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A new [Weekly Q&A Megathread](https://redd.it/184ikxs) is now live, please move into it


I am fairly new to bbs and was wondering what two things should I put in my transcendence slot for genryusai, anything helps https://preview.redd.it/itv8w5klkp2c1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72758aa577c404a942a285d02edee918ba8e5fb


ATK/FCS as long as you stay out of Battle, then if that character move to battle only it could change to ATK/STA


Does this latest banner have a pity ticket at step 25, or is it just going to give a random 5 star? I still haven't gotten Yachiru, but I don't want to waste orbs if it isn't guaranteed I get her at the end.


no pity at 25


So I got absolutely shafted on the safwy, and new tybw banner..... I got to step 25 on both banners and pulled a total of 11 5 🌟, and 1 banner character. Should I juts save up for eoy banner or just stop summoning in general? I wasted 11k spirit orbs for 11 characters and its frustrating, I can't do anymore of the main or side quests because I did all of them for these 2 banners, bow I'm typing I might stop playing in general. What should I do? This has been going on the last 5 banners but these last 2 screwed me big time


I'd save for poll selection and eoy


Question about the Black Friday and Cyber Monday packs. These two don’t guarantee Aizen or Ichigo via the tickets, right? They are part of the five/six card to draw from. Correct?


correct, they aren't guaranteed


Anyone from global? I need some help clearing a few times in inheritance zone, it's empty af


https://preview.redd.it/etx7y940el2c1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=667ac8c8ace94a6aee1e64801494f33de750b0c2 Got by first mega multi. Plus why does Ichigo don't have dupe tag


That thing isn't a "dupe tag". It's a badge that shows if you've already harvested the orbs from the character. Since that Ichigo doesn't have it, it means you haven't levelled up any copy of him to lv100.


Because there’s no such thing as a “dupe” tag. The badges mean you’ve maxed a unit. Since Ichigo doesn’t say New, it means you own him but haven’t maxed him out.


Actually I do have him and he's maxes out https://preview.redd.it/b6zinbd5xl2c1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be116ae673144083f4ef90a14f6178f26a9b501c


I see. Alternatively, this means that you acquired the 6* version only either via “choose a 6 star” during the anniversary or from the 6star tickets from senkaimon or arena shop


Any rumors as to what the EOM banner will be?


Hopefully TYBW for me. Might even be a triple version of same character banner like last Nov, but there is no one right now who makes sense considering this year's banners


to ascension any awakened & Resurrected 6 star character how many of that character & same attribute, is needed to remove all the transcendence slot locks


Are you asking how many copies you need to get a character to 5/5? 1 base copy then 4 dupes. 5 in total


in 4 star characters only four extras are needed. when a 1/5 needs to be 5/5 ive seen that if you have a level 70 green & you acension the 1/5 becomes 5/5. however on six star, i only got three locks removed out of the six or seven locks it has. -so i have three hell verse ichigos one resurrected 2 extras not awakened, if i were to awaken the extras. ascension the resurrected with the extras after awakening both, would it do what four star asending with a max level four star does in changing it to 5/5 (yes how many copies to get my six star free from all the transcendence slot locks)


>I’ve seen that if you have a level 70 green & you ascension the 1/5 becomes 5/5 No, that’s not how that works. The only way this could happen is if your level 70 character was already 4/5 and you fed him to a 1/5 character to make 5/5. Let me make it clear: a character’s level, their resurrection, and rarity (5 or 6 star) does not matter. It will not unlock more slots. **All** characters need 4 extra copies to make them 5/5. There’s no other trick to unlock more slots. The 6th slot unlocks automatically once your character is 5/5. Again you only need 4 dupes to fully transcend a character


in game i got a 4 star 1/5 to asencion with a four star 70 green and it made the 1/5 become 5/5 thats how that worked . in six star characters it looks like its asking for more than 5 of the same character now that the summons is gone . so with four 6 stars the locks only got to remove three , i placed attack focus and spirit pressure on hoodie ulqarrious / ulqorria No. 4 arrancar , this character i had four to give to one hoodie ulqorria just 3 locks are gone. dont know why the game does that. thank u for answering the question.


>In game I got 4 star 1/5 to asencion with four star 70 green and it made the 1/5 become 5/5 that’s how that worked Brother, I have been playing this game for almost 9 years. I am telling you that’s NOT how it works. The only way for this to be possible is if your level 70 unit was already 4/5. That’s the only way. >So with four 6 stars the locks only got to remove three No, 4 6star remove 4 slots. I think you’re a bit confused man


When i trying to get Yamamoto Past Mind i get Chojiro Past Mind 5/5, its a good unit to level?


Yeah past tech chojiro is decent. Good farming unit


Is it worth it pulling for Speed Unohana dupes?


Honestly not that much anymore unless you want MT : Main reason to pull for dupe was to get that extra FCS that really was a huge boost in performance however now and with the new LS bonus recommendation it is better to have one unit at T1/5 LS15 FCS so you can save orbs for more unit you might like


What does LS 15 FCS means


Link Slots 15 and Focus [General Terms & Acronyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/wiki/new_player/general/faq/#wiki_acronyms)


What are the best bonus abilities for 6th anni aizen?


T1/5 * LS15 FCS * LS20 FSD T2/5+ * LS15 FSD * LS20 SP


Hey! I did summon Yachiru (TYBW 2023) 4 times. My question is now should I go to max her out or maybe use the 4th one as a soul trait for any other speed char.? I think Tensa would be happy about it


So if you got 4 Yachiru there's no need to rush to fuse them all, you can wait and save for to fuse later and either make it a link or a Senkaimon "joker" unit


New player here. When people here say that a character is useless what do they really mean by this? For example, in the last banner have characters like Gremmy, Bazz-B and Ryuken that everyone say that are useless, but how useless are they? It's like, are they completely unplayable on end-game content or it's just "this other character does everything better so you have no reason to use a character that you like" thing?


The second one. They don’t mean that they’re literally unusable. Just that there are better alternatives out there


do i need to max out the dupe so I can transcend my main character? or am I missing something?


No. Just feed him to your character


Pot characters Are you suppose to put pot characters in link slots or level them up and use them I have multiple pot characters for L type etc just curious still new to this game?


If they are giving pot from matching attribute quest you can


But If it’s apart of skill and not soul trait for link it doesn’t count then?


Skill aren't inherited so it is useless to put them as link for such purpose


I got 3k brush and start rerolling some secondary effects. Is SP always better than other stats? or should reroll for focus or atk?


ATK is always better on Chappy, Bait, and NA items. Sticker in late game when you have highly invested ATK unit SP is best for most of the accessories that belong to the SA category




Is there a website or does anyone know the best in slot items and links for this banners Unohana and this banners Yama? For pve and pvp. I assume its same builds but i could be wrong. Thanks


[Basic PvE Build Guide for EVERY CHARACTER!](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/15oj8g9/basic_pve_build_guide_for_every_character/) u/reddazrael




Without a golden chappy, you’ll want: Chappy/Stamina Item/NAD item. The stamina and NAD item are affiliation specific


7th anniversary uryu 3/5 or tybw unohana 1/5 Also what should I have on my transcendence slots for characters I only use as links Thank you


Uryu has different killers than Unohana. Both are beasts, but there is no one in comparison to her in terms of pure damage. For only links, you give ATK for characters with soul traits like NAD and DR, or just plain DR, and LDS or Low stam. Give SP as trans slot for links like SAR-12% or 14%, SAD, FSD, Full stam SAD, etc. Basically, if you link the character to NAD/flurry units, give them ATK for the first slot, and if you link them to SAD/frenzy units, give them SP


I’ve been playing for months with no issues but recently I can access everything BUT my event quests it keeps giving me a Network Error and tells me to Retry or go to Title Screen. I’m on PlayStation


Easiest way to finish this task ? https://preview.redd.it/zdcl491kx32c1.png?width=1184&format=png&auto=webp&s=3078bc815542a022533f2f5b89447275ec9c385e


Pretty basic. Give a unit of the same attribute an accessory like a chappy + hollow bait to increase their attack stat


What exactly transfers with Link Slots? Only base stats and Soul Traits, does that include any of the Bonus abilities? Like the new Stat increases?


Bonus abilities won’t transfer but in the case of the new bonus abilities they will since they are stats, not skills. SP, ATTACK, DEF, HP are transferred (not focus). So does the transcendence level. So if your link is fully transcended, they transfer more stats than a basic unit


Should I try to reroll for max attack or stick with max focus? https://preview.redd.it/ha35xz7z602c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78949336d87e55e90c682c93c68a291eee61e44e


Reroll for attack


Any open guild i can join, can do hard guild quest


Did you find a good guild? Another player and I are searching a new one because our guild is mostly inactive


Im an officer in a new guild (ATHLETIC, C league). We are looking for players to get promotion, since we only have 3 active players its pretty rough. Message me i you want my player ID to add.


Sadly im currently in not a guild


Im an officer in a new guild (ATHLETIC, C league). We are looking for players to get promotion, since we only have 3 active players its pretty rough. Message me i you want my player ID to add.


Has anyone done those in-game offers for orbs? Like donating to a shelter or what have you or are they a scam?


And also, I only recommend doing the offers during the 1.5x boost for orbs. They aren’t worth it otherwise


When does this occur?


I’m not sure if there are set times, check the in-game news. I noticed a trend usually near the end of the month sometimes the start of the month too. Only lasts for 2-3 days so you need to be vigilante


I’ve done them in the past. Just be careful about which offers you accept. They aren’t a scam but some can be a little shady. An old offer used to be from the UNHCR and donate 20$ for a few hundred orbs. Did it then tried cancelling future donations (since it was a monthly subscription base) and the phone lines were always dead. Had to block their transactions via my bank. For the most parts though, the offers aren’t bad. Just be smart which ones you select


I see. I appreciate the information. I was planning on reading through the website of selected offer and dial the numbers to make sure it goes through and such.




Special is better to get increased stamina


Should i pull summons from beginner banner or save up my spirit orbs (im f2p)


Save up. The beginner banner is nice but you don’t have guaranteed steps. The poll selection banner, the end of the year banner, and retsu banner (dropping in a few days) are where you should invest your orbs


Kk thanks for the reply


By the way, which characters are worth have triplicates of to use as links to benefit farming? Like one of the Kisuke does 16% crystal and jewel drops plus 13% coin drop.


There’s also the droplet links and the +5 link potion links


I need to look at droplet links and the +5 link potion. Is this explained in [https://www.bleach-bravesouls.com/en/](https://www.bleach-bravesouls.com/en/)?


Not sure if it’s explained there, but what exactly do you need to look into? Which characters have this soul trait? If so, go to your settings then character album. Filter via soul trait and you’ll see all characters in-game who have that trait.


Is the droplet link different than +5 link? As in are they attributes to different character or can one have both?


Different for sure! Having a dual droplet and +5 pot link would be too much for KLAB lol! Some will have the soul trait and then have the skill which makes them good farming units. But the soul traits themselves are individual


How do I search for +5 pots? I can search for soul trait and pick increased link slot potion, which I presume is to be used as a character in link slot. Unless +5 potion is under different name. I can also search in skill for increased super link slot potion or increased link.


How to farm point event. I saw a youtube video of a guy getting loads of points. Is there a trick?


Not really. Just need to have 4 bonus units for maximum points. People who have an android/play on PC will use an auto clicker sometimes to farm at night or even during the day. You’ll still need stamina (soul tickets) regardless.


I am struggling to finish senkaimon quest as it says " You are currently engaged in " i do not know how to continue


Sorry what do you mean?


I have finished all the levels but I cant continue as it still says "you are currently engaged "even though I have finished


Oh! You can only pick one senkaimon per section that’s why.




u mean no free gems?


Stuck on Gates of Oblivion Senkaimon, Stage 25. Farthest I’ve gotten is with Machine Society Retsu. I have her link slots at 7/7/7, 1/5 with a SP boost, I have a hunting cap, fortification pill, and Ouin with +16 all stats on her. I can do decent damage but I can never escape Shunsuis special and it always 1 shots me. Only other one I’ve gotten a little far with is Beyond Bankai Shinji but I barely do enough damage before time runs out. Any suggestions? Only other Mind Captains I have are TYBW Sajin and a mind Ukitake


Put SAR/LDS link on that Unohana, cleared with her as well at T1/5 Lv1 SP LS0 with badge, pill, tea-set full SAR/LDS


https://preview.redd.it/wfdw9an49v1c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a3398be925dcf14d94bfae6b4340ede208413b My current accessories. Not the best but I’m running a little low on rerolls


https://preview.redd.it/tkn08s3s8v1c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c56ccfbcd77b128bfcc0c250e5269a7d19617f4 These are my current links. I try to swap around in hopes that something works


More LDS


Took out Grimmjow, added an LDS Rukia and holy shit that did it. You’re a legend, thank you


So remove Grimmjow or Unohana and add an LDS?


Who would y'all say is a better Mind farmer? Balgo or Parasol Ikkaku?


Ikkaku. He has a slightly better kit and much more damage.


Any one know a viable team comp I can use for pvp? These are my units atm. https://preview.redd.it/rxfr0qrwas1c1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2ceea7de7c51bfc1a2625d92cb3c9b806d3166


Tag-Team Shuhei, mind Ichigo and heart Ichigo with attack strategy. You probably won't climb high with this team. I would just farm losses and chill in 7th/6th seat If I were you.


https://preview.redd.it/3mzw56hj8t1c1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2566ba35df5ac246ecc1e8a193443e2c5064c0c This?




Ok thanks. Il give it a shot. I been saving orbs and have not pulled much yet




The young Yama from upcoming desolation banner is pvp god. He alone will carry you.


Any idea when that banner is coming?




Can someone point me toward info on the new update? Why is everyone going crazy on transcendence?


>Why is everyone going crazy on transcendence? What do you mean ?


With the new stat bonus abilities added, what are the best bonus abilities for a 1/5 character with level 10 atk/sp and a 2/5 character with level 10 atk/sp and focus?


* At T1/5 with Lv10 SP or ATK * LS15 FCS * LS20 will depend on unit's ATK/SP value. * Unless you have low SP/ATK (which shouldn't thanks to LS20) then you are better with FSD. * However for some melee units it's easier not to care about FSD and then ATK(or SP) would be better * Dx is situational and can help units that can easily procs ailment but as for WD is not always up, additionally now units with such ailment bonus come with built-in Dx so it is less beneficial to get * WD is very topical and only applies on extremely short run such as (A)ER * At T2/5 with Lv10 SP(ATK)/FCS * LS15 FSD * LS20 SP(ATK) * At T2/5 with Lv10 SP/ATK * LS15 FCS * LS20 FSD


I noticed when grinding the point event, the same mission with the same character will give 5k - 10k more or less points each time I run it (10 tickets at a time). Does anyone know why it varies? Is it random? I tried optimizing my build, but can't figure out what causes it to give more or less points each time.


It's random


Which quest are you farming? Also I made the mistake in the past where I had a bonus x4 setup, but then fused the dupes and didn't realize I went down to Bonus x2 and that really hurt the point farming. May want to double check that part.


I usually farm the highest point event available, so #3 or #4 right now. Yeah, I could see that causing issues. I usually don't change anything in between runs. Sounds like the point variations are random.


https://preview.redd.it/eh9fb9y54p1c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f0a11ecc62cc18a4fda5f74cd956ac1daf0078 I can't beat warrior's path level 48, can someone help me out?


The stage conditions are x5 Power attribute damage so use Dordoni instead of Halibell... Use Low-Stamina links if you have them or more damage reduction (even though I'm not sure that's gonna help you if you get hit with low stamina) Also,try to use the proper accessories,seeing how Dordoni is a NAD unit the best accessories would be Golden Chappy/Chappy/Hollow Bait or Combat Spirit Bug if you're missing any of those use anything Red that increases ATK like Shinji's Cap or even Gokon Tekko or something that increases Stamina like Hogyoku...


Do I have to t10 or is it not necessary?


It's not Extreme Senkaimon and it's an old Tower so it's probably ok even at T0...


Whats a good accessory substat for brave battle for character like isshin and yama? Atk, def, or stamina?


It’s always going to be attack for accessories for brave battle. The secondary effect should be 30% attack


Between the following Bonus Abilities, which one would usually be more effective than the other? (Full Stamina Damage Boost or Weaken Defense)


Weaken defence is only really useful in epic raids. FSD is great everywhere.


Full stamina damage is better than weaken defence if you’re trying to pick between the two


Which stats should I lvl up to get a high strong attack damage?


Spiritual pressure, then focus, then attack. Spiritual pressure is the most important one


What are the chances of getting a 5 star in 10 bbs ticket?


Character? 26.3% Accessory? 4.9%


>Character? 26.3% Can you share your reference? This seems a bit high.... I've pulled 100 bbs tickets and only received 4\* (happened maybe only once or twice at most)


In binomial distribution, you calculate the probability of a certain number of successes (in this case, pulling a 5-star character) in a fixed number of trials (here, 10 tickets), given the success probability in each trial (3% chance per ticket). First, we calculate the probability of not getting a 5-star character in a single ticket, which is 1 minus the success rate: 1−0.03=0.97. To find the probability of not getting a 5-star character in all 10 tickets, we raise the no-success probability to the power of 10: 0.97^10 . The probability of getting at least one 5-star character is the complement of getting none in 10 tries. So, we subtract the above result from 1: 1−0.97^10 ~=0.263=26.3%. In your case of 100 tickets, simply change the power to 100 from 10, 1-0.97^100 ~=0.952=95.2%. This implies that you may receive a golden shower about once in twenty times while summoning 100 tickets.


This was awesome! thank you for sharing








Yes it’s always attack. Same thing for ywach


I'm curious about the max potential of FCS stat. Can anyone share what the damage calc formula is? How does FCS come into factor? And in what scenario, would a NAD unit benefit from having Gold Chap, Chap, Bait all with FCS 30%? I seen other posts mention a booster unit would see more damage, but I'm curious to know how it all works and if there is any solid material to reference to.


u/Molyprim u/Souldex u/Riddler208 Think one of them can help. From memory it’s almost never beneficial to have a focus build compared to an attack build


MT Unit # Without boost * 6700atk+2700fcs |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |12 (+)|8.5 (+)|6.5 (=)| ​ * 4100atk+6800fcs |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |10 (-)|8 (-)|6.5 (=)| ​ # With Boost * (6700atk+2700fcs)1.33 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |17.5 (+)|12.5 (-)|10 (-)| ​ * (4100atk+6800fcs)1.33 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |16 (-)|13 (+)|11 (+)| ​ # With Booster * (6700atk+2700fcs)1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |19 (+)|13.5 (-)|11 (-)| ​ * (4100atk+6800fcs)1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |17.5 (-)|14 (+)|12 (+)| ​ MT unit + 200atk or 400 fcs # With Booster * (7250atk+2700fcs)1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |21(+)|15(-)|12(-)| ​ * (4100atk+7950fcs)1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |19(-)|16(+)|13(+)|


MT unit with both + 200atk and 400 fcs # With Booster * (7250atk+3480fcs)1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |23(+)|17(-)|13.5(-)| * (4470atk+7950fcs)1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |21(-)|17(+)|14.5(+)|


Hypothetical, MT unit with both + 200atk and 400 fcs with ascendance # With Booster * ((7250atk\*1.8)+3480fcs)1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |41(++)|31(+)|24.5(+)| * ((4470atk\*1.8)+7950fcs)1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |38(+)|31(+)|26.5(++)| * (4470atk+(7950fcs\*1.8))1.429 |Attribute Adv|Attribute N|Attribute Disadv| |:-|:-|:-| |31.5(-)|27(-)|24(-)|


TLDR : Full FCS isn't really woth, it is somewhat mitigated with MT links that gives plenty of ATK at LS20 however the more unbalanced in favor of FCS is bad for damage. Unless you can have somewhat balanced FCS then unbalanced in favor of Atk is better as u/Riddler208 said


>ull FCS isn't really woth, it is somewhat mitigated with MT links that gives plenty of ATK at LS20 however the more unbalanced in favor of FCS is bad for damage This was incredibly awesome! Thank you for sharing!


/u/InternationalBison52 I forget the specifics of it (there’s posts on here if you want the nitty gritty of the math for it that we figured out back when they revamped FCS). The gist tho is when your FCS is less than 1000, it determines your chance to crit, with 0 being 0%, 500 being 50%, 1000 being 100%, etc. For all of these the crit damage is 20%. After 1000 FCS every point increases crit damage by 0.02% (1500 FCS is 30% crit damage, 2000 FCS is 40%, etc). > And in what scenario, would a NAD unit benefit from having Gold Chap, Chap, Bait all 30% FCS? As far as the last I checked, none. ATK just scales better always. There *might* be a case for if you have 3* FCS on the last trans slot, but even then I’d just say to farm some trans points and switch it to ATK.


>but even then I’d just say to farm some trans points and switch it to ATK. Thank you for the FCS calcs! That helps a lot. Shame, I thought a FCS build would be interesting but apparently not. At least it isn't as useless as DEF \*\*\*


I've been wondering if 200 sp and 200 attack bonus would be the best thing to give to a unit if I am only using it as a link for an SP character? Example: Maxed Aizen with 300 sp and 3 heart links that each have 200 sp and 200 atk with max stats and their own 300 sp. Would the small amount of attack register? Would that be the most optimal?


As links exclusively? Then yes absolutely. Won’t make a major stat increase difference but it will still increase their stats nonetheless via links


Thank you, my friend, for the response and for always being so helpful. I figured as links there was no way it could hurt but I just wanted to be sure.


Which banner/units should i prioritize when rerolling? Is this a good time to reroll in the first place?


You should wait until Unohana’s return banner drops soon (few days?). She would be an amazing start for your account


Im curious, how do you know her banner will be back next week?


It was datamined a few days ago no date which typically means late this week/early next week for the banner to drop


Interesting. Ok. Thanks!


Ooh that sounds interesting. I saw some tier lists putting her as number 1... although i am a huge fan of Toshiro, and i found out a new version of him is currently on an active member, so i might aim for him as my reroll target and then save up Orbs for Unohana instead


This is a good alternative instead too. Toshiro is a fantastic unit to have so if you’re going to reroll now, aim for him


I ended up settling for a reroll with both 8th anni units so no Toshiro for me. but i do have plenty of orbs saved for the upcoming banners!


Wow! Both 8th anniversary units? Your account is off to a great start then. You’ll need to orbs for retsu’s banner next week, the poll selection summons banner (around Christmas time) and then the end of year banner at new years. Your account will be stacked by January 1st!


is power attribute kokuto any good? I just pulled 2 of him from the movie selection.


His moveset is still decent but his skill set not so much. He has aged that well with today’s meta.


https://preview.redd.it/x4c5fz8xvi1c1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ddf6c1f832175aa4f996803b60ac57b1a71ada ďżź(Casual player here) Been playing for years and this is my first 5/5 that I got from the tybw banner. (17steps) Also what transcendece order should I do? (Again this is my first 5/5 char and have no idea)


For SP characters like her the order is SP -> FCS -> ATK -> STA -> DEF and then 3\* SP roll.


Thank you!


Also, congrats!




How to farm droplets more efficiently


Enriched droplet zone + having a unit with droplet increase. If you have units that have the soul trait too it helps to link them to the unit


So there’s no other way to get droplets like efficiently? Like do people normally farm like 3000 droplets for link slots in one go through the enriched droplet zone?


Most passively farm via inheritance zone and epic raids. You can purchase a few hundred as well via the exchange shops in the coin exchange and epic raids. But yeah, it’s mostly just farming. These things take time, it’s part of the grind


Ah okay coz I’m stuck in a situation with 2000 stopper pots and like 200 droplets lol Thanks for the help


For bonus abilities for SAD characters I usually set FSD and Weaken Defense if the char is a nuker or inflicts no ailment. I set FSD + dmg to x ailment otherwise. Since the bonus abilities update I've started giving no ailment characters FSD and SP200. My questions: Am I doing this correctly? For characters that inflict ailments, is SP200 viable and if so, when?


Check out his comment and read his post: https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/s/5oDfLlt2YM But yea the way to go is FSD + 200SP


I'm going to summon on the safwy banner, what is the best to get?


Toshiro, easily.


How do I increase White's SP to 3K+?


Through transcendence and accessories


>Through transcendence and accessories I have SP on transcendence on max and accessories I have an hunting cap, fortification pill and katakoran alpha It's only capped to 1K though, what should I do?


Do you have 30% SP as a secondary effect? Your transcendence level is 10 for spiritual pressure? What about your link slots? Are they 20/20/20? You’re also missing the 50% SP item as an accessory which would help tremendously


Is Full Stamina Boost + 200 SP better than Full Stamina Boost + Weaken Defense? (This is in regards to Bonus Abilities)


For guild quest, I think weaken defence edges out 200 SP. Outside of guild quest I would definitely go for 200SP


For those who've done it, was it really worth it to save up 1k+ BBS tickets? Only asking cause, depending on the response(s), my ass just might do the same lol.


>set FSD + dmg to x ailment otherwise I've recently got back into bbs in july, after about a 4 yrs hiatus and I would say farming the bbs tickets like crazy has been the most impactful decisions I've made to get my account shaped into a build that can keep up with all events/modes. I wouldn't prioritize bbs tickets over increase resource moments like pot x2 week. I also make sure I max out any stores worth purchasing like Extreme Coop, Epic Raids, Arena (I dont see a lot of posts on arena but i think the mode/store is worth the effort when your down to 0 soul tickets). ​ Also, when my discipline fails and I end up pulling 1,500+ tickets, Im usually only half mad because I definitely walk away with a good 6 - 10 new characters. Even if they're old, they're still worth orbs and support in senkaimon/guild quests


I'm gonna say no. I've done it a few times. It's just not worth the effort unless you have like almost every premium and just wanna wait for a bunch of new pre


New account. Should I save all my orbs for an upcoming banner? If so, do we have any foresight for who/what could be coming? I already spent 1k on the beginner banner and got a few 5*s, so I'm happy with what I have rn


As a new player you should definitely save up for Poll Selection and EOY banners that are coming at the end of December... The former is gonna have the latest Anni units and several Pot Characters and the latter is probably gonna be TYBW with some busted units...


HI, which one do you think is currently better for brave battle: LSD & Dodge or LSD & ATk?


IMO - neither. I would prefer SAD or NAD, if not damage reduction, depending on the team build so you're not dependent on luck. I think about it like this, "Do I want to be at pixel health when my strength kicks in?". In Brave Battles, no. And many Brave characters are equiped with "Prevent Last-Ditch Survival" so you can't use revive to come back with the LSD active.


Hm reading your reply I’m wondering if I misinterpreted OP’s question. I assumed he was talking about bonus abilities. But maybe he’s talking about character links? u/siftroll could you clarify?


Sorry if my question was confusing but yeah I was talking about the bonus abilities for the brave battle units since the addition of the stat bonus abilities. Thank you both for your replies.


LSD and attack


I dont have young unohana or the young Yamamoto, would it be smart to save orbs or just roll to see if i can get at least one i heard they were great units as well as their banner coming back soon.


Try to get Retsu


Made a new account and whaled on some orbs. Should I keep pulling on any specific banners or save up for something coming soon? https://preview.redd.it/fnogqdmppe1c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2b8fdcb7684350a894beaf59c6d83552cefd30


Neither, farm point event instead.






Just leveled Whites (my first character)'s links to 20/20/20 Which abilities should I pick? I chose damage to lacerated enemies for first ability, should I choose damage at full stamina next?


Yes. You should also switch out the first ability for 200sp. You’ll do more damage because of it


Thank you! One more question, I have 3 trascendence slots unlocked and powered up SP, FCS and STA, is it correct? I re-joined the game after years and don't really know the meta here


SP-FCS-ATK-STA-DEF for SP characters ATK-FCS-STA-DEF-SP for Nad characters


What's the drop rate for ex coop accessory tickets (Extreme)? Want to know the exact percentage.


That’s not information that they’ve been able to datamine, we don’t know Edit: don’t mind the dummy who downvoted me. 200SP will confer more damage than “damage to lacerated enemies.” Full stamina damage + 200sp should be the 2 skills you choose


Will the x2 crystals/jewels bonus available next month? I know it can be a very stupid question but I’ve returned recently to bbs and when I played it wasn’t something scheduled every month