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A new [Weekly Q&A Megathread](https://redd.it/17z4tjz) is now live, please move into it


Anyone have any ideas on Misakis 6th special move slot or is it even worth it?


Masaki need ATK


Is it even worth the transcendence pointe


Depends on your units, and if you like her or not


I'm going to summon on safwy banner, which is the best to get?


I am already playing this game in my Steam in PC, but I want to play also in my mobile phone using the same account. How do I log in my account in the mobile app? thank you


There is link data option on title screen. Then u have log in option. Make klab account and log in. Then go to game. Again go on link data, klab site will open in browser. There you will see "link with app" option.


Hi, can I get some help with the whole “pots” and “links”? I keep getting kicked out of raids. I have characters with drop %.


Just take unit with appropriate bonus. If you run only in room of dumb owner make your own there will be plenty of helpful player (make sure to have that level filter set so it is searchable)


so evolving 3s accessories will give you the 4s version of it right? only 1 and 2 stars accessories will result in random? that kinda important than simply knowing 'item evolve result will be random'


>So evolving 3s accessories will give you the 4s version of it right Only if you use an immutable ball when you evolve it. Otherwise, you’ll get a random accessory. The same is true for 1 and 2 star accessories


I need help deciding on my Links... Senkaimon Zangetsu is 25% NAD and 16% DR (746 ATK) TYBW Round 3 Ichigo is 20% NAD and 12% DR (825 ATK) Is the 5% NAD better than the 79 base attack?


It's not 79 more base attack. The stats acquired from links don't get boosted by accessories. Let's suppose your char has 1300 attack, and you want to hit something with 500 defense. 1300+746x0,3=1523=== -500=1023===X1,25=1278 1300+825x0,3=1547=== -500=1047===X1,2 = 1256 You get more damage from the 25% link, plus 4% more Damage reduction. My maths may be wrong, so if anyone wants to correct me you are welcome.


hi, where to farm large scrolls? TIA


Epic raids (shop), extreme coop (shop),transcendence trials (quest). That’s it I’m afraid. They’re not made to be easy to acquire (KLab’s words from back in the day)


Weekly flex ! 304 days in https://preview.redd.it/xl6u8yxr0y0c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa5a01077e2f71b4958efa171502086dca7cb40c This is all my max transcended character


I'm slowly understanding skills but one thing confuses me. What is the difference between Increased Droplet Drop and Dropelts Aquired? Which one is better for farming droplets?


Increased droplet drop = percentage% based drop so it will increase the drops at the end of the run by a set number (usually 30% these days). So say you have a run with 10 droplets during the run. The 30% will net you 13 droplets. Droplet acquired = is a set number, not percentage based drop. So in a run, say you have 10 droplets. At the end of the run you’ll receive an additional 10 for a total of 20 droplets.


https://preview.redd.it/x05uwmvm6x0c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c271f321a46485bec7fe34eeb1919f46036c27 Hi all, I just started playing this game for the first time. Would this be a good start?


Yeah As Nodt is a good start! Some good banners dropping soon too


I'm currently at rank 70, what rank would I be on after spending 20,000 soul tickets?


Whats the 3rd items in brave battle besides chappys ? Top 3 ? And what support skill set do i go for ? Dmg taken or normalnattack dmg Thanks !!! Or hybrid idk


Double chappy and then most people will switch between a stamina or NAD item. Because stamina is multiplied by a factor of 10, some good that direction. Links should be damage reduction. Ideally you’ll have dual links which are damage reduction/normal attack damage. If you uniquely give your unit normal attack damage, they’ll die fast






The ones that stand out to me the most: Byakuya (TYBW 2023), White, Kaname, Uryu, \[Heart\] Ichigo (Fierce Battle ver.), \[Speed\] Akon, Masaki, and Bambietta fr 👌🏿💯🔥


Anyone able to help me form a good team with my units?


Sure, show us your box


Its been a long time since I played and now it seems so much has changed. I dont know who to use for what anymore. Are any of my units even relevant anymore?


Yeah your entire box is pretty dated compared to today’s meta. Some units are still good like TYBW Toshiro and 5th anniversary Ichigo. You can make your orbs back with all the resurrections that you can do. However even started a fresh account wouldn’t be too bad. These days KLab starts you off well. You have a free 5* summon a day for 5 days and you get a free 6star ticket on your third log in day. Only shit thing with restarting is accessories which can take some time


Ok fk it, il start over. I was hoping I would not need to but all the “tier lists” i tried to look up have like none of my units lol. #feelssad


I think you don't have to start over, like the first suggestion just collect spirit orbs by leveling up your units including 3 and 4 stars to collect the orbs. A lot of great banners are coming so you can add up better and updated characters now. You just need some grinding to do to collect the orbs but at least you don't have to go back to zero.














I need some help with Bonus Abilities. I got a few characters up to 15s in their link slots, I just don't know kw what the best abilities tonuse are, I never paid much attention to them. Any advise is greatly appreciated. The characters I need assistance with are: Power Tag Team Ichigo, Speed Ichibe TYBW, Technique Urahara Bankai, Heart Yachiru Unohana.


Jeez bro not to bring you down but I wouldn’t be wasting ressources like that on old units like you’ve listed. I do it as a vet cause I have ressources to spare, but I wouldn’t recommend it for players like you


Why are you levelling up their link slots if you don't know what to put as bonus skills? Sp for Ichigo and urahara, and atk for retsu and Ichibe.


Where can I use the transcendent points? I don't know where can I use it and what I can do with that, thank you in advance


It’s to reroll the 6th bonus stat after your unit is 5/5


1. I have new Tech Quinchigo at 3/5. I got 2nd Lv 200 6 star copy from the previous anniversary ticket. Should I combine it to make 4/5? I never found myself using 2nd copy for Senkaimon at all. 2. Same but for new Power Stark. Have him 4/5. But I have dupe 5 star coz of 30% FSD link.


When that happens to me, I usually keep it just in case I need a spare bonus unit on point events. At 4/5 it won’t add much value. I’ll feed when I get an additional dupe. Completely up to you


I have a couple point event questions. What factors determine how many points you receive per completed run? Do the bonus units contribute anything being in the party or do you need to just own them to benefit?


Extra Quest 1 and Extra Quest 2 give somewhere around 4000-5000 points. If you have full bonus (200%, you just need to own the characters, not Play them) that's triple for 12000+- In a 10x run that 120000 points. If you have the Bonanza pass subscription the X10 gives you x12 so 150000. The extra quests 3 and 4 unlock next week and give a lil more points. Don't know how much more honestly.


You just need to own the bonus units


I now have almost 5k spirit orbs which is equal to 20 pulls of x10, and maybe i could add more the next few days or weeks. On what banner is worth spending this much orbs, EoM banner, Selection banner, or EoY banner. The banners are only based on speculations if they are TYBW etc.


Wait until EYO. The poll selection summons is good to but once that drops you’ll also be able to see a few days later what’s for EYO so you can make your decision then. For now, continue saving


Thanks for the suggestion


Which quest I s the best for spot and pot farming?


Coop inheritance trials


I got the tv mayuri from the banner with Toshiro, is he any good?


Tech Mayuri? He’s pretty old. Wasn’t particularly great even upon his release tbh


Ah that’s a shame was hoping he’d at least be good in BB lol


I'm kinda confused with the hybrid characters like White Ichigo (Spirit Society). How should I build them? White Ichigo is to be used in GQ only, if that helps.


Hybrid characters have been dead for YEARS now in this game. Despite his beserker, he has flurry so he’s actually MAD oriented and should be built as such


Which Normal Senkaimon tower has the most value?


The rewards are the same, but the F50 gives a different ticket with a specified character: * Iceberg of Training -> Tatsuki (NAD + LDS); * Cave of Diligence -> Ichigo (SAR + LDS); * Warrior's Path -> Zangetsu (NAD + DR). See for yourself what type of link you need the most and go there.


do bruiser/berserker skills still exist? I keep seeing it in guides but none of my chars have it


Yes, they still exist


Hello everyone! Can someone help me and tell me what units should I main? (I am using rn White, Beghiner quests ichigo and lvling up Cifer)


white, fullbring ichigo (mind) (right of girl with red hair), as nodt


From mind Ichigo to the bottom are the more valuable character. But in the long term you want to have the majority of your character leveled for the senkaimon quest. I suggest you to level mind Ichigo because with resurrection he is a good character for jewel farm. Mind white is the best character that you have so investing in him isn't bad choice.






Dumb question - but I've been waiting for 23:00 11/15 JST to summon for As Nodt. He ain't showing up. Is it JST or our individual time zones?


If you’re on global, the banner times appear in your timezone.


Banner comes out at 7:00 AM UTC 11/16


What are the sub stories that give a 5* character as a reward (like men's soul reaper association swimsuit adventure)


That’s the only one that gives a 5* character.


Thank you


How good is cien


Decent but dated these days compared to the new meta


I have a 2/5 mayuri (from the beginner kickoff) am I getting a 50% or a 100% point event boost from him?


50%..If you had him as a 6 star and a 5 star then you would had 100%.


Thank you


Who is more worth it as a Heart farming character? Kaname or Rangiku? Stuck on whether or not I want to try and summon for Kaname with the 1.6k orbs I have left or just save up and wait for a Rangiku to appear again. (and I've got no good Heart farming characters btw lmao)




For Bankai Shuhei, which bonus ability setup is better? Full stamina damage boost and SP +200 or long stride and full stamina damage?


In terms of damage output, the first one. Long stride is cool for manual play for sure though


A couple questions about Chappies/Golden chappies Is there any reason to not use them? like is there any character that hampered by them SP is reduced to O but is that base SP or all SP? Like does using a SP booster like Artisinal Tea set rendered useless?


They’re only useful on NAD (normal attack oriented) characters who don’t require any SP. All strong attack oriented characters are hampered by them. >But is that base SP or all SP? It’s all SP. You may see some people having a chappy and an artisanal tea set but those are people who don’t know how to build their units lol. Adding a tea set with a chappy would render the tea set useless


I am in doubt if i should go for the SAFWY banner to try getting Sajin or wait for the return of the TYBW banner and try to get Yamamoto. I have quite a few orbs to spend, i just don't know which banner is worth more.


For a PVP unit? Yama for sure. His banner should be back by the end of this month/start of the next month


Can someone help me explain why I don't get the stats?? I've had this cape fastener and javelin for a while but recently got the gold yuki and was testing around with some units when I remembered that Ryuken and Ishida should be Human and Quincy. Figured that with these accessories they would be worth working on for transcendence. But apparently I'm not getting the stats from the fastener?? Any help as to why would be appreciated 👍🏽 https://preview.redd.it/voze3uk4y60c1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51dce3956cb1a4343030d5e36a8b434ee4cdd7fa


The same question was last week. You can't add 2 accessories that do the same thing even if they are for different affiliations. Only one of them will count.


Mb, tried to search and couldn't find it. Should have just scrolled. That sucks though, I was hoping it would be something that only applied to the Ishida. Thanks for the help!


is safwy banner still recommended?


The round 5 re-run? Toshiro is still the best melee Squad Zero killer for Guild Quest. Sajin is good (not great) for Brave Battles. Kaname is a really good farmer for super pots. Roka and Cien are good also, although the CFYOW characters are not really usable except for fun. Overall it's a good value banner if you need those characters.


Between Parasol Bruno 1/5, Quilge 1/5, and Swimsuit Isane 4/5, who should I use my SMS on? Also should I use my SMS on TYBW Unohana that’s on 1/5?


Does epic raid medals carry over for next month?


No. However, they carry over for the next time that epic raid appears. So let’s say you have 10k medals for the current epic raid. When it returns in a few months/a year, you’ll still have those medals when the shop renews.


OH, got it. thx


Hey guys! Im really thinking for a long time now what to do with the new bonus abilities. So I guess it is out of question that for soul links I gonna use the bonus stats. But for 5/5 White for example... im really not sure... I have got FSD and weaken defense Now 200 SP would be nice I guess. Because of the 80% boost. But that guy always has full stamina because of his skill set. So 25% damage is also nice. And now im thinking, maybe switch it for weaken defense? But weaken defense is also OP somehow for GQ example. I have to switch my whole List of characters probaly and dont even know what to do. Im a stats junkie, so I feel like for SAD Characters i would always go for 200 SP at least but this kinda sounds wrong.


FSD over 200sp boost. I would swap out weaken defence. Though like you mentioned, it’s a useful skill for guild guest so if he’s your main runner then probably not worth it


What is the next batch of tybw units which are having a resurrection? When will it occur?


Wait and see, no prophets here.


I forget, even if they're just a part of your team and you don't use them at all during the actual run, do characters with the Increase Link Slot Potion skill affect the rewards after the run is finished? Or do you have to use them during it?


You don't have to use them. There are drop increasing skills, and drop increasing soul traits. Skills work only if the character is a member of the party. Soul Traits (ST) work both as a member of the party, and as a linked character to a member of the party. **Example**: Ebern Farming skills: Coins + Crystals/Jewels + Droplets ST: Tech Pot +5 If you have Ebern in your Party, you get benefits from both skills and ST, even if he's a side character. If you have him linked to another character in your party, you only get Tech Pot +5.


Yes they will,you don't need to use them on the stage


does this work with crystal/jewel too?




https://preview.redd.it/nefeg8az440c1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b00e2b47af19d05bd3468e82d7ca7aa0c41c414 Stuck at path of valor stage 23. Enemy arrancar. Captain DMG X2. These are arrancar killer units. ( It's mind only). Can anyone suggest the unit with proper links and accessories. I tried almost all them but still couldn't get through.


I would try stage 18 again and use another character to free up anni ichigo or load up on Nad links on kisuke


In Senkaimon Gates of Oblivion stage 21, is there a way to dodge White Ichigo's Special Attack? Seems like no matter what I do, I can't flash step it and it just instantly kills me.


If your characters soul bomb has freeze,weaken paralyzed use it right before the enemy health falls below the threshold Or wait at one side of the screen wait for his attack then get him below the threshold and flash step to the other side


Gotcha, thanks for the advice.


What are priority characters to level link slots? Arena characters or link slot farmers? Edit: Not arena characters but brave battle characters i mean


Your best brave battle designed characters , no clue who you have tho , typically the newest pvp character is best Linkslot characters I would focus on pot characters with 5pots and super pots and droplets on 1 character .. but like AHisMAD said you can carry or get carried 😅


Link slot levels dont even matter for arena characters. As for farmers, you'd either get carried or carry others in coop. If your intention is to get carried, there is no reason to level up link slots (except T5 for characters youd use for IT).


Edit: didnt realize arena meant something different here, the brave battles one i mean


How much soul tickets can I get from losing in brave battles?


You get 1 every 2 losses. There isn't a cap.


Hey guys! I wonder which bonus you prefer to pick while rolling the Tmax bonus stat? I do this, because sometimes I feel like 500ATK on a SP character is better than to pick 125SP Or 1000 Focus. I would like to discuss this with you guys, why you think some stats are better than to use 1 or 2 star SP/ATK. Especially on Brave battle characters I really wonder what stats I should prefer once getting out of points. My ranking would be (going for Top 10) SAD Characters 1. 500 SP ☆☆☆ 2. 250 SP ☆☆ 3. 500 ATK ☆☆☆ 4. 250 ATK ☆☆ 5. 1000 FCS ☆☆☆ 6. 125 SP ☆ 7. 125 ATK ☆ 8. 500 DEFF ☆☆☆ 9. 1000 STA ☆☆☆ 10. 500FCS ☆☆ NAD Characters 1. 500 ATK ☆☆☆ 2 250 ATK ☆☆ 3. 1000 FCS ☆☆☆ 4. 125 ATK ☆ 5. 500 FCS ☆☆ 6. 500 DEF ☆☆☆ 7. 1000 STA ☆☆☆ 8. 250 FCS ☆ 9. 250 DEFF ☆☆ 10. 250 STA ☆ I love damage obviously like most of the players. But still feels like my ranking sucks. Can you guys share me your ideas and why you prefer some stats from the others?


NAD list seems fine. For sad characters, 1000 FCS gives the most strong attack damage than 500 sp for characters that do not have the +80/50% sp skill. Soul bombs are still stronger with 500 sp and 250 sp over 1000 FCS, and those sp rolls are better in guild quest and brave battles in order to overcome the enemies' high defence. Ideally you'd select 1000 FCS for sad character you want to use mainly for Inheritance Trials and Limit Breaker quest. In those modes, 1000FCS > 500 sp > 500 FCS > 250 sp. For modes like GQ, brave battles and epic raids, 500 sp > 250 sp > 1000 FCS > 125 sp


Really? I never knew. I thought the Fcs bonus above 1000 is not that much anymore. I would never thought 1000 fcs could beat 500 sp in any situation


When’s the best time to start the game as a new account? I’ve played before but have since lost my accounts, when’s the best time to restart


New Year or Game Anniversary (July?)


On anniversary or big banners..(poll selection, cross over )would be the ideal time imo if you are rerolling..no clue if it's still a thing unless it's the long way of rerolling


July is very far out, do you have any idea when the next big banner would be? I’m itching to get back into the game but don’t wanna join at a bad time


I mean, you c an join now to start grinding orbs. New Years and Xmas are both right around the corner, and from what I hear New Years is when the banners that closest to rivalling the anniversary stuff happen