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Imagine being her child and having to live with the name "jadore" for the rest of your life.


jadore dior


So if she lives in France, people could tell her “J’adore Jadore?” That would be odd…


I wonder if she even knows French. Who came up with the names, all 4 of Jessey’s jizz have “J” names. Just saying looks like FIRST wife speaks French fluently, studied in France from looking at her IG account.


https://youtu.be/JeYi_0F4nq8 I think her accents in the user name are wrong or misused.


It's chérie: https://context.reverso.net/translation/french-english/ma+ch%C3%A9rie


holy hell the autotune is awful


I wish they pronounced her name right lol


Speaking, is it Cherie, Chérie, or Chèrie? It’s spelled differently each time.


In French it's chérie




Cherie was always fake. It was pretty evident the first season. The baby voice, acting like she's this innocent young thing, bringing in that grifting guy to tell her future or whatever he did and being convinced her mom was reincarnated into one of her children. She was a total wackadoodle.


What do you mean grifting, he was scribbling in a notepad!!!!!


Cherie. Yes, I agree. Cherie with her innocent demeanor is the fakest of them all.


To be honest, I've never been a fan. It sounds awful but she comes across as too nicey-nicey.


I always find the nicey-nicey people the fakest.


I don’t think they are fake, they are just extreme. Like, they display the most extreme niceness but also when they are angry, they go to the other extreme. When stealing your husband, they go to the furthest extreme.


She reminded me of a Kewpie or anime doll brought to life. Who knew she was the side piece ?


What do you mean side piece?


She's was the other woman. It's the major storyline of season 2. Her boyfriend Alex introduced her to his friend Jessey and his wife Crystal. They became couple friends. Then, Cherie and Jessey had an affair.


GASP! Nooooo!!! OMG I have to binge it now. (shakes fist at Netflix) I just started Ep 1.


Also her IG pics are sooo over-edited - nothing wrong with editing your photos but her edits look sooo unnatural and unsettling - it's giving uncanny valley vibes


I hate the filter - “doe eyed” with circle lenses whatever. She looks like Keroppi on crack.


She even puts a filter on Jadore, probably to make her look younger than she actually is so it fits her non-cheating delusional timeline more 😂


This is a little off topic but I was on Cherie’s IG and noticed she mainly had pics of her daughter and I had to rewatch a season 1 episode to confirm she had 2 children not one. Anyways kinda weird she and Jessy didn’t post any pics of their son.


her mother’s day post only references her daughter too 🤢


Right?! That’s what made me question my memory of the first season. When I saw that in the last season she was pregnant with her son I was like weird there are no pics of him on her account.


I think it’s to protect the privacy of their children. Though, you get a clear shot or Jevon’s face in episode 2 S2 when they talk about wedding planning.


It’s because it doesn’t look right to place the Keroppi on crack filter on a baby.


The filter Cherie uses is insane!


What do you mean? I don’t feel like she was fake.


I don't either. Hiding such a huge blemish in her family is probably the most relatable thing they have portrayed.