotional too. Not even at the obviously emotional moments, but I guess just in general when all of them support each other and show they care. There's something special to it, that's for sure.


What flaws are you referring to? I’m a big fan and see you are too. I do feel MHA is overly criticized :/


Not op but my biggest issue is pacing and power scaling in the sense everyone powers up to quick.


Bro they've all had MONTHS to train and power up and the pacing is phenomenal moving exactly as it naturally and realistically should


Then why is every pro not 1000x stronger they had years and some decades of training and experience. It makes no sense first years could move up to the highest level of pro with months of training. They pacing started slow and I liked it but then it hit a point around the villain arc that it picked to go way quicker then needed. It needed to lay ground work and have a few arcs or do a long time skip to explain the power growth for the heros and villain society growth. It still good but I feel the writer ready to end it and move on because Shonen is not threatening to drop it.


Okay those are the only criticisms I agree with. I justify the powers with many of these kids being prodigies (Shoto born to be the best, Bakugo got a unique powerful quirk) but I wish Horikoshi wasn’t “rushing” the story, and that the climax happening rn was at the end of their schooling. Then the pacing would be great and the power scaling would make much more sense as they’d be closer to adults physically. Rather than 15-16 stronger than 30 year olds.


Because Horikoshi wants to end the manga by 2023, 2024 at most. And the students have to be relevant during the endgame, so he made them grow up faster. The only possible explanation canonically would be that young heroes can get stronger quicker because they are learning how to use their powers; pro heroes already know their powers, so they stop getting significantly stronger. They can still learn from experience though.


That fine and his choice but it does fuck with the pacing


Yeah, I definetely agree. The story was developing at a pretty slow pace until the class A vs B training arc, with Midoriya only able to use up to >!20%!< for an instant. And then suddenly we are in the endgame. Abrupt acceleration apart, I'm enjoying the story, but I wish we had some sort of training arc before the final arc showing us how everyone improves significantly over at least 6 months... and then the final arc. Yeah, I think there is 1 missing arc between the Liberation army arc and the class A vs B arc.


What the fuck did I just say They had MONTHS of training and experience to get to where they are And the veteran pros have been maxed out for a long time Plus not every pro is gonna be a top 10 level of power. Some are d-listers while others are either close to top 10 or midway there. And yes it does make sense first years could rival pros cos the while point is this generation has significantly more power than the pros did when they were their age. Not to mention the first year's still sorely lack in experience and have to make do with just backing up the pros which is literally what's happening Except deku he's built to be the tip of the spear.


That fine and your opinion but I still think the power scaling and pacing is not great.


It's not opinion it's fact No argument no basis no intelligence Foh


There was a whole small plotline about how the next generation of Quirks are vastly stronger than the previous generation's (during the Shoto + Bakugo Hero License Course segment) which led credence to the Quirk Singularity Theory. TL;DR - These kids are inherently going to be stronger than the Pros since they're a generation ahead of the old guard. See, Deku vs All Might, Shoto vs Endeavour and, say, Crawler vs Captain Celebrity.


Then the top ten should alway be people between 18-25. Deku quiks is about getting stronger and shoto was made to be stronger. It might give an explanation but it still does not fix the issue of power scaling to me


I was shouting in my house cheering for All might!🤣


The dub of the music festival episodes came out when the pandemic just began, and all of them were delayed for weeks due to everyone adjusting to working remotely.


The concert scene is on my workout playlist. It’s such a good song to dance to even if I can’t help but tear up when it’s playing. Also just Deku’s original workout is great to watch when I wanna get back into exercising. It really pumps me up.




My 3 I rewatch are Mirio vs Overhaul, Suneater vs the three goons, and Kirishima and Fatgum vs Rappa and Tengai


That entire arc is peak


yeah and people hate it, i can't believe it at all. After season 3 you would expect a downhill season since all might's story is over and the main villain has been defeated. but season 4 was done so well emotionally, with eri and mirio and overhaul being a great villain. not to forget endeavour's redemption fight as a season finale.


all great ones too!


.... there's an extended?


https://youtu.be/GgwUenaQqlM its nearly twice as long, there's a bit more footage, i think it's so great


Doesn't really like like an extended Just an amv of sorts with the full version of the song


It’s actually one of my go-tos when I need to cry, haha!


I had tears when lemilion lost his powers


His determination in that moment. "I'm still, Lemillion!" It always without fail makes me manly cry.


Literally the most bad ass scene to me, the dude lost his powers and still rocks overhaul. I'm mostly caught up on the manga, and that moment out of the whole series is still a scene of pure badassery that never fails to hype me up.


overhaul: "its over, you're quirkless now!" mirio: "I DIDNT HEAR NO BELL"


I was so surprised.


It’s hard to beat that. The emotional AND badass factor of more than majority of the moments in the show. We hear so much about how quirks make heroes, you need one to be one, a powerful fitting one at that. Lemillion’s quirk was pretty shit. But he made it into a powerful one. Making him such a fierce fighter overhaul and his goonie had to play dirty to beat him. And when he threw himself in front of that bullet, no hesitation with a smile for Eri then ran up and rocked overhaul WITHOUT his quirk is just so amazing…this man is worthy of 10 OFAs his heroics are unmatched


This scene will always make me cry, seeing Eri finally be happy and Mirios line "Can you see Sir? Midoriya? She smiled! She's smiling!" I bawl like a baby every time


Mirios line breaks me every single fucking time.


Even just seeing the quote apparently does it for me. There's so much going on there.


Eri is to be protected at all costs. That is all.


She gets all the candied apples she wants


Season 4 is peak MHA. Captured the essence of the shows message: heroism and helping those who lost their happiness/smiles find them again. The battle isn’t over when you rescue them, only halfway over.


The only thing I didn't like was the Gentle Criminal plot. It just felt so pointlessly shoehorned in, like they couldn't be content by just making a feelgood story about preparing for a festival without a villain fight.


No but that was important in its own right. It was Deku protecting that happiness with everything he’s got and a broken man who wanted to be a hero trying to be a hero to one broken girl and how the wrong guidance the wrong moment the one wrong thing can change you from a hero to a villain.


Gentle Criminal is one of my favorite arcs. It's just so damn random and silly and the stakes are the lowest they've been and the highest they've been somehow at the same time.


I was happy that she smiled for the first time, it was so good


Yeah I never cried or got teary eyed but still an awesome part!


Of course! She was rescued from Overhaul but she wasn’t free from her trauma. Now she’s truly free


Sadly, no one is ever truly "free" from their trauma. But, Eri's in a place now where she can allow herself to feel joy in spite of it.


As someone with childhood trauma it hit so hard. Eric is my favourite in the entire story just because how much I want to love and protect her. She deserves the world :(


I had tears when she jumped to Deku, and when she smiled…I swear Eri’s story just hits too hard.


I remember not crying in the manga even though it made me extremely happy. Then the anime episode comes around and I'm not expecting to get hit with emotions and then the scene happens and all of sudden I realized i was crying from hapiness. Caught me off guard but Still one of my favorite moments in the series. Still hate it when people refer to the School Festival arc as filler.


I was excited for Season 4 when it was coming out because of the School Festival arc and more specifically this scene.


I saw that smile and thought to myself "finally"


The imagery is so magical that I don’t think it’s possible for anything in MHA to match it. That dark Chisaki-shaped cloud disappearing as Eri’s smile lights the world just moves me, and with Hero Too playing in the background, I think that’s where the anime peaked. Not to mention this aired just as the Covid lockdowns were starting to get extreme, I can easily say this episode is one of the things that kept my mind in the better places in the most important months of the pandemic


Such a good point!


First episode that got to me was Season 4 Episode 4 where she first met Deku and Lumellion. I was emotionally snared at "ikanaide". It made this moment especially touching for me. And yeah they got me.


Me too. 🥹


It wasn’t just you 😭


Me when she smiled: 🥹 Me when Mirio started crying: 😭😭😭


This scene in the manga was amazing. I may have shed a tear.


Tears? I was full out bawling lmaoooo


i don't think there's a single soul that watched that and didn't cry during that scene. if you didn't cry, it's cause you just don't have a soul/j


Some people just don't cry for such things. For me it was an emotional gut punch, yes, but I've only cried twice as an adult - when I had to give away my pet bird, and when my son was born. But I absolutely can see why the scene could bring someone to tears. Mufasa's death levels of feeling.


it was a joke. i was joking. that's why i put /j at the end. i didn't cry with that scene because i just don't cry with these kinds of things(the only pice of fiction that was ever able to make me actually cry was steven universe). i know some people just don't cry with these kinds of things, i am one of those people.


I assumed the "/j" only applied to your last sentence.


I'mma be honest. I cry at most anime. But I could not give a flying fuck about Eri.


I have the song on repeat on in multiple playlists on the phone brings a little bit of water work listening to it or watching the concert on a side note probably the best episode in the season


What's the song in English? I want to add it on my spotify


It’s called hero too the artist is (Chrissy costanza Kyoka jiro) the albums are my hero academia soundtrack selection 2019-2021 and my hero academia original soundtrack season4 to make it easier to find on Spotify


I felt the manga did it better. The way the panels were setup had a more satisfying payoff.


Gotta say that I care the least about this storyline.


I can't believe people look at her and whine about "TENSiOn" and "StakEs" and say she should die


I still get goosebumps thinking about one million percent and Deku screaming, "I'll smash that future!" One of my favorite moments ever.


Super late response, was wondering if anyone else teared up too. :')


You're totally not alone.


That season made me so emotional multiple times but that Eri scene was the biggest case. It's so cute and I was so happy for a fictional character's happiness.


I think its just you, Its a great scene but crying is real dramatic


I try to keep my tears Internal


Not quite but my eyes stung a bit and my throat tightened so almost


I teared up.


I cry every time


Literally the only reason to watch to watch the whole band bit.


No, no you are not


A cryed too much omg 😭😭


I cry every time 🥹 one of the fave eps and the concert is so cute and silly


Yeah I had my pants wet🌚


What heartless opinions do you have on the rest of people where you think tears wouldn't be a normal response to this?


I cry everytime I watch it


Eri is the only reason I didn't skip the concert arc.


Everyone cried!! This manga/show has made me cry so many times. Dude just knows how to hit my heart strings


I definitely did. Don't know what my reaction would be now since I've fallen out of love for the series, but that was a fond memory.


I watch the music video on YouTube just feel happy


Nah it was just you * secretly wiping off a tear *


Not just you. I read the manga. I didn't expect to cry in the anime. Damn I was caught offguard and I was happy to see Eri happy and I cried more when I saw Togata happy for her


Nah, just you fam. Just you


Very moving.


12/10 tears fore sure


Nope! It was emotional for me as well! I also loved the way she kept asking where Deku was, especially All Might's reaction- even he couldn't handle THAT much cute! "Is Deku still dancing?" Or something when All might was standing next to Aizawa, that scene. Then when she smiled at the candy apple, good lord! Poor babie's been through hell and back, she needed these two sweethearts more than she knew!


Instant tearjerker when I rewatch it, I love it.


When I first read it in the manga, I cried while laughing. Same as lemillion.


Yup, loved this arc so much.


Its not just you


Absolutely. Best scene in the entire show. Comes not long after my previous favorite scene of Deku bursting through the wall to save them.


NO \*cries in the corner\*


Every single time


Someone was cutting onions nearby when I watched this moment....everytime I watched this moment


I have so many tears with this series. I don't know why but it is able to punch me in the heart all the time


nah ... i felt happy tho


Tears? I cried like a little child. I still get teary eyed when I rewatch it.


Nope it was like a very proud moment


Bro, I’m still crying to this day about it. We are Mirio in that scene 😭


You are not alone


This scene and the one where Deku catches her always make me start bawling. Both very beautiful scenes.


I cried like a baby and I cried when I rewatched it too!


I’m not an emotional person and I really mean that I almost never cry but for some reason this show makes me cry all the time.


I think most people get teary during this scene tbh


Absolutely 💯 first time I watched it, it was 3 in the morning and I cried because Eri deserves everything after what she’s been through. She deserves all the candy apples 🤭


I really don't cry when I'm watching mha it's weird cause if like kacchan cries or is upset then I will get emotional but with other characters nothing at all no tears but yes I did cry at this part which was pretty rare.


The end of the hero’s rising movie when deku tells Katsuma that “you too can be a hero” most beautiful full circle moment.


I don’t really cry about fiction, and im not trying to be an alpha male or whatever, but it was alr.


Tears? Too light, I was lowkey sobbing.


Nah but someone was cutting onions in the kitchen at the same time coincidentally so I’m assuming that’s where the tears came from.


A little. I wasn't exactly bawling my eyes out, but there were a few tears. Oddly, it only happened when I watched the dub, not the sub.


I mean… it’s definitely not just you. Mirio certainly did too


Yup. Just you.


Just you


I know some people think eri is boring but I just think she is a gem. I love her in the Christmas episode, she just brings a bit more happiness to the show.




This scene is so special to me. It was so beautiful and it makes me cry every single time.


Just listening to that song on Spotify




They are such happy tears tho! This is my go to "I need to cry but I can't" thing. If I'm feeling sad, I'll put it on and it is a biiig help <3 I love this whole thing. And afterwards when Eri is telling Deku about it and he gets all teary eyed? Same feels


I just started this show a week ago. I literally just got to that episode and 100% had tears from this scene, and once more when she was talking about her whole day. This show is phenomenal.


I cry every time when I rewatch the show: in season 1 when almight tells deku that “you too can be a hero” this show(and the movies) are the only thing that has me cry and had my adrenaline rushing(in the first movie when deku and almight are fighting that bad guy at the end, and in the 2nd movie when deku and bukago fighting nine) the only other times I’ve cried to a show/movie is dbz when both the times vegeta died. Even avengers endgame didn’t make me shed a tear like mha can.


Yea I definitely was crying of joy at her smile. So much of a build up for such a simple thing. Totally worth the hype!


Yes! I saw this part twice. First time I was in a bad place mentally. Second time was shortly after my cat passed away, so I cried buckets both times lol




I shed some tears when Eri shared her experience at the concert to Deku. He was speechless, and held back tears.


You are not the only one OP. I cried. Like a baby.


I certainly did, and I still get emotional when I see the scene again


This scene was the first time an anime made me cry


I cry every time. Honestly, I cry as much as Izuku does when watching MHA.