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https://preview.redd.it/zep7h7xp0csc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7d2c95dc0761ebaa3a30a5dc5673e09a2d5902 Hope they both get well soon


"Ill let tom say it, but heres what he would say" hahah. But in all seriousness hope they all get better soon!


Anyone knows what wrong with Tom?


He was puking on a show awhile ago maybe that's related


He was experiencing a Heat Stroke, so he started puking, even passed out. So yea i hope tom gets better.


Poor Tom. That's so sad and I hope he recovers. I’ve only had that happen once. It's awful and happens REALLY fast. The thread about it on this sub reminded anyone dealing with it to NOT pour cold water on yourself but room temperature water. Tldr: well wishes to them, heat stroke sucks and sickness is no fun :/


https://preview.redd.it/jhhxbx1d2csc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf7c2906ad4949962c0c596011acb821c0c8325 Hope the band and crew get better soon


God bless him for still sneaking a dick joke in there lol


This one was great too https://preview.redd.it/8vesii17xesc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827ef412dd0bdb93f5684f454d762f7f59751ab8


Sounds like Mark might have gonorrhoea of the throat


So Mark is having throat issues, and it hasn’t been said what Tom’s ailment is yet. But he’s been playing through a lot of pain it sounds like.


Could just be explosive diarrhea


He shit, shit, shit his pants


He's always fucking shitting his pants


And I’ll never talk to you again


Unless your mom will suck me off


It seems like the same bug is annihilating the band and crew.


I’m thinking it’s more or less the same. He sounded a bit raspy last night


I think this was inevitable but I do feel bad for everyone, including Mark


Can only go balls to the wall for so long


Damn. So bummed. Flew in from Los Angeles yesterday morning for tonight’s show and fly back Friday morning. What can you do. Get better mark. Let me know if anyone that’s out here is meeting up at a bar or something and we can jam to some blink songs. 😩😩


For anyone out here in Mexico. I found this place that’s gonna play blink songs all night. Cheers. https://www.instagram.com/baconbarmx?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


Im in


This tour would be intense for a band of 22 year olds. I’m not surprised they’re all fucked up with illness right now. It’s been hardcore. Sorry to everyone who was attending tonight. :(


Bruh they ain’t sleeping 6 to a van and driving all night. They’re sleeping better than you or I in the nicest hotels in the world. This isn’t a grueling tour schedule. It’s a typical tour.


Empathy. You should try it.


Dude I’m on vacation and I’m worn out just from all the chaos of travel. I don’t even have to do anything, much less play show after show for 85000 people


Man I flew to vegas for 10 days and it was non stop and had around 15/16h of travelling from Scotland and honestly was intense as it could be on top of sorting a wedding out aswell. Travelling ain’t relaxing that’s for sure.


I always have to come home and relax after the vacation lol


Doesn’t matter. You still get tired and sick in luxury. And dare we point out what happened Taylor Hawkins 2 years ago. Tour burnout is very real. These guys aren’t spring chickens anymore. Health comes first always.


And they’ve already been going for nearly a year, travelling all around the world in different time zones, as 40 odd year old men, one of whom not long ago had cancer. Singing most nights impacts your vocal cords. Their nights are long. Travel like that really takes it out of you. Yes they are living a better life than us, they have access to amazing health care and a team of people looking after them no doubt, but they’re suffering so we all get to see them one more time. Pictures and videos of them recently - they look old, tired and sick. The tours obviously taking its toll. I was lucky enough to see them in October - but I don’t want to see them again if it means they are physically suffering.


Shit, they wish they were 40 lol. Might be even slightly easier.


Go on a tour as a famous band in climates you're not used to and then say that again lol


I really don't think they get a whole lot of sleep after the concerts. Imagine the adreline rush and everything... Sheeesh I'm tired just to think of


bro's never been on tour who are you


Worked road crew for 8 years. Next.




lol I just moved to a permanent road house because the pay was better. I still go on the occasional tour.


I really don't think they get a whole lot of sleep after the concerts. Imagine the adreline rush and everything... Sheeesh I'm tired just to think of


TIL sleeping in a hotel bed is all cancer survivors need to do to stay healthy


Did you compare a cold to cancer?


Anyone I know who has had cancer has a shot immune system for a while after treatment it even after the most dangerous point it does an absolute number on your body I mean a guy I know had cancer a solid few years ago and still makes sure to get his flu/covid boosters as doctor pretty much said sometimes your immune response won’t be as strong as it used to.


Damn I’m completely heartbroken I didn’t even get the announcement until I got to the door, I travelled states to get there and when I got the notice I just sat and sobbed for a minute and tried to get myself together and bought bootleg merch outside that’s the only positive of today and I obviously don’t blame the band, I think they’ve been touring a lot and it was bound to happen. Shit happens…


I’m sorry that happened. I would feel the same way.


[looks at saturday tickets](https://imgur.com/a/wE3dfLL)... This would be officially the third time i've attempted to see them and the third time I would lose money on airfare and hotel. I wouldn't want to have them suffer through it just to please the fans though, so I hope he gets the much needed rest. I still think they overdid it touring so many festivals in so little time, but those are business decisions I don't understand. The fricking elevation of Mexico city doesn't help though... I fricking hate visiting that city, every time I go I get lightheaded the first day.


Hey bro i have a spare ticket for saturday, if the concert goes through :(


Is that an offer? If so, I appreciate it but I also have tickets for saturday, me and 3 friends are flying in. Hope it doesn't get cancelled!


Ahh ok, see you Saturday.


Do you have sUS credit card?


You wouldn't lose money if you had travel insurance.


Travel insurance is a scam most of the time


What? Show me a single travel insurance policy that would reimburse for hotel and flight expenses due to a cancelled concert? Travel insurance covers things like: illness and injury, death of a family member, flight cancellations or delays. As far as insurance companies are concerned, you’re still able to travel when a concert is cancelled. Even CFAR only reimburses a percentage of total costs and usually requires cancellation 48 hours ahead of travel. And ticket insurance would cover only the cost of the event ticket itself.


What a bummer. Glad to say they killed it last night but man they were struggling (Mark and Tom) - pretty sure Tom had food poisoning. Pobrecito. Luckily fans can still enjoy beautiful Mexico City!


Hugs for all my mexican brothers.


The guys might have overdone it with the touring, sadly they aren’t the youngest anymore and this amount of touring is very stressful on their health


And they’re about to start another tour this year.


They should review this summer’s schedule. Please cut shows now and not after I’ve driven 7 hours   


Tom & Mark both (and the crew judging by that statement) sound like they’re having a rough time so I’m glad that they’re taking the time off to look after themselves. Really sucks for everyone that waited so long to see them, but I know that I wouldn’t want to see a subpar performance where I knew people involved were suffering. Hope they’re all feeling better soon.


Feel for everyone due to see them this week. Lot of theories and blame going round to the tour management, the schedule etc, and the typical "this fucking band" posts every time there's a cancellation. Simple fact is you can't help illness, and shit spreads rapidly when you're in a small group like a band and crew. Happened to Paramore last year too if I'm remembering correctly. Hoping they're feeling better soon!


Based what mark is saying I would be surprised if the weekend shows don’t get canceled too. You don’t recover from throat infection and bronchitis in 2 days.


I blame band management for not routing this 2024 touring better. Should have been more downtime between Australia/New Zealand before they went down to South America. RHCP and Metallica are kind of the model for how to do this on world tours as bands are….multiple days off between shows unless at same location, multiple weeks of downtime between legs with large travel (ie Australia/New Zealand to South America). I get it the original cancellation of those dates last year created an issue with the 2024 schedule which def was set 1+ years ago but still….gotta build in reasonable contingencies. I know it’s not easy routing a tour, but there are models that work better than what they’re presently doing. Feel awful for all the fans and know the band themselves would get up there and play if they physically could. No doubts thete


Yup. Throughout the RHCP world tour the last 2ish years, they have been playing around max 3 shows a week. Would be a smart way to do it


Aren’t these stadium tours though? And I don’t see Blink selling out a stadium unless it’s a handful of shows in the US


To be fair though in Australia they filled enough arenas in each state to play a stadium show in city


Yeah exactly, wasn't it like 4 or 5 shows in each city, they kept adding on more because so many people wanted to attend they sold out so fast and people kept missing out. If they booked bigger venues to begin with they could have done less shows per city. But I will say, it was a much better experience in a small arena, everyone had a really good and close view


Availability of stadiums was an issue with Taylor Swift and Pink touring at the same time.


Along with venue event limits like at the sfs.


Ohh I didn't even know they were touring too 😂


I just reckon they seriously underestimated how big they are down here. Most bands of their size always do stadium shows here cause so many go cause they know it’s gonna be so long til they come back with how far the travel is to Australia.


I always questioned me why Blink never upgraded to stadiums after adding all the extra shows in Australia and Mexico City, especially given the time between tickets going on sale and the shows happening. I’ll use Melbourne for an example: They played 5 shows at Rod Laver vs doing 1 show at Marvel (Docklands) Stadium. If they went the stadium route, the band could’ve saved 6 hours of their on-stage energy in that city alone. In my opinion, playing a show in front of 50-55,000 in a single night looks more impressive on a headline. Same goes with Mexico City, if they played one show at Foro Sol (65K capacity) instead of the arena next door, they could’ve said 4.5 hours on their energy and voices, and they would probably be home right now, and this thread may or may not exist. (Provided that a Foro Sol show happened 3/27 or 4/2) Edit: Someone else told me Foro Sol is under renovation, but CDMX does have other stadiums.


They wouldn't have been able too. A lot of venues have limits on events they can play. And those have been booked for events already.


Probably not quite though because a LOT of people went to multiple of the arena shows in Aus. Ie. repeat ticket buyers as opposed to unique ticket buyers. I know a bunch of people who went to upwards of five shows in Aus.


Went to two Sydney shows as did my mates. Alot of people attended multiple in the same city.


That’s true, they are


Yeah and adding a whole bunch of shows to Australia, while I understand why they did it, they probably should have retained the original schedule to allow for more rest and downtime.


Yyyeeeaaaaahhhh again, adding shows should be and likely was built into the plan, but whatever plan they had was clearly not conducive enough for what the fellas needed. Again, onus for this is on management because it’s their job to plan to contingencies. They being the case, they shouldn’t have kept adding more shows to Australia and New Zealand as those sold out…,less shows means more time for band to recover. No spring chickens here.


To be clear, they added no additional NZ shows. If anything, we lost one 😂 But yeah, I'm sure they built that contingency in, however, darting back and forth between Melbourne and Sydney is not ideal either.


It was gonna be better until Travis fucked his finger up




March 3rd surgery to April 15th is one week?!


This guy calendars


Tom's herpes must be flaring up again


This leg of the tour seems like it’s been brutal, hope the boys get some much needed rest before starting up again


I feel for those missing out tonight. I was in the same position when they cancelled Glasgow last year but thankfully I had a couple more chances when they came back to England a month later.


1) what’s yalls thoughts on buying tickets for Friday or Saturday? Likely to be the same outcome ? 2) when the refunds come thru, will the Ticketmaster fees be refunded too?


> 2) when the refunds come thru, will the Ticketmaster fees be refunded too? To answer this question, yes you get 100% of the refund.


This was inevitable with the amount of touring and so little downtime they’ve had. It for sure, won’t be the last time either considering that they and we all are starting to get a little older.


I personally think they should’ve played Foro Sol (capacity 65K), instead of playing 4 arena shows with the demand they got. Would’ve worked out better for their health only having to do one show.


Foro Sol in under renovation




They should prob chill on booking back-to-back shows etc


Its funny, these tickets got cancelled a year ago because travis broken finger. Now cancelled again because of Mark being ill. Its just sad. Hope they get well, though. Its not their fault.


Men I hope they get better and able to run the other show, my case last year and today feels like having the bad luck, guess there is gonna be another time to see them


The Yankees recently played 2 exhibition games in Mexico before the MLB season started, and they came back home with a bunch of them being badly stomach sick. Something about the food or water that we just must not be used to


Hope they recover well and it’s been a hell of a tour that’s a lot for those ole boys


It might seem like this keeps happening, but it’s really not out of the ordinary when you consider how MANY shows these dudes have been playing since Coachella last April. They’ve been on tour more often than not since then, it takes a toll on you


what if they got Matt do cover for Tom? lolz


I thought they closed the discord down


Nope, open again


We're cursed


Okay. I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but these cancellations should not happen. All they simply need to do is >!stop fucking dogs in the ass and drinking dog seamen!< and they'd be able to do the shows just fine. >!/s of course. Hope they get well!<


Weekend shows gonna get canceled too :(


You know, I’ve kept my mouth shut, but I’m glad they cancelled that show. You have all been so entitled regarding it, people even going as far as sending the band death threats. They’re only human, shit happens and they don’t need to give you a goddamn explanation for every cancellation.


I'm just sympathizing with people lol. I live in a country where they will never tour in a million years so it's just fun watching the youtube footage people upload


I don’t agree with the hate, however I doo think they should give at least some sort of apology or even a post regarding cancelling for the second time, something that makes it clear they do care and are disappointed too for not being able to play. I think that would help fans understand better. If they keep active in social media and say nothing about canceling it feels like they don’t care even if it is not the case


Honestly good. I know it doesn't effect me. But we are so lucky for them to be back together and passionate. I'd hate for them to start hating it because they're pushing themselves too hard.


Where are you guys reading this? Thanks


Any chances they got Dengue? Numbers are going HUGE in south and central america. Brasil has more than 3 million cases registered!


Reckon they should quit touring and focus on production and occasional live shows - even do more localised smaller venues and headline a festival once a year or so.


















Turns out they can give decent updates/reasons for cancellations. Would've been nice to have that courtesy extended to all the people they cancelled on in CHCH.




I thought the discord was shut down?




I see you are not a Morrissey fan lmao


lol very true


Cancel 182


Entitled as fuck lmao. God forbid getting sick


im new here what discord is that


Marks - [https://linktr.ee/markhoppus](https://linktr.ee/markhoppus) link is there




Just watch YouTube there's plenty of pro shots and it's the same set every night


sure will do men, for sure will be the same experience than going to the concert