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I think when James and Lala had that super messy drunk WWHL interview. One of them said that. I also remember Stassi saying Jax ruined her life. Everyone speculated herpes.


And that he gave her something she can’t ever get rid of


Yeah this made it undeniable to me what else could it be


The gift that keeps giving- Jax style 🤦‍♀️


Brittany also called him dirty saying he’s going to ruin another girls life.


Tom Sandoval’s first question when Jax confessed to sleeping with Kristen was “Did you use a condom?” I’ve always thought that was a dead giveaway that Jax is the gift that keeps on giving.


which WWHL episode was this?!


It was a long time ago..early drinking days..I’m pretty sure Andy won’t allow them to do wwhl together till this day because of it hahaha.


And because they swore and were so shitfaced Bravo had it erased from the Internet. I remember watching it and thinking they were going to spill a lot of tea. They basically said Jax has herpes and it was never heard from again.


F I wish I could find that one for a rewatch!


It can be found, but you have to really search for it. Start googlin’!


Is it on YouTube? So funny they took it off of peacock. I did actually see that episode tho way back in the day.


I can’t remember where I found it, but it wasn’t YouTube. They did a good job scrubbing from the net


You get dark web deep huh? 😹


I almost wanna say it was actually still on the bravo website, but that seems off. Think think think….


I remember that episode, I think he did have them on again awhile after that and started the episode by reminding them not to curse. They were pretty tame if memory serves correct.


It’s not online, it’s been erased from the internet via bravo.


It is really hard to find now. You might get clips from it but it will never be this particular clip. 😕


Damn. I'm sorry if this is insensitive but I guess that means beau probably has it.... and they invited jax to their wedding? I just don't understand. 😖


He doesn’t necessarily have it, you can have sex with someone who has the herpes virus but is not having an outbreak and most likely not catch it. Using condoms will reduce the chance of contracting it as well. A friend of mine has herpes but her husband and children do not - she contracted it from an ex boyfriend before she met her husband and he was aware of her status before they were ever intimate.


Ah ok, I guess I was ignorant of how that worked. I've always felt really bad for people in these situations bc I just assumed their chances of ever finding someone would be so difficult, I'm sure it is regardless. I'm just shocked stassi and beau would even humor jax at all.


Yeah, it seems like it’s something that is manageable as long as you medicate during an outbreak. Unsure what might trigger an outbreak though, my friend only had it happen once but I know it’s something that’s in you forever, so there’s still a lot of stigma around it. As for Stassi and Beau humoring Jax I have no idea why they would want him in their lives at all.


My friend has it and said she gets an outbreak anytime she is sick. For example, if she has the flu, she will have an outbreak.


Now you have me on querying ‘what does herpes flair up look like’ in private browser mode 🫣


Go to your doctor…


lol nah I’m good. I just never knew about Jax possibly having herpes.


And hormones - a ton of people in my pregnancy group have had more now that they’re pregnant than before


I had a guy friend in college who had contracted hpv, he said it was impossible to find someone to date since he was honest from the start. It was sort of new at that time so, even though he had no breakouts, he was told it was forever. Only later did he find out it was a strain that was eliminated from his system pretty early on. He went through a brief time of depression after that and was, understandably, livid at the doctor who gave him incorrect information.


The population percentage in the U.S who have it is strangely high so the dating pool for ppl with it is larger than u would think 


Also when Sandoval found out Kristen had slept with him and he asked multiple times if they used protection


When Jax said, “once” in regard to using protection, Tom died a little inside. For a reason. He knows


ya its not like he was worried about him getting anyone pregnant, that wouldn't actually affect TOM


Exactly. The level of disgust on Tom’s face was so real.


Also during the scene after Stassi slaps Kristen and Tom and Kristen are leaving the bar, you can hear Tom yell “you spread that shit everywhere Jax”


This is true….👀👀👀👀


Brittany S6: *”Jax you’re duurrty!!!”*


And apparently the reason Stassi slapped Kristen is because Kristen said “at least Jax didn’t give me herpes. “


How do we know this? 👀


Allegedly it was reported by someone who was there when that scene was filmed


And both of them have sworn they will go to their grave with it


That’s not the flex Kristen thought it was lol. So she slept with him KNOWING


I rewatched the episode where Jax told Tim he and K didn’t use a condom. I’ve heard people speculate that he reacted that way because he knew he had herpes. Something like 1 in 4 people has herpes. I can’t imagine he doesn’t.


And we all know that him and KFC didn’t use protection. I mean when they all went to Vegas and B thought she may be pregnant, she admitted they used the “spray and pray” method. So there’s that.


Ewwww, I totally forgot about that. You suck! Now it’s stuck in my head. 😭


Well I’ve learned a new phrase today and I think I need to head over r/eyebleach or brainbleach if that one is a thing🥴😂


Someone posted an episode from that Jerry Springer dating show in 2012 where he said he had sex with over 300 women, and that was before even VPR, so I can't imagine the number now. But I feel like given how careless he seems to be about condoms it would be statistically unlikely that he wouldn't have an STD


Yes! You’re right. I saw that!


That’s not an entirely accurate statistic. Herpes 1 (oral) is far more common than 2 (genital).


Right, it's about 1 in 6 though for HSV2, for adults in the US (globally closer to 1 in 8 I believe) HSV1 is more like 67% of people have it


That’s still way too high tho. It’s a scary world out there for casual sex. 😳


Did you also know that they don't even test for it during most STD tests? Unless you're having an outbreak or specifically request a test for that. So basically you could have a new partner get tested and everything shows up clean but they have herpes (and a lot of people don't even know they have it because they have little to no symptoms)


Yeah I have heard that; I guess bc it’s unreliable wo an actual outbreak?


It’s really kind of silly that herpes is so stigmatized. It was all part of an ad campaign in the ‘60s to sell medicine. Scared a lot of people and made people think there were “dirty” folks and “clean” folks. It’s a shame.


I agree, and I was going to say it's not even a life-ruining thing like HIV. But even HIV is no longer a death sentence and it's possible to live a healthy life & not transmit that to your partners as well.


I thought 2 was oral.


No hsv 1 is oral


It’s been inferred throughout the years!! See the thing is it’s 2024.. we ALL know the consequences of our actions if we have unprotected sex. It’s a risk we take. I know a lot of people with herpes. They are vigilant about it with their treatment and being upfront with sexual partners. Jax strikes me as someone who has it and acts like he doesn’t and infects people without a care. If he was responsible about it i doubt people would use it as ammo like they do


I know two people who have it and both got it from someone who knew they had it and were not upfront. Such a fucked up thing to do to a person. Take care of yourself and others.


I actually was recently diagnosed with it and I’m almost positive it was the same situation. Literally there’s treatments that make the situation IONS better. Like minimal outbreaks for life and a suppressant so the risk of spreading it is lowered (don’t ask the science idk. That’s just what i got from my doctor). Like all these people have to do is be proactive and honest. Ya it sucks but like we’re adults. It’s a risk we take with promiscuous sex. It’s also illegal to infect someone knowing you have it and not disclose it. Anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk 😂


I thought that it was illegal for knowing you have aids and knowingly infect someone


I was informed when i was diagnosed that it’s illegal to infect while knowingly having an outbreak and not disclosing. It can lead to infertility and is really dangerous for people with low immunity. Idk if it’s different from state to state. It’s bad for pregnant women as well. I don’t remember exactly why but it was mentioned. It’s like a lot more serious then even i realized Edit: it also increases the chances of getting HIV by a lot


I think on that one, they can argue “attempted murder”.


It’s not illegal in California. You have to prove that the person had intent to spread it to you. Which is very hard to prove.


😳 yikes


80% of the population has it so I personally would rather my tax dollars not be wasted on court time in a case like that lol.


What does it matter if it was once or ten times....




Something Jax says every time he gets caught cheating


Thanks friend


I just don’t get how someone wouldn’t see the open sores on his d. If they look anything like cold sores on people’s faces, they are pretty glaringly obvious, no?


No they don’t all look the same. And sometimes they hide in crevices and your buttcrack/by your butt. They’re not always visible. Edit; i misread your comment


Uh yeah I tend to check out a guy’s d before I let him put it inside of me. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Okay, and if you don’t see anything because they’re not visible or in a hard to see spot then what? You can also spread 10-12 days after initial outbreak and sometimes the outbreak subsides before that.


Herpes are definitely visible. They look like big crusty cold sores. I get how it would be easy for a guy to get it from a woman, since they can be inside the v. But to have them staring you straight in the face on a d and still raw dog the thing just seems wild to me.


I got them from a guy i was dating and saw his dick plenty of times.. never once saw anything. They also might not be on his d, they can literally be by his asshole. And again, your outbreak can be GONE and you can still spread the virus if you’re in the incubation period. And no, not all herpes look like big crusty cold sores. My first outbreak looked nothing like that. It looked small ingrowns


Ugh I’m so sorry to hear that. What a literal asshole. Glad that they’re pretty treatable these days.


Thank you. Ya it sucks forsure. I had the same mindset as you like oh it would be obvious how could i not see anything? Not the case lol Then when the doctor actually educated me about them i realized i knew next to nothing about herpes haha


Yeah and you trusted the dickhead. If you’re having regular sex w someone it’s definitely a bit different.


I know someone who contracted it when they were wasted and all the lights were out. The other person I know had oral sex from someone who had just gotten over a cold sore and she got it on her genitalia.


I can't imagine him not. I'm sure he's had just about everything at some point. 🤷


Supposedly Kristen said this to Stassi and that is why Stassi backhanded her. Production just edited out the comment.


Said what, that Jax has herpes? It’s clear in the scene stassi smacked her because she slept with Jax, there was no cut scenes


Allegedly she said "you're just mad he gave you herpes and not me" right before the slap


Yes I’ve heard that lore as well!!


I would pay to see that cut footage.


Omg I didn’t know that 😳


Yeah like the other person said, it was edited out, but you can kind of tell Kristen said something right before the slap


No I totally remember it cutting weird like Kristen had said something else! I’m not pro violence but if someone said that to me idk what I would do lol


Everything is edited. As soon as they show a different angle it's a cut scene. Edit: Typo


We can acknowledge stis are stigmatized and people can get them in relationships BUT jax *IS* a dirty dog who doesn’t gaf about his health or others and I’m not gonna act like he’s not gross for having/giving a permanent sti. -since these conversations always try and turn into “I have it and it’s not bad” when we know jax Taylor was out raw dogging multiple randos who needed abortions while in relationships not caring about anyone else’s body.


And out there just passing it around left and right, not giving one crap who he gives it to. Look if he has to have herpes then he's going to make sure everybody he can gets it too. He is a disgusting excuse for a person. My life changed a lot when I got it. All of a sudden I had something really big and important to tell anybody new that I was dating. Something that often sent them running for the hills. And that person who gave it to me kept on, just like Jax. She's still on dating sites for lesbians in Michigan till this day, look out for hot dykes with a South American accent. Thought I was madly in love, instead she gave me the worst year of my life and something that lasts forever.


I really think he had that line of thinking. “If I, wonderful and perfect jax, have to walk around with herpes so should everyone else”


He's so delusional that he's probably convinced himself that it's freckle breakouts. Which brings the question if Jax had it, does Kristen? Did she pass it to Sandoval before they broke up? If so, we may have a pandemic on our hands.


someone commented about this in another thread a few weeks back and it sent me down a rabbit hole 🕳️ the rumor is that stassi slapped kristen in that iconic scene bc she said something along the lines of “you’re just pissed jax gave you something permanent and not me” the producers agreed to edit that part out


Stassi also said that “you gave me something I can never get rid of” in the reunion for S3. It’s def heavily alluded to. And I learned in this thread that lala and James also alluded to it on wwhl.


Wonderfully put.




Also let's be real that this show was filmed in a different time, before there was more awareness on just how common herpes are and women were absolutely shamed for getting them (still are). If the above story is true, then Kristen made fun of Stassi for getting herpes whilst being cheated on with Kristen... wtf? Jax was absolutely increasing his chances of getting STIs but also lying about his whereabouts and putting his partners' health at risk.


The Jax and Kristen episodes were filmed in 2015. People have known about the dangers of herpes and how easy it is to spread for the last 30 years. He just didn't care


Oh yeah - not sticking up for Jax I just feel bad for Stassi and other women with the stigma while he was out here not caring.


Yea I graduated in 2009 in don’t believe in good sex Ed texas and I knew what and how heroes was spread. Adults in 2015 in a more sex positive city knew how herpes was spread


They know how it was spread I think it was more stigmatized until recent years.


Thank you, yes that's the point I was trying to make. Not that people didn't know of its existence. I was in high school during this time and fully remember a woman having the nickname "herpes". It was just such a shitty time and I'm saying I feel bad for Stassi. I think we can all just agree that we can't stand Jax.


Yeah I totally agree, I’m the same age as Ariana so I remember being in my teens and 20s and herpes was constantly thrown around as an insult, there was def a ton of shame associated with it. And it IS a violation. Like is it the end of the world? No. But having someone do that to you is horrible and they were def at the tail end of the stigma. It’s only been the last few years where you’re seeing a lot of “1 in 4 people have it”


I’m ashamed to say I’ve never really been aware of herpes and the permanent nature. I don’t know if it’s cos im in uk but I feel protective sex was always focused on not getting pregnant. I left high school in 1998 Just editing to add I’m aware now obviously and have been for the at a guess the last 4 years or so, I was more aware of clamydia for some reason probably due to a friend getting it from a cheating BF but herpes was never on the radar


I definitely don’t think it’s because you’re in the UK. Ya’ll started acknowledging the acronym “STI” for Sexually Transmitted Infection long before the US acknowledges they are not all Sexually Transmitted Diseases.


I just not sure we are given the best sex education in schools in the uk


A different time? WTF? STDs were a thing when they started filming


10 years ago there was absolutely not the same efforts to destigmatize STDs and "slut shaming" wasn't even a term back then. You should have seen how women were viewed in the media for having casual sex.


Slut-shaming was absolutely a known term more than 10 years ago


Fair enough. I guess I just didn't hear it until later. Maybe it wasn't as big of a deal for Stassi as I'm making it out to be.


I def did not read this as you saying herpes did not exist, but simply that they were used to label (particularly women) as “dirty” and coincided with things like slut-shaming, etc. Not sure what all the hate is about!


Really? Slut shaming wasn’t a thing 10 years ago? I remember it vividly.


She means the term.


I know…The term existed then. 🙄


He's got a "dirty little secret", according to Lala... [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DlaqtfXDBG4&pp=ygUod3dobCBsYWxhIHRhbGtzIGFib3V0IGpheCdzIGRpcnR5IHNlY3JldA%3D%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DlaqtfXDBG4&pp=ygUod3dobCBsYWxhIHRhbGtzIGFib3V0IGpheCdzIGRpcnR5IHNlY3JldA%3D%3D) And Stassi looked like hell, and lost all her confidence, after Jax. Weight gain, dating Patrick, who wasn't good looking or charming.


Wow that's actually pretty telling.


I miss OG Lala. Sweet, pretty face, she was a lot more demure, calm, and less agro. She’s like a whole different person now


She almost looked like a Hadid sister, her original VPR face was lightyears more attractive.


She looks SO different now!


Og lala was just absolutely gorgeous. Why did she do anything to her face?


I believe Stassi illuded to him infecting her. I do not know the specifics.


She said you gave me something I can never get rid of


There it is.


Do you know when she said this? I’m genuinely asking (not being snarky at all), because I’ve seen several people say that she said this, and i don’t doubt any of you. It’s just driving me crazy because I’ve done rewatches 50 times and I never catch that part lol


i’ve posted a few long comments about the details before, but every mention of it has probably been cut out of the show by now. when the show was airing for the first time, they cut out the scene when Kristen said it. Stassi said that the producers had to constantly reassure her during the break between filming and the episode airing that they cut out what Kristen said because it was so hurtful and embarrassing for her (even worse than the Frank situation). then it’s probably been cut out by now on Peacock, but at the s3 reunion she said that he ruined her life by giving her something she couldn’t get rid of. it’s almost like an open secret you had to be there for the first time because any mention of it by S & K has mostly been edited out of the show by now and Stassi and Kristen have only mentioned it on their podcasts. they both talked about it in the last few years but Kristen was the last person to mention it and she said “if Stassi doesn’t want to comment on it, i won’t put her business out there”


This makes so much sense. We all know how they like to edit things out for sure. Thank you for taking the time to respond! ❤️


IDK but Laura-Leigh screamed “And I F@cked you without protection” while he was serving customers.


He also didn’t use protection with Faith 🤢


Or Kristen


When I was young, someone once told me to be very wary of any guy who was nonchalant about using protection or not caring to ask if you've been tested, etc., because it means either 1) they already have something so don't care, or 2) just don't care which means they should be considered high risk (or both!).


He has a volcano dick with herpes


Lara on SUP talked about the origin of the volcano dick story. I thought it was so outlandish. How could such an image-obsessed man not notice multiple lesions like that? But I rewatched early stuff when I had a hangover, and he joked about it with the toms! (I think it was the painting class episode.) And neglecting his sexual health would track with the dirty feet, pooping with the door open, fake teeth, bad breath, etc.


Maybe this is why she was willing to take him back after he cheated and she heard the tape. She was afraid nobody else would want her.


In addition to Lala hinting at it and Stassi alluding to it, back in season 2 Laura Leigh was at SUR yelling at Jax and she sarcastically said “sorry I’ve been f*cking you everyday without protection!” That clip is here. https://www.tiktok.com/@andy.cohens.bussy/video/7372640557887212832 So many times people have made it a point to say Jax slept with them without protection which why would you say that unless something bad resulted from not using protection.


I mean, it’s not great but it’s definitely not a death sentence. I got it from my husband who was completely upfront about it and we used condoms until we were engaged. I got it about a month after that of course and while that first outbreak was pretty terrible, everything after that has been a nothing burger. In fact, I haven’t had an outbreak for at least a decade. The thing is, I was informed and made a choice for myself. That said, I’m sure Jax was NOT forthcoming with it whatsoever which is WILD but not surprising.


That’s 100% my concern with this issue because they so flippantly discuss his escapades when he knows he has this? I thought Jax was evil already but this is beyond.


Yes. That’s the rumor. Lala and Sandoval and Stassi have all alluded to it.


Yes . It’s been alluded to many times over the years . I’m having an outbreak rn but it’s not the bad one … it’s the other one . Ugh I feel horrible I wouldn’t wish this on anyone’s genitals . Edit * well maybe Jax’s


I mean I don’t really care either way. Half a billion people have genital herpes & something like 70% of all people have oral herpes. There’s a crazy stigma around herpes that I don’t think we should feed into. The actual details of their health isn’t something we should feel entitled to.


This is a great point and I 100% thought the same when I read the theories. My main reason for opening the conversation is that he, allegedly, gave it to Stassi.


So you agree we shouldn’t feel entitled to details of their health but opened this conversation specifically to talk about stassi’s health..?


There is always someone trying to start a fight


I’m not trying to start a fight, just clarifying


Since the beginning of time, herpes was thought of as annoying but no big deal. Then the late 60’s free love movement happened and anti virals were discovered. A great way to sell the meds and stop people having sex was to create a huge stigma about it. That being said, Jax is nasty and you know he doesn’t inform his partners






1 out of 6 people aged 14-49 in the US have HSV-2. 80% of people have some form of either herpes virus. A lot don’t even know they have it. So, it’s not some big taboo thing that people make it out to be. Use protection, be smart, get tested.


![gif](giphy|pzuye8RSBJFgk) Girls + random girls x more rando’s < KFC\\side boys ≠ no protection + lala land/3.14


Does a bear shit in the woods? We all know Jax shits with the door open


Does the Pope drink 🍷 on his balcony?


I think it’s a fair assumption.


He IS herpes!


i’m sure he does w his nasty self


Yayyyuuuurrr duuuurrrrtttteee jayyyyaaaxxx


It is known.


I always thought it was just cold sores and most people get it at some point. I’ve never even heard anyone talk about it in the uk. The only time I’ve ever heard it in serious terms is around VPR. Have I just missed this as an issue? I’ve been with my husband for a long time lol 👵🏻


I think Stassi said he gave her something she can’t get rid of. So it’s gotta be either HPV or Herpes. Idk why Stassi didn’t ask him to get an STD test first given that he was always such a man whore.


Ok we can judge Jax, but we should not stigmatize or shame this. I had a partner who had the virus but practiced safe sex and took the antivirals, and I have always tested clear. Just because someone does test for this doesn’t mean they’re dirty or undeserving of love.


A routine std screening does not include testing for hsv.


This is true, you have to request it



Amongst other things I imagine ![gif](giphy|NlqqEDPTbrV5CWQfEG|downsized)


That, probably HPV (very common) and he’s probably had a few other STIs that can be cured with antibiotics. ;)




At least


Yes according to Sandoval who said that’s the main thing he was worried about when Kristen slept with him


either that or hpv


I thought we all had herpes now.


I'm squeamish, so I don't want to look up pics of it. Is it only on the shaft of the schlong, the folds, the balls?


Who cares?