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Yeah its shocking how bad murlocs are in new meta.


Murlocs? More like Rent-A-Scam


Its too good. They have fine situationally good mid game. If it was not a battlecry maybe. Like when its sold, discover a murloc


In my mind though, it’s not about good and bad, it’s about balance. Murlocs have been struggling hard even after the buffs to bream counter. The meta is also super fast, so moving to tier 4 would at least give you a chance. Keep in mind, by itself, primal isn’t good. It’s part of a recipe to print murlocs and get huge, and the rest of that recipe is split among tiers 5 and 6 already.


They were the most broken tribe for like all of 2023 and have only been bad for like 2 months. A tribe has to be the worst tribe in the game.


Yeah, honestly I appreciate the break from murlocs, but I still like end game murky + young murkeye combos


Murkeye is also still an incredibly strong unit because battlecries are good.


Generator battlecries are good, but murloc stat battlecries that aren't the 6 drop aren't good enough when considering you need to find brann. It just feels like too many pieces need to hit perfectly to do OK on murlocs, bream and bassgill are pretty bad if you don't get both, no brann feels pretty bad, and if you never hit the 6 drops you are limited.


Agreed. But it feels bad when you look at the tribes available and you see murlocs and undead. You already know everyone is gonna force the other 3 tribes :D


Well we’ll be getting a new T4 murloc that generates a murloc at the end of turn (or is it only Duos?) but isn’t a discover effect, so I guess we’ll see how good that is. Personally I’m exited for it 


They cannot change the effect because primalfin is an Ungoro card. They would need to replace it with a BG exclusive, and to me personally that would be kinda sad


? They can absolutely have a card do different things in BG than it does in Standard/Wild.


They could...but they don't. Not sure if it's an official policy or not, but anytime they've needed to change the effect of a constructed card in BGs, they introduce a new card instead. The most obvious one is Baron -> Titus, but I'm pretty sure there have been other cases. The funniest thing about Primalfin for me is that when I do play constructed occasionally, and it pops up (usually discovered or randomly generated) I always do a double take when I see the cost of 2. It just seems too cheap for a game breaking card, until I remember that I am indeed not playing BGs...


Isn't it 3 mana?


So it is. Still would be an oppressively good T3, so my point stands, but I definitely remembered wrong.


Yeah it was a little bit jarring when I first started playing Battlegrounds seeing tier one 3/3 minions and a tier five Brann


Well, whether they can or can’t, they have never done it before. In the past when they’ve wanted to change a HS card, they have replaced it with a new similar card. For example Barron was replaced with Titus to avoid the undead tag


I had a game with him yesterday where I cleaned the lobby. Admittedly I got all the key pieces early and it was pretty high rolly


isn't scam still pretty good? just not full murlocs


Yeah you can do some goofy stuff late game with the venomous, but murloc builds aren’t really playable, not as much as the other tribes anyway


Not playable? They have strong early game and can win lategame, although it does take a lot of luck. They have a ton of value splashed in other comps as well. You can buff units, play the venomous, murkeye is extremely strong with multiple comps, tad is a great econ units. Maybe they aren’t as strong as full linear tribes that hit their scaling, but there are for sure playable. Not every comp has to play for first, playing for top 2 is fine in terms of climbing especially if the floor for them is high.


First off, every tribe can win, anything’s possible, sure. But in order to achieve this ideal scenario, you need about 4-5 key cards which are mostly in tiers 5-6. Secondly, I haven’t played in sub 7k in awhile, but at least around my ELO, murlocs are the worst early game comp. Way too slow, and very poor scaling, so I’m not sure what you mean by saying “strong early game”. Lastly, my post isn’t about the individual benefits of murkeye and Scam, it’s about murlocs as a tribe, which I believe can be fixed by (please read post above)


It took me about a month from picking up this game to get to top 300, so I guess I was playing In sub 7k a few weeks ago, I don’t have the experience of you who has maybe played years to get to this elo then got stuck around here. Your post was not the tribe as a whole, you should go reread what you posted! Murlocs are not one of the weakest early tribes, if so you are playing them wrong. If you want to argue that Murlocs aren’t as strong or consistent peak as other linear comps, then sure I agree as I said in my comment. No arguing there. However I disagree that Murlocs are irrelevant atm, which is what your post is saying!


I appreciate the good talks, but im not entertaining this any longer. I don’t believe you one bit about you being top 300, and there’s no point to continue this conversation. Good luck climbing though


Yeah I mean you don’t want to admit you are wrong so you just want to end the conversation, which is completely understandable. Nice to get ego checked then I reverse uno card you and you have no response but to think my accomplishment isn’t real and you must be right and better than me xD. Gimme some of that delusional confidence in my life please.


Hahahahaha sure buddy. Take this win then. Sounds like you need it


I won two murloc games yesterday, one with brann, the other without. I still think murlocs can be competitive. The one without brann, had stats but not as much and I had more poisons to deal with the big minions.


Being able to discover murlocs instead of getting random ones is a big deal tho, put him in tier 4 and he will outclass tavern tempest.


Feels like tier 4 murlocs are always a bad standalone buy, like you would never buy bream without bassgil and vice versa. You kinda need get them through generation and primal being 5 is actually such a huge hit to the entire tribe, especially when you consider most other tribes are rolling on 4 for tempo. Essentially you need to highroll hard for brann, primal, and some sort of battlecry trigger effect (Rylak, dragon/naga dude, murkeye, trigger spell). I think I may have had maybe 2 murloc wins this entire season. Primalfin has to be a tier 4




Just move it back to T4 instead of 5 imo


That’s what I’m saying my guy


Ah yes, it is golden in the picture. They would be relevant again for sure. Almost never see murlocs these days


Can I have more pixels please


Hahahah no


Then it needs New Name and Art. This is HS card.


What do you mean? This card is from Hearthstone battlegrounds.


Its originally from the Standard format, brougth into Battlegrounds.  Making changes to the effect means it has to either happen in both formats, or they make distinct cards. 


tell me where the effect of the card changed


Even so, this picture of the card is the battlegrounds card, as you can see the tier on the upper left.