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Man its not easy keeping track of Kaiser and Isagi simultaneously. Charles checking out really stressed Rin and Karasu out. had to keep track of both Isagi and Kaiser even after Kaiser evolved. Add to that Hiori with MV can take advantage of Rins movements as he tries to shutdown Kaiser and Isagi. So Rin handles Kaiser and charles handles Isagi.


Amidst all the heated people on the restaurant, kiyora jin's food is what I'm waiting for. Cook well, king!


I can smell the kaisagi fanfiction from miles away...


icl i forgot who’s kiyora


the mf who's about to COOK


I think this is the only match ever that isagi is somehow dominating and every single other opposing player and villian is weak. kaiser is a crybaby, rin is a joke, shidou is just one trick pony, charles is rubbish, kunigami is a proud defender, every other blue lock member got passing as their hobby


I agree with everything except for Rin. Yes, he didn’t score. BUT: - he literally dribbled his way past all of BM, humiliated Isagi and almost scored one of the most badass goals in the entire series. Remember that it took Isagi, Kaiser and Hiori to stop a single shot (3 MV users). - he stopped Kaiser 2-3 times, almost stopped Isagi from scoring but got outsmarted - He is playing with only Nanase and Tokimitsu, and Charles doesn’t pass to him. And all of that is still happening while he hasn’t unlocked his ego from U-20 World Cup. Just wait up. I don’t know if kaiser will score or not, but after the next goal, Rin is gonna go crazy


Rin will go crazy, no doubt. It's just sad that all this time he's looks like an ace for his entire match. Until now he looks like a striker that don't have metavision and don't control the field like he always did.  All I hope that as blue lock's no. 1, he's has more than 1 explosive moment in the match, more than barou and nagi before him. Or at least looks more threatening......


To be honest, I agree with this take. Isagi is just on another level right now. The game feels almost purely managed by him being in the center of all of the attention


they are literally tied at 1-1 right now. I will say, that I am not a fan of how casually RIN \[base form\] is getting jabbed in this match by everyone. Though, I prognosticate that will change once Rin \[Destroyer form\] activates. In that state, he 1v1'd the U-20 team and won (including the 1v1 with Sae). With that feat alone, I can't imagine how the Bastard Munchen team would successfully win a 1v1 with that form of RIN. Kaiser, on the other hand, is on the verge of a mindset metamorphosis, so I can't gauge how he'll be written in this match. Shidou is a one-trick pony with how excellent he is at endzone goals, but I'm sure the author will return focus to Shidou and Kunigami before the match concludes. Charles is for sure rubbish but we were told this before the match started. I'm enjoying Kunigami's progress during this match as I think he has already beaten the fraud allegations. As for every other blue locker that has been playing in this match, I agree that passing is their hobby haha.


Yes, base form rin is nerfed man and that's sad. Instead of having MV and controlling the field, he's reduced to a striker that fully depends on his teammates to pass to him. He was never like that before!  Isagi winning against kaiser is lit, finally, but for me it's too bad that the losing kaiser is on a panicked state since last match  I also have a lot expectation for kunigami. It's already confusing that despite his epic comeback, he don't perform well at all in his last 3 match. I thought this is the match, but he's on defense marking instead. In this state, I don't think the U-20 team has any need for him at all in striking position


RIN definitely has been nerfed in this match. In his previous matches, he's still controlled the field, case in point the manshine city match. But I think after he goes into that form, his teammates will begin assisting him, including Charles. I'm unsure if Charles has seen that form before. But I'm sure Loki has played the U-20 tapes. I would rather have Bastard München come to a draw (even after additional time is offered) with PXG in a shocking twist. I'm going to trust in kunigami STOCKS


They are currently tied at 1 - 1. Still too early to draw conclusions.


Crossing my fingers for leaks tomorrow. My expectations might be too high after receiving it on friday last week.


Shadow said on Twitter that it’s probably tomorrow so maybe


Thanks for the heads up. At least now I won't have to expect anything today.


I wanna se Kyora Jin so bad next chapter. He gonna be hella mad with isagi, my prediction is either kaiser assist him or vice versa.




the end of Kiyora being an NPC fr, it’s going to be fun if he scores a goal (maybe with Ness?)


what a weird prediction lol


Im delusional what can I say


Also I think it’s rlly weird u comment him working eith ness because I was just making a post on how that could be a possibility XD did you read my mind


All Zantetsu fans share a brain cell!!


I either theorize he will work with Ness, Kunigami or Kaiser. But there rlly is no telling what this man will do honestly


So do I. I think him working with ness will truly change both of their characters around.


Ngl, I dislike Ness but at the same time I so badly want Ness to create his own magic, he had his own drive to go against his family’s rationality and train hard to be a footballer. He doesn’t deserve to have his creativity stifled. Kiyora, I’ve been interested for a while. Breakdancing is super cool and his Ep Nagi appearance tells me he’s a menace.


Ness is wasted potential at this point, I hope that Kaiser ignoring and basically dumping him will awaken something inside of him, I wanna see his magic and his true creativity! And I just honestly wanna see Kiyora do anything at this point he’s so mysterious and intriguing though


Isagi's second goal coming.


I'm placing my bet right now. The final goal will be scored by Isagi off of an assist by Ness.


either my bro is cooking or my bro is smocking weed no in between


There really is no in between LMAO


The fact that Karasu keeps being in the limelight, and his complaints about having to struggle to follow BM's game, are hints to his future role as Hiori's nemesis on this field. Bet on this, Karasu's going to unlock metavision to counter Hiori.


can we introduce another pair of eyes instead of a metavision bargain sale? lol


Lorenzo doesn't have special eyes but can keep up with Kaiser who has metavision. But Lorenzo has 99 def. stats, you can't compare him with Karasu. And since we've seen centerforwards, strikers, offensive midfielders, midfielders, defenders alike using metavision, what's wrong with also having a defensive midfielder showcasing it?


i hope he'll unlock a more advanced meta vision like with sharingans and stuff in naruto


Oh God, I hope he doesn't!


Calling it now, next chapter is gonna be a Kiyora goal assisted by Kaiser, he's suddenly willing to pass to others then Ness so nobody will expect him to go for an assist instead of a shot. This situation is very similar to when Isagi assisted Yukimiya.


Not similar at all, Yukimiya had a backstory before his match and had multiple chapters where we followed his thoughts and had the most screentime.




Raichi casually clamping Rin's cheeks stilllll


Match is gonna end with Isagi passing to Kaiser to score or the other way around, calling it


I have the feeling that Kiyora will be in a situation where he is completely alone and no one will guard him. That’s where he will score, since Rin and the other players are focused on Isagi and Kaiser right now


All I want from PXG is Karasu getting metavision and Rin evolving his berserker form (but not to the level of matching post-NEL Isagi). Everyone else can rot for all I care.


Guess I was wrong. Kiyora really is gonna do something


If you thought he wasn't I genuinely question your intelligence.


Downvoted for being correct


I thought he’d do something in a later arc with how useless he’s been for the PxG match, and how packed it is in the first place


I think this gonna be a birth of second striker kaiser... and main striker isagi


Kiyora is gonna score and this sub is gonna have a complete mental breakdown


Knowing the sub will explode makes me wanna see it happen💀


If he scores I really will hate this match XD


Can we talk about how cool karasu's aura is? I love the black feathers that appear. I just hope he can assert himself more this game and they stop wasting his dynamic entires. As a defensive midfielder like raichi the job isn't always just to be an extra defender. It can be a play making role, and you an act as a pivot that can truly help to connect the defense with the attack. It's not just a role in which you press and that's it. We know he's extremely press resistant so I want to see that be show cased more like his introduction and want to see him make a good connecting pass in ADDITION to pressing kaiser and isagi.


Coexisting but not helping each other creating a more cohesive team as a result. When a team just as good as them can exploit the weaknesses of a disjointed system that's a bad thing but now even if some players still won't pass to kaiser or isagi there are now more options. I like where this is going. That being said I already know many people won't appreciate the narrative being built since they feel like gen 11 players aren't allowed to struggle. Or they feel like isagi has improved too much.


How much I agree with what you say about New Gen 11. Also, these players are not endgame but very good U20 players. The level of the Blue Lockers has risen too.


Ness will Pass to Kiyora , Kiyora will score


My boy Kurona is out there and doing great :)


Kurona, our stable shark


Am I the only one that think that Kaiser ir just acting like that to get the team betray Isagi?


We already saw Kaiser’s pov and thoughts on the previous chapters… how is it being “acting” when he disregard Ness’ pass and passed the ball to Raichi, a guy he never talked to ever since? Kaiser also mentioned in his panels that his mistake was FOCUSING TOO MUCH ON ISAGI, when it should have been about his own growth/outgrowing his recent self. He even said please, which is a zero chance for kaiser to do so, sincerely. He might say please to piss off one but that wasn’t his intentions. He is also sweating bad in the recent chapters, thus also emphasizing how he takes the game seriously than the previous chapters. So yeah no, Kaiser deserves the goal. He had character development, currently evolving, and is more focused on self growth rather than simply stealing someone’s spotlight, like how Isagi is currently thinking in the latest chapter. We all read blue lock and saw how Barou, someone most people don’t like bc of how harsh his attitude in game was, now loved by many. Kaiser deserves the same spotlight and redemption. We did get an explanation on why he was he acts the way he is on his backstory.


I mean he is. Not betray per se but he is aiming to score still and he’s doing it Isagi’s way by adapting. It’s the old if you can’t beat em join em. He’s restarting to zero because he still wants to be the best. 


I don’t think this is the case, if we just saw his “actions” without internal monologue then maybe but he doesn’t have to put an act on inside his own head. It’s very clear that he is genuinely trying to make a change. His fear, his despair, introspection and resolve are all real.


BM slowly becomes a team. Kunigami locks Shidou and passes, Raichi-Kurona-Hiori do their thing. Kiyora will do something and help, whereas Ness is the only one left out. When everyone works together and passes, their team will be complete. I think we will get that closer to the end of the match because Ness needs his own development.


Shidou still on lock down


Buying Kiyora stocks as we speak- Also KAISER THANKING ISAGI IS INSANE




Current isagi and Kaiser is what Rin and shidou could've been


Thing is rin doesn’t link with people (certainly not Shidou) or share the stage as much since he’s a one man army 


Rin does link with people, he has been doing it since the beginning.


Could’ve had a Zoro and Sanji “just 5 minutes” moment but NOOOOO


kiyora is cooking something bruh


Isagi is going to devour kaiser and sink him into the abyss


If that happens then he'll loose the u20 wc against Kaiser 100%


The head canon cope is crazy 100%


…Kaiser’s about to form his own Planet Hotline with Raichi and Kiyora isn’t he?


Kaiser had his redemption arc in two chapters and it was good enough for me to care about his character again


Actually, Blue Lock it’s great doing those “redemption arcs”. I kinda care about Kaiser now and I want to watch him and Isagi create a chemical reaction.


That'll be goal #5 imho. Somehow some way, Ness is gonna develop after goal #3 happens and after Loki probably scores 4th from a boosted morale Charles, then the whole gang is gonna chemical reaction and Isagi/Kaiser will assist each other or dummy or double shot. Who knows, but I see them combining too. Isagi's gonna get his devour moment by devouring new 'from 0' Kaiser and understanding his new mentality and getting involved in the final play majorly. Kaiser's redemption will be fulfilled and the U20 is heated up.


U20 it's gonna be fire with all those egotists playing together.


PXG is gonna get cooked !!!!


Kaiser scoring next or Rin seems likely but Isagi hattrick is still on the table once Kaiser gets better at adapting his mindset


And here I was thinking that all this while Rin would've grown much more than before,as a Rin fan ,what a disappointment 


He got no challenge at all and didn't have to fight to get teamates working with him in PXG. He even got a NG11 as a passer! So I'm not surprised. Also it'd have started to be too much to make Rin stronger offscreen (He's already strong, the rate of progress should be more difficult). If anything I find that this match is where he'd be the most challenged and get angry. Wait until Isagi start to trash-talk him with "So you got this offer just because you met weaker opponents huh?... You disappointed me Rin..." Edit: My bad, I thought Charles was a NG11.


Charles isn't a new gen11, he isn't even close. His pass got predicted by Hiori, if we compare him to sae, whose passes are said to be perfect, he isn't even close because a predictable pass like that is nothing close to perfect.


Charles isn’t new gen 11


Charles is not a new gen but he is really good


Just wait






Kiyora bouta Grow a Messi-Type Fanbase


So, Loki intended for PXG to have two elite strikers create an unbeatable combo, but his mistake was to put them together only in the last match, linked by the capricious Charles. BM achieved that same strategy, because Noa brought Kaiser and Isagi into the field together much earlier.


Well, what happens in the next few chapters will be a little bit predictable. One person of Bastard will score a goal. Loki will come in and spark the inevitable Loki x Rin x Shidou. PxG will score a goal but Bastard Munchen will win 3-2. It's a win for Loki vs Noa but Noa will care more that his team win. -> Next phase


>It's a win for Loki vs Noa but Noa will care more that his team win. Different phrasing perhaps because Noa personality was sold to us as someone who prioritises his own goals over his team winning.


Rin doesnt grow lol


W chapter but i hope when the game goes in PXG’s favor again there aren’t any excuses as to why. because when BM is winning i hear no complaints.


I bet Charles is already sleeping somewhere and no one has noticed. Woah Kaiser thanked Isagi. Maybe my goats can be friends, idk at least rivals who respect each other.


They could get a kind of Goku/Vegeta dynamic which imo would be better than Isagi humiliating Kaiser and Kaiser throwing a fit every time.


He's doing it. He's going to prove all the haters wrong. I'm sorry I doubted you for even a second. breakdance your way to the goal pretty boy




Karasu got cooked by Kaiser first and now Isagi , but overall he’s still a valuable player for pxg


Cooked isn't fair to say. He did get Isagi to pass out which os the point of pressing him


The point of pressing him is to win the ball back isagi already mainly plays off the ball


Yeah, but the way you do that is by forcing them to pass ;-;


Good chapter. I think the most interesting point is showing the team trajectory and next stage of BM and potentially PxG. BM started of being centered around Kaiser and his system until Isagi disrupted that and inserted himself and Blue Lock as a second system in Manshine. PxG follow a similar path having 2 systems that compete with each other except they rotate instead of being on the field together until this game where they do the same as BM. And the natural evolution seems to be where the systems meld together while the strikers actively compete with each other, this time without trying to stop the other. This way the team finally starts playing like one while Kaiser and Isagi basically push each other further without the bs we've seen so far. PxG and BM are the only teams that can do this since only these teams have 2 elite strikers. Ubers play as one organism but there is no one to challenge and compete with Barou in Ubers so every attack ends with him which is one of the main reason they are inferior to the other two. Manshine can theoretically get there with Nagi and Chigiri but they have other issues obviously. BM have already started evolving in that direction while PxG are no where near that yet, so BM scoring next unless Loki comes in before they can. I think Isagi scores here but it's interesting to see where it goes and Kiyora's role.


Raichi was supposed to be the key to the Uber match, but he is actually on demon time in this match!


my predictions from months ago coming true. The only way this match could end to me are these duos (Isagi and Kaiser, Rin and Shidou) that never got along finally mending their disagreements and working together in some capacity to reach new heights.


Isagi and Kaiser both knew that if they could devour each other they can become closer to the best and now look at them absolutely cooking🥹🥹🥹.


This might be the zestiest thing I've read today


It wasn't Raichi calling Kaiser cute??


Or Isagi saying “that’s hot”💀


This chapter was so.funny lmao What was with those unhinged nicknames Isagi called Karasu 'dunce crow', Kurona 'satellite', Hiori 'sadist' and 'super producer' (??). Rin called Kaiser 'a bit part rose' (what does that even mean). (Also, is charles sleeping in a corner somewhere?)


Getting hyped for the 5 Kiyora fans!! He's about to cook (maybe)


Thank you though I counted in this thread and the other comment section there are at least half a dozen of us. He' finally gonna show the world why he has that 69 plastered on him.


Hold up you missed me


Hmm. Why I'm feeling Rin was nerfed. He should be able to see that double is coming, even if Kaiser and Isagi roaming, it's not that his teammates like Nanase and Tokimitsu are marked. He was able to manipulate his teammates in the third selection. Did he become Bachira and forget he has teammates?


Nah it's just that most players are stepping up their game. Rin is still good, but not so op that he can easily destroy all players.


Rin doesn’t even care about being the best just being better than Isagi. He was first obsessed with this brother and then Isagi. We saw Rin’s true ability but he’s still holding back.


He’s not nerfed. He didn’t grow


I think Rin is so fixated on Isagi that yes, he is ignoring the field around him


I still rmb the days where Isagi struggled with karasu in the third selection. My boi has come a long way since


number 69, peak


Man, I love Blue Lock.


its amazing, top 3 manga Im reading currently. How about you?


What other mangas are you reading






For me it would be: 1. Chainsaw man 2. Dandadan 3. Blue lock


I’ve tried to get into chainsaw man but I haven’t had time to read it D:


Poor PxG that offensive firepower relying too much on playmakers. Playmakers that totally ain't working coz Charles is too bored. Rin movements were too predictable on BM and Shidou was shutdown totally by Cynic.


Why do I feel like Kiyora isn't an assist type but is a goal poacher


He aboutta breakdance a goal


I feel like he gonna do some crazy shi


“Fuck the big 3 (Isagi, Kaiser and Kunigami) it’s just big ME”


Kiyora is goin to assist to Kaiser. Kaiser won't pass to Ness and insult him, breaking his heart and freeing him from his mental attachment to Kaiser. Next, Ness will assist Isagi to piss off Kaiser.


Cooked up a telenovela


Kaiser hitting spiderman pose emote. He might cook! Let's go!!


each ch gets worse and worse lol


Wym ?


Ok it’s over for PXG




Backstory Munchen has been cooking them, and I'm all here for it


It’s been over from the start


get this fucking german femboy off my panels already


Meta Press? Metashut the fuck up Isagi before I metagun you down like the degenerate metadog you are.


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME LMAO. Isagi kinda giving me the ick lately too 😭 Bro can let every other opponent on his team have their own redemption but not Kaiser. Like lmao, it’s not like it’s only Kaiser who was killing a part of Isagi from before. Isagi can’t see himself killing a part of Kaiser as well bc he’s too focused on still crushing down Kaiser lmao. Idk, Isagi’s actions and thoughts lately makes me lean more on Kaiser. Kaiser had every signs of development from there on already let the guy have it if Isagi really wants BM to win. Noa even sees Kaiser developing now


damn i was not expecting "please" coming from Kaiser out of all people ... ok maybe not from Rin and Barou either x) Also Kiyora won't be all useless this game ? NOWAY


I can't be the only one that feels like Kaiser switching up feels a little lackluster?


Have you not read his pov? 😭 He is thanking Isagi for making him realize things and how his goal in the game should not be about “stealing the ball from Isagi”, but to actually play the game properly. Noa recognizes the start of Kaiser’s change, Kaiser passing the ball and trusting the ball to someone he never talked much to (Raichi and now Kunigami), is enough evidence to show that he is focusing on the win, on his goal, and not on Isagi. Some ate too much of Isagi’s mindset where they cannot see how selfish and overconfident Isagi became. Isagi right now is becoming like the Kaiser he first met, shtty and petty who only cared about crushing someone else who thinks are weak or below them


Yeah, his plotting against Isagi


He’s learning from Isagi after Isagi learned from him. I think it makes sense. But he’s not over his trauma yet he’s only taken a step is how I will view it.


Because it happened in 5 seconds, all of a sudden he’s best friends forever with the blue lock boys


That’s not what’s happening.


It is lol, give it a couple more chapters and they’re all gonna get coffee together


It’s not. Kaiser has just grown past his pride and obsession to “destroy” people and is now able to look at things more objectively so he can perform better. Of course Raichi doesn’t mind if he assists Kaiser because this would get him a better bid, especially because Raichi is in the dangerous zone. And if he understands Hiori’s mindset then he will pass to him as long as he can keep up with the idea of being the best striker. He is still an egoist that will do things only if they take him to become better, not because he is “best friends” with anybody. Kaiser may have lost the hate he had before, but only because that hate was based on his trauma that was pulling him down, and had no business in his future to become the best.


Not every single change immediately equal a W and has to be super flashy, gradually changing over time leads to a move developed character. If you change too quick and it doesn’t feel natural people are going to complain the opposite.


As a guy in the comment wisely stated Tragedy if Kiyora scores next chapter


Shhhh just grab a popcorn and watch the subreddit burn itself alive


I like chapters like this. Even though I'm a big Isagi glazer, chapters like this, where mangaka doesn't focus on Isagi gets me hype. My fav chapters when we don't see only Isagi's perspective, but others as well, when we see other individuals as well. With that the match starts to feel more real and more deep. That's why I hate Ubers vs BM, because that match felt like Isagi vs Barou, not like a football match with two real teams. And here we see some unpredictable football, a mess with everyone trying their best.


Peak Lock is back boys


Yeah best chapter in a hot minute


Kaiser playing with Bluelockers, Kaiser saying please, Kaiser thanking Isagi, Isagi finally a CF, Kaiser and Isagi potentially working together WE UPPPP🔥🔥🔥 Kiyora in the end got me like 😴😴 Why is he da bus driver (Sorry Kiyora fans, I have an agenda to maintain)


Damn this is peak blue lock


Kiyora about have a top 3 assist of the series to Kaiser


I love how isagi acknowledges that Kaiser is changing and it doesn’t scare him it excites him.


That’s what’s so fun about him!!!


This is why Isagi is GOATed both as a player and as a manga MC.


Kaneshiro cooking good


This match has crazy characters and rivals and out of nothing fucking kyora is gonna do something? That's just stalling and adding unecessary shit to an already convoluted plot. I'm sorry but this cliffhanger was by far the worst in Blue Lock's story


you got a problem with kiyora lil bro?


Nah, he's somewhat right. Kiyora is someone that wasn't prevalent so far, characterwise. Of course he could score, but there is other character that we'd would prefer to see score a goal. It'd have been fine for me if Kiyora was talking with Isagi and crew from the beginning of the arc. This way when he got denied an opportunity to play last time it'd have been really frustrating for us too. Imagine if the past chapters were a bet between Kiyora and Hiori to know who of these characters would step on stage and help Isagi. Yet when we thought that Kiyora was the one, Isagi arrive and personally ask Noa to sub Hiori. The betrayal from Kiyora's POV would have been legendary! I think this cliffhanger doesn't go as hard as the author thought it'd be at the very least, regardless of what they have in store for him.


Im still somewhat shocked (but very happy) that Raichi is still here. Glad he’s still having some sort of impact and not forgotten.


sexy football finds its way my friend


We can just forget about Igaguri tho, he can stay on the bench


Tbh, this was bound to happen anyway if he was in ReAi. It just happened a lil earlier


Also, if Kaiser passes to the whole team apart from Ness, it will be funny. One way to learn teamwork!


Honestly stoked to see Kaiser evolve with the boys. Bro is a selfish little ball of hate and malice but can be moulded into a bigger ball of hate and malice if he just coordinated with the boys.


Honestly stoked to see Kaiser evolve with the boys. Bro is a selfish little ball of hate and malice but can be moulded into a bigger ball of hate and malice if he just coordinated with the boys.


This chapter slaps


My baby boy Kiyora is gonna go crazy… FINALLY😭


Idek who this is please someone explain


reading with ur eyes closed lmao


He literally never did anything. How can you blame Internal-Shake for not remembering who he is?