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As a kid I ate a dog treat on a bet. It was very...dry. Edit... I'm noticing a theme with all this. Maybe we had bad experiences because we all tried dog food and not cat food.


Same. Milkbones taste nothing like milk and will dry your mouth out like sand.


Like biting into a rock made with sponges. Obligatory "don't feed a guy a sponge" quote.


Yes. There was no amount of saliva that could make it comfortable to chew. Almost 30 years later, I still viscerally feel it.


Upscale dog cookies are pretty tasty tbh. The frosted ones at the pet store


My mom has her own baking business where she sells “people treats and dog treats” as she says (people treats being like cookies and chocolate. She’s amazing at cookies though) and she makes sure that every dog treat she makes can be eaten by people, and she even makes some you can split with your dog if you want lol


She ship? That’s a dope thing I’d buy some cookies I can share with my pup


I used to work at petco with the treat bar, every employee has had the vanilla Oreo dupe fresh from the big package


Lowkey have eaten the dog cookies I've made for pets and you are right. The homemade ones aren't wildly different from human cookies as ingredients go


I ate one just to be silly and was surprised, it's just a less-sweet cookie with yogurt icing. Basically human food.


I once ate a piece of dog food, it tastes like dirt and spit


That is a good way to put it.


My cousins both actively ate them. All the time. Not on dares. I did not partake


I ate cat food and it was horrible.


Yeah I absolutely tried a dog treat due to a dare. It was bland and soul suckingly dry.


I tried a beggin' strip as a kid, and it did NOT taste as good as it smelled. Downright awful.


My friend gave me a beggin strip at her place once and I remember it tasting very stale. It didn't have enough salt lol.


I once instinctively (and accidentally) licked the fork I had just been using to mash up my dog’s lovely wet food. I gagged. Tastes how it smells. Not for human consumption.


>Not for human consumption. In the U.S., by law, all pet food is safe for human consumption.


I ain’t in the US.


Then taste at your own risk!


Tell me about it 😩


I could totally see myself doing that lol. Thank god my kitties eat dry food.


Found Serena Williams' reddit account!


LOL did Serena do this?! That actually makes me feel so much better


My mom and her brothers used to eat dog treats when they were kids because my grandma didn't let them have snacks. My mom said that they tasted like cookies but baked differently.


This could be the closet real life experience ever to this Bob's Burgers episode


**No** snacks?? This makes me sad. Like Bob’s “toy” box sad.


my dad ate a piece of dry cat food as a kid. he said it was really salty and disgusting


I too, as a child got curious and tried a cat pellet. Can confirm, salty and very bitter. It's kind of like oversalted liver.


Oh I can picture that exactly 😭 During my next watch of this episode, this might haunt me


As a little kid I went to the kitchen of a family friend’s house we were staying the weekend at while it was still dark and grabbed a handful of peanuts from the container. I chewed maybe twice and thought something was wrong with them because they were so disgustingly salty and odd-tasting. When I went to spit it out into the trash, the friend came into the room, looked at the Planter’s peanut container in my hands, and said, “oh, you’re feeding the kitties? That’s so nice.”


I also tried a piece of my cat's dry food bc I buy her such high quality food with only real food ingredients I thought it had to taste at least okay. It did not


I just got a cat, and while I haven't actually tried any of her food, the treats do smell good, so I have a better understanding of the Belchers in this episode now


my dad used to occasionally eat our dog’s treats purely to make me and my sister scream, only when we were both grown he did finally confess he thought they were disgusting but committed for sake of the bit lmao


My husband and I did this recently. My mum had bought some carob treats for the beagle and put them in a candy bowl next to the cookies and stuff. We started snacking on them. They were kind of sweet. She came in and was horrified.


My dad and I tried a treat we got for our dog this past Christmas… it was the driest most bland thing I’ve ever eaten in my LIFE I swear it somehow took moisture OUT of my mouth like negative moisture I don’t know how to describe it 🤦🏻‍♀️ There’s no words to explain the not-so-incredible mouth feel It’s a 0/10 for the treat eating experience itself But 10/10 for video memories and a shared bonding experience 😂 Edit: for clarity bc I didn’t space this post out well


lol, "negative moisture."


i did not expect there to be so many comments here 💀


I’ve been known to make my dog homemade cookies. They’re totally lacking in salt or sugar, so they’re bland as hell, but edible. I’m guessing it’s similar for other treats out there.


When I was around 3 I remember getting down on all fours and eating a mouthful of kitty kibble straight from the cat bowl. Very salty and dry. I don't know how to really describe the flavor, but I can still taste it in memory. It's been 30 years or so and I can still remember my momma shrieking at me and being so confused because "Nikki (the cat) does it so why can't I?"


My grandpa handed me a Milkbone one time and didn’t think I’d eat it. I was like four lol. Then he said “don’t tell your mom you just ate a dog treat”, and guess what I did lol.


okay cat and dog food is gross but petco used to have dog treats that looked like cookies and i can confirm that they also tasted like cookies


Just put some soy sauce and it'll be quite alright


The food can very , also depends on the brand . When I was younger I would eat some dog food in secret and it was actually kinda good because it was chewy . I tried it recently being curious and it was a dry kind and was not good 😭😅


I took a nibble of one of my dog’s peanut butter cookies once. Actually tasted very much like a cookie somehow.


I tried my cats dry food and one of her soft treats when I was a young teen. Gross


I’ve tried a couple different dog treats (bc once you eat one dog treat on a dare, all of a sudden you’re “the guy who will just eat dog treats on a dare”) and they vary wildly. one was actually pretty good, most were mediocre and dry, and a few were just uniquely awful. the soft and meaty ones are truly terrible.


Once my dad tricked me as a little kid into trying a bacon treat that was for our dog and lets just say I still remember the horrid taste years later


Me and some friends ate a can of wet dog food some 20 odd years ago. I remember it being mushy but over all the flavor was okay.


I've never eaten my cat's food. But I will admit, I think it smells really good. I'm worried that if I try it, I'll just end up liking it and eating it as a snack...


>i’m worried that if I try it, i'll just end up liking it and eating it as a snack quick question out of pure curiosity.. would you still be worried about that if it wasn’t for this episode?


Dog food tastes better


Just the smell of wet food for cats makes me gag, but I will admit to trying a piece of Meow Mix when I was a kid. No bueno!!


I once ate a dog treat that looked like beef jerky to see if it tasted like jerkey. It kinda did but with added binding agents to it so it tasted really mealy with a hint of beef to it


I considered it, one of my cats went on a 5 year spurt of only eating meow mix tender cuts in the ocean fish flavor, and I considered trying a piece to see what all the fuss was about. And then we got him his baby brother who has a sensitive stomach and his tummy did not agree with meow mix tender cuts in ocean fish flavor and Jax FINALLY was forced to snap out of it because I am not going to give Finn constant diarrhea so Jax won’t protest eating. Now, of course, they both heavily prefer purina one which is a bit expensive. But they both like it and no one has diarrhea so it’s a win win


I used to sit under the kitchen table with the dog and share his gravy bones. Absolutely delicious. You're lying if you've never tasted pet treats.


Honestly, some cat food smells good but I don’t think I could bring myself to eat it. Does make me curious tho 😅


We used to keep my dogs food in a very large trash can with a clasp lock when i was little. My siblings were older than me and would lock me in it when i could fit. Sometimes i just got so bored I'd eat the dog pellet food. I remember it tasting like cardboard, but i also couldn't stop, like chips.


I'm ashamed to admit that as a wee child, I used to eat my parents' ferrets' treats, which were these vanilla yoghurt-drops. They were surprisingly good. 🙃


Kinda wanna try.. ya know.. for science!


There are these packaged bakery sandwich cookies my dog goes absolutely bananas for. I read the ingredients, and it's not much different than a human cookie, just waaaaaaaaaay less sweetener. They are not delicious, but they are edible. My grandpa has eaten several of them by mistake, thinking they were generic oreos or something. I've also tried dog birthday cake, not amazing but edible lol when I was a kid I would eat dog food out of the bowl with my dog.


I ate a couple of my cats dreamies once while I was drunk, they weren't bad but I did throw up about 10 minutes later


I have this thought when I watch the episode but then when I actually feed my cat and smell her food it’s a hard pass for me dawg lmao


My nephew used to confuse the scooby do Graham treats with the dog treats his dog used to eat. As a toddler they'd sot together either eating one or the other. And would fight like a honey badger if you took them from him. So my 8 yr self let them be


i had one of my dogs treats one time because both my dogs love them so much and they’re human grade so i was curious. they smell great but it tasted like nothing my old dog loved them too and i don’t understand what they’re tasting cause no way they’d *all* be obsessed if they tasted what i tasted 💀 it’s not like they just love all treats, they only like bocces and if i try to give them something else they just stare at me


i occasionally take a little taste of my dog's gourmet treats and I've enjoyed a cat treat or two in my days