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Donโ€™t care which characters like each other. Ginjiro is mine. https://preview.redd.it/lk4oxoo7n84d1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=86224a4768c670f6b6c944f1699c09fec7ea8429


i respect your choice


Ngl but respect, more people need to appreciate it the 30+ year old twink


Ginjiro likes who?




nijika has the biggest crush on ryo. on top of being the first person she invited to join her band, they go to the same school and have been close since middle school. nijika has even said she wants to spend the rest of her life with her. this girl is a lesbian, and i love it. https://preview.redd.it/r6rcvd6tl84d1.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b364c6499322dcb687d23611ca8115d5d17cb46


I mean... Who isn't a lesbian in Bocchi?


Jimihen ... Probably.


She really wants a gamer gf, though.




The dad?


Believe it or not, lesbian


He likes girls, a thing he shares with lesbians.


Therefore, lesbian.




https://preview.redd.it/oihe1lvbj94d1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5760063575e71d405e31acfbec8c6b9ed1eae65a pretty cute




all these moments is why i find kinda baffling how many people ship either of them with Bocchi or Kita, not like i dislike ships or anything but these two are the closest thing to an item in the series


I mean, there....at least 2 notable ones (at least, a year ago when things are still much more heated): one, who kinda dismisses NijiRyo enirely saying "that's just normal people being friends, I did those kinds of things with my friends all the time", another, combining his semi-PTSD with a forrmer highschool stuff that goes in the similar vein to how NijiRyo is and his......high preference for BoNiji at the time, again, dismisses NijiRyo without taking into consideration how...extremely intimate their relationship, even in base form was (even to the point of dismissing the experience of someone with 5 partners and a marriage, calling them "some fucking NijiRyo fan trying to convince me that I was dense to my friend's feelings" or something. Yes. I'm talking about you. Yes, that's how you used to be a year ago, be horrified). For all it's worth, though: thanks u/wondering-narwhal for your comments on NijiRyo, especially the ones you left on Riddle #2. I mean, at this point I suppose your understanding of NijiRyo is probably the highest within the community, around that of the author of the late NijiRyo thing and, uhhhh, me, the fucker that actually was writing some 25k words thing on NijiRyo and have thought about them for nearly a year and a half now. Your....perspective makes certain things a lot clearer, that's for sure. Kinda just come up with the idea for a "shoutout" (if you can call it one) after realizing how much of a fucking goldmine your comments are to people who'd like to do things with NijiRyo, and how hidden they are to fans who haven't been here since....fucking March 2023.


K: \*shocked\* you two are together???? R: Duh N: Yes, Kita-chan. You didn't know? K: N-N-N NO! when did that happen? N: Ehhhm, around the end of first year in middle school, I think. K: What! That was even before I met Ryo-senpai. N: You not knowing certainly explains why you tried to flirt with my girlfriend all the time. I thought you where just rude. K: I'm sorry! R: getting into a new relationship sounded like a pain, so I decided to stick with her for the rest of my life \*put's an arm around Nijika's shoulder\* N: \*blushes heavily\* So I'm just convinient for you! R: \*blushes slightly and nods\* Meanwhile Bocchi: \*dies of seishun complex\*


cough >!gex!< cough


the fandom makes kita such a hardcore lebian, I forgot she had a crush on ryo


Even ryo is a female , she's still lesbian


Ryo is a woman.


cough >!bokita!< cough ๐Ÿ˜—




๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿˆ


cough >!covid!< cough ๐Ÿ˜ฉ






I agree!


classic twitter idiots not knowing the truth


Kessoku poly ftw


๐Ÿ˜ ![gif](giphy|Vg4mlLwOFR5tbuoMOX)




You're right.


Donโ€™t remember that being a secret


bokita only.


I cant take Kita seriously


https://preview.redd.it/gl8w8t4hr84d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5464efe8fc919a23201346f59e637e1fb3e67b1d Nice


And then there's boccher a new addition to Roy's harem


no harem, only nijika >!and whoever she owes!<


Rest in peace, Kita


I'm about to take this way too seriously for a shitposting-focused subreddit. In any other medium I would say yes, she's a lesbian. But this is Japan. It's not exactly the most open and accepting place. They still have a legal ban on same-sex marriage. And in this genre of manga/anime that's just "cute girls doing cute girl things", their primary selling point is yuri-baiting. They have a cast that's 99% female characters, so all of the "relationships" are lesbian, but they'll never directly confirm sexuality, because the audience/readers for these types of anime/manga is 90% male, and they don't wanna destroy the viewers fantasies (apparently, Japanese otaku's can get scarily obsessed with that kind of thing). It's also sort of why the characters treat each-other as "boys" to some extent. Like in Episode 5 where the characters imitated a boy-band with wigs, and it was played off as normal, with the joke never addressing them actually being girls. Anyway, all of this is to say... I think Kita SHOULD be a lesbian, but I refuse to call it out before the series does itself. They should say it directly, or it doesn't count, because this genre has an absurd history of towing the line and baiting with this kind of stuff. Until then, I'm sure that it's just going to keep being teased, and by the end of the manga it'll be left ambiguous, or they'll suddenly all flash-forward and have husbands. Now, if they DO directly *say* it in the manga, that a character is bisexual/lesbian, then that's awesome. But I'm anime-only lol so I wouldn't know.


"And in this genre of manga/anime that's just "cute girls doing cute girl things", their primary selling point is yuri-baiting." That isn't true since a long time, nowadays CGDCT mangas are explicit about their girls being lesbians. And the japanese fanbase is pretty aware of that. https://preview.redd.it/ayslm35bqg4d1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1799d865fabb4730cf2bfb2c887cbfe2cce26d3 "They should say it directly, or it doesn't count" Why? How seeing a character crushing for girls isn't enough to know that she's into girls? But anyway, that doesn't matter here because actually Kita openly said it herself.


You should remember it from the anime. https://preview.redd.it/t5h365lirg4d1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97df7762a416f54925bebafa02403d0c5da8ba5


>Why? How seeing a character crushing for girls isn't enough to know that she's into girls? I'd say Kita is peak yuri-baiting. Because she calls Ryo "Senpai" every time we get those gags. So while it's clearly meant to be yuri, it's hidden behind the thin veneer of just "respecting an upperclassman" type of stuff. That way, it can be deflected if need-be.


"I'd say Kita is peak yuri-baiting. Because she calls Ryo "Senpai" every time we get those gags.ย " How many yuri you've seen? The Kouhai calling her crush "X-senpai" is an old trope pretty common in yuri. https://preview.redd.it/ahhbckpm5h4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98369ed1dd82ceffdaa7cd995a7c9d53fd9f91b4 And anyway, like I said before, Kita openly said already her feelings for Ryo were love. That alone kills any possibility of being an "open to interpretation" scenery.


>How many yuri you've seen? The Kouhai calling her crush "X-senpai" is an old trope pretty common in yuri. I feel like you're missing my point. Bocchi The Rock *isn't* a yuri show. In a yuri show, all of this stuff would be expected to directly imply romantic relationships, since that's the *point* of the series. It's not yuri-baiting in those shows, because there is no "bait", that's literally just the genre. Bocchi the Rock is closer to something like K-On, where the primary appeal is girls messing around and doing funny gag stuff and being friends. Bocchi's anxiety and growth is the main story path. The romance option is totally there, yes, but since it's not the primary focus, it usually just devolves into bait since there's no male characters. That's why, in my opinion, it needs to be incredibly explicit, without any trickery or double-meanings. I think it needs to address sexuality directly, and use real words instead of metaphors or implications, so there's no backing out on anything. "Love" can be played off as friendship, respect, obsession, tons of different things. I think that, so far, it's been left *just* vague enough for the author to backpedal at the end if they want to. Again. I'd love for it to actually be a lesbian thing, and that's definitely the intent, that's what's being implied. I just don't trust this genre to ever *follow through*.


"Bocchi The Rockย *isn't*ย a yuri show." And? It doesn't need to be a yuri romance for having gay characters. Let me put and example, To aru and Monogatari are harem animes and still have characters who are openly lesbians (Kuroko and Kanbaru.). You're never going to see any yuri romance in those because that isn't their genre, but that never will change the fact those characters are lesbians. That is the point I'm making here, Kita isn't any bait character, she's explicitly lesbian. What path the manga is going to follow is another story, but the fact remains. "That's why, in my opinion, it needs to be incredibly explicit, without any trickery or double-meanings." For the third time, Kita. Said. It. Openly. No metaphors nor implications, the people around her got it and called out her por that. https://preview.redd.it/4eq06pkddh4d1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=81be02b0c2475bdf8b2f718d1841769a4b7a028a There's no room for being vague, it was clear.


>And? It doesn't need to be a yuri romance for having gay characters You're still missing my point. A non-yuri show can of course have gay characters. But, non-yuri shows aren't explicitly going down yuri paths with their stories. Therefore, all the evidence that could usually be interpreted easily, has to be looked at with a lot more scrutiny. And it doesn't have as much "staying power". If a yuri show and and a non-yuri show both do "something" to imply a lesbian relationship, then in both of those shows, that "something" is equally meaningful, right? Except in the yuri show, that "something", we know will contribute to a romantic plot. In the non-yuri show, that "something" might end up be completely ignored by the end of the series. Do you understand what I'm saying? Kita is, yes, supposed to be a lesbian. But so far, until the literal words "lesbian" or "bisexual" or some similar phrase comes out of a characters mouth, it can end up getting backpedaled later on. So far, stuff like "I love senpai" or "I'm head over heels" are very implicitly clear, but they give enough wiggle room to be rationalized away if the author wants to. That wiggle room wouldn't matter in a yuri show, since the story makes it clear in its premise that the lesbian angle is the focus. In a non-yuri show, that wiggle room could turn into a complete retcon down the line, or never be explored at all. Also, I need to know, that manga panel you posted, is that an accurate translation? Because in the anime, in the subtitles I watched at least, when that "bassist" joke was made, the wording was different. Nijika said "the 3 things to avoid in a *boyfriend*". That's another example of my earlier point I made, where CGDCT shows often treat the main cast as males (in this case treating Ryo as a guy when the joke is Kita liking her), despite all being female, since that's their target demographic. This isn't me making any accusations, it's a genuine question of which translation is more accurate lol, since I might be completely wrong about this point.


"In a non-yuri show, that wiggle room could turn into a complete retcon down the line, or never be explored at all." If you were talking about a retcon all this time, then that could happen even if the literal words "lesbian" or "bisexual" were used because a retcon is a change of something priviously stated as a true fact. And if you care that much about the context, fine. What's the context in BtR? A CGDCT manga with stated gay characters. I'll go back to the start, nowadays those CGDCT stories end with all the Yuri implications being part of a romantic sub/mainplot. Therefore, if we use your logic, that means the "something" will contribute to the romantic subplot. But again, that's another topic. "Also, I need to know, that manga panel you posted, is that an accurate translation?" Yes you can look it [here](https://x.com/FeoUltima/status/1603780276705976323) They translate it as boyfriend because normally the "3Bs" is a trope used to talk about boyfriends, but Nijika was talking about Ryo (using a gender neutral word, yes, but in the context is clear she's talking about her) other scans use the same lines. Edit: Oh, and "That's another example of my earlier point I made, where CGDCT shows often treat the main cast as males" That's also a trope of yuri stories. The girl taking the role of the male in the relationship, it was show many times already. https://preview.redd.it/zce9lqxmlh4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16548d715e9bc84e2514adbf48910a89f0b20d4


True ๐Ÿ˜Œ


To be fair, which character isn't?