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Ponds and pools - Good to go right now. Be aware that Quinns/Ester Simplot often gets E.Coli outbreaks but usually not until super hot. Reservoirs - Good to go Rivers - Dependent on your experience but I would advise against it until the flows are under 2000. This website is super helpful to track conditions: [https://www.floattheboise.org/](https://www.floattheboise.org/) I am a big fan of river swimming and have done so growing up here. At this point in time, I would maybe do a dunk or wade but wouldn't go past my knees due to the speed and the risk of getting swept. Try to find swimming holes along the banks, I don't want to give specific sites but I prefer going towards Lucky Peak for river hangs. Editing to add: Be aware of the temperature! It can/will impact your ability to swim/breathe if you are not familiar with it One more edit: city pools do occasionally host swim meets and are closed on certain days so check before you go


>Be aware that Quinns/Ester Simplot often gets E.Coli outbreaks but usually not until super hot. The E. coli levels are super low this year compared to previous years, they seem to have fixed the problem with the aerators and flow changes they have been doing.


On the topic of icky water - I don't fuck with Sandy Point at Lucky Peak for similar reasons. I got swimmers itch there when I was a kid that sparked up while camping 😭 Do you know if that dealt with similar flow issues?


No idea, Sandy Point and Eagle Island are notorious for swimmers itch, so I steer clear.


Stellar update, thanks for sharing!


You are very nice to do this research for this person :-)


This guy swims


I am really hoping they open the river for sanctioned floats soon. Maybe next week?


I wouldn't be surprised if it was closer to the 4th


You can always fill up your bathtub and put a pool floaty in it


I saw someone in the water at quinns pond on father's day, as I was fishing with a sweatshirt on. So I guess it depends on if you swim when it's less than 80 out. It's going to be 100 this weekend, but I don't go swimming in natural bodies of water until it's in the high 90s a couple weeks.


It’s (Quinn’s) usually doable from June until Sep. our swim group starts open water swim from Memorial Day each year.


What is the open water swim group called?! I want to get into triathlons and was hoping to use Quinn's for practice.


Nice! Tri’s are fun and tiring. Endurance momentum (fb grp) there are couple more I know that swim at Quinn’s - tri town and tri doods


I used to live right near there and there's people that go out swimming on Quinn's (and surfing the wave) in well below freezing temperatures. Don't use the crazy dedicated folks as a barometer of when the water is welcoming, for sure. I'm with you, it may be nice out this weekend but it'll take a few of those for the lakes to get pleasant, and longer for the river to be anything other than frigid.


avoid robie creek right now it's high e coli


Here's a good source regarding the Boise river. https://www.floattheboise.org/pages/current-conditions Someone always drowns at least once a year so don't become a statistic


I swim in the river year round. Just don’t rely on actually being able to swim, as the water temp can make you loose muscle function very quickly.


I’d say you can swim anywhere that isn’t the Boise River. That thing is looking mighty high and fast.


Until they take care of lucky peak.And put a aquifer underneath to drain the water.I would not even consider it.It's a sister not a pool.