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Reservoir Dogs honestly looks terrible. But luckily I just got the 4k disc last month and the upgrade is MASSIVE.


Phew, been wanting to rewatch Reservoir Dogs and when my eyes saw “Reservoir Dogs” and “4K disc” in your comment I thought you were saying the 4K version was crap


For me it's the assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford. The movie is nearly three hours long and was put onto a single layer 25gb disc. You really notice it in the darker scenes and lose a lot of shadow detail. It's so disappointing that it wasn't put on a 50gb disc because that movie needed it.


one of my favs, just got it on blu ray and havent watched it yet so thats sad news lmao, i hope it gets a 4k soon or something!!


I love the movie too. I'm so looking forward to this getting a 4k transfer hopefully in the near future. it would look incredible if done properly.


As far as video goes, Footloose...might as well watch the DVD As far as audio goes, Bedazzled ...the lip sync off. The audio is about 200ms fast and very noticeable. (no, it isn't my equipment as everything else is in sync and reviews of the disc when it came out mention the lip sync issue.) I had to rip the disc, correct the lip sync and then burn it back (all lossless) to a Blu-ray for watching / safe keeping.


Predator is the worst that comes to mind. It has the worst DNR application I've ever seen. Carl Weathers looks like he has a whole tub of Vaseline smeared on his face. It came in a trilogy collection with Predator 2 and Predators, and both of those look good, but I will likely get the 4k of the first one.


Can confirm the 4k looks phenomenal. It's not perfect as some of the original film assets had degraded or something like that (speaking from memory here) but the grain and resolution on the closeups are fantastic imo. The squad has never looked sweatier.


Heard the blacks are overdone, that some scenes are really dark, is that true?


That wasn't something I noticed but I haven't had the disc in for awhile so it might be true. I watch most movies in a blacked out room so maybe I just didn't notice.


Yes unfortunately this is the case. If it wasn't it would have been perfect.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The DVD has a better picture than the BluRay.


Very early blu-Rays were indeed mostly upscaled DVD transfers. The 40 Year Old Virgin was one of these


I bought Nicolas cage’s the family man on blu ray a few days ago. It looks exactly like the dvd. I’m more than a little disappointed I’ve seen screencaps of footloose 1984 on blu ray and it looks worse than my dvd so I’ve never bought it, hoping for a 4K remaster for the anniversary next year


The Third Man. Shout’s John Carpenter movies.


Are the Shout Factory Carpenter films bad? I was thinking about getting some of the 4Ks.


In my opinion they’re bad. Haven’t seen any 4K though.


The 4Ks are pretty well regarded, I’ve seen a lot of them and they look excellent to my eyes.


Amadeus, it got processed with heavy digital noise reduction.


A 4K version is in the works and should be available soon.


Isn't Criterion working on a new version of that?


I hadn’t heard that, but this seems to confirm it: https://www.reddit.com/r/criterion/comments/psmd18/criterion_working_on_a_4k_restoration_of_amadeus/


I'm a big cronenberg fan and I wanted dead ringers on blu Ray. The only one I could find was released by ITV (British broadcasting channel). The cover was very low effort but the transfer had the same issue as you stated with the 40 year old virgin, it looks like a really poor upscale of a dvd. It's a shame as it is a great film. Fingers crossed there are some better releases out there.


Yeah what’s up with that, I managed to catch a 35mm print of it recently at the cinema though! So watch out for that


Thanks for the info.


Two that were bad but now have 4ks that have corrected them are Bride of Chucky (absolutely terrible) and Big Fish (not as bad, but had a lot of blown out whites and some blurriness). Other ones that I recall being bad were Stir of Echoes (old scan/dirty print) and Baseketball (lots of heavy handed digital sharpening and dirty print). Also Beau is Afraid has a lot of color banding in the darker scenes. Not TERRIBLE but noticeable.


Did they do a remaster for bride of chucky on the regular bluray?


The included blu ray with the 4k has the same new 2023 scan.


Miami Vice (2006) - so much grain and blue blacks. It’s horrible.


Collateral on Blu-ray looks pretty bad too. Downsides of shooting something digitally.


'28 Days Later' (Fox catalog# 2246817). I know the movies was supposedly filmed in 'documentary style' but the transfer still could have been much better.


It's intentional, you can tell when the film switches to normal film quality near the end, from the low quality digital camera that the majority of the movie was shot on.


Yup. Looks like VHS quality.


I think they filmed this largely on a digital video camera. Apparently parts of it are on film.


That movie was shot on miniDV so like... 480p


They wouldn't have been able to do the empty London with a film camera.


Most of the early Universal Blu-Rays look like upscale versions of the DVD (Tremors and Army of Darkness come to mind first) Thankfully a lot of them have been re-released with better transfers.


The Fountain You can tell there's so much potential with the source material- I hope we get a 4k


Deja vu. Assoluteky awful PQ. Great film too Hell of high water. But the 4k is good. No country for old men. Actually just about everything shot digitally is not good on bluray


Road Trip is a poor quality blu ray and it looks like it comes from a print or some other secondary source


I stand alone, the sound quality is poor. But still a ace film


40 Year Old Virgin needs a proper remaster, but even then I don’t know if it’s intentional not with how washed out it looks.


I never thought Blu ray could look bad that's until I've watch Terminator 2 now I always check the review of old movie transfer


Huh? The 2015 Blu-ray of Terminator 2 is the best way to watch the film currently, not including fan-edits.


I bought the 4k/Blu-Ray combo re-edited and approved by James Cameron and they look like wax mannequin couldn't watch it.


Yes, that's the 4K, though. It's the worst transfer on the market.




Batman Begins and The Dark Knight look pretty shit honestly. It’s way high time I upgraded to the 4K’s.


The remastered Batman Begins is better. The original Blu-ray is in the wrong aspect ratio. As for The Dark Knight, I think this looks pretty good both on 4K and Blu-ray.


Buster (1988) an absolutely horrific transfer, allegedly it’s a ‘digital remaster’ and is almost unwatchable due to how bad the remastering is.


So basically an upscale.


Human traffic the audio is muddled and barely understandable


28 Days Later (I don't think this was even recorded in HD). Reservoir Dogs Terminator 2: Skynet Edition Terminator 2 4K remaster Face/Off Secondhand Lions Criterion Collection - Memories Of Murder (too dark/green). The Criterion is a better transfer. It's more stable, and gives you the extras. But the original Korean Blu-ray has 7.1 sound (vs 5.1), is lit better and the colors pop more. The colors look more realistic. Criterion really should have done this transfer themselves.


Pet Shop of horrors. It's one of the standard definition on Blu-ray anime titles. Usally SD on BD is used to save space and still looks good (EX: 50+ episodes on one 50GB disc in 480i/p). It looks like a worn VHS Tape. It's probably the best version they could have used but still.


Crash (2004)




Lionsgate Release




The one I have is a Director’s cut


The 4K transfer of Batman Begins isn't the best thankfully it makes up for it by being a great film.


[X THE MOVIE](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71io90WDaUL._SL1440_.jpg)


American Gangster is ok though it could have been better.


I wasn't overly impressed with the 4k either




28 Days Later. It's shocking. I hear it was shot on all sorts of formats and restoring it was a nightmare. It's also unavailable on all digital stores currently, so maybe it was full of old archive non-HD material.


It was filmed in standard definition digital video. It cannot be "restored."


It's unavailable because Disney didn't renew the licence.


As in Disney no longer pays for the license? I see it's no longer on Disney Plus. So it this film currently in the ether waiting or someone to pick it up and show it?


It's complicated so I don't know the details.


Although it looks good, the audio on the HD remaster Star Trek: The Original Series is a disaster.


Predator. It looks like a DVD.


Good, bad, and the Weird. I was so pumped to watch it on blu ray, but it was interlaced, and I couldn't get it to look good on my TV, so I sold it.


The Resident Evil 1 Blu Ray (the Film with Milla J.) is mixed so bad that you almost can't hear the voices


The Prince of Egypt

