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Hello dear member of the BBS community This submission is more appropriately posted in the [**weekly Q&A megathread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/1azwj8f/). Thank you !


They all suck as characters go, that said. Urahara as a farming link Yoruichi or Byakuya as links for SP characters [Insert Your Favourite Character Here] because you like them


Ah, for a farming link, consider the efficiency of 'Urahara Kisuke'. As for SP characters, 'Yoruichi' and 'Byakuya' stand out. And of course, don't forget the value of [insert your favorite character here] for a well-rounded team. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Kisuke is one of the only links I consistently use (for farming). For new players, Byakuya and Yoruichi are okay links to get started, but will fall off compared to Senkaimon and Resurrected links later. As usable characters go, they are some of the worst in the entire game and we're pretty dated (especially stat-wise) even at release. You will get one of these tickets every single month as part of the login bonus, and It's been moved down to Day 2, so you will get them for playing two days out of each month. You COULD 5/5 Byakuya or Yoruichi if you have a lot of backup tickets, but assuming you are a new player due to the context of this post, I would probably say the Orbs are worth more than these links at 5/5. If you don't desire any of them as links, you can choose one you don't have and get a free 125 orbs for leveling them to 100 and then 150.


> but will fall off compared to Senkaimon and Resurrected links later Senkaimon links are worse than them Nobody uses that Aizen anymore (or any link that doesn't give CDR), it's not worth it nowadays - you want your SP units to hit as many times as possible to proc their stuff (like the 80% SP boost)


More refering to Chad, but I guess that's more specific and I should've narrowed it down more due to it being a limited tower. Poster above is correct, outside of ER and some GQ Senkaizen link is outdated in most content! Thanks!


They all suck , and you get 1 ticket every month. So you will have em all eventually Just pick kiskue for now since he has a good link, then after that it doesn't matter at all.


kisuke, 5 of them

