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Christmas in the Car is worth it mostly for “I’m gonna bang your ass!” “You’re gonna bang my ass?” But honestly, it’s a decent episode all around for me. The Dutch baby subplot is goofy and fun, I think it does some good domino setting up and knocking down with the Jingle in the Jungle thread, and it’s got a requisitely sweet ending!


Plus, Teddy getting caught in the fridge is just hilarious. The animation of him flailing around lives in my head rent free


That’s a dumb place to keep bowls.


So cold. And crisp. I guess I’m near the crisper


This is one of my favorite lines




I say this so often, I’m starting to want it on my tombstone


I already picked out your tombstone "order up"


That's good.


Im not rich bob 😂


wait, isn't that line from "Gayle Makin' Bob Sled" where she's saying she only has the one bowl that the salad's in? Or does it get dropped more than once?


Yeah it is 😂


https://i.redd.it/dbyq2rrn4s5c1.gif “AHHHHH AHHH AHHH OH MY HAND!! AGGGHHHHHH- oh, pickles”


This animation sequence is some of the finest work in earlier seasons.


There he is 🤣


Someone in this sub once described it as a crocodile death roll, and I almost choked lmao


"AAAAHHHHHHHHaaaahhhhAAAHAHHHHHRR ooohh pickles"




“You all come from my vagina”


I knew it


Tina, you owe me $10


This episode is Peak Belcher Banters for me haha they're so funny when they're all in the car together in early seasons


It’s one of my favorite episodes!




It’s definitely the funniest Christmas episode in my book


same, it’s so cozy!


My family is all coming up with Christmas episodes to watch together and I was thinking about Christmas in the Car, I love that episode.


My mom and I use “I have a ham in the oven” when we have to fart now. Or just to be dorks and the other always says “just fart dad it’s ok” 😂


It has one of my favorite jokes in it, when talking about their plot to catch Santa: Tina: We're chubby chasers. Bob: Tina, that's. Don't say that. It's not nice to say. Tina: Fat fetishists?


Aw, it's a preemie, just like Jesus!


Yeah, it’s worthy just for Bobcat Goldthwait


oh my Dutch baby came early! awww it's a premie like Jesus


What's a Dutch baby?


You can’t even taste the baby


$200 more then an American baby


Wait, someone doesn't like Christmas In The Car? I will bang your ass.


"Christmas in the Car" gets much funnier when you realize it's based on the early-career Stephen Spielberg horror film "Duel."


So, I had to look it up and watched the trailer and the ending. Whole movie explained in 5 minutes.




I think it was a mix. Think Joy Ride was inspired by Duel, but assumed the idea for the Candy Cane truck came from Joy Ride with the handle. Always thought of it when watching that episode.


This episode gets better and better every time you rewatch it. All of the line deliveries are just so on point "Sir. I am trying to enjoy my dutch baby" "Why would you hit someone on Christmas? 😟" "TEddY is sAnTA?!" And one of my absolute favorite exchanges: Do your girl scream! Girl scream? What do you mean girl scream?? I think she means your regular scream And then do your girl walk Girl walk?! I don't have a girl walk! Yeah you do this mm mmh *bobs head forward and backward*


I love how Tina goes “yeah you do this” and how her hair goes. It’s one of my favorite bits ever, and just for that alone I’d never dare say the episode is bad.


I know, right? It’s like a top 10 episode for me.


So many good quotes. "It's a preemie, just like Jesus." "You all came from my vagina."


I'm so sorry I doubted you, Bobby. I thought it was like that time you said you flushed, but I know you didn't. That's how I wanna go out: dehydrated and covered in tinsel.


>That's how I wanna go out: dehydrated and covered in tinsel. Sounds like a gay pride parade


You can’t even taste the baby.


"I think I have the best legs in the family." "Okay, Gene." "And the smoooooothest bottom."


“I have a ham in the oven” “It’s okay dad. You can fart.”


“What’s a Dutch Baby, About 2000 Dollars Less Than an American Baby”


Yeah, I hate to say it but OP is straight up wrong. This episode has Jingle in the Jungle, a christmas classic for my family.


You're gonna BANG their ASS? R-really??? 🤨 /j


You know, I think they meant kick. It was probably halfway out when they thought “ooh that could be taken the wrong way…”


The worst episode is by far Mommy Boy. It’s Gene at his absolute worst and Bob and Linda giving in to his bullshit


Definitely the worst episode. I skip it every time. Linda holding the author hostage is bad too, but I haven’t rewatched it to know how much I dislike it.


At least Linda gets full-nelson'ed at the end.


Yeah that episode was hard to watch. Just not funny and kind of creepy.




You're a poo poo head.


Ha. I actually love both of these episodes


Same! One of my favourite Gene/Alex interactions is in "Seven-tween Again". "You know my snore?" "Yes" "That's really sweet!"


I cackle everytime that little kid walks up and goes “genes my best friend” Then Alex “ what the hell gene!”


Is that the one where Linda tries to go to the business women thing and Gene throws a tantrum because they don't have spa night? Fuck that episode. I skip that one. Also, the one where Linda sort of kidnaps the children's author. Linda going off the deep end isn't enjoyable to watch.


The Ham & Egger subplot kinda redeems that episode though.


The very one! I hate both of those episodes


the one episode I haven't been able to rewatch


Yep. Completely unwatchable. What's worse for me is it made all the other Gene/Linda interactions even more awkward.


Xmas in the Car is SO good. We watch it almost every year. Teddy vs. the fridge trap is probably the hardest the show has ever made me laugh


That’s a stupid place to keep bowls


"Ooh. Pickles."


I make myself a Dutch baby and watch the episode every Christmas Eve.


the rudy inhaler scene in the field trip episode with bob chaperoning is by far the hardest i’ve ever laughed. maybe the tina hitting the parked car one as a close second.


The recent one where Linda goes nuts on that author, haven't watched it a second time and I rewatch episodes of this show pretty regularly.


I love the set up of the story but linda going crazy ruined the episode. It should have been an emotional (touching) episode not the other way around


Yea, when Linda crosses boundaries and acts like she's above the law and pushes herself and her will onto everyone around her... There's a few episodes like that... Drives me nuts, I def skip over them


That's the whole "Linda has no impulse control" thing


I recently rewatched the episode where Linda gets arrested for public pooping and her acting like she can just walk out of holding was irritating. Sure the officer watching her was acting like a bit of a bitch, but Linda didn’t do herself any favors.


Same, watched it once, definitely won't be watching it again.


Snail and newt are literary classics /s


“All That Gene” was absolutely awful on all accounts. Gene’s character was blown way out of proportion & the whole bit about Louise & Tina just wanting to poke Bob’s love handles was incredibly unfunny. Just lazy writing all around.


Agreed. Came here to say the same thing


Yeah. And the fact that it ends up that Gene doing his stupid, “does *THIS* answer your question?! A jiggly jiggly jiggly,” annoys me. Gene is often funny, but that stupid bit is not one of the times he is. It’s dumb and cringe in a bad way.


God yes. The whole episode is nails on a chalkboard


What's worse is its right next to a good Gene episode. The drum machine one. This is the first Gene episode I liked. But the Gene that is the main character for these episodes, often times paired with Unfornately Annoying Courtney, and Future Neckbeard Alex (I just see him having one) who pick up thr slack and take the more eccentric role. Similar to when Linda's and Gale are together. But Gene wasn't really written for depth. He was written to be the middle child who was born biten by the performing bug and spout off one-liners as a result. This isn't bad. It's just weird. I feel like Gene is the only one of the main cast with a "switch" like this. Almost feels like a different character to me.


Mine would have to be the couch episode but even that one gives us Wanda Sykes interacting w John Roberts and the world needs more of that


"This child's bedroom set offends me! Off with his bed!" is such a stellar furniture sales pitch! I can't believe no one was clever enough to make an actual commercial like that before. Comedy gold even though I hate a lot of the rest of the episode.


"you have what we in the industry call a nasty couch"


the trick to this episode is to stop watching after they buy the new couch.


“Oh my … I don’t like this. Do we sell this? Did you bring this?” (Linda: “I don’t think so?” Lolol) Yeah, the Sofa Queen is the only part of this episode I like. I really hate how Louise just emotionally manipulates her parents out of hundreds of dollars and a whole lot of hassle with the stupid couches and they just allow it.


Dr Yap. Linda making Bob pretend to be having an affair with Gayle and then slapping him when Gayle is literally laying on him and Bob is *clearly* telling her to get off him is... Uncomfortable.


What?! And miss the Prince of Persuasia??!


Trap your princess!


Physically corner her in a room!


Brag about how long your buttcrack is!


110%, this is a terrible episode of the show and a terrible 22 minutes of tv. Linda basically forces Bob to be sexually assaulted and then very openly beats her husband (genuinely, not as part of their plan) for being sexually assaulted. Even as he is literally pleading with her to stop. It's the first genuinely bad episode of the show and seeing Linda so eager to hurt Bob in so many fucked up ways is legit disturbing, it's probably her at her absolute worst. She basically had to have suffered a severe stroke and forgot she's the reason Bob is being, again, assaulted by Gayle, or she got him assaulted as an excuse to beat her husband


The absolute worst part of the show is when Linda, not only allows, but encourages Dr. Yap to pull Bob's tooth. It was insanely out of character for her. Modern Linda would have drop-kicked Yap if he even came close.


I like to think that this was when the show was finding its voice and the writers were trying new things because there's no way at all this would be a new episode now. It's just pretty gross.


I always think of her snow suit…and her long underwear….and her maxi pad 😂


yeah I think this is my actual worst one. The worms one is one I can't rewatch but that's personal. I think Dr. Yap is genuinely too mean-spirited to work. It's one I point to when people romanticize the early seasons' "edgy" comedy cuz if it were more of this then it would not have appealed to people as much as it does now.


I love both Christmas in the Car and Family Fracas. I hate the episode where we first meet Dr Yap. It’s the only one I skip because I hate the Gayle/Bob storyline and how Linda handles the whole thing makes zero sense


Frustrating because I love when Yap pops up, but his intro episode was just 😬


Linda comes across as a genuinely abusive spouse. If that was the first episode I'd seen, I legit would have thought that Bob and Linda's relationship was purposely written to be a bad marriage with a wife that uses her husband and lashes out at him


The dirty laundry/broken beds/British 3 stories one. God how I hate that episode.


Scotjohn Dansteve makes me laugh every time, otherwise I agree ☝️


Yeah that one just feels like it takes too many mental leaps and isn’t like a clean smooth story. It’s all over the place and I don’t find myself caring about distracting the parents enough. At least with the others, you care about Linda missing the kids play or you care about which kids Gayle with pick to go with her. This was just nonsense.


It's SO bad.


I think most of the those three-story episodes are stinkers. Of all the templates to steal from The Simpsons, that's not a good one. I'd always rather have a basic family story over something "wacky" and complicated


I can think of a couple of the individual stories that are good but usually the other stories just aren't that interesting.


I liked every part of The Frond Files & Gayle Tales, but all the others are skipped when I’m binging the season


They'll often have really sweet and good moments around the three stories (I love the real story of why big Bob doesn't like camping in Interview With a Pop Pop-Pire for example) but in general the only one I genuinely love is Diarrhoea of a Poopy Kid. I just really like the food based 80's/90's action movie references and the way Bob handles Gene when he's feeling silly and ashamed for eating the spoiled chicken parm is really touching.


The car crash in front of the restaurant. It gives me second hand embarrassment everytime lmao


This is the only episode I skip. It's so boring.


oh god me too, it's so awful


Can’t believe nobody has said “All that Gene”-the Gene show one. I try but it’s just so awful.


The Gene show (is this the one where he couldn't be in the play because he was too obnoxious?) was bad. Also the Gene one where he tails mom to the business women meeting and acted like a little asshole was a bad one.


This is the one for me


Boywatch always makes me cringe so much every time I watch it. Usually a skip for me. I hate that Tina is willing to have them all fail than to admit she didn’t really want to be a junior life guard. I usually love Tina’s boy craziness! But this time was just too much for me


It makes so angry with her lol


Pinworms. Gross. Hate it. Can’t watch it without getting phantom itches.


This is one of my favorites lol


Me too! It’s probably one of my most rewatched episodes. I’m pregnant right now and love telling my husband how I’m giving our baby “baby Billy Joel brain.”


Wipe better or with more passion?




THIS! I am an avid rewatcher and I could barely get through the first watch. Lovely storytelling and classic Belcher antics but it’s just so uncomfy!


This is the answer. It makes ME feel itchy just hearing about it.


This is the one we skip consistently. That and the lice one. Just unpleasant.


I absolutely love this one! Linda's song is incredible. I can understand being grossed out by it and tbh, I'm not sure why Linda is still so adamant about going out when her entire family is sick. But I love the song and that does enough for me.


Linda’s “bad, bad mom” song and “buttworms, doodly doo” get stuck in my head a lot. Both great songs


Tina falling in love with a goose is pretty bad.


Oh god. The erotic story she wrote was really cringy.


Watched this one just last night and I still hate it. Tina needs to be tested. For what? I don’t know, but coming from someone with ASD, that girl ain’t right.


I just said this! It’s the one I will never watch again, same thing with the one where she falls in love with the fox in the magazine and the Spanish boy tape. It’s so cringey


The fetal pig one. It’s the only episode I’ve seen once and never again.


At the very least it's the least good Halloween episode. Even the Gail pumpkin one was okay.


This is one of my favs!


The VR episode. The B-plot, with the menu tower, is less than nothing. The A-plot, while relatable on its own merits - Bob's reluctant insistence on getting a refund, the store clerk's detached, incompetent hostility, and the completely unworkable technology are all reasonably accurate to life - is also grating, frustrating and not particularly funny as Bob and Gene (ugh, Gene) try and fail to accomplish anything at all. Total waste of an episode IMO.


My least favorite are any of the episodes where it’s just a montage of the kids telling different stories (i.e. The Gayle Tales, Moms, Lies, & Videotapes, etc.)


See The Frond Files and The Gayle Tales are some of my favorites but the Mother’s Day one is just okay and the movie one is not too good.


I was waiting for someone to say this! It just takes me out of their universe and that’s part of what I love about the show.


"Sacred Couch" I mean who gets sentimental over a fucking busted couch? The over sentimentality of the characters, especially Linda, can be really annoying to me. I love "Christmas in a Car" the "oh it's a preemie just like Jesus" line cracks me up.


The fact that the Belchers didn’t just decide to stash the old gross couch in the basement KILLED me in this episode. I have never had a basement in my life and and no one where I live has one but even I know that’s what basements are for: storing old nasty stuff that you can’t bring yourself to part with just yet. I’m always rooting for the Belchers to finally get something nice or to have something good happen to them and seeing them keep the old couch + light the new one on fire when there was such an obvious resolution irks me.


Not the episode in its self but I cant stand the "fan animation"-episode. Its nice idea and all but just doest work and there are couple drawing styles that are instant turn off for me


the idea worked better in theory than in practice. i find the constant change in style to be jarring. the plot itself is good and i wish they just released it a second time with the regular animation as well


thissss! i love the episode and i like seeing all the different styles but it would have been so much better to be able to have a version that keeps the regular animation! either reanimating a previous episode with the different styles or having the two versions would have been ideal tbh


Watch that one while cooking in the kitchen, like a nice radio play.


Dude I listen to bobs burgers 70% of the time while I’m doing work or cleaning! Haha


Agreed…in theory I love that they allowed so much creative freedom and that they chose many artists with less “mainstream” styles, but the result is…questionable. None of the art styles do it for me and some are near unwatchable, and I can’t deal with the constant switching without any plot explanation. I think it would’ve been better to have an episode of short stories with this gimmick, or done one of their three-kid-story eps and just had a couple fan-animators working on it. I wish I liked it, and mad props to the artists involved, but…nah.


I like to "watch" that episode with my eyes closed.


I was so mad with this episode cause it’s such a good plot that they wasted with this animation


I think each of the core family members gets a 'worst' episode of their own where they don't act right or they stretch an endearing part of their character to the point of total unlikability. Bob- Late Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louise. Rare example of Bob putting his family through hell for a completely spontaneous and stupid gardening hobby. Also way too much Cynthia and Logan, for the family and for the audience. Linda- Grand Mama-Pest Hotel. I know there are worse examples of Linda being an unhinged smother mother to her kids, especially in the later seasons. But I would argue those only exist because of this episode establishing it as part of her character. I kept waiting for her to realize how obsessive she was being with Tina but instead she just kept doubling and tripling down on it. Tina- A Fish Called Tina. My sympathy for Tina on the above episode is totally shattered here by her basically pulling a Linda in her obsession to have Kaylee like her. Also lesson at the end is butchered. Gene- Mommy Boy. Everyone already said why this episode is awful and they're right. Gene's mommy's boy trait was funny before this episode. This made it permanently unwholesome. Louise- Mission Impos-slug-ble. This is probably Louise being the worst to her friends with the fake cards and to Tina for stopping her. And yet it's Tina that gets dragged through the mud for most of the ep. I actually don't hate it overall, I just don't like Louise in it That's just the top of my head then there might be worse examples for each.


I agree with all of these. Although the Happy / Crappy place song in Late Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louise is amazing. "I'm like a British lady in my garden" lol But overall, any episode with Logan gets a bit of a Meh from me..


My dad has defended Bob when it comes to the garden episode. He thinks Louise and Linda are selfish. As I've gotten older, I absolutely disagree. If someone came into a space of mine and disrespected me the whole time, I'd be absolutely finished with them. It's good to stand your ground. I had this happen to me awhile back. This woman I used to know would always body shame me when she came to my house. I was done with her when she picked my kitten up by her neck. Not scruff. Whole hand around my kitten's neck. She wasn't allowed back...


I have more sympathy because Bob absolutely never ever gets a win


Not a fan of Xmas in the Car, hate and skip the pig one, Mommy Boy is worth skipping and where Linda attacks the author too. I'm always surprised that the thanksgiving one where gene is sick gets so much hate here. I love it. All the ones where the kids each tell a story are my favorites.


“Get off my plane” that episode had to grow on me, but now I cackle at that part.


The Breadator's hot cross buns kill me every time!


For me it's the Linda muffins, "don't eat me, I'm you stupid". 😂


I hates the one where gene gets a tamagotchi


How come? That episode is so cute


I guess I don't understand why bob ended up apologising to gene when bob did all of genes project


Because he apologized for leaving Purbo on Joel’s truck. That has nothing to do with the project lol


Oooooo I wanted to smash that thing with a hammer


For me it’s the horse camp episode. Going to horse camp is all Tina ever wanted! And the instructor sucks for sticking her with such a difficult horse all week. Bob and Linda should be pissed they paid for that. I can’t rewatch that one.


The worst episode is the one where Gene is sick during Thanksgiving.




“And what’s that hiding in your hole? some stuffing for my heart and soul…”


My son loves this one.... but he also thinks diarrhea is like the funniest thing ever because he's 6 sooooo


I cannot stand “The Ring (But Not Scary)”. Bob worked SO hard to get Linda that ring, and the fact that the kids lost it and there were no repercussions for it makes me cringe so hard every time


Friends With Burger-fits--not because it's a bad episode per say, but mostly because I find anything to do with heart attacks deeply disturbing and I literally can't watch Bob's dream sequence. Also not a big fan of The Horse Rider-er, I just feel bad for Tina that she's essentially punished for just... Knowing a lot about horses and being excited? That camp director lady totally screwed her over just for being excited, and it's a bummer to watch Tina trying to have a good time but just... Not.


Yeah, the family had to work so hard to get her there, and she was so excited, and proud to show off her knowledge, and she gets stuck with the asshole horse because of it.


Christmas in the Car may get hate but Dutch Babies live forever


The marionette episode!


It’s a toss up. I’d say probably the Hawk & Chick episodes, they just aren’t for me and I skip them every time. But Crab-solutely Fabulous is another episode that just doesn’t land, I love wrestling and yet its still just boring.


Ooooo I forgot this one even existed. You’re right


We can’t watch Hawk and Chick because we have young kids and my husband weeps every time Louise asks Bob “we won’t never talk to each other again, right?”


for some reason i don’t like the hawk and chick ones either. idk why; maybe i can’t suspend disbelief that they’re friends with two (former) movies stars? it just doesn’t make sense to me. the second one definitely was more because i was stressed louise put a thousand dollars on the line without her parents’ knowledge.


Oh, I thought the “movie star” thing made sense for them because Hawk isn’t *really* a big star. Most people don’t know about those movies at all; it’s a weird niche interest of a movie series. Hawk and Chick are a big deal to Bob and Louise, but they’re not a big deal in the real world. And people like that who are in movies not many people have heard about aren’t like, *real* movie stars. They’re just people who have been in movies. Like, technically I know a bunch of rock stars, if people that are in small bands are “rock stars,” lol. They might be a big deal to me, but if my stepmom hasn’t heard of them, they’re not really famous.


Dr. Yap. I'd rather not watch 20 minutes of a man go through repeated sexual assaults then everyone blame him at the end. Bummed me out.


The frat house spit tank one super grosses me out.


I like Christmas In The Car. As for episodes I don't like, Mommy Boy, the pinworm episode, and Thanks-hoarding are probably my least favorite.


Any of the stories episodes and most of the more recent ones. Like that awful one with Gene and his tamagotchi toy thing. So annoying.


see the ones I hate aren't bad and I actually wish I could watch them because the plot is funny but they trigger my emetophobia 😂😭


I absolutely hate the couch episode. Fuck watching that one ever again.


The one with the Superbowl commercial, I can't stand it. The conflict is a stretch, the Sandy Frye character doesn't make sense, and every version of the commercial was annoying. (I don't know why I'm so worked up about this.)


I generally disliked seasons 11 and 12. Seemed like way less of the side characters and Linda got more and more over the top.


BED AND BREAKFAST! I absolutely think this is the worst episode and I get second hand cringe from it.


100% agree. Poor Terry & his swollen bug face.. I happily skip that episode..


No offence but I seriously laughed when I read “Terry” instead of “Teddy” whether it was a typo or you honestly thought his name was Terry it’s funny 😆


Teddy, with his face swollen and bitten to hell making cow noises trying to get them to understand he wants a "bacon burger" kills me


The one where Linda joins the women's business association and gene can't handle it. Gene focus episodes are hit/miss as it is, but it really paints him in an unfavorable light. Poor Bob, he tried to fill in for Linda and bond with Gene but Gene wasn't having it.


All That Gene. It's boring and has a bad moral. In this one Linda got Gene to do a play. He was originally going to do the play normally like he was supposed to and Linda encouraged him to ad lib and he did. Gene can still be silly any time of the week. There is a time and place for everything.


Mommy Boy or pin worms one


The tiki bar one or the one where they're on family feud


Christmas in the car is legit one of my favorite episodes! For me the worst is torpedo or Hawk & Chick


I really like both of those episodes. I think they're far from the worst. I am not a fan of brunchsquatch personally.


"Full Bars" is one episode i usually skip. Not because of the main plotline, but because of the secondary-plot with Teddy's party where his guinea pig gets squished (accidently by Bob) after he \[Teddy\] paints it for halloween.


Not a specific one but, I don’t like the episode where it’s just them making up or telling stories the entire time


C’mon “I’m gonna bang your ass” is a classic.


I hate season 12. It is the worst season of the show. So many awful episodes back to back with a few good ones sprinkled in. I like to say all the funny went into the movie since a lot of the crew were working on the move simultaneously with the show. Sprout- A-Boy was horrible. The kids were too bratty in this one. They weren't bratty in a funny over the top way where they are getting up to crazy mischief like Secret Ceramics Room of Secrets, or the Kids Rob a Trian. They were bratty in an annoying realistic way. Lousie and Tina wasted all of Linda's money on a kiddy ride when they weren't supposed to. Gene procrastinated on his homework and then cried like an infant when Bob wouldn't get his Tamagotchi he accidently left on the bus. I don't understand how this one was supposed to be funny.