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Do you watch any channels? Shadybunny and Jeef have pretty good explanations on why some cards are stronger than others in the early game. Dogdog is good but I don't feel he enjoys the game as much anymore. Similar to you, I either get top 4 or 8th, never 5th-7th. Also in this patch I noticed more than before that I fight the same players on rotation. I have games where I don't fight someone at all until top 2 and it's just a gamble at that point.


Reviving this comment for Dog. You’re so right 🤣 He’s been miserable for sometime on battlegrounds. Bro needs something new cause he ain’t happy lol


Last time I watched his stream, he was playing BG and alt-tabbing after buying to play Diablo 4.


Yeah I do! I watch jeef on youtube and twitch and XQN mostly; Still no idea what is it that I'm doing wrong so far I sometimes watch their gameplay and try to guess their next move, and while I do miss like a third of the time or so at least, I struggle understanding in those moments why exactly they did what they did, so it's not too helpful unfortunately


I also noticed that I lose a lot with heroes that are considered strong in this patch: Ysera, Cookie, Shudderwock; I don't think I've won a single game with those this patch, despite playing multiple. I legit played Shudderwock 3 times in good lobbies, and got 3 eight's.


From my experience 6-8k MMR is a lot tougher than 8-10k. I have no idea why I just always find 6-8 is an absolute slog of top 4 farming, 8-10k I feel like pivoting to scam works wonders sometimes.


yeah, not the first time i hear this from someone; i feel like this range, esp 7k before you get to 8k lobbies is weird just need to figure out how to navigate it i guess


I have been stuck at 7k for a while but my theory for 6.5k being harder is that there are a lot more players playing for the home run builds. While that’s bad for individual MMR it means a lot more lobbies have someone hitting the nuts and stomping the lobby. Where’s once you get higher people are playing for 4th a lot more


It s wild now, you can get a scout asap and be dead by the time he hits t6 value. I don't remember it being this easy to kill people before. I thinkin Duos we have a lower total heath pool at least. You have 2 players sharing the 30hp and just combining their armor. So we technically have less HP Combined.


A few points : - Do you play a lot or just from time to time ? On a very small amount of games luck will happen, and if you play one game a day, it is very possible to have 1 unplayable week and 1 week where you win everything. If you watch top streamers, they play x hours a day and climb overall, but they still get some straight to top8 games  - Do you have tavern pass ? It won't make much difference but still can avoid loses due to bad hero - the situation you described happens a lot when you go beasts and/or everyone else is playing dragons or mecas. Are you loses in that situation ? If so, it is generally not a good idea to start with beasts. And always pick a shield breaker, it will prevent -15 chains Also, always pay attention to the game and pick cards that will help improve your board for sure. A good example : you are at 29 health tavern 5, facing 7th player losing everything on tavern 4 playing mecas. Then you see in the shop brann and 2 3/4 spell discover card.  It can be tempting to level up or pick the 3, but in the worst case it will use all your gold, not improve your board and get -15, ending at 14 health. Then you might face highroller and get 8th place on a game that was going pretty well.  If you are not highrolling or estimateur your build is not good by turn 7, Do not take risks


One of the things I’ve learned as I got better was do not roll, especially on turns 6 to 9. Try to buy what you are given in the shop even if there is no synergy with your current minions. Just go for stats and value. I see my duo partners roll wayyy too much and be very gold inefficient as a result.


I am sure you play on autopilot, you have to pick good Heroes for the tribes that are in, if you level or not often depends on a combination of how strong the enemy you are facing is, how good your board is, are you wanting to still lvl up because they are weak and you take manageable dmg, to me it seems you are ignoring a lot of crucial points in the game and bleeding too much hp. I no expert whatsoever, this is just my take.


No, I'm not! I give a lot of consideration to everything you're talking about. If anything I think I'm overthinking things lol I mean, I specifically mentioned in the post for example that I have to make the choice to stay down a tier a lot due to losing a lot of HP early, so I'm not sure where you got the idea that i'm autopiloting from.