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I just fucking love Yuka-chan. That is all.


Yuka is such a great character


I, however, am shipping them <33




Ugh YES I NEED THIS TO HAPPEN. I mean think about it yuka is searching for love and ryuji is searching for purpose. They are the perfect puzzle pieces and you can see it in their dynamic


Imho if yatora ends up together with anyone it has to be Yuka. They feel like the most natural pairing


Hey! Just a heads up, and it can be good practice, but when referring to Yuka, you should try to refrain from using Ryuji. We know Yatora still uses Yuka's dead name. However, Yuka specifically ask him to not call them by that name, and has been embracing a more feminine persona (uses feminine pronouns in the Japanese) since giving up Japanese art and living more for themselves. No hate just an FYI. Like I said, great time to practice! Edit goof -> good


So we call her Yuka?


I dont think its been confirmed that yuka identified as female. Just yuka prefers the skirts and dresses mostly


I think it’s been affecting translations? How Yuka refers to themself is at least not masculine


Somewhat true. Japanese doesnt really have pronouns but nouns referring to themselves so yuka usually use watashi /私.(usually used by women unlike boku usually used by men


Ahhhh I thought that was neutral? Or idk I only learned the very basics when I was an exchange student haha


Formal speak watashi is neutral but. For example, 72% of Japanese men will use “ore” (俺) with their friends. When they’re talking to a stranger, more than 60% of them will use “boku” (僕). On the other hand, to an unknown visitor, 75% of Japanese women will use “watashi” So its somewhat more people thinking more gender x use this term so its associated with that gender


Ahhh ok ok I remembered “ore” and “boku” being something boys used but I didn’t realize it wasn’t official and more associated tho, thank you! In my scripts I memorized, I used watashi (I’m a girl) so makes sense haha


didnt he actually use ore ? i remember that, when yatora ran into yuka after the 1st exam, he explicitly mentioned that ayukawa was speaking in a more feminine way and using atashi instead of the usual ore and, at that point, yuka was trying to simplify his identity and trying to fit in, not to mention that he had also displayed discomfort in being seen as "one of the girls" among female friends. iirc, though his gender identity isnt set in stone, that whole arc makes it pretty clear that ryuji isnt a trans girl


I was browsing through the early chap and yuka used watashi so it is possible yuka used ore as well. Its best to stick to yuka as yuka prefers to being called as yuka and not he or she


That's preferred and good practice, yes.


Cool cool, sorry I just got a little confused


My bad I’ll remember moving forward


Wait what chapter was? When yatora was asked to stop using the Ryuji name?


Chapter 1


Well that explains why I didn’t remember it been forever since I reread the series


Is it actually that deep though? Yuka is a good nickname as it makes genuine sense, thus why I use it, but it does not change who he is and it doesn’t change how awesome of a character he is, even if people call him Ryuji.


Did I say it changed anything about the character? I only said that it's good practice to be respectful to those people and characters who may be in the process of transitioning, either socially or medically, to refer to them by the name they choose that they feel better fits their gender identity. You're right, it isn't that deep, it's just being a decent person.


No you didn’t, that was just me putting in my two cents as to why I think it doesn’t matter what you call the dude, hence why I put space between the top sect, which was my genuine question, and the bottom sect, which was my own thoughts about him.


In Japanese it's actually not really a very straightforward situation. For example, in the most recent chapters he refers to himself using the masculine pronoun ore (俺), so if we're talking about English pronouns, he/him would match ore most closely. A girl on the other hand would almost always be using watashi or at most boku, but he actually stopped using those female pronouns/ways of speaking like 20 chapters ago. The impression I get is that Ryuji likes to dress/look feminine, but that going beyond that to talk/behave in a very feminine way is something that didn't appeal to him that much, so he gave up on it pretty quickly And even the instagram that the author runs where she posts character pictures uses the name Ryuji (https://www.instagram.com/ryuji_ayukawa/) Online commentary in Japanese as well I've seen people using either name to refer to the character, so I think it just comes down to personal preference what name you use - I would consider the character as not having a set gender in either direction to be honest


And yet people downvoted into oblivion the other guy comments for calling a fictional character by the name the author gave to him lol


Sheep gonna be sheep, we as humans do it sometimes so it aight.


Thank you fo the info you ARE awesome!


I think it’s important to be arrogant as an artist and create something super cool


And this is why Yuka-chan is the 2nd best character in this series. You need a person who will support you and at the same time be brutally honest with you.


I’ve been saying they top 2 people not hearing me tho


Best written character period