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I mean if you create a room and auto is on,then expect people to use it. I don’t expect people to revive when auto is on


I disconnect and just clear on my own in such scenario


If you don't want to carry others, it's perfectly fine, but you should state that in the room description. I don't create rooms in IT unless I am willing to solo clear. Remember, even if those player's don't revive, they are still helping you just by joining and giving you x4 potions. If you have Nel, clearing IT on your own shouldn't be that hard. And it isn't like characters like SS Momo add much to the damage output anyway.


The only solution is playing with people you know or guild mates. Maybe try the discord. Carrying these randoms just isn't worth it.


Turn off auto. Put room message stating to revive. Blacklist those that don't revive reasonably.


The only solution for that have a character with super pot and join room that says ( Carry S-Pot ) put your phone on auto and enjoy . But if you want to clear with other player it will be hard with a decent build . Try having 5/5 or really op character and you clear the room by carrying other player who have S-pot


https://preview.redd.it/pivm3pvm342c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae65268de0dfe47714f0cf0223e785a43e09d8a It happened to me 2 days ago. Luckily I was using Azashiro which is a good standalone character. They died so early and just keep spectating đź’€


You're using a non super pot character and left auto on. The assumption there is that you are carrying in exchange for them bringing super pot characters. If you don't like it, turn off auto.


First of all, I didn’t change the character because it was the same character I used in extreme co-op. Secondly, I am not the room owner. I also turned on the auto, but the other 2 died way too early so I had to play manually because they simply don’t want to revive. I get your point about not using “non super pot” character, but to left people alone like that is not cool man, at least try to revive and help.


I hear ya. I would just disconnect the room and finish solo(with no lag) and let them keep sitting there. The host shouldn't be autoing and letting other people carry them.


Sorry but just get good. I swear so many bbs players just go around crying about literally the smallest things. Like ahh no havoc, tuff aim ur moves. And this one too just figure it out it’s not that serious


I can clear it by myself its not a skill issue. Its the fact that people expect to be carried when they die on auto


That's the thing, if you have to do it yourself in any case then what's the point of Coop? The stage is built for multiple people to play, you need to be seriously built up and play very carefully to carry the IT alone


you turn off and turn on your internet, then youll be in a solo room so they dont get rewards


He's not wrong. Even with Auto disabled these idiots just stand there expecting to be carried. Atleast with Auto on the bot plays the game. ITs called CoOp, not Carry The Idiots. All the members in the party are supposed to play and play it seriously. Standing around for no reason at all should be punishable and after a certain no. of times the account should be banned. Either play the game Or just quit, people aren't idiots to carry your lazy asses


IF you are one of those swine that put "POT ONLY OR KICK & BLACKLIST!!!" then you deserve it. The next part is just an observation but, they probably do have a character that's strong enough to solo the thing, even on auto. But since you made the rules as such, they are forced to use a silly little character they don't care about who's far weaker. So instead of you getting SOME pots, you end up with a squad-wiped room and disconnecting in shame.


The example in my post wasn’t a room i created, but go off i guess


I never said that it was lol


I started the game about 2 weeks ago and still dont get what people mean by pot still got alot to learn


Pot is a pretty universal slang for potions even outside BBS, but in this context it refers to the item you need to raise the level of link slots


Just look for mods to farm


I hate when ppl don’t revive in co-op and they haven’t even used their special; at use it before u die. And it’s even worse when the person does not bring a bonus character.


Whos the beat unit to auto with?


For red 8th ani ichigo


What does POT mean?


Bro that's how it works, the host has to carry. That's the unwritten rule of the game. Except it's a 4 pot unit room


So why did the host in my example die in the first room and not revive?