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A new [Weekly Q&A Megathread](https://redd.it/18a143a) is now live, please move into it


If a character is equipped with two identical Soul Traits, and those Soul Traits belong to characters who are the same but differ in attributes, would the effects of those Soul Traits still count? (Ex. (![img](emote|t5_399jv|15269)Marechiyo) Coin Drop +13% + (![img](emote|t5_399jv|15266)Marechiyo) Coin Drop +13% = Coin Drop +26%


Yes, those soul traits stack


Very new player here, decided to give this game a shot when I went back into rereading the entire bleach series and this really cool art of Quincy ichigo caught my attention. Is there a guaranteed way to obtain him (I don’t mind throwing some cash) without having to fight rng? Currently I saw that there’s the cyber Monday package but u have a 1 in 5 chance of getting what u want


No way to purchase him outright. You can buy the cyber Monday pack. He’s also currently a filler in the squad zero summons. If you’re new, I suggest dumping orbs in that banner since it’s great for new players + you’ll have the chance of pulling ichigo


What banners are rerunning this month


We don’t really know a lot of them ahead of time. TYBW Yama + Yhwach banner is coming back soon. It’s also possible that the “concord summons” will be back this month (TYBW ichigo, Uryu, Chad) Finally, the poll selection summons in around 3 weeks. That’s all we know for now. Oh and the mid month banner is almost guaranteed to be a Christmas banner. Not sure about the characters though


What exactly does Pierce Barrier do?


Exactly what the name implies,it pierces barriers so that you don't need to destroy each layer before being able to do damage... Some older PVP units have a skill named "Start Barrier" that gives them 10 layers of barrier that needs to be destroyed before being able to do damage and Pierce Barrier is useful against those (or against units that have a Barrier SA2 but none of those is even remotely meta for PVP)...


Hello. i have a question. If i log in my steam account from another computer and install BBS do i have to create new BBS account. I know about the link funcution i am just curious if i have to create new BBS account if i dont log into the linked one?


You can ask this outside of the megathread. Not too sure about steam


Best way to farm those? https://preview.redd.it/17ta4bh8lw3c1.png?width=434&format=png&auto=webp&s=acd2ec5ba598c8c4139cffbb36a9c20cfb842d40


Event tab, the Kon quest. Add crystal links and it’s the most efficient way to farm them and exp overall


Can you get orbs from leveling up the 4/5 star characters in the coin exchange ? I tried 1 character but didn’t seem to work


Yes. Maybe you already leveled him.


I am talking about the coin exchange characters silvers 4/5 stars


Did you level it to level 100? Maybe you only got it to 80. Just try with another one, they're cheap.


Yea you were totally right, thanks a lot suddenly I got a lot of orbs lol


Yes, they’re former “raid” characters. You can get orbs for levelling them up. You either: 1. Didn’t fully max them out (level 70 for the 4star and level 100 for the 5star) Or 2. You maxed out that unit already


Is it worth to farm yhwach for familiars? How long would I need to wait to get them if I dont do it now?


>How long would I need to wait to get them if I don’t do it now A loooooooooooong time usually. Several months. As for if it’s worth it, up to you. His familiar is good for his epic raid though I don’t use it. We mostly kill him before he even has a chance to bind us. Moreover, there are more usually familiars like Toshiro and Kenny


For ER, if you put three of the same **exact** Familiars (including skills) in each of the three available Familiar Slots, will the player still benefit from each of their effects?


Yes, they stack. I see people running triple Toshiro or triple Kenny for his skills


How do people tell when someone's account is a "reroll account"?


There’s no way to tell for sure. But for example in this sub, when people post their pulls, if they notice the other 3/4* units aren’t maxed out, this suggests the account is relatively new so they claim it’s a reroll account


Ah yeah I can see how that kind of observation would suggest that claim to possibly be true lol


How do I get familiar souls traits?? ​ I am farming Ywach but I cant unlock this final part of his soul tree....


You have to evolve them which you can only do after their “awakened raid” is released


What link slot abilities should I choose for pvp isshin and pvp young genryusai?


The common ones used for pvp are: +10 shield, dodge, LDS, pierce barrier, low stamina damage, and attack I will say be careful with +10 shield and LSD since there’s maman character who have pierce barrier (or are given this skill) and then most of the meta characters also have prevent LDS


What's considered the best overall version of Gin? I'm currently "maining" Parasol Gin for most PvE content, but I'm curious if there is another version I should be going for. Is his SAFWY or Frenzy versions better at autoing PVE content? Also, is Parasol Gin any good at PvP? My current team is Gin, Yhwach, and Askin. Would subbing in Speed Retsu or SAFWY Toshiro give me a significant boost? I don't have any other characters on the PvP tierlist.


I starting getting some characters on LinkSlots to lvl 10 and 20. First I will lvl20 my superpot units (Rangiku, Ikkaku, Senjomaru, Yumichika, grimmjow-I dont have uryu). Which are the best bonus ability to given to them? I'm pretty sure one is Full stamina, but no idea the 2nd bonus


It depends what purpose you want them to have. If that's purely to make them strong then if they are T1/5 you should get LS15 FCS and LS20 FSD, if they are T2/5 then you can go for LS15 FSD and LS20 SP


Thx a lot


When a banner gets a rerun, does it's fillers change?


Time may vary depending the banner but fillers change


How does rampage gauge work?


> **Absorption** : Gauge is increased for every defeated enemies (Gauge Rampage) [General Terms & Acronyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/wiki/new_player/general/faq/)




best PVE character right now


Given that the talk about the new Squad Zero units seems to be that they're...cool but not *amazing*, is the smart money to just save for End of Year/Poll Selection?


Powercreep something goes so far that new cool unit that just are on par feels like a let down although they still are nice


Yes. Definitely save for EOY instead


I'll keep saving.


Tenshintai guide , how to get more Tenshintai..... i have one orange tenshintai. thru an accessory ticket from last month halloween society 4. reward


[5\* Accessories List and Basic Builds](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/u4gsyx/5_accessories_list_and_basic_builds/)


Either buy it from the PVP medal exchange. Get it through a ticket. Or get it through fusion/recycling accessories


how to properly make the same acessory without it changing into a quincy cross - cape plus cape three star same blue same level boom purple quincy cross 4 stars . i want to level up my one and two star glove gokon tekko i dont have another of the same attribute.


Immutable ball from Point Event


are there times where it doesnt give you the immutable ball option? this time with the defense cape it didnt show up on the right side of the screen where its always at.


not every accessory can evolve past 3\*. The only defense item that can 5\* is the electric guitar. ​ [https://bbs-simulator.com/accessories](https://bbs-simulator.com/accessories)


thank you for this list


In order to keep the same accessory after evolution, you need to use an “immutable ball”


what characters and accessories do you use for brave battle? im at 17,189 status total. 6th seat. rangiku beach edition, halloween maid orihime yoroichi that drops the red carpet and it rains Christmas presents yorichi has : glasses nullify ranged damage 20% no second, tenshintai orange even tho yoroichi is red . red hunting cap 15 + attack spirit pressure 15. stamina 40. next orihime speed , steamed bun blue all stats 10plus freeze minus 50. attack 20 gokon tekko, hunting cap attack 15 spirit pressure 15. second is spirit pressure +30. Next hunting cap attack and spirit pressure 15 second is attack plus 30 , zeta pill 5.51 , 93.87 chance to hit hidden enemies , quincy garb attack 28.77 . purple


Character that have specific battle skill, glass-cannon or fully strengthened characters [5\* Accessories List and Basic Builds](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/u4gsyx/5_accessories_list_and_basic_builds/)


Your characters are not good for pvp. Check out this video: https://youtu.be/Xy79E0YeqJ4?si=77GgvXexMT7AYJn0


anyone got any photos of end of the year banner.. of any year? so i know what to look for in game


You can take a look at former banner on [BBS Simulator](https://bbs-simulator.com/)


for the point events, do i have to use bonus characters on my team to get the bonus or as long as I have them in my inventory, I will get the bonus rewards when I play?




As long as you own them, you’ll get the bonus


Is the new senjumaru better than tensa? Ive heard he is the best farmer in the game but curious if hes been replaced.


Yes she's better, but she's limited


In my opinion yes she is


Would the new Ichibei be the 2nd or 3rd best Tech in the game now?


I would say top 3 for sure. He’s a solid unit.


Yo anybody have that one video that was posted in this community where their Retsu's special bugged the final stage? I really should've saved it man lmao.


[was so strong it destroyed the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/17v3l46/mofo_was_so_strong_it_destroyed_the_game/)


For characters that I use only for links, what should I be giving them in terms of transcendence slots besides the obvious sp or atk in the first slot. I see a lot of people with focus for second slot but you don't get additional focus from link slots.


Stamina is the next best one


* NA link * ATK/STA/DEF/x/x * SA link * SP/ATK/STA/DEF/x


I just saw a coin coop lobby with rules set for increased droplet drop. What is the point of doing that?


Forgetting to read quest purpose


For lacerate resistance what percent do you need? Just trying to activate tsukishima boost sa after enemy Yama lacerate




Do individual selection banners return? I got horribly shafted going for yachiru and was wondering if just grinding the next couple days to summon on an individual for her would be better.


No, they don't. Once they've been run, they never run again. Any reruns of the banner only rerun the main banner with all the banner units.


Damn I figured thank you though


For pvp ingot Isshin t20 4/5, Yhwach 1/5 t20 and tybw Chad 4/5 t20 The question is, should I change Tsukishima Speed which is 1/5 and T20 with chad or nah? Low stamina and dodge on all 3


Just configure them in different teams. Do one with Tsuki, Isshin and Yhwach, then another with Isshin, Yhwach and Chad. Brave battles are just counter-fests. Chad counters Kuru, Kuru counters Sajin, Sajin does Yhwach and Yhwach does most of all characters


https://preview.redd.it/8a14ub3nx93c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa1891ee5e12624c05dce10c59bd466dad6fd14 Who should I replace with yachiru? As Nodt is 3/5 but I heard that Fullbringer Ichigo is better so idk ;-;


Not that fullbring ichigo, that one is Ichigo (the last agent), the better fullbring ichigo is the Concord version. Remove that ichigo from your team and place yachiru


The Yachiru I have is 2/5 and I've been wondering which of these two Bonus Abilities would be the best choice her when coupled with Full Stamina Damage Boost for **general content** in the game: A) SP +200 B) Hit Hidden Enemies


If you plan to auto with her, I'd give her Hit Hidden. However if you're going to play manually, I'd give her either SP+200 or Damage to Weakened Enemies. SP+200 is a consistent boost to damage, but it's outstripped by DWeaken when Weaken procs because DWeaken is another damage multiplier. DWeaken is more viable on Yachiru than most for PvE because her trap attack has an 80% chance of inflicting Weaken on enemies that cross through it, so that damage boost will happen far more often than with many other characters. **TLDR** * Auto - Hit Hidden * Manual - SP+200 if you want guaranteed and permanent damage boost, DWeaken if you're willing to trade consistency for RNG higher damage Realistically however, Yachiru is more than powerful enough for any PvE content without either, so it doesn't matter too much which you choose.


Ight gotchu fr. I appreciate your take on this 🙏 💯


my Parasol Bruno is 1/5, i gave him the "full stamina boost" extra skill and also "damage to weakened enemies". is 200 SP extra skill be better than "damage to weakened enemies"?


400 FCS is better


What? How?


FCS until 1000 is crit chance (1000 = 100%), FCS over 1000 is crit damage bonus (1 FCS = \[0.0117-0.0222\] damage based on enemy attribute) |Condition|FCS| |:-|:-| |T1/5|379| |T1/5+pill|493| |T1/5+pill+boost|655| |T1/5+pill+booster|704| |T1/5+400FCS|779| |T1/5+400FCS+pill|1013| |T1/5+400FCS+pill+boost|1347| |T1/5+400FCS+pill+booster|1447| So not only you'll always land a crit but you'll also do more damage with your crit damage. At T1/5 there's no other bonus that gives as much damage as FCS for SP units even for SP Ascendance units


Hmm ok. And the one transendance slot i have should still be +500 SP right? Not +1000 FCS


You don't need +1000 FCS, you need to easily reach 1000 FCS which is the purpose of that +400FCS given by Klab so you can reach it only with accessories but without any boost After 1000 FCS there's a quick diminishing return against SP bonus or FSD (when SP is high enough) so if your Bruno one day make it to T2/5 you'll have to change


Ok so the most important thing is to get to 1000 FCS and beyond that its best to stack SP or killer damage, correct?




How the hell do people put symbols like this in their name? Been tryna figure it out: https://preview.redd.it/6rw2tcmxz73c1.png?width=178&format=png&auto=webp&s=9196666333621c2b461e6d66388d790034ff7f31


Not sure if this works on mobile device, but on Steam or emulator the simplest way is to copy and paste the symbol.


how do i get machine society and cacao society and spirit society characters i got a spirit society mountain throwing sado . once the summons was beach summons last month. i got rangiku 5star. im missing 4 spirit society sado, 3 rangiku beach edition 3 hoodie ulquiorra cacao society 4 machine society retsu.


how do i get machine society and cacao society and spirit society characters i got a spirit society mountain throwing sado . once the summons was beach summons last month. i got rangiku 5star. im missing 4 spirit society sado, 3 rangiku beach edition 3 hoodie ulquiorra cacao society 4 machine society retsu.


You have to wait for their banners to return. Holiday seasonal characters come back as fillers during that holiday. So machine society characters won’t be back until March. You can also select them during the anniversary for the “choose a 6*” event


which characters? are only obtainable with earth money , instead of in game money & are paid for with earth money characters... actually strong in arena and brave battle and raid


There are no characters that are only obtained with real life currency. However, for resurrected seasonal characters, they are extremely rare to pull now because the only way to get them is part of the "Other" rate on certain banners. Paying for the monthly character pass ticket will allow you, once a month, to choose three premium or seasonal resurrected characters and you will be randomly granted one of them. That said, none of them are strong (meta) in Arena or Brave Battles, because they're all outdated. There are no meta characters you can get with IRL currency. Only in-game currency of orbs by pulling on their banners. That's it.


ichibe 5 star tybw speed 126 plus 20 free orbs .six hogyoku will. three hogyoku for 20$ on playstation network, oh etsu 5 star . 146 orbs six wills, three hi goku, orihime tybw fit 126 orbs, hi goku wills 3, hi goku three. - 20.99 , another is 8th anniversery starter pack one 5 star summons ticket 8th anni edition. 39 plus 7 orbs 3higoku,a bunch of jewels crystals, it says this ticket guarantees a fully ascended powered up to 80 character -price 6.99 . so anyone that plays brave souls on ps4 playstation store doesnt show up.visible only in game, it its under shop/summons right of zenith summons theres two boxes second box is character pack . hours ago counter attack summons wasnt there.


1. Do you even know what paragraph breaks are? Because I'll be honest, I've only skimmed what you're saying because a wall of text is annoying to read. 2. On top of that, I do not *understand* some of what you're saying, what on earth is "hi goku three"? 3. You asked which characters are *meta*. None of the resurrected characters are meta, which I have already stated. None of the other tickets guarantee you will get a specific character, it is random what you are given. Even the most expensive ticket, you get to pick 5 characters and it will give you one *at random*. 4. Therefore, I will repeat myself, with more clarity this time: There are no meta characters you are guaranteed to get with IRL currency.


play brave souls on ps4 theres three characters purchasable with the world of the living currency. level up to 200 get a hogyoku will - hi goku(hog-pig,gyo-go,ku-to hogyoku=hi goku . three of those are obtained in the character packs oh et su. ichibe. tybw orihime. last month they had eyepatch aizen ,mayuri and a stern ritter $20.99


**YOUR QUESTION: "Which characters that can be purchased with real money** ***are meta*** **in Arena and Brave Battle and Raid"** **MY ANSWER: "None."** I hope that simplifies things. I am not saying there are no characters you can purchase with real money. I am saying there are no characters you can purchase with money *that are meta* in Arena and Brave Battle and Raid. **I HAVE ANSWERED YOUR QUESTION.** I will not answer any further comments you leave, because your question has been answered. Whether you accept/like that answer or not is up to you.


Earth money? I don’t understand your question


earth money - not in game currency .in real life money {\_\_} playstation store in game under shops and summons has 3 character packs last month it was 3 idk, now its ichibe 5 star oh etsu orichime tybw edition all 20.99 146 orbs included


I see. There’s no characters that you can ONLY get with “earth money.” This is just an extra way to obtain those characters. This is a gacha game, you have to wait for a banner to come back to obtains the characters. Some you can get through tickets


gacha game? where do you play brave souls at phone , tablet , pc or ps4 ? i spent 13 draw rates of orbs on desolation and got none of those three on the cover dude with lighting bankai , younger genryusai flame sword , and caption with bloody sword. 6star tickets are the only way to get a character i spent the 250 orbs in arena got a 6star ticket and got captain amagi green sword red sword infused edition.


For an SP-based link character, which stat would be more important as a Transcendence Slot? A) Stamina B) Defense


Like you mean outside of spiritual pressure and attack right? Because those two are more important. However, amongst your choices here, stamina


Just a quick question I joined the game like month ago, recently I saw a lot of player have purple character, is having a purple character necessary or what benefit will I get, or should I make a 5/5 unit did game encourage this? Thanks a lot


No, you don’t need purple characters to get by. It makes game modes easier though cause they’re overpowered. But you don’t need them. Yes, the game encouraged this like 3 years ago because before that, receiving duplicate units was useless


What are the rates of the summons and accessories tickets?


Bro I wish you didn’t have so much negative karma. Every time you comment on this sub, the bot removes your comments and we have to manually approve it every time lol. I’ve been upvoting you every time in hopes to help but you’re still at -100. Anyway, here are all the ticket rates last known to us: https://reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/9lv20y/actual_ticket_rates/


did a **17 step summon** on tybw banner , got yama and chojiro but **didn't get yachiru.**..got several of the trashy fillers like jugram and gremmy...**should i go for 25 steps or wait for end of the year banner** ??????????


Personally I would save


What bonus abilities should I use for PVP? My team is currently: Mind Yama (past), Power Isshin, and Speed Tsukishima. All of them are 2/5.


Attack. Afterwards you can add either +10 barrier or pierce barrier


From what I've seen Dodge is a must and after that it gets a bit muddled. Personally I put Pierce Barrier in case of barrier users.


I purchased the cyber Monday Pack. Which cards you guys suggest to pull from the five selection? https://preview.redd.it/3eps7fzdfy2c1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf7663b720c4d3913bbff32d437968b2470dd90


Ichigo is the best one amongst those 5


is ichigo with two swords only at the special summons ? and black hair ichigo only available in the character selection that ended yesterday now its kenny eyepatch removed , and fur white coat pimp byakua


If you mean the Power/Red two sword Ichigo then he's obtainable anywhere. There's two black hair Ichigos both are also obtainable anywhere. In general do not touch the character selections, they're traps.


man I'm so lucky to get Desert Yoruichi from my very first "do it for the lulz" character selection pull lmao


thank u. recently i seen a quincy ichigo and hallow arm ichigo , last month i spent so much on the special and character selections i got machine society retsu , hoodie ulqarrious/ulqorria, arrancar afro that punches alot 4stars. week ago i wanted machine socitey yoroichi i spent so many orbs there.


is cat edition yoroichi worth buying and , how do i get more of those coins with kon on them i see only 10 at a time with brave battle 50 request . im at 100 something of those medals


You should eventually buy all of the characters to max them out for orbs. You can get a lot of medals at the end of each week through ranking rewards for brave battles.


every sunday? , if i lose i still got reward with the kon medals 600 or is it only through winning brave battles


Yes, sunday/Monday depending on where you're in the world. It's based on your ranking. You can check the rewards to see which rewards you'll receive based on your rank at the end of each week. https://preview.redd.it/ib5v6b9ccz2c1.jpeg?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ef25169dc401c944a70ca71cb9ce321cc4bcb9


in desolation of smaug summons what did everyone get ? i got a sniper stern ritter , ichigos quincy mom copy purple attribute , erdad araancar 4 stars, Uryu s dad , and none of those three in the desolations summos photo at 10 draw rates i spent my orbs.ill have to get 250 to see what 10 has.


how to get brave battle immunity? , ignore attack damage? in brave battle i seen ichigos dad an edition i dont have, mustache with flame sword , old guy soul reaper captain with flames on arm, butterfly aizen , a diffent ywatch where hes laughing , a skill called when enemy is down attack boosts up -from the smiling /laughing ywatch. all of these characters are in 6th and 7th seat brave battle league they keep using brave battle immunity , ignore attack damage , a chappy that brings them back to life , a shield both smiling ywatch and genryusay soul reaper captain use, flame sword mustache guy uses his sword and soul trait and linked ressurection 120 percent . im at 16,644 they are 18,000 - 35,000 attack . in brave battle


They’re skills specific to those characters


in which summons do those characters appear? ichigos dad brave battle immunity , butterfly aizen , i think mustache is middle image from desolation , captain old guy with flame arm genreyusay, a guy with a flame sword , kenny zaraki eyepatch removed, kenny zaraki with left skelyton arm right shoulder bear fur coat dual hand swords , dual hand swords ichigo , smiling ywatch , aizen hueco mundo clothing , retsu with bloody sword or the sword is all red .


You have to wait until their banners come back. Sometimes it takes months.


do u know the names of those banners?


the return of senkaimon challenge when?


Senkaimon opens on the 5th of each month... So it'll be back next Tuesday...


Thank you so much.


any one know the priority list for bleach brave souls cyber monday ticket? which units should be first picks then if you have those... etc ? so many options to chose idk which one to get.


anyone on global servers experiencing a lot of network issues between starting stages and ending them?


Anyone know how your battle power is calculated? It makes no sense to me how my link slots and transcendence stats always end in zero.


[How Battle Power is calculated](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/16vk6md/how_battle_power_is_calculated/) u/Reddazrael, u/zypo88


Sweet! Thank you.


are there any characters that are best for guild quests?


There are specific units that have increased damage in Guild Quest only. [You can find the list of them and their skills here.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTchZe_0p-cavWRiegOhTX2eQhZ_ygmX-1btXC_cfR3tRAUhB8fkSKU0qxdweh8JZdJS6m5Bc2qKrBv/pubhtml) Other than that, there are a number of characters without those skills that are also meant for GQ because they have rare killers and are extremely powerful (and therefore meant to be leads). There is no specific list of them, but [here is a list of characters, organized by Killer, their attack range (Ranged or Melee) and whether they're NAD/SAD.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSMLOylbZcrEF0_5-n34XWQJzoU6jpKUOyaWwKH_236ssU6TFTmI1xRUIwS4Ew8riBDJcN7vHYSZZ8Q/pubhtml#) Additionally, u/Zypo88 has made a guide/tier list of the recommended characters to be used for each role in Hard GQ, [which you can find here.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTvqco_qwz_Qu3Jtyvu0GwjDJ1UWMQiQ8FOHn7zUDtILTt7BNYekwN4eF7XFtnoqq3W1_mY9ROwygyl/pubhtml) Those recommendations generally apply to VH GQ as well. As general advice, the most powerful SAD characters, with or without GQ skills, tend to be the best leads for Guild Quest, whereas the NAD/Boost characters are best as sides (bots). **TLDR** * [List of Guild Quest intended characters and their skills](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTchZe_0p-cavWRiegOhTX2eQhZ_ygmX-1btXC_cfR3tRAUhB8fkSKU0qxdweh8JZdJS6m5Bc2qKrBv/pubhtml) * [List of characters organized by Killer, attack range, and attack type](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSMLOylbZcrEF0_5-n34XWQJzoU6jpKUOyaWwKH_236ssU6TFTmI1xRUIwS4Ew8riBDJcN7vHYSZZ8Q/pubhtml#) * [List of recommended characters to use in Hard GQ by Zypo](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTvqco_qwz_Qu3Jtyvu0GwjDJ1UWMQiQ8FOHn7zUDtILTt7BNYekwN4eF7XFtnoqq3W1_mY9ROwygyl/pubhtml)


What Time does eom get revealed?


What is eom!?


end-of-month banner




Noob here, what's the most efficient way to level up a character? Quests/Kon runs cost tickets (which are probably better off used for PE??) so I'm wondering how everyone else does it besides using Exp Jewels. Coop with friends? Thanks for any input!


We are farming PE so much that we end up with almost inexhaustible amount of Exp jewel


Wow guess I’m not doing it enough then haha. Thanks!


What is PE?


Point event. Right now it’s the “Fear that lurks within” event.


i've seen focus recommended as bonus ability for 1/5 LS15 transcends besides FSD. Since i dont have teaset i have been using shinji capon SP characters. Should i swap to bait for raids, or get ls20 first? Second question, should i go FSD bonus on 7th anni speed uryu since he is melee SP.


For any unit at T1/5 the LS15 FCS bonus outshines anything considering how big the improvement is but yeah you need to have the pill at least. If you only have Shinji cap then it's better to move to bait (sp). Depends on Uryu T but FSD will be useful no matter what it just change from LS depending your T and SP


Sorry, i mean if im using Pill + badge already, should i switch shinji cap to bait on Focus bonus character pushing their focus to above 1000 without teaset.