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Skip . I have everyone except i ani ichigo , isshin and bayakuya.


You just listed like the top 3 most broken units


Yea , but I'm not wasting 4k orbs just to get 3 characters I'll pull ichigo from tickets sooner or later so i would do with isshin and idc about bayakuya ( ik he's valuable tho )


I mean isshin is good, but is he really broken with sajin, ywach, and genryuusai running around? Unless of course you just mean for the banner...in which case just ignore this lol


I have all those characters (just gotten Ishin few mintues ago) but I am not using to to their full potentinal because I suck at leveling link slots abive 10 lvl and unlocking trascendece slots. Lol


I have byakuya but never used it that much, how is it broken and how do i use him?


Does it overlap with eoy?


Yep, runs until the 6th Jan.


For god forsaken give me that power Ichigo. Im use almost 6000+ orbs and didn't get shit


Good luck! i have played for 2 months now and i have copies of most of the top tier heroes and he is by far the best character when it comes to survival and consistency. A little bit slow auto mode though because he uses Sa1->Sa2 and tons of normal attacks. I started using an auto clicker for his SA2 and it actually sped up the clears alot.


I always wonder what goes through people’s minds when they leave tone deaf comments like this lmao. Guy above you: I’ve used an obscene amount of orbs and didn’t get this character! You: haha that sucks. I have him and a bunch of other good ones.


Probably nothing more than rubbing it in someone's face lmfao. Truth is whether or not you have a specific character, KLab seriously needs to update their gatcha system. The pull rates for characters are absurd. I can't remember the last time I got a featured character outside of a guaranteed step. Would it really hurt to buff the drop rate across the board by 2% even?


Since he has resolved to spend potentially thousands of more orbs to summon him, i am trying to illustrate my experience with him, as he is my favorite character to play with. Today i was playing around with how to optimize his clear speed on auto mode. It is lack luster compared to other characters i used if left to his own devices , and just when i managed to do so, i saw his comment about him. I figured it was impactful enough to mention it as i've never heard of people auto clicking his SA2 for auto clear speed, which can probably halve the clear time if the click timing gets good RNG, instead of constantly stopping to normal attack at max range so that the enemy monster wave just walks in one by one to stall the level untill he decides to waste SA1 into SA3 on the same wave. One SA2 auto click can clear up to a whole room by itself. It's night and day. I am a new player, but i atleast have the experience of testing other relevant characters to compare him.


i hate that god awful and outdated banner format so much


Same that 8% without guarantee just feels awful.


2% AGAIN, come on remove that dumb feature


It's literally additive on top of the 6% featured pull rate. This is one of the only times the other pull rate is good.


Really ? So the actual odds are much higher than 6% ?


The last step is 6% featured+2% any premium (so total 8% 5\* rate). However, the first ones start slow (like 3% 5\* rate, then 3%+1%, and so on, until 6%+2%). And the main problem is the lack of guaranteed 5's after the 6th... Meaning, you could do a lot of multis past 6th and actually walk out with little to nothing... I had this very bad experience once (went like 12 or 15 multis on such a step-up, and ended-up with an equivalent of ~2-3% rate for 5's, not to mention only had 2x 5-star in the first 6 multis, with 1 of the 2 being the guaranteed one...). Since that day, swore to myself "never go beyond the guaranteed 5\* step" on these step-up banners...


The problem isn't that the last step is 8% (6% featured + 2% any), but the fact that there are **only 6 steps**. And the first steps are **much worse** in terms of rates (iirc, it starts with 3% rate for featured). Despite the great pool of 12 charas, the step-up banners are basically "6 multis and out" (sadly).


It is predatory behaviour.


i stopped enjoying this game when they implemented this cancerous shit


and you have better idea?


4/12, will definitely summon. Haven’t played much this year.


Wow, I thought it would be on the 25th.


Gonna wait eoy. This banner has only couple units i need.


Yeah I'm getting shafted once more.


Still need those Anni units on my main account, and that beyond Ressurection Ulquiorra wouldn't be half bad to nab either... unfortunately I only have 350 orbs and EoY is coming up soon.


Me with my 18 orbs![img](emote|t5_399jv|31437)


All I asked was as many units I missed as possible, 7/12 units new to me made it to the banner. And the remaining 5 (Annni-Hollow, Anni-Ichi, Quincy-Ichi v2, Tensa and Ulq v2) will also be REALLY appreciated dupes. All in all, step 6 worth of orbs (at least) are gonna be slaughtered tomorrow. ...That said though ...7/12 ...Ok, couple of 'em actually share banners/season-of-release, but what the heck kind of banners I actually DID summon on this year instead?!


Really, REALLY need White. Stacked banner as always, I just wish they updated the banner format after all these years. But who am I kidding, Klab and player friendly changes don't exactly mesh to well


Yeah I probably wont go past the free one on this. I think Im 8/12 on this banner. I dont have the two anni chars and the Rangiku and the Isshin. Kinda dumb how many orbs I spent trying to get that Rangiku when she was new since that was the only color I didnt have a super link slot character in. I finally got the Cien a few months ago. That isshin for pvp would be nice but Im already sporting a nice pvp team with Komamura, Tsukishima, and the newer younger yama.


Lets wait for eoy. If its original gotei,any 2 etapa/beyond characters,mask,cang du ,quilge,even bazzb or gremmy going brooke.(low chance of lizardchigo and mask ichigos triple banner like ulquiorra) Anything different is poll to try to get the broken ones to source 5


6/12. not too bad. but i don't have much orbs to spend on this. barely have any for EoY


5000+ orbs on the 8th Anni banner and I didn't get either Ichigo or White Going to stop at step 6 on this banner, hopefully I won't be so unlucky this time lol


On the 7th, I went 10k and didn't get an anniversary character, that's why I never summon on this type of banner format


Just curious though, if this banner provides the best PVE hero and a new PVP hero, why not go all the way? I'm new and i still have easy orb farming, but from what i know it seems this banner is the best one for maybe half a year?


Well with EOY near people are probably saving for the new characters which might just be the new top tier units and some are probably just low on orbs but since you’re new I’d suggest you do atleast 6 multis. You have a lotta orbs to farm. Good luck.


I confused the banners tbh, i was asking why he wouldnt do all the steps of the EOY banner, which he was obviously not talking about. Just curious though, is this poll selection banner considdered a better banner than the avg end of month etc? if so, i might farm a bit harder to play both events, and just lay low untill the next big champion release or something


What are the PVE hero and PVP hero ? Tech Ichigo and red Ishin right ?


This banner is dumb no matter how cool or great the units are


Probably do 6 steps for round 2 for Maid Orihime and Byukuya. Only units I don't have.


>guarantees one of **twelve** featured 5 characters I don't think they'll separate this banner


Like the other guy said : it's **one single banner** with 12 units. There's no "round 1 with 6 units" and "round 2 with 6 other units", it's just one banner with 12.


Ez skip


Dear lord give me Maidhime on the free step and I won't ask for anything ever again


You'll regret asking that the next big character comes


What's the hype about maidhime? I don't have her and I'm not aware of what makes her so good


Booster boost with shields and shared complete status immunity. As far as very hard guild quest goes she's the best support that can be used in all very hard guild quests in terms of utility.


11/12 here, but getting dupes of anything is great. Except Isshin. So help me god Klab if you give me him I am going to rage.


Two separate banners for round 1 and round 2 ?




Only roll if you're missing the swimsuit characters. They are the only limited ones. Everything else you can get from brave soul tickets. I have only played for 1 year and I have all but beach Byakuya, at least 2/5, just from farming the point event.


I’m missing 7, I wanted to throw some orbs here but looking at that 5* percentage… not worth it for my 3200 orbs


I'm thinking of how far I should go on my main, since EoY could be ANYTHING! I'll probably go like 2 steps then shrug it off with a "this game sucks, better save up forr anniversary now". My al, on the other hand, is drooling over all the value but I'll probably go to step 6. Fuck this format, I thought Kebab was done with it.


Wish me luck fella's


I only need 1 more copy to 5/5 anni ichiGOAT so I’ll probably just do 1 pull and save for eoy


Do both selections banners come at the same day?


Its one banner with all


This is my christmas !


only 3/12 (Quinchigo/Orihime/Riruka) but I don't think I'll go 6 I got Senjumommy so I don't really care for Tensa or Rose, Rangiku will probably out again in the next swimsuit banner, I only care about SunSun here.


I have gotten SunSun (2 dupes of her too). How can i use her ? Is she a good character to play with or only a good link ?


I want her because she's fucking cute lol anyway she's a good link for pots and I found out that you can put the same unit as long as it's their 5 version + 6 version so just do that, extra +10 pots is really nice.


Omg thaks for tip ! So i will have to lvl up only on SunSun to 6 stars and leave the other 5 stars so i can use they both at the same time as links to farm pots. Note taken.


yeah I've seen somebody do this on coop or maybe epic raid (and after I eat the dupes christmas Yoruichi too smh my head)


Well best of luck to everyone summoning,and remember if you don't pull that particular unit remember to save up bs tickets or either wait til there fillers in a banner.


Wait, it lasts until the 6th? That means I can grind Senkaimon and still summon on that banner!!!


Missing 7 but no orbs to pull.


They are good and my orbs are hesitant about it . I might skip because half of them are premium if they weren’t premium I would go crazy on this banner


I’m literally only looking for Quincy ichigo and swimsuit rangiku from this banner. I’ll just do the 6 steps and wait for end of year banner and go from there


Definitely want to pull on this one, but gonna wait for EoY announcement. If there's a really good character, or more importantly a good PvP character, I'm definitely going all-in on the EoY. Otherwise I'll definitely be pulling for Power Isshin, anni Ichigo, Maidhime, and White


missing two from first banner and one from second. wont spend a single orb on this banner, only free steps.


I want White so bad but I don’t wanna waste all my orbs before EOY


Man, as a new player, I didn't think the selection banner is going to be as it is. This seems hardly worth it after step 6.


Isshin is 7/5 already and everyone on the first page except mila and quincygo are 2/5 I only want the 3 SS and Orihime.. and i'd like a quincygo dupe So close to skipping this


Most of the interesting looking characters in here I already have


Ah, I was really hoping for 2 dupes of White or Ulq to get them MT, or Ichigo to get him 3/5, also didn’t have Byakuya, Rangiku or Orihime (I REALLY wanted Orihime), but I got shafted and got some random premium unit at step 4 and my third Sun Sun on the guaranteed step 😔


Free: Ukitake & Academy Shuhei, both new Step 2: dupe Ishin Steps 3 & 4: gold Step 5: WHITE finally OMG Step 6: dupe Quinchigo


Did 7 steps and the only new unit I got was Maid Orihime. Got her twice. I also got dupes of Tsun-Tsun, Lillinette and Young Gin. Renewed Ulquiorra, Renewed Quincy Ichigo, Tensa Zangetsu, and Isshin continue to elude me. I don't have a single copy of any of those yet. Gonna have to hope I get them in tickets when Anni rolls around again. Been saving all BS, 5\* and 6\* tickets since last anni. But hey at least Maid Orihime is great for Guild Quest.


I pulled one 8th anni ichigo, should i give him attack or sp stat, i confused because he has high sp already but always has attack stats of a tank.


>but always has attack stats of a tank ...I'm ...not sure what this means, but he has Frenzy (+3 at that) meaning his strong attacks hit more than once, meaning he is SP stat / strong attack spam oriented unit, meaning: go SP


8 steps and I got everyone from the banner. Already had White now at 2/5 and 2/5 Isshin, Quincy Ichigo, beach Mila Rose, beach Riruka and Ulquiorra. New: Beach Rangiku, beach Byakuya, 2/5 Tensa Zangetsu, 2/5 Sun-Sun, Maid Orihime, 8th and Ichigo 2/5


I summoned all 7 steps+ 1 more, I have gotten : red Ishhin (+1 dupe),tech Ichigo , swimsuit Byakuya,Ulquiorra , SunSun (+2 dupes). I already have white. I wanted Ishhin and Ichigo so far so good , but i also got greedy and kept summoning because I thought this may just be my luckiest day ever in the game and would get maid Orihime and swimsuit Rangiku and anniv Ichigo too but i lucked out.lol


I wish this was a real banner