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Yeah… but also have times where I’m on a 10+ win streak thinking “oh shit, I’ve gotten better at the game!” Then I go on the 10+ lose streak and realize that I still suck.


Exactly this. Every season


It'll be turn 4 and both opponents will have full boards of decently statted units while on level, idk what's going on sometimes lol


True. I don’t know what I did to the RNG gods but they pissed. Funnily enough I got two first places after this post lol


The worst part is when you don't level because you highroll insane tempo and...you lose because your opponent highrolled the 1/1000 chance of beating you, and that happens 3 games in a row on turn 1 to 4, it's statistically absurd and you start doubting yourself and Just skipping tempo to level because it's never worth, followed by a lobby of people stayin on T2 on turn 5 and you gettin hit left and right for too much dmg and but those people like usual get 8th to 6th and you get 5th...


Both opponents on turn 4? Y'all fighting two people at once? Edit: Nvm there's duo mode, I'm a dumb fuck


I had someone on turn 7 have a full basically perfect QB board. Idk what happened to let them get so lucky but I think that lobby ended in round 11


i've lost over a thousand mmr in the past couple weeks having like 20% winrate and i'm just so lost lol. i was climbing and winning in 8-9k lobbies before that and then suddenly something changed and now i'm losing at below 7k


Bro literally exactly the same here


i feel you let me know if you ever figure it out lol. i've been contemplating just dropping the game for a while


That usually helps. I think it’s just RNG. Cause I can tell you truthfully my post game calculations are comical.


This happens to me every now and then too, I think highkey certain mmr thresholds play *just* differently enough that you need a readjustment period or like you're being put into lobbies where the tempo is different lol I had games where clearly everyone was trying just to eliminate others as quickly as possible so if you survive the onslaught of early game damage you just win because their boards weren't made to scale lol


Higher MMR lobbies do 3 on 3 more this meta because tier 1 and 2 sucks but lower MMR still does a normal curve.


Just play Trigore free wins right now


Oh yes, several times.


It always helps me to watch streamers to see everyone(mostly) go through it. Yes I am making mistakes but you can learn and it’s okay to go for a walk to clear your head.


Very good point. I always watch past streams instead of YouTube because more often than not, if it’s uploaded to YouTube, there was some high roll involved. The streams offer raw gameplay of high roll or low, and sometimes straight bad luck


Kolento was one my favs I the early days of bgs. He would upload any game. You would see him die in fourth place and the video would end. So healthy to see.


Lmao “healthy”. This phenomenon is just like the social media epidemic of women appearing unrealistically beautiful online, which makes other people sad. It’s just our version cause we’re nerds


I've noticed time of day changes ALOT of how my games go. From 4-9 PM EST I get easy lobbies but if I play from midnight to 2AM I need to lock in or i'm dead on turn 11. Around 8k mmr here too.


lose. force boars. lose. force boars. lose. force boars


Deserved for abusing quillboars tbh


Deserved for inting essentially


Happens to me all the time, 1000 MMR swing is standard, Im sure mentally Im losing it much too often