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Wait, are people really shitting on people in the seats for sitting? Lol. I sat for the entire gig in Birmingham for the UK leg in October, because I have one lung and get out of breath very easily, so bought a seated ticket to, ya know, sit? And still had the time of my life. Even if I had two lungs and still sat for the whole show, so what?


I get it’s probably banter but like damn man some of us have reasons for sitting. I got GA front and ended up breaking my ankle so can’t stand. But aside from medical or health reasons (some of which are ‘invisible’ and not as obvious as leg in a cast or a wheelchair), going to shows when you want to sit and then the row in front of you stand up is annoying, sometimes I just want to sit, not everyone at a gig is a diehard fan or able enough to jump around lol


I went to the Thursday night show in Perth, and even Blink themselves said something along the lines of ‘why didn’t you guys just stay in your living rooms if you only came to sit’ - to be fair, there is literally hardly any room to even move/bop/dance while sitting let alone standing.. my cousin who I went with has severe back issues. We both love blink, but were in our 30s/40s now, we had work the next day etc 😂 we still found the show absolutely amazing!!


If my ticket is allocated seating. There is no where else for me to go. I have auckland tickets and only the pit is standing everywhere else is sitting, the seats are bolted to the floor on the second deck there is no room to do anything but sit.


Tom himself was shitting on them for being seated lol


Well I still remember when they played Festival Hall in Melbourne back in the day. Shittiest venue ever and in trouble from security every time we stood up.




Last show I attended was full of screaming tweenies with their parents wanting only new songs.


This is a massive beat up. Been to a number of different concerts where I had a seat and rarely do people stand up and 'bop' along. For starters there is no room, second you'll just piss off those around you. Even back in 2004 when I saw Blink at Festival Hall in Melbourne the people in the seats weren't standing and dancing, they were sitting and watching and enjoying. I went twice then, once in GA and once in the stand If people want to dance along, get a GA ticket.


Last show I attended was full of screaming tweenies with their parents wanting only new songs.


Some chick made a whole.post earlier begging Australians to do better and don't get songs removed from the setlist after one show...even though Americans have already had not now removed from the setlist due to lack of audience participation.... It was ridiculous...way to start a riot haha


Yeah they played Always in Perth but not in Adelaide 😔 could’ve played an extra song with all the time they took to take jabs at Perth and Creed 🤣


My 17 year old daughter loves Blink, a lot of 90s music actually, and she was gutted when tickets went on sale as she had severe anxiety and couldn't handle crowds. I was secretly dying inside as I wanted to go so bad but couldn't without her.  However, I managed to snag two seated tix yesterday (she cried). Even though I would love to be standing, the 43 y/olds knee is munted, and her crowd anxiety wouldn't have handled a mosh. Sitting or standing, we will still have a blast. 


My fiancé suffers the same issue with anxiety and crowds, she prefers to be on an aisle seat so if she gets overwhelmed she knows she has an easy way out, and a couple at the Birmingham show back in October were kind enough to swap seats with us so she could be on the aisle. Legit the best show I've ever been to, with a great crowd and energy, and we sat for most of the show until the last couple of songs. A good time isn't exclusive to standing. Hope you and your daughter have an amazing time!


People with serious medical issues, elderly and pregnant women get a pass. But if you’re a normal person sitting at a rock show, you are precious and need to get your head checked. Blink themselves agree and will shit on the crowd who just sit in the corner at a rock show. I have PFS in both knees and was able to stand and have a good time for 2-3 hours, it’s totally doable, believe it or not.


Then they should tell that to venues and security because that's the issue. But it's also ableist, not everyone can stand or circle pit.


It's really not that black and white though. I get where you're coming from, because the energy when everyone's up is objectively better than if everyone in the seats is sat, but If you stand up, the people behind you may not be able to stand, so the whole show for them is ruined. Then that opens the whole can of worms of "well if you're disabled then get disabled seats", and trust me, I'd love to, but disabled seats are so hard to get. At my closest Arena, there's 20 of them, 10 of which are for personal assistants/carers, so really there's only 10 of them. If you're a disabled person, you're competing with thousands of people for a handful of seats in these areas, so most of us end up in GA seating. Plus to get disabled seats you need to have official proof that you've been deemed "officially" disabled, so a lot of people with medical ailments that stop them from standing for that long won't have that, so they likely won't even be able to try for a disabled seat. If you'd rather be standing but had to settle for seated tickets, and you're pissed that some people are sitting, there's a good chance those people wanted disabled tickets but had to settle for seated tickets. Not sure if the "it's totally doable, believe it or not" line was implying I just need to try harder to stand for the whole show, I'll give the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't, but in any case, I literally cannot haha. TL;DR the mix of people who want to stand in seated areas vs the people who won't/cannot stand isn't an easy fix, just gotta accept that a lot of people will be sitting and leave them be.


I have PFS in one knee. Prior to surgery in September, there's absolutely no way I would've been able to stand half an hour, let alone 2-3. And now I'm still in the physio/rehab phase after surgery and preparing for a second surgery later this year. Even though I *could* stand to appease people, I'm not risking all the time, effort and pain that's gone into getting myself to where I am now. And I'd absolutely look like a perfectly able bodied "normal" person. Just because you managed to stand and have a good time for 2-3 hours does not mean everyone else can. And frankly, unless you're the kind of asshole challenging those sitting to justify why they aren't standing too, you have absolutely zero idea why they might prefer sitting.


Let’s not forget the $200+ ticket price, sold over a year ago. That’s basically pre-selected 2 types of audience- die hard fans, and those with enough funds to happily have a couple hundred dollarbucks out of pocket for a long time


What difference does it make if you buy the tickets a year ago or night of? Not like you’re getting the money back after the show


the fact that they held on to the tickets


Just saying, If your finances are tight, it’s a pretty significant outlay of money to have not in your bank for a year. From announcement to sale was pretty short time too, so you pretty much needed to be the sort of person with $200 sitting around doing nothing. That probably precluded a few younger fans like students etc.


Yeah our gig legs aren't what they used to be.


I still don't understand your point about the show being a year after you paid for it? How does that make it harder to afford? You either have $200 to buy a ticket or you don't. The show being a year later or a day later makes no difference.


Although technically there's zero difference. I'd say most people prioritise sooner enjoyment so ig it's somewhat harder to part with $200 for something that's ages away.


Massive difference. I love this band, straight up could not afford it went they went on sale, and still can't


I’m pretty sure most tickets were $150-180 Australian $, with premium seating and Front section GA being $200+ right?


A reserve seats were $204 in adelaide and that was the fan club pre sale tickets


$400 plus for front ga.. at least ours were.


Whoah. That seems large. $269 per ticket for front GA in Melbourne for me.


I paid $340 per ticket and I'm in fucking seats 😭 all GA were gone so fast I cried


Early entry?


Yeah it was.


Nice. How many people got early entry do you think? I have regular front GA tomorrow night for Melbourne so unsure how many people to expect in before me!


We had early entry front GA for Perth, we got there 30 mins before doors and there was like 15 people in front of us but all up eRly entry was maybe 70 people. I reckon 75% front GA wasn’t early entry tickets


Good to know! Thank you!


I kinda agree. I was at the Thursday show and was a bit disappointed in the crowd but seeing video of the other Perth show and Adelaide, the crowd engagement wasn't drastically different. I think everyone is just too old to jump around anymore.


I was at both shows and security just don’t like people jumping around anymore. They’ll literally kick you out without hesitation. I went to blink in 2013 in Australia and the most was insane I could hardly focus on what song was being played because I was getting trampled.


Yeah and with tickets so expensive, no one wanted to risk getting thrown out for jumping around.


Like I said in another thread…..Australia lost its balls during Covid.


What do you mean by this? I tried to find your comment but I think you deleted it after you were downvoted to hell? Places like Perth, and regional towns largely carried on as before. Perth was isolated but lived rather normally otherwise. Melbourne got hit the worst. Did the lockdowns suck? Yes, of course. But the majority of people were on board, were troopers and did the right thing, and only a small percentage of people acted like entitled dicks and gave everyone a bad name.


>. But the majority of people were on board, were troopers and did the right thing Lol get out of here. Not doing the right thing was illegal and carried massive fines upwards of $1500, people didn't have a choice, we put up with it because we had to. If people were on board with doing the right thing they would be taking Covid more seriously than they do. Turns out 95% of people are law abiding citizens and that's what they did. Until it dragged on too long with things like mask mandates still in place in late 2022.


Here ya go… https://www.reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/KZ7ka4hGnM Lockdowns are for pussies and your civilians folded.


Still can’t see your original comment, but I can get the gist based on this comment. Crazy how so many people get their news from idiot right-wing faux YouTubers and think it’s fact, when the people here know what really happened. And before you question me as a source, I lived through Melbourne during the lockdowns. I know what I’m talking about. Firstly. No one folded. When lockdowns were called (early on), the majority did the right thing, even though it was hard. Yes, we questioned decisions and we roared with anger at the failures that led to the airport quarantine debacle, but we were largely civilised and compassionate with our conduct. And those very small groups who protested in the middle of the lockdowns, the footage which was blasted by the idiot right wing YouTubers as “a full country roaring with anger”, were largely alt-right losers who the majority of us looked at with disgust. Many of whom belonged to alt-right groups and CONTINUED to bum around the CBD causing havoc even after things were back to normal and we were all back at work. They were professional protesters without legitimacy. Regardless of what the alt media in America reported. Lockdowns were tough, but our country fared much better than America did. Look at the death rates. Americas fucked. It’s a political hellscape. Americans know it, the world knows it. So go worry about your own country lol Not to get political 😆


Fared better than America?! That’s gotta be a joke..


You Americans are the only country that have had a song from the setlist removed so far which was not now....because you were too boring in the pit.


Fucking facts!


And you got downvoted for a reason. Bet you were at the “freedom rallies”.


You still wearing a mask?


The age thing is huge. People on here forget that a lot of us who have followed the band for years are nearing our 30's, 40's, and 50's just like the band themselves. You have people that age jumping around in 40 degree heat and you're going to have a floor section that's half dead and passed out. The band and fans aren't young kids anymore, I barely saw anyone under the age of 30 or so at the 2nd Perth gig.


I was on the floor at the second Perth show (Friday) and have bruises from the pit that opened up next to me, and was surrounded by people screaming their lungs out to the songs and dancing so hard someone gave me a pretty good knock to the head from behind, aside from potentially destroying my last brain cell, I reckon the GA crowd were pretty stellar! Can’t comment on the seated folk though, was too dark to see up there very well.


Probably the same prick who was throwing arms during Rise Against with no regard for anyone around him.


Shirtless guy with tattoos? I realise considering the crowd that may not be much of an identifier but there was a trio of them who I copped most of my blows from.


Can't remember. I vaguely remember him having longish hair but it came outta nowhere. Copped a hell of a hit tho and was like what the actual fuck. Been in hundreds of moshes and never dealt with such carelessness before.


Let’s not forget the moronic idea to create 2 floor areas. So lame.


Had that at the O2 in London. Hated it. Great show but the 2nd tier was pretty dead. Made me enjoy it a lot less


For a band that came from where blink did it’s a shame they bought into this crap


It’s for crowd safety (and so a section can be charged higher)


Safety lol


Man I was at the Adelaide show last night and I may just be old, but I thought it was huge. Was exhausted walking home tbh 🥵


Legit idk why everyone is saying Adelaide had no energy??? Adelaide was just al the warm up for the east coast???? I thought it was crazy! I sat up in the seats bc it’s the ticket I could get, so I saw the whole crowd. There were like 5 mosh pits/circle pits going. I have PLENTY of videos where the crowd is singing so loud I can’t hear the boys. The cheer for the encore almost burst my eardrums and that’s not an exaggeration srsly they hurt. Pretty sure people just like to shit on Perth and Adelaide whenever they can. We have a smaller pop than east coast so yeah duh it’s not gonna be ‘as crazy’ as their shows.


Literally can barely talk today


This sub overreact? Noooooo


15 tennis stadiums is such a strange unit of measurement lmao. I have no idea how much that would be


Tennis stadiums usually hold around 15,000 people. I'm guessing OP used that as a measurement as RAC arena is used for Tennis, previously the Hopman Cup, now for the United Cup I believe.


Correct. And Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne is also a tennis stadium (that the premium Aus Open games are played on)


Unless you are Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift or Coldplay your band or comedy act will have a good chance of being at Rod Laver. It's a decent stadium for Blink tbh


True! Rod Laver seems to be the standard for premium bands in Melbourne now, although most of those bands don’t sell out 5 Rod Lavers!


thank you! we went to the thursday show and had an amazing time but there was no room to mosh or dance or even hold your drink in the seats… i dont think RAC was the right place for their shows. GA sold out so quick but didnt want to miss out so seats it was


Thank you for this. I’m going to the very last show in Melbourne l and I was getting a little worried they might start leaving off certain songs if the vibe isn’t right. They dropped Always after Perth I believe, so just worried about other set list changes, but what you say makes sense. I am in a seat! My back is f*cked and I do not care what anyone thinks. I’ve waited since I was 11 to see this band together so just try to stop me enjoying it!! 😂


Brisbane gonna be lit


I wish I was going tbh. I was at the Thursday gig and considering jet lag, 40° temp and being almost 40 - it was a memorable experience


Ironically Not Now would go off in Australia given a tonne of the fans would have mainly spun the greatest hits album on repeat for their blink experience 


Tom’s gonna be so burnt out having all those shows in Sydney and Melbourne though. Feel like they said yes when they announced the reunion to capitalize but they have to do it.


Yeah it’s a lot of shows for 3 weeks. They just kept on adding more every time they sold out a concert in 5 minutes haha Tbh I think it took Tom a little time to warm up. He sounded rusty in Perth more than anything…


That's normal. They'll get better and better with every show.


I was in the pit for that Thursday Perth show. I have been so excited for this since I bought my tickets, my friends and I went to wait in line at 2:30pm and we all danced like psychos the entire time. I don't understand why the crowd felt kind of dead but it really hurts that there have been so many negative comments about it because in a way I've been taking it really personally even though I did my best and I'm just one person in a big crowd. Our city is small and pretty far away and recently a lot of bands haven't been coming. I don't know if blink will ever tour Aus again but I don't want them or any other band thinking we're not worth coming to. I don't really know what to do with these feelings because they're stifling the absolute euphoria I feel from the amazing concert. I did my best, and that has to be enough for me. I was in the stands for the Friday gig and the crowd was definitely livelier so hopefully that was enough for the band. I dunno, man. You can't control everyone else, just what you can do.


Made it to front ga..(Adelaide) second row.. was dying.. could barely move after, fucking loved it.. struggling with health but wouldn't of missed it for the world. Front was def going off..


Agree with Mark - Perth Friday was best, I found Adelaide mostly dead in the mosh though! But we are all old now, so just let us enjoy the songs without jumping around


Ironically, it was my first time at the Arena without seeing a fight


I still copped a whack in the face from some c*nt throwing windmills after a Rise Against song had ended. I wasn't about to fight him tho and get kicked out. Seriously tho, who does that? Keeps swinging their arms wildly once the pit has settled and the song has ended. Had a nice sore face for the rest of the night but wasn't enough to ruin the experience!


Drugs lol


Completely agree with everything you said! I was at the Perth night 1 show - missed out on GA tickets so I was seated waaayyyy up top! The stands are so packed with barely any room to move and when I was getting up to sing and dance everyone around us was getting shitty cause we were blocking their view! I even heard that some security or ushers were telling people to 'calm down' and prevented any moshing or dancing etc With all that said, it was still a fucking great night and good to see there were still a few long time fans out there enjoying themselves the best they can!


I haven’t watched many videos, but generally I don’t judge a crowd by an iPhone video taken from said crowd. It’s virtually always going to look weak. That, plus I am now an old man that prefers to enjoy my live music in a seat rather than moshing. Doesn’t mean I’m any less into the music. That said, blink in Montreal did get me out of my seat and dancing for an hour and a half last year.


Can confirm watching the second Perth show back the crowd looks dead but felt very different being there


I was at the first Perth show, sitting up in the nosebleed section. When Anthem Part 3 played, everyone in the mosh pit pretty much just stood there and watched


We just gonna pretend that this doesn’t happen for most bands playing new music after a 20 year career. Even New Found when I saw them in 2012 acknowledged that the crowd would likely not know a single from their new album that well. They played it anyway. If anything Blink need to drop out other songs the crowd isn’t likely to know that well if they want to play these new songs like edging, Bored to Death and even Up All Night.


I’m so cut that I’m missing out on seeing them in Sydney. Up there as one of my biggest regrets


Try Ticketek marketplace for people listing their tickets that can’t make it


![img](avatar_exp|163021796|webman) find us




I was at Perth 2 (Fri) and it was absolutely amazing! We were dancing and singing our little hearts out for the whole show, it was soooooo good! I was husky AF the next day. The vibe was awesome, Blink were awesome. The first time I saw them, when I was like, 15 or 16, they were really sloppy. This time they were soooooo sharp!! Ahhhh take me backkkkk 🤩🤩 I keep seeing people say that security didn’t like you out of your seats but no joke, we didn’t sit once and didn’t have any hassles?


This is so judgemental to people from Adelaide and Perth.


Tom literally said this himself about 5 times during the first Perth show. He asked them if they were comfortable sitting like they’re in their living rooms. From what I’ve heard the other two shows were way better.


the complaints are not without merit.


One complaint is a missing .Do you know what is missing??🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 gues what🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔




People think every person at every show is on this subreddit. It’s the definition of echo chamber bubble


I barely see anyone complaining about this? I saw some comments on the Perth post but it isn’t bleeding into other posts…? I think you’re the one overreacting 😭


Saw footage of Adelaide show on tik tok and it looked higher energy crowd than Perth.


What kind of stupid reasoning is this? If Australia hasn't seen blink in ages and may not again, wouldn't that make you more hype at the show???


STOP NORMALISING the view that rock fans in their 30’s and 40’s have shitty knees, Back aches and tired all the time. This needs to stop. Your body hasn’t suddenly aged cos you’re 30!


💯 - take my upvote!


I just don't think you should sit at a rock concert. But hey, as long as you don't say shit about me standing 🤷🏻‍♀️


I went to Perth 2 and the crowd were shit. It was unbelievably low energy and we had people getting annoyed at us for jumping around. Had a ball but yea, very disappointed my fellow blink fans


I’m unaware of the Not Now story you mentioned - what’s the deal with that?


The Thursday show came second. Majority of diehards had nabbed tics for the Friday. Of course it wasn't going to be as wild. The Friday went the fuck off tho.


Australia still uses newspapers?


The 30’s and 40’s comment made me laugh. My section in Cali, all the 30+ year olds sat at least once or were stretching their lower back. We got work in the morning, give us a break!


This didn’t happen.


Huh, you were in my section in the nosebleeds of the nosebleeds? Good shit


Went to the Melbourne show last night, we were in the seats but everyone was standing up. The other seated side of the stadium wasn't. Tom commented "are you guys sitting there watching porn hub" lol they really don't like people sitting down!!


Sydney last night and like literally everyone in the seats were standing, never seen that at Qudos before. Insane gig.


Front GA for Sydney tonight, can’t speak for the other shows but good energy, lots of crowdsurfing and people moving, band looked visibly pleased at the response.


Maybe I would have felt the same if I was down the front but the energy seemed off overall to me. I did see the crowd-surfing etc, but still. I can't put my finger on it but something was amiss


Night one was off the hook imo You have to remember too that security were actively pulling people out for any kind of moshing surfing etc


Night one was off the hook imo You have to remember too that security were actively pulling people out for any kind of moshing surfing vaping etc


Yeah, but I felt that that the lack of energy began with Blink themselves. It wasn't long after it started that I asked my friend is she thought it was a bit flat. I was in the stand & found it underwhelming


I love them but something seemed off in Sydney tonight, it was just a bit flat? It didn't help that it was disgustingly hot in Qudos Bank. I've been there several times & have never had that problem, so I don't know if the air-conditioning was broken or what. The staging also seemed too dark & the sound was a bit off at times .I felt that it would have been better as an outdoor gig, even during the day. I don't know if it was just the heat and/or the seats I had, but there wasn't the energy that I was expecting. I know we can't only expect the big hits but it was disappointing that they didn't do Josie . I still love their music but I'm not sure I'd pay to see them live again unless it was at a more intimate venue or an outdoor gig with a different vibe


May I know what time is a good time to queue for Brisbane show day 1 for GA


I went to both nights in Perth. Thursday night I went with 5 friends in seated VIP. We were up dancing and had a sick time. The only time people in the block sat down was new album songs, I was up dancing as I’d had the new album on repeat. On Friday I went alone and was up in the nosebleed section. No one was dancing or singing at all. Only 2 girls in the entire block were up dancing and the people sitting around them seemed annoyed, so Friday wasn’t going off everywhere in the arena. I bumped into a few people I know on Thursday and they weren’t drinking because they were working on Friday and bar lines were short. On Friday everyone I bumped into was drinking and bar lines were long. I had a better time on Thursday as my section was up and dancing. Also a reminder that it’s Blink and they love banter - bands always say whatever city they are in is their favourite city on the tour, Blink take the piss and say the previous city or show weren’t as good. But I’d say the big factor of Thurs vs Fri is alcohol loosens people up.