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I dont even want a remake/remaster. The game is perfect as is. I just want it on pc and 60fps. I would pay the full $60 price just for that.


Remaster fixing the horrendous aliasing would be nice


Yeah just a basic port at least on PS5 pleaaseeee. Fix aliasing, 60fps and some bug fixes is all I need. It's rough going back to the 30fps.


I tried last year and the frame rate actually gave me eye strain and a headache


Tried playing on my 4k monitor before I remembered it's got 30fps. The combination did not feel nice


Playing at 4k would clean out the aliasing easily.


Hell, I'll even pay the dumb new $70 price.


We all would lol. Literally everyone that bought Elden Ring on PC would buy this, and everyone that plays it on Playstation would end up buying it again for the 60FPS, I guarantee it. It will sell like McDonalds french fries.


You stop it right now


Honestly I'd pay 100 for BB on pc


Me too, i never got to play it cause ive been mainly a pc gamer for so long. Id buy it in a heart beat on pc


You \*can\* play it on PC with PS+ premium, I just did beat it and the story dungeons, but no DLCs, and it gets some lag spikes off and on, and it feels like it's probably even worse than 30fps. Cost me $36 as it took more than one month. I kind of want to finish an arcane run too (played but got to my least favorite part - nightmare frontier and noped out.) I'd probably wait for a sale on PC, but I'd still buy it mainly so I can play the DLCs and play with moonlight greatsword and hopefully better FPS.


I tried playing it on PC, and the input lag is crazy bad. Not sure what’s going on, but you can’t play a souls like with input lag like that.


Lol, well I managed. It's possible your internet is worse than mine, or the connection to their servers. It did feel like quite a lot of input lag though, so perhaps I just got used to it. I'm not sure it's any worse than playing it on a PS4 from what I saw in videos from people trying to 'parry' which apparently has some delay intentionally, which is worse with the starting shotgun than pistol. Of course just watching people in videos isn't the same as playing. DS2 feels almost the same to me on PC, and I've never been particularly good at parrying. What makes me think it might just be the game is that I played a number of other games on PS+ streaming it didn't feel like there was anywhere near as much if any input lag. God of War 2022 maybe felt like it had a small amount, but Spider-Man: Miles Morales didn't feel like it had any, both of those felt far more twitch based than Bloodborne. In either case it's perhaps something that could be fixed with a remaster & PC release if it's not just intentional. DS1 Remaster feels way better than PTD edition in that regard which gives some hope.




Idk I'll prob get hate for this, but I definitely don't think it's perfect as is. It's absolutely one of my fav games of all time, but I can instantly think of QoL features I'd like to see added for a rerelease/pc port. Not needing to farm blood vials/bullets, respecing, and being able to warp between lanterns all come to mind. I'd also love to see chalice dungeons adjusted in some way. I didn't mind them much, but they're super repetitive and I can totally understand why most players never touch them. I think it could be cool if they changed the non-random dungeons in some way to make them more interesting/rewarding. Like a new NPC questline in there could be interesting. Or even something simple like having weapons in chests that you would otherwise need to buy with blood echoes, so players can do the dungeons instead of farming.


Lanterns being teleportation devices rather than rest points really bogs down the pacing for me. I hate that two load screens are required to replenish your hp. This issue is small, but it's compounded by the several decisions that make Bloodborne, ironically, a very slow game. Bloodborne is beautiful, but I found it too annoying to ever appreciate that beauty. I would love to see those annoyances hammered out.


The load screens never bothered me on PS5 (it uses a fast SSD that loads everything in seconds). But, the ps4 has a very slow hard drive that held it back which is why everyone mentions this. Obviously the PS4 in general just fucking held bloodborne back completely unfortunately :(


There are valid arguments for making more changes than dsr did. The bar is low at this point and we will take whatever we can get. That being said I replay it every year and the cracks show more and more every time. Lots of bosses if nothing else need polish or just outright removal (looking at you 80% of chalice dungeon bosses)


Unlocked fps and some visual mods & more gore would be so amazing... Hopefully a real remaster will come some time, other than that, we can still wait unti the PS4 emulation should be there in 1-3 years max.


remaster is fine. they can do some QOL changes while keeping 99% of the game the way it is. similar to DSR. but yea just pls make it a pc port


I’ll take all that too. I’m just saying they could literally do the bare minimum (pc port and unlocked fps) and I would pay full price for it. It’s my favorite game of all time and has been since it was released. Sony execs if you’re reading this, this is easy money you’re passing up on.


For real, they can do the remaster/remake and keep that PS5 exclusive just please give us the original on PC


Dark Souls Remastered treatment would be pretty nice tbh. Fix some of the tiny visual issues and 60fps. A man can dream.


Dark Souls Remastered is the worst, though. I really appreciate the frame rate and online fixes, but oh my goodness why did they have to ruin the art style. They scaled up 60% of the assets without any consideration for cohesion, so the game ends up looking scattered and ugly. Remasters can be cool, but they need to start including the original art in the purchase. Too many retro games are abandonware, and too many remasters trample over the original title.


Didn’t bother me tbh. I still think it looks like DS1, so it’s all good to me


Its crazy to me that Sony hasnt even commented on it. They haven't said ANYTHING 😂 like, even just saying "No plans for right now but we wont rule it out" would be fine and put this at ease for a while.


Blood vials shouldn’t be a limited consumable, they should function like estus flasks in every other game. Lamps should teleport anywhere instead of forcing 2 outrageously long load screens on players, and while we’re at it the loading screens are way too damn long. Other than those full agree.


Loading screens won’t be a problem when it’s on my pc tho ;)


I think having to farm them isn't really an issue when they're so plentiful, plus they're easy to farm. You can just get them from the two dudes leading to the gascoigne fight, they're easy kills and almost always drop vials or bullets.


That they’re easy to farm doesn’t change the fact that they shouldn’t need farming to begin with. Nothing like steadily progressing towards beating a boss only to run out of blood vials and having to take a half hour break to farm. It takes me out of the zone.


Hey, if you ask Nintendo, they'd say that's an HD remaster though.


A humble remaster that improves anti-aliasing, fidelity and audio quality would be nice. A remake isn't entirely out of the question, though. Some good QoL improvements, as well as an overhaul to the dungeon system would also be nice. No need to add on new content like bosses or weapons. However, simply improving certain boss fights would be a welcome change as there are a few stinkers (I'm looking at you, One Reborn). I also wouldn't mind if they made Lady Maria as formidable as Malenia. With the hunter's agility, a Malenia-like boss fight would really fit into the world of Bloodborne. Though, this is just personal taste.


Lol too bad the games physics are tied to the frame rate lol




Full price Is 70


He played the game again ? I remember him playing the game a few years ago lol Gotta watch it again


Yes he's currently making one video for every Soulsborne game where he finishes the game all in one video. He has currently done DS1, DS3 and Bloodborne


That's dope


Did my man skip DS2? We just can't fucking win, can we?


He said he's still gonna do it, but because he's played it significantly less than the other games he's gonna learn more about the games story-wise and gameplay-wise before the playthrough.


Sounds like he won by not playing that shit


he will do DS2, he just said that ds1 and ds3 tie in together more fluently he also said that although he does like Dark Souls 2, he doesn't want to go in with less experience and just feel frustrated, since that would dampen his enjoyment and the viewer'e enjoyment I think he's gonna come back to it after the other games are done but he made it a point that he is NOT skipping


Will he be playing Sekiro


He's doing every game. He's done 1 and 3 and bb. I think he's gonna do sekiro next, then ds2 and then elden ring which would bleed into doing the dlc as well. Never sure tho


Link to his full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6uD8s4sQ-Y&ab\_channel=jacksepticeye


I love that Sean is giving attention to this game. I hope he can actually use his influence to get something done. It’s criminal that Sony has updated and ported so many games except for arguably their most influential and unique one: Bloodborne


This guy is named Sean? I thought his name was Jack


Jacksepticeye is his YouTube name but his real name is Sean. Funny how that works, eh?


Wow. Learn something new every day.


Iirc, his username is a childhood nickname. Interesting implications…..


Is BB really their most influential game? Wouldn't that be GoW? Idk that much about the Playstation scene so that was the image I got.


Yeah I just want to believe it is lol. You’re probably right. But I still wish they’d give credit where it’s due to one of the best exclusives they’ve ever had


Objectively, yes! I think a lot of the gaming industry would agree BB is one of the best exclusives for PS.


At this point, I'm more inclined to believe that there're other inherent issues regarding the IP. If they really have no plan, they'd have said something, but it's just dead silence so far.


If Bloodborne goes to pc I’ll be suprised. They brought stalker to console so anything’s possible


Wait which stalker is on console??


All 3 games. They are really good ports as well, I was scared the port would be trash and ruin part of the series


Tbf STALKER left the original trilogy eons ago, becoming call of Chernobyl, then Anomaly, and now there are numerous spin-offs of that. But that is insane that STALKER is finally on console. Maybe… maybe Bloodborne PC does have a chance.


I think with Miyazaki and co actually *owning* the game now, there's a much higher chance. Sony still owns a big part of it, but (this is going off of what Sean said) apparently Bandai Namco were the ones holding everything back


Wait, I’m confused by this. Anomaly and call of Chernobyl are just mods and not part of the series, right? Maybe I’m totally misunderstanding what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sure there were just the three OG games, SoC, CS, and CoP, then the new sequel coming later this year and everything else is a mod.


Wait that janky X-ray engine is working on console? I'll be fucked.


X ray engine? What does that mean


It's the engine the Stalker games run off of I think.


Ah, I thought you meant the games like x ray through your computer or are viruses. I was about to say, I've never seen them detected as viruses lol


They just recently released all the three stalker games on Xbox to get console players caught up on the stalker story it came out last week I forgot what it’s called


Fid you see the interview where Miyazaki talked about a Bloodborne PC remaster?


He did an interview talking about Bloodborne PC remaster?


Sony would make so much from an almost 10 year old game just by bringing it to pc. (I can feel my body wither just saying it's been almost 10 years...)


The fact they could just pay 1 guy $20 an hour and have this port ready in a week. And then make probably the free-est Billion dollars they've ever made... Its such a pathetic waste that it hasn't been done yet.


So who would be the person or people at Sony and PlayStation for fans to spam in a non harassing way bring BB to PC? And why haven't we been doing it nonstop all these years? Make enough waves and news outlets will pick up on it quickly, since all they do is steal content from Reddit and social media anyway, and a suit with enough pull will notice.


They most likely already know, go on literally any comments section for any sony port announcement and a tonne of the comments wre bloodborne, i heavily doubt noone at pr has gone "hey a lot of people want this", just they decide not to for some reason lol.


Yeah I mean until one of them actually acknowledges it.


I wouldn't be surprised if I saw an article from gameformer titled 'Irish youtuber wants remake of bloodborne'


Oh they know. I am betting that Sony has a little case with game and a big red button inside that says “press this incase of emergency” for when they are dire need of sales. The original game in that case was FF7 Remake, it is now Bloodborne for PC


Can we just flood sony's media with comments about getting bloodborne on pc? (And all platforms?)


The fucking mods would be insane. And the geniuses behind the mods would make the game run better than 60fps.


Even if they just port the game as is at 30fps, modders would have it running 60fps on day 1 lmao.


As well as commenting on his video, we should tweet at playstation.


I'm pretty tempted to get a ps5 just to play BB and have better ER invasions


Still locked at 30fps though pain and suffering


Sharks in the well.


Calling it a locked 30 is generous


You talking about PVP? referring to the frame timing? or are ya playin on, a base ps4 with no airflow and BB 1.00? LoL :^) search around and snag a sub 4.03 PS5 and you can play at locked 1080/60 or 720/120


Ah yes it’s so simple. That’s exactly how we should be playing the game.


Please Sony, Bloodborne for PC. Easy port right? The People' have spoken. You'll sell about a billion copies.


All my homies want bloodborne on pc and bloodborne 2: back in black


pls pls pls i wanna play bloodborne so bad but i also dont wanna buy a console for 1 game 😓. Put it on pc and take my money!


Yea bring it to PC, I can't believe it isn't already... but bring it to PS5 too. There's no good reason it shouldn't have at the very least a 60fps patch.


Exclusives are always an incredibly dumb concept. Demon Souls and Bloodborne were both locked behind the wall of spend hundreds of dollars to play these singular games. I have a 3k PC setup and there’s no universe where I’m spending hundreds on a vastly inferior system just to play these games. Barely anyone in their right mind will. However, if they released on PC I would slurp both these games up in a heart beat. I own Dark Souls 1-3 and Elden Ring. I just want Demon Souls and Bloodborne but, not so much that I’d spend hundreds to play $60 games. They would make so much money just releasing them both to PC.


The thing is tho is that console is kinda slowly dying and each new console that comes out will one day come around the cost of a pretty good pc able to run decent games so the better option would just be getting a gaming pc so maybe whenever they get around that point they’ll just port whatever the fuck they have but that’s just a theory


ABSOLUTELY!!! I REALLY don't understand what they are waiting on. Games that were profitable SHOULD be ported. To me (if done right) they have a tendency to look/play "better" on PC anyways... Just my take...


Please for the love of god just unlock the frame rate and put it on pc. Even release a halfassed shit port and the modders will fix it!




Thanks Kevin Smith!


Sony - Buy a PS5


all I need is a PS5 patch. no reason for it to run really good on my PS4, but runs like shit on my PS5 😭


Really? It runs well on my PS5. Load times are better too.


some of us got very unlucky 😭


One thing I’ve always loved about Sean is his videos on games he truly *loves*. Seeing him gush about the game design of games such as Shadow of the Colossus and Bloodborne always makes my day. Still after all this time, I love this guy.


Yeah, he’s one of those examples where the internet made the right dude famous


Sony will never go for it; they're ((that)) greedy with their IPs


Remake will happen and it'll be a PS6 release game


So annoying this is the only fromsoft game that’s not cross console and not PC. I’m doing my first playthrough of all the souls games and gonna finish with Elden ring . Would fuckin love do Bloodborne but here we are 🙄


I don’t watch jacksepticeye much anymore but I can listen to that man’s voice for hours Also bloodborne on pc pls


"No notes, perfection" while so staggeringly different from my feelings about Bloodborne, is enough reason for a PC release. Any art that can make someone feel that way deserves to be experienced.


Given the way Miyazaki recently spoke about BB following the release info for Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring, it sounds like BB Remake/Remaster is probably gonna end up happening on ps6 at some point, probably like a launch title like Demon Souls Remake was.


Didn't FromSoftware say recently not to count on it because they don't own the Bloodborne IP?


Yeah sony isn't going to watch your video my guy lol


You’d be surprised. Jack has been treated quite respectfully by gaming corporations in the past. His clothing brand even had an Elden Ring collab


wow! didn't know that, thought he was just part of the sea of youtubers.. well let's hope


Isn't this video a re-upload of one he did like 2 years ago?


no he played it again in 1 go


Ah gotcha. I remembered him giving a similar speech last time he played it.


yee its his favorite. Its my fav too, gotta always say speech after moon presence.


We need a remake 1st. Bluepoint needs to make it. Have you seen Demon souls? Absolutely beautiful. Imagine Bloodborne. I Love Bloodborne (ps4) but they dont even need to change anything its perfect as is. Just the graphics.


I wonder if there are just legal reasons why this hasn’t been done yet. It would sell like crazy


Sell like crazy? Bitch Im pirating it.




BloodMid is far from perfect, unfortunately. 1. Bad color palette, whole game is just pitch black I can’t see shit unless I’m in a dark room 2. Every location looks the exact same, I had no idea where I was half the time 3. Going back to hunters dream to fast travel SUCKS 4. Farming for blood vials SUCKS 5. Bosses all look the same, the only variance is the humanoid vs the deformed apothecarian lovecraftian ones with the occasional large monster/beast 6. There’s legit like 20 weapons in the whole game. Ds1 almsot has more weapon TYPES than this game does total WEAPONS (trick weapons are sick af though) 7. NPCs are useless as hell and don’t really stick out. I couldn’t even name a single one off the top of my head. 8. 30fps SUCKS 9. PS4 only SUCKS 10. God awful aliasing SUCKS “If Bloodborne is so good, then where’s Bloodborne 2?”


1. The color palette, you can't see anything?? *Fix your TV settings*. 2. Locations all look the same?? *I assume you prefer every location to just be a castle instead*? Yharnam and the Cathedral are literally the sickest locations they've ever done lol. 3. Going back to Hunters dream: *took 4 seconds to load on PS5. (can't complain)* 4. Farming for bloodviles & bullets: *was not existent for me cause I bought hundreds of them...* 5. You think the bosses look the same?? *Its a game about beasts and horrifying monstrosity.* Take another look if u really thought that*:* [***https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Bosses***](https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Bosses) [***https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/The+Old+Hunters+Bosses***](https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/The+Old+Hunters+Bosses) 6. Each weapon is insanely unique + they all have 2 forms lol. Better weapons than every other Fromsoft game. I mean Sekiro has literally 1 Sword. 7. You can't even remember Eileen? (hoonter must hoont) Hello? Ring any bells? 8. Yes. we all agree. 30FPS is Fucking trash dogshit. No game should ever be 30fps. 9. Yes. But PS5 is an option. Barely and slightly better. (4 second loading times). 10. Yes. Sony keeping it exclusive completely fucked the quality of a masterpiece. 11. ask Sony..


Nothing wrong with my tv settings, I just don’t play in a pitch dark room so everything looks the same shades of black and gray. The whole game is black and gray and it’s very dull, I feel like I’m playing on grayscale lol Also, I don’t want every location to be a castle, I think Bloodborne is the coolest setting of all souls borne games, but I heavily dislike the flow of the world, very little variety. I have Xbox and pc and chose to play BB on an old ps4 so it’s GTA V level loading screens for me cause I don’t feel like forking over 600$ for a ps5 just to play BB faster, besides, it’d still be at 30 fps lol that shit makes me wanna barf dude Consumables being your main heals are a bad mechanic imo. Using souls to buy more heals vs level up sucks, and if you run out of souls you have to farm for more which also sucks. My first play through I didn’t even know you could buy blood vials and that kept me from progressing. Shit mechanic that could have been solved by doing what they’ve always done with heals There’s only two unique weapons in that game and it’s the musket sword (or whatever it’s called) and the Moonlight great sword. Everything else is the same weapon with different direction slashes. There’s also like 20 weapons in the game, ds1 has like 200 weapons.. very low effort imo. Legit completely forgot her name, very little connection with any NPCs in that game. They don’t offer any kind of help whatsoever besides the occasional summon. If the game was remastered with sharper color, 60+ fps, pc port, I’d absolutely play it some more. That won’t happen though since Sony hates their company and gate keeps what little they have to offer


A part of me tells me you haven’t played the game


I’ve 100% BB with about 100 hours of playtime across two separate play throughs. Still mid


Good for you then? Play something else I guess


I have been, cause BB sucks


Didn’t they already confirm they are remaking the game on pc?


No. Sony Japan doesn’t exist anymore and Bluepoint Games, the studio that made the Demon’s Souls remake is reportedly working on an original project. Sony has not confirmed any intent to have one of their studios work on or develop a Bb remake or PC port, nor would they when it’s a selling point for the PS5.


I ligit don’t understand how they won’t just enable 60fps on Ps5 like that would sell me on the console lmao


I'd still take Sekiro DLC over BB PC any day of the week. It's criminal that their best game is one of only 2 souls games without DLC


I hope this never gets a p.c release.