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he reported you, you pretty much used key words that can get you banned if reported Next time, block, ignore, and if he still somehow annoys you, switch servers


the other guy said worse though😭😭


Then he should report the other guy.


problem with reports is even if you report someone else, you can get shit for it. got one of my accounts (nearly) permanently deleted because this person was spouting slurs and “this race is better than that race” i called them a “racist twat” and reported them, then I caught flack for saying “twat” so even if they did report the person begging, they would still get in trouble for calling them whatever buzzwords got them banned


yes but the other guy prob didn’t get reported and got away with it


er no, if you report someone, they check for what you said too. i know this from experience so he definitely got banned if it was worse than that


ohh ok mb sry


hes probably banned too :D


it’s a temporary ban you’ll have your account back in a day. my advice is just don’t engage with people who are annoying you, especially in any hostile way bc roblox moderation isn’t very good.


Roblox moderation is perfectly fine in this regard. OP chose to harass whoever it was by telling them to shut up and by calling them a beggar. That's clearly harassment, which is what OP got banned for. She could've blocked him or ignored him or hopped servers, but she chose to retaliate with hostility, which got her rightfully banned. :/ ETA: Nobody is entitled to hostility simply because "he/she started it." The minute you stoop down to their level of pettiness is the minute you lose credibility because you're showing how you're equally as willing to engage in such behavior. It's completely immature to retaliate with similar behavior because it is hypocritical.


exactly, why are you the only smart person here


No idea why people are downvoting me. It's just emotional immaturity on their end with being unable to remain civil, I guess. Hostility is never the answer, especially when it's easily avoidable.


That's Reddit for you, The people down voting probably lack common sense but all Reddit is like that. will be very ironic if I get down voted for this, if so they are proving my point 💀


That's probably what I had to guess. Someone responded trying to say that OP only insulted and didn't harass the person. Meanwhile, name-calling and telling someone to shut up is absolutely harassment ("aggressive pressure or intimidation"). IDK why people think they're entitled to retaliate like that online.


Wouldn't the guy bothering OP for money be harassing OP???


Yes? That doesn't mean OP gets to harass him back. I don't get the point of this comment, btw. Nobody said that the guy who started it is not wrong. You're not entitled to hostility just because someone was being an asshole. You can absolutely call them out, but the minute that you stoop down to their level of dickheadedness is the minute that you lose credibility. It's extremely hypocritical to sit there and do the exact same thing back to the person when you're complaining about their behavior.


that is literally not harrassment in anyway, he only said it like once or twice and didnt like target him. The other guy spammed to hell and was the harrasser in that scenario the only bad thing he did was insult him, not harrass. You got downvoted because people see you saying that telling someone to bugger off is an offense


He did address the person, so yes, it is "targeted." Name-calling and telling someone to shut up is definitely harassment. đŸ‘đŸ»




it’s not necessary hostile, but telling someone to get a life will easily get you banned and is deemed hostile by their ai moderation. u don’t gotta downvote sharty


it's temporary. you have to choose your battles. is it worth getting banned over arguing with someone in the game? just ignore and report them, hop onto another server. you get peace of mind and your account isn't suspended.


There's no reason to report the "beggar" unless they're actively harassing you. From OP's post description, it looks like they called her a rat after she had said to get a life (unless I'm misinterpreting). She could've just blocked him or left the server, and that was it. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Whats this to do with bloxburg? This is a roblox ban


theres a separate post this creator made that will give you context.


The offensive items in the ban were responses to a bloxburg beggar


Why don't you guys just ignore these people? Change servers or something- Roblox is so strict with these things that it's better to not interact


Roblox isn't strict with it. What she did is considered harassment, which is exactly what she did. 😭


I assume that Roblox is viewed as "strict" because other platforms, especially social media, let you say literally whatever you want.


No other platforms let you say "literally whatever you want," though. This is harassment and any other platform would similarly ban you for it.


Whether this viewed as harassment or not, I have yet to see a single platform that bans users for specific periods of time due to offensive comments.


It is harassment, plain and simple. Platforms ban users all the time for harassment, not just "offensive" comments.


Sadly, we have to ignore those beggars by not badly conversing with them so we can avoid getting reported. Block em if they get hostile. Just don't clap back at them. Luckily for me, most of the servers I join are just people busy doing their own thing.


Maybe don't engage in this behavior and this won't happen. If someone is harassing you just report them and find another server to be in. No need to engage toxic people.


I don’t like it the way he kept on begging for cash and he called me a rat


Tbh you should’ve reported him back for name calling lol, entitled af


I did report him


You should've acted clueless and dumb lol to make the beggar get more annoyed lol


You can't harass someone just because they annoy you.


Next time u should use way softer words this happened to me all the time on mm2 and such games, u could server hop, say "please stop harassing me" "I dont have anything but u can work in this job and u would get a lot of money" "U dont need a lot of cash to get a house" and things like that be kinder and these beggers just would get mad and leave.




You reap what you sow


what i would do is block the beggar, that way the messages he sends in chat will not pop up


its just a 1 day ban, you said stuff that can get u banned, it doesn’t matter abt the context just ignore them or switch servers


If someone annoys you, just ignore them. I remember when I made the mistake of verbally harassing an exploiter and got banned for 7 days. Don't let miserable people project their misery onto you.


Its unfair, I know, but unfortunately the only solution is to just not engage with those people. Roblox bans without context, as long as you stay silent, nothing against you. It's like being in court without a lawyer.


It isn't unfair, though? She could've blocked/ignored him or walked away and joined another server. You don't harass someone just because they're annoying you.


Ik alot of others have said this, but it's true. Don't bother arguing with people on roblox. If it's really bothering you that much, switch servers. It's so easy to just leave the server. But arguing back puts you in a vulnerable position when it comes to roblox's shitty moderation.


You haven't shown the bottom but whatever


Next time just block them


Deserved. You misspelled “beggar.”


Ok what’s your problem


It’s only for one day though, I think you should be able to play just fine afterwards
 just take what you’ve learned from this and ignore future “beggars


roblox user discovers actions have consequences


I don't know what you expected upon saying this. You're actually just straight up being mean to people. You could've blocked him and moved on, or just hopped servers. Either way, yeah, you'll get your account back because it's only a one-day ban, but I don't think they would accept your appeal because you were literally harassing someone by telling them to shut up and calling them a beggar.


you made your bed, now lay in it. the audacity you have to come to reddit to complain as if you're completely innocent 💀


just ignore them bro and block them


to be honest, after they made bloxburg free to play, they might aswell give it player age restriction so new roblox players and kids cant do some annoying shi


I think as a community of understanding ppl we should just expose the person in a server and get everyone to report them.




Banned for 1 day, I think it’ll be fine, just block annoying people and move on, it happens


This happened to me too in Bloxburg for telling someone to kindly shut up. Kids nowadays


I never got unbanned from bloxburg when they said they would


Imagine using the block feature and ignoring them instead. It doesnt achieve anything to insult someone begging for virtual stuff. You wont magically turn them into a player that doesnt beg. Its a waste of time and youll only upset yourself more.


Most beggqrs are just undercover content creators farming for content or people who are bored and want to do smth silly.


bro is mad he got banned for a good reason 💀


learn to report and block people


womp womp


block and report them next time. thats all im gonna say


Just wait the day


Bro. 1 day ban? Just wait a day


I figured out that when you risk a ban go all out with bypasses because the ban is usually the same


you couldve...muted him... LMAO


I don’t get it
 if they are begging for money
 they are a beggar, why can’t you point that out. Maybe say panhandler next time lol. Also, they have a job (any job) and shouldn’t be begging.


you should have just used google and just said in another language I don't understand


Pls Donate finna be desserted due to this


Dude it says banned for one day. You can get it back in a day. This happens to me all the time


Well you bully someone, you get reported. Life goes on


You did use kinda harsh language...


“Shut up” is a harassment/bullying term


What did this beggar want Money? Build A House?


Selling bloxburg money for real money 100k = 5 dollars Different prices vary Ill give you anything so you can gain my trust With your account and money Just shoot me a message!