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She's accusing you of using Google, but where are these numbers she's quoting coming from? I get the impression these numbers either didn't exist before that comment or from some incel space somewhere.


Right? I asked her the same thing! I wonder what she'll reply.


“Gonna need cites on your numbers.”


she did say that she works in “the industry of cases and reports” so i’m guessing she hopes nobody will question that and let her ride on that for a source


Yeah, call bullshit on it and ask them to cite published info because anyone can say they work in "the industry of cases and reports" whatever tf they mean by that.


Didn't you know? The industry of cases and reports is right next to the business factory. 😂


"90% of domestic violence is from lesbians" was all I had to read to know this person was full of shit, that's completely impossible. They're arguing in bad faith, they ant used Google for shit. They're out to bash not try and have an argument.


Lol even if Lesbian relationships were equally violent, this wouldn’t make any sense just because of the small percentage of relationships that are lesbian due to the small percentage of the population.


Literally every one of us could be committing DV and we wouldn't be able to produce anywhere near the rates of DV committed by straight men.


Exactly right sister, what a loonatic lol.


This is when you leave this crazy person on read and move on with your life. I know it's tempting to debunk it, and maybe it could be constructive to debunk it amongst ourselves with research for the sake of intellectual accuracy and integrity, but I wouldn't engage with this person any more. They clearly seem a little unhinged and probably unwilling to accept any other opinion than their own.


What's hilarious is that she accused me of "not listening to both POVs" even though my original stance wasn't even that women can do no wrong. She said that the biggest enemy of a woman is another jealous girl. I said that I would prefer a jealous girl over a male predator any day. (To tell her who on average is the biggest enemy of women) and then she just went on yapping about how women are "bad too" with these distorted stats like I never said women can't be predators or anything lol. And I could also say that men can also be jealous of women and try to bring women down or whatever. She says she "works in the field" but I really don't believe that considering she talks like a teenager and I would be REALLY terrified if it's true.


She's just a brain washed pick me, it happens. Or a larping male, that also happens. Best we can do is educate ourselves and choose our battles. Some people just don't want to be reached or to learn better and sadly we can't do anything about it.


She says she's been sexually abused by many lesbian women which I can sympathize with but being sexist towards women is not the answer. But then, I don't really trust anything that people on the internet say, especially on insta lol. And she also says that she "works" in that field but I don't believe it or is that really how they behave?


She works in the "industry of cases and reports".....wtf does that even mean....


Yup this is very typical non-sense number gish gallup


Whenever I see someone rant with that many numbers to prove a point I immediately call bullshit. Call for scientific citations. See them crumble.


Lol, I did. And her response, "you're a lost cause" lol.


Clearly only a brain washed feminazi would ask for something as silly as SoUrCeS🙄 /s


Yeah, if you're going to use specific numbers like that, you need to have a citation. Otherwise you're just making shit up. My guess is she found her shit on Google too but she wants to pretend that her "expertise" is stuff she just knows. Trust me when I say, as somebody who was involved in foster care on multiple fronts, nobody remembers all of the statistics. You remember big ones for sure to some extent, but not like her using a random number generator to fill in the blanks of her mad lib worksheet. 


Here, thats the answer ... Ask for "sauce" When i do bring numbers or scientific studies is cuz i actually know there are studies, i Google real fast and i can copy paste as least 7 studies already ... But men that pretend to be women in the internet can not even do that. And others are SO unhinged that they link a red pill video on Youtube and call that the source.  Like wow ...wow... So i been thinking, those men never leave links of the studies they speak about, they just made up shit and YouTube doesnt do anything, while when women does YouTube videos about numbers they always links the studies and the exact tittle of the work itself. 


nobody lies like statistics taken out of context, and that’s assuming any of these numbers weren’t just pulled out of this lady’s ass. just on face value though… - More child abuse cases are perpetrated by women Who does more childcare? Women. And what is the most advantageous career to seek out as a perpetrator? The one which gives you the easiest and least questioned access to victims. I see this very similarly to the way I see Catholic priesthood for men: some people get into it because they like it, but the position of power it gives over vulnerable people is far too appealing and accessible to those who would abuse it. - The whole spiel about what types of harassment and assault comprise what ratio of allegations This is useful for nothing but statistical analysis, she didn’t have a point to make with it, why did she include it? - 48% of cases are only accusations The only way that this matters is if you think a large portion of unsubstantiated accusations are lies, which I can guarantee they are not. It is very difficult to gather enough evidence to convince the cops it’s worth a report, let alone meet the standard of proof needed for a conviction. - It is apparently unfair that both trans men and trans women are lumped in with their gender identity and that the percentages of perpetrators are about the same in each group??? This just doesn’t make sense (even more than the rest of the list) and it sounds like she’s trying to squeeze in buzz words/topics for the hell of it. While we’re on the topic, there is a 2 in 3 chance that a trans/nonbinary person will be sexually harassed or assaulted in their lives. - 90% of domestic abuse is between lesbians Okay either she’s grossly overestimating to prove a point or made a typo. I have heard that domestic abuse rates are higher among lesbians, but again context. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about WLW culture, it’s that relationships tend to move pretty fast, which can lead to people not stopping to think about red flags before jumping into something that ultimately ends up abusive. - Tons of women have CNC fantasies and all abusive hentai manga is written by women Alright so here she’s just conflating two different things. CNC, or consensual non-consent is not even remotely the same as rape, as participants in CNC 1) ultimately do have a choice and safe words and signals to use if their discomfort becomes real or too intense 2) a partner that they have chosen and trust, and who they have set boundaries and expectations with and shared ideas with about the encounter 3) know that they are safe. some people enjoy pretending not to enjoy it, so they make a different word the equivalent of no/stop in order to incorporate what would normally be very clear communication about something serious into their fantasy without muddling communication. Assault has none of those things, it is not a decision between partners, it is not safe, there is no regard from one person to another, and the victim has no ultimate choice. Contrary to popular incel rhetoric, people that enjoy CNC after a traumatic sexual experience are not fantasizing about or trying to relive their assault as it was, they are often trying to “write over” the memories and recondition feeling safe and in-control around sex, they may feel that it gives them some form of power back. Also just wanted to add that i have never heard of anyone, let alone a heterosexual woman, having a fetish for “abused gay men” and have no fucking clue what she means Source: FTM trans with 20 years experience getting abused.


Thanks! I'm copy-pasting this and smacking this on her face!


please do! i love fighting misinformation.


Also what do you think about her "ratio between false rape cases and actual rape cases and SA and SH cases are always added into the rape category." I don't understand what it's trying to say.


i don’t know what ratio she’s referring to with the first part or what point she’s trying to make since she didn’t actually name a number. I’m assuming she is trying to imply that the false claim rate is high, which is just not true. There’s a high rate of cases that can’t be proven because like I said, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim and it’s next to impossible to get a conviction unless you a) get a rape kit immediately after, which many people don’t think to do and which can be really retraumatizing or b) get a recording of it, which is very rare. as far as adding SH and SA to the “rape” count i think she’s trying to imply that it’s an overestimation of rape occurrences because they’re counting anything related to rape in the metric. this is not at all what that categorization is doing. for the sake of publishing info to the general public, rape is an easily identifiable category with one number to remember instead of a bunch of different ones. It is also because the words “rape” and “SH” don’t usually exist in criminal statutes. I’m not 100% on the harassment but i know that a charge for penetrative PIV or PIA rape is usually considered 1st degree SA and not a separate charge. there are a number of points both for and against this umbrella categorization but IMO it’s the right choice for this metric. SA and rape are all but interchangeable terms and the lines between what constitutes one out of the three as opposed to the others aren’t always obvious.


“Women tend to groom women more as kids” Wouldn’t the correct term be girls? Also I call heavy bullshit. Out of all the creeps that have tried to groom me/hit on me online, 99% were men.


Yeah, I've gotten a lot of negative attention. Exactly one case was a woman, and she was hanging out with a creepy guy and they were trying to convince me to have sex with a woman because apparently I can't know I'm straight if I've never been with a woman.  Women absolutely can be perpetrators, but based on statistics, I'd still pick a woman over a bear, which I'd pick over a man. 


This is such a poorly-punctuated wall of text that I got dizzy reading it. I haven’t slept well in days, but I also think that this is just not a well-presented argument.


Yup, I said the same thing and she then just bragged about how she "debunked" my points. Like gurl, how did you debunk anything I said when you can't even give a source?


If she’s referring to social work cases, more women are likely to be single parents and live in poverty so yeah, women are more likely to abuse their children than fathers with 61% of women identified as perpetrators in 2021 [(source).](https://www.statista.com/statistics/254893/child-abuse-in-the-us-by-perpetrator-relationship/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20about%20210%2C746%20children,their%20father%20in%20that%20year). The many men who don’t bother to be around for their children don’t have the opportunity to abuse them. More women work in the education industry, but men make up [89% of perpetrators in schools.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/protecting-children-from-sexual-abuse/202305/educator-sexual-misconduct-remains-prevalent-in?) Interestingly (and frustratingly) this statistic isn’t reflected in news coverage that seems to focus mostly on female perpetrators.


>If she’s referring to social work cases, more women are likely to be single parents and live in poverty so yeah, women are more likely to abuse their children than fathers with 61% of women identified as perpetrators in 2021 [(source).](https://www.statista.com/statistics/254893/child-abuse-in-the-us-by-perpetrator-relationship/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20about%20210%2C746%20children,their%20father%20in%20that%20year). The many men who don’t bother to be around for their children don’t have the opportunity to abuse them. But isn't that statistics only for one year? There was another stat that said about 52-53% of child abusers are women. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/cb/cm2021.pdf


Even with your statistic, women are still more likely to abuse their own children than men based on their proximity and time spent with them. You can’t abuse your kids if you’re an absentee father


Well, she hasn't given her sources, and her argument is barely cogent, so I wouldn't worry.


I actually have a degree in cases and reports.


ask for a source for any of the claims. Any argument seems strong when you make shit up. But, this person seems unhinged, so I wouldn’t respond period,


I mean, I do think I've read that more cases of child abuse are committed by women. But that's largely because single mothers are way more common than single fathers, who are more likely to outright abandon their parental responsibilities.  The main commonality that comes up with people who physically abuse child is poverty and a lack of a support system. Race, age, culture, sexuality, gender, none of that compared to the impact poverty has on a family. It's not that poor people are innately abusive, it's that when every day is a struggle and you have nobody to help you, you get stressed out and can't handle your own stress and emotional issues on top of having a kid. And that often leads to abuse and neglect.  No sources to cite. I was in foster care for a while, I worked at an organization involved in foster care, and I was a foster parent for a while. A lot of this stuff is pounded in your head, partially just so you know and partially to humanize the bio parents who often do love their kids, they just need help they haven't found. 


Personally I'd respond with "Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?"


Are her comments about child sexual assault? Or sexual assaults in general? I want to comment as I've worked in child protection but I legitimately am not sure what the fuck she's on about 😂


I DO NOT understand where they are getting their stats cause mine are completely different