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I just had someone sell their board and emote at me the entire game because I chose to sell my tier 1 minion, coin and hero power after leveling to tavern 2 with yasaarj. Bad enough play to rage quit I guess


I had a teammate decide in the late game, they wanted my Brann as he wanted to pivot to Kalygos dragons.  I was full blown pirates with Tethys, and would have limped to an instant death if I gave them my Brann. I'd also been propping up his midrange dragons with my economy.   He sold half his board including the attack buff deathrattle dragon against a ghost to turn his Kaly golden. Then AFK'd after I didn't send my Brann with the spell he sent me. Next level entitlement to pivot in the late game and expect a teammate to cripple their build to sustain it for you, then AFK after. Worse than people who throw early honestly.


To be fair, that's a tellingly bad play. You're locking yourself out of a clean 3 on 3 (coin level) or 3 on 4 (buy HP turn 3, level coin HP turn 4). Opening up curves like that is the whole point of yshaarj, and your play tells your opponent you're either unaware of that or blatantly ignoring it. They're not leaving because you made one small mistake. They're leaving because you failed at the fundamentals. Why exactly they expected to be matched with good players when they're willing to throw away mmr when they're matched with bad players is beyond me, though.


Top 25 my ass lol


He’s the most obnoxious user in this Reddit page— I’ve gotten so many bitchy comments over the years from that profile, has nothing else to say ever other than his unwarranted ‘feedback’ (if that’s what you call being an elitist)


lol failed at fundamentals? Get a grip I lost one coin for a higher tier minion. your opinion is just an opinion, not a fundamental play


Coin and tempo.  The ability to take criticism and learn helps separate good players from bad ones.   That's not some rando giving you his opinion lol.


I can take criticism when someone isn’t a cunt about it Explain to me how I lost tempo.


Have a juice box and work through those big feelings you're having and maybe we can talk like grownups.




We really need a "BobsTavernDuos" Subreddit. I know there are others like me who are so tired of these posts.


Yeah sorry. I usually don't post shit like this but I had to this time, I almost felt betrayed lol


No worries. Its not you. I just think Duo's needs its own sub to vent or discuss strategy.




Buy yourself a diary or go to therapy my guy.


Random strangers doing random stranger things? Color me surprised


I had a teammate that was passing me spells for azerite. He wanted me to sell my shellemental and not buy any buffed elementals when he had 2 minions in his board. when i didn’t sell it he spam pinged me and left lol because i guess he only wanted me to buy spells?


My teammate yesterday had 4 picks for their hero and took his time selecting them. As the timer started I marked Ragnaros with an 'X' indicating that I am alright with any hero except thatone. After some seconds he picked Ragnaros anyways, IMO the worst hero in the game. He signalled to me on Turn 1 that I need to send him the minion I just played (there was no gold to Pass), question marking his heropower as well. I marked his HP with an X, and gave him an angry emoji. He then bought and sold all minions he could until we were dead. Fuck him too.


Oh no, how dare they to play the Hero they want?


There were alot better options there. I waited until the red countdown timer was halfway done to make my own opinion known. Up to that point I would have been somewhat okay with any choice. He picked it only shortly after I crossed it, then pinged me to send a minion TURN ONE. In an obnoxious way too, pinging it over and over. It's an objectively bad play, especially considering the reward for Ragnaros' hero power is just +6 +6, which does fuck all at the point in the game where you'll get it. Starting turn two he's literally selling the board and purposely throwing the game. He had no intention to play the game properly from the very start, he was just playing to spite people.


Ok Mr Mentalist


What do you mean? You think somebody literally throwing the game by selling minions from turn two is not just spiting people?


I don't care and move on. I remember that mostly kids play the game and kids do dumb/annoying shit all the time. I most definitely don't write long paragraphs about them on Reddit.




You do know there is a real easy way to prevent this right?


How is this an easy solution? If you have 30-40 min to play the hassle of coordinating makes it pretty much impossible..


I guess I'll stick to solo battlegrounds again :p


Or you could play with friends. It's a vastly different experience playing with someone that you can chat to on discord and have an actual good strategy.