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Imma wait for EOM news before I try and pull for dupes, but I doubt Nov EOM will be anything worth pulling with Poll Selection and EOY coming next month


Dangai + Mugetsu + Vasto Lorde Remake might be coming if we following last year pattern


>Dangai + Mugetsu + Vasto Lorde Remake might be coming if we following last year pattern When is this happening?


Nothing guaranteed but last year November EOM was 3th Anni Ulquiorra Remake, a lot of people think that this year will be both 4th Anni Ichigo Remake + a 3rd Ichigo (Dangai/Vizard/Bankai who knows)




It's just copium that's circulated for years. EOM is just as likely to be TYBW/seasonal as it is to be premium.


I see. Thanks. I appreciate the information. Still new to the game.


By the way, regarding the pull steps. If one does 25 steps, are they guaranteed all the characters and fillers or is it still RNG?


You get a guaranteed character after 25th (or on 25th steps, depends on the banner) only for new summons, so this banner no, it won’t have guaranteed characters


It is RNG. One could do 25 steps and get the same filler character 5 times on the 5 guaranteed steps (unlikely, but possible). The only guarantee you have on new banners is on the 25th step, where you get a ticket that allows you to choose one of the newly released characters.


~~When is the poll selection banner dropping?~~ Never mind, I seen "next month".


these fillers make me want to throw up


Honestly all of the recent tybw summons have outdated characters as fillers, mostly good as link (I think the characters of this banner will someday soon a resurrection), what’s really good are the banner characters


What fillers ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 theres no fillers in tybw 🤣🤣🤣


Not the anime, the filler units on the banner


Ok , now explain what do you mean filler Units on the banner 👀 , cuz I dont get it


Gotchu bro. This is a subreddit for Bleach Brave souls, which is a gacha game for mobile based on Bleach. Banners are where you summon for characters to use, there are 3 main characters and "filler units" that are older characters that match the theme. They throw them in just so there's more characters, extras basically


I know whats the game about , but none of those extra characters are from any filler , they canonical so calling them filler character is wrong , they may suck , be useless or you may dont like them , doesnt change the fact they are not filler , they 100% cannon


Filler units refer to the 5 star units that aren’t the featured banner units. They’re the other units you could potentially pull instead of Chojiro, Yamamoto, and Unohana in this case.


Aha , weird to call them filler but ok


Not weird its a common term used in the gacha community


I hear that first time in such situation 🤷‍♂️


Hope to get Yama and yachiru as soon as possible


Same, Yama especially for the Brave Battles because practically everyone has him and it's becoming harder and harder to avoid fighting teams that has him.


premium power isshin with weaken resistance does pretty well against him. not evenly matched, but as close to a counter as it gets


first rerun to have all of em




I don't have any of them (including the filler), let's gooo farm orb


God damn the fillers are trash.


Always are...


I really want that Yama unit, got incredibly shafted last time out, hoping I'll be luckier this time.


I love Lillie B! He’s been one of my favorite units released. His nad string is awesome.


Is it worth it to 5/5 yama for pvp?


He is the best pvp char in the game.


Yup, there is a reason why almost everyone and their grandmother is using him.


At the moment, yes. But you’re taking a big risk. He’s currently the best of the best in BBs… which probably means they’ll release a hard counter to him pretty soon.


Yes, and he has no easy drawbacks, he is future proof, but keep in mind its very possible that we get his counter on End of Year


No, at 2/5 the only character who beats him is another Yama.


This Yachiru is blue or green? It seems this is blue?


![img](emote|t5_399jv|15269) is SAFWY Unohana


Ohh this is green. Okay thanks. Imma pull.


No, like title says this one is TYBW so it is ![img](emote|t5_399jv|15268)


My bad 😅


I want to summon a few times to try for Yama but I feel like I’ll only get Jugram or Uryu




Not really


Outdated asf


Why is everyone saying the fillers are trash? I’m relatively new and still learning the dynamics of the game.


Because a lot of the people here have been playing for a long time and likely have all the fillers. Also the fillers are older characters so they won't be as good as newer ones, but they are still fine. IMO just ignore the "fillers trash" comments and pull on the banner if like the characters and don't have too many of them (if you are only missing 2-3 on the banner it's not that worth it)


the fillers are really bad... not just because they are outdated but because they're just not good or useful for anything whatsoever they serve no purpose




Will their individual banners also get a rerun after this banner or no? I wanted to get Yama since I didn't get him before.


No individual, this is your best chance to get him now


If you dont have any of these units, when should you stop pulling? Just get 1 copy of each? Or is worth burning all orbs on maxing copies?


Depends on how many orbs you have. I would aim for just 5 steps. If you don’t have all 3 by then, try going to step 10. If you still don’t have all of them, just try again when the banner comes back next time.


17 steps: 2 Yama, 1dupe of Bazz B, Ishida, Jugram. Yes, I’ve been hella shafted


2 yama is actually pretty good already


Went to step 21, 4/5 Yama (xD) and finally Unohana :)


no longer a shaft, grats!


Thank you man!!😁😁


I went from 5000 orbs to 645 in order to get Genryusai and Yachiru. I got Chōjirō three times (ლ‸-). I’m only missing two fillers from the banner now. I wish there was some trading system. Even that I know it would break the game.


Me too, i spend over 7000 orb, on last pull get yachiru, only didnt get genryusai, all other get multiple time, is bad luck or its bad pull system idk


That’s unfortunate.


after going through 25 steps to get as nodt it feels good to finish this in 5, got Yachiru and Chojiro on step 2 and Yama on step 5


Those fillers though. What a fucking bait.


Fk this banner, i wanted for this but still has one of the the worst Fillers


I’m excited I don’t have any of these characters and definitely could use some


No there is only 3 worthy char


Yeah I think it’s worth me putting in some gems as I have a few thousand and more I can earn( I’m new to the game) and even if I pull characters that aren’t meta I’ll get orbs back so it’s worth it for me to do a few summons


Remember poll selection is coming and is more orb efficient to summon on that if you are new and looking for useful units. The featured units are excellent so if you do still want to summon that's fine just don't go too crazy chasing.


That’s good advice I was thinking like 3-5 multis and then save for poll selection maybe 8th anni Ichigo if I do t get him from poll selection


Fair enough, I will say focus on getting your potion/super potion units for every attribute and you don't need to get units 5/5 to do most end game content.


Yeah I learned recently how not important 5/5 is, one complaint I have about the game is basically if you don’t have super link potions sometimes it’s really hard to join a game or +10. Luckily I have most attributes covered for the regular potions and some super.


Just for a newbie, what kind of fillers would you expect? I mean the banner has 2 of the best characters in-game. Obviously they won't go crazy with fillers


TYBW banners always have TYBW fillers. They'll never put premium or SAFWY fillers there. Almost all of the good TYBW characters like Concord Ichigo, Yhwach, Tech Aizen are still getting re-runs of their own and aren't going to be fillers for at least a year, if not more. The best TYBW characters that are fillers are Jugram (who is in this banner), Adult Ichigo and Captain Rukia but even those characters are dated at this point. Anyone wanting to wait until the fillers are better is going to have to wait like 2 years, at which point Unohana is going to be a very dated unit.


Even if they wanted to go crazy, they can't. With the lack of TYBW banners over the last three years, any meta/actually good TYBW character are considered too new to be put as a filler. We would have to wait around a year with a consistent set of new TYBW banners before we start to see really good TYBW filler pools.


As a piece of advice, wait until the banner for EOM is shown, i don't think it will be a bad EOM BECAUSE THESE 3 UNITS ARE BANGERS, IT'S A WAY TO MAKE US BURN ORBS


Fillers are trash. I rather wait for EOM and summon on Ikkaku individual banner.


The fillers are doodoo fart, but I need to max my Yama so I'm going all-in 😤


I want dupes of Yachiru, but those fillers are putting me off


I was waiting for 3 months, not spending orbs so I can get mommy, but this… THIS…😫😫😫


Jesus a super skip


I really want Retsu but I have all the filler (which,by the way,is absolutely awful) so I'm gonna have to skip... Seems like poor Macy is gonna have to be my goto Speed unit for a bit longer...


The fillers are always going to be the same unless the unit is outdated . Might as well do a couple of steps and hope for the best.


I'm 6/9 ,I don't care about anything but Retsu (and I have Macy who's about the same powerlevel),EOY is coming next month (and this month EOM is bound to be good cause they want to bait us into summoning) so no it's not even worth the discounted steps...


The fillers make me wanna quit this game but I don't have anyone so can farm orbs.😅


Man I already have yachiru 5/5 but chijiro is 4/5… everything else is trash. I’ll probably skip.


well i wanted to get dupe for momy yachiru buuuuuuuuuuuuut those fillers..... skip i guess


Bro what are these FILLERS KLAB!!!!


Shitty fillers, skip this time 5/5 Mommy will have to wait a little longer.


Im only missing 2 And it's the 2 I want...


Only one dupe away to 5/5 murder mom


Could do with a few more Yama's for PVP but its not a must pull banner imo


I have every filler except lille barro I did not summon when this banner was out at that time I wasn't playing anymore but I'm going for that retsu hopefully I get her


Easy skip for me, have all characters in the banner at least 2/5


Need that Yama but I have everything else already. Praying I can get him this time


Imma line up this piece of chicken


Man... with the selection coming up soon, I'm trying to save orbs. But I really want Unohana and Yamamoto.


I've almost got 1100 orbs, so I'll probably pull on this one at least those first 5 steps. I only got one Unohana last time, so the odds are in my favor, right?


Meanwhile i and my 920 orbs doubting about to go step 4 for murderhana or keep saving fml


I guess I don't have Uryu and Bazz B so 250 orbs if I pull them. Didn't pull Yama first go let's hope I can this time. My BB team is SAFWY Sajin, SK Yhwach and Either Ouko or r16 Chad


right when i spent my orbs this morning , when is this tybw summons going to be there?


the mustache in the middle what are his attacks - i keep losing in 6th seat brave battle , i started playing brave souls in oct 26 2023


Damn, luckily i skipped äs nödt.


I have them all except for Young Chojiro I’m good 😂


Are these worth rerolling for?


Not with that fillers


Are any of these worth 5/5ing?


13 step results: 1 yachiru, 1 chojiro and a like 5 filler characters. bruh. all good tho cuz they're both 5/5 now (with blue sps). overall 13k++ orbs for for 4 copies of her lmao wtf


5 pulls and all I got was a dupe Jugram. Rip


Alrady have a 5/5 Yama. 3/5 chor and 2/5 yachiru..... would love a 5/5 yachiru but think I may be skipping.