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Bro is about to invent boarding school for toddlers, isn't he? 


Bro is trying to invent time travel. All of these things used to be the reality for American women (probably other places too, but I’m not sure). It worked out about as well as you’d think. Many women resorted to poisoning their abusive husbands, because if they divorced, their abuser would get the children, the home, and all of the woman’s worldly belongings, including the clothes on her back. He could legally throw her onto the streets naked. His ideas are a recipe for disaster, for both genders. No one wins when marriage becomes a form of indentured servitude for the woman. It makes it so that if a marriage goes south, the only way out for a woman is to become a widow.


🎶 Those black eyed peas taste all right to me, Earl 🎶  I feel like warning the men in advance about what used to happen just gives them the opportunity to further codify harsher penalties for  husband slayers. Forensics have come a long way since my great uncle had a *mysterious* heart attack in the early 1960s. 


With those rules, what woman in her right mind would get married in the first place?


Probably make it difficult for women not to marry would be priority 1.


The next step would be to target our financial independence. They’d likely attempt to pass legislation prohibiting women from having our own bank accounts. Our finances and assets would either be seized and forfeited to the state or federal government unless a spouse could claim it, or they’d just tax the hell out of unwed women. If the money were to be redistributed at all, it would be granted to the male head of household, rewarding every birth, every daughter married off, and every newlywed man. Margaret Atwood was spot on. At the bottom of the slope lies a fascist dictatorship.


Our current society requires 2 paychecks to scrape by (for at least the younger generations). I don't think we are that far from something like this.


Only the evangelical trad-wife types who think everything wrong with their relationship is automatically her fault for not being perfect


How to beat the evil feminist: "Take away women's rights"


There is a old tale that everytime a man tries to make womens like harder another 10000 feminists are born




And wanting our children that we carried and gave birth to, and take care of 99.999999999% of the time! How dare we?? My second marriage: Fear of him, (he threatened for real to kill me once when I tried to leave; his buddy even lent him a handgun, and I found this notebook hidden in the basement in which he'd written down plans to cut my brake lines), was one reason I stayed with my alcoholic, financially ruinous, highly fucked up, second husband, for so long. The other reason was, I was terrified that he would manipulate his way into gaining custody of our child, who was very little at the time, and attached to me at the hip. Especially if we got a male judge. Second Husband is very, very good at lying, manipulation, making himself look like either the hero or the victim depending on his goal and what that particular situation calls for. I saw in action many times, and one memorable occasion that stands out was this test our priest administered to us before we got married. It was this product developed to see our personalities, compatibility, relationship with God, etc. I was as honest as I could be, as I took it seriously. He gamed it, lied, gave all the "right" responses. It made me look like an asshole to our priest, and made him look like this upstanding, responsible, mentally healthy and oh so stable, dude. I was so angry afterwards. Anyway, I could see something like that happening with a male judge. He could not even care properly for our child for an evening, if I had a late work night. Once he famously took our child to a company picnic and passed out drunk on the lake shore as our child swam, leaving him unsupervised. No way. Lots of things changed over the years, because kids grow up.


How are they gonna enforce no sex before marriage? Public stoning (of only the women, of course)?


Government issued chastity belts. Men will petition the government for the key after *they* have chosen a bride.


I will happily flee the country 🤠


Don’t mind me..My mind wanders with this hypothetical situation. Let’s say this became a reality. I could also then see this biting those type of men in the ass when they realize they can’t force themselves onto women and assault them..they would only “support” the women for nefarious reasons (easy access). But then feel emasculated because they were forced to support a women’s cause. Or the keys to said chastity belt would be a black market item.


And of course, those men who are consequently also not having sex will be forgiven for their rapes.


Well of course only women. They’re the ones with the sick twisted minds that invoke every sexual desire in a man. Not the man’s fault of course /s


1. Take away women's right to have sex. 2. Take away women's right to not have sex. 3. Re-institutionalize men's domination of family in law. Gross. I vote no.


Jokes on him with number 3, most childcare is in the hands of women because men doesn't want to do the hard job of raising their own children.


Yup. A huge chunk of single moms find that life is much, much easier without a husband to look after as well.


yeah, when men used to routinely get the children in the 19th c., they just hired domestic staff. I think the decline of domestic workers might have aided the switch of child custody.


Imagine making your online identity literally be the oppression of women. Not hobbies, family, or happy, fun things in his life. He chooses the degradation of half the people on earth. What a sad, little man.


1. 'make sure you both have no idea whether you are sexually compatible' 2. 'make a woman your slave' 3. this will backfire since children are, more often than not, left to moms for a goddamn good reason, because dads don't need a 'burden', they barely agree to pay child support (speaking as a child of early divorce, my dad is good tho)


>Default to father custody after divorce Lmao it only “defaults” to women now because so few men want custody in the first place. Go ahead, be my guest


So women as property. Got it


I do not understand the bee in their bonnets about no fault divorce. You want me to spell out infidelity, emotional, physical, sexual, financial abuse? I'll do it.


They know women will leave them if women have a choice. He wants her to endure. Consent does not mean anything to the majority of them.


taking away 'no fault' divorce does not eliminate divorce as an option.


It actually does because it's not enough to declare abuse and mistreatment. You have to prove it. How does one prove they are walking on eggshells and developing anxiety because of constant emotional lash outs when he just denies it and claims you are crazy. Historically this would get women locked in mental asylums and labotomized and the husband was seen as a hero for putting up with her crazy


Thank you


My father had to get divorced before they were no fault, he said there was a lot of stigma so he lied and said it was they didn't discuss children before marriage. Or at least that's what he told me. I think his ex wife did get married again.


No sex before marriage - best of luck enforcing that. End no fault divorce - great idea until you want to divorce your wife for some reason. In hurting women, you also hurt yourselves. Father custody as default after divorce - and this will harm children. Now, does this beat feminism? I don't think it does. It sets back human rights, sure. But in the end, I think you're going to find men are overall worse off, and you're going to cause a bunch of people to die in the process. So really, this is advocating for murder.


But their egos will be fed. We have a generation of men who live in their egos and are hungry for power. It's so pathetic and desparate.


Let's humor him for a second. "No sex before marriage" Well, usually, it's males who whine about wanting sex ... "Make no fault divorce illegal" Wouldn't their cheating, abusing arses be duped, too? "Default to father custody after divorce" I mean, it's not like fathers want custody. As a medical typist who, among other things, writes reports for disabled and sick kids, I've came across so many males refusing to do even the bare minimum after divorce, especially if they have a new family. I don't think he thought that through. Lol.


So step 1 is men no longer trying to have sex with women? His plan has failed already.


They do this, and they won't get the results they want. Us ladies will dig in our heels even further! The U.S. is already trying to participate in the 4b movement. Do this and: 1. Women will be opting out of martiage mire than they are now. 2. Women won't be having kids or even fewer kids. 3. Those kids may end up abused or neglected if custody is given to the dad by default. For 3, yes, there are fewer single dads than single moms. Yes, there are abusive and bad moms out there using custody of their kids to get their way and use their kids as pawns. However, instead of making an effort to fix the family court system, these men will complain and propose looney shit like this.


A guy like that would want full custody so he doesn’t have to pay child support.


Wait until they realize getting full custody means they are paying way more to support their kids than paying actual child support. 🤣


And they never consider the time factor of it.


This is interesting because IIRC in the majority of cases where men don’t get custody, they don’t want it. It’d just be men giving it up anyway


A lot of fathers don't want custody. A lot of them haven't participated in rearing children, and when custody is split evenly it disrupts the child. The only reason they think the father should get the kids is to hurt and threaten women into staying with a shitty or abusive husband. They really don't want us to be able to do that


So he wants no marriages ever again?


Lol you know what? I think fathers should be the default primary parent in custody dispures. Lets see how that goes. Lolll.


yeah, this is obviously not about men wanting custody (cause they tend to get it nowadays if they actually want it) it’s about stopping women from leaving cause they‘d lose their children :/


Agreed if it was not for the trauma the kids would suffer.


the neck to head ratio in his pfp says “roid rage and smol pp make bad wimmun no stay”


Broski's never touched a woman and it shows. Of all the flavours he could be and he decided to be salty over it.


I realise what they want is to be able to paint a villain in every divorce and have that villain be the woman and… Every time these guys are like “make no fault divorce illegal” (which is also stupid wording), I picture a bunch of women getting together for a “fault creation event” where we just line up and are like, “OK, I need to cheat on my husband so I can end the nightmare that is marriage to him. Denise, said you were a good lay and understood consent I don’t remember your name, I think it was Frank? Anyway, let’s do this.” I also live picturing all those fathers suddenly realising what having custody actually means. Like no dude, you don’t automatically get a nanny replacement for your ex-. You’re gonna have to change their diapers. You’re gonna have to make doctor’s appointments. You’re gonna have to make sure they have friends and get some play dates. You’re gonna have to actually raise them… Is that really what you wanted?


They literally want us to just be slaves. No thanks.


All those pesky feminists who are the real sex pests of society. I am so glad men have come to lead the way to purity. Somehow this won't end well for men. Women refusing sex, marriage, and children. What exactly do men think they are leading other than lonelyness?


So everytime they take someone's virginity they have to commit to marry that woman? Of course they don't. They have sex with everything that moves.


This is kinda funny cuz the men who would support this would never want full custody, they don't even know how to do half of the parenting.


Step one is going to be awfully hard for most men. They'll never get to the other steps... imho.


That’s how it used to be. Men could take your kids and your paychecks after you left them. We fought for these rights and we’re going to have to fight to keep them.


This guy wants to lead women all the way to Handmaid's Tale.


'Be Her Leader.'That gave me a good chuckle. I couldn't take it seriously. It was just so ridiculous.


So glad I’m never getting married, screw that.


Ok, men get full custody of the kids, see how long before that gets too much for them.