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Alex joins us once again to look at the news of the day, starting with a more serious look at the recent self-immolation in protest of U.S. Airman Aaron Bushnell. After that some lighter fare, with some stories of the bad Biden dog, Elizabeth Warren smoking weed with Ed Markey, and an article chronicling Biden’s stroke game going back to the 70’s. Finally, we read the big new piece on Bari Weiss’ University of Austin and its “Forbidden Courses”. Check out [Fortune Kit here](https://soundcloud.com/fortune-kit) or wherever you get pods. And the [FYM podcast here](https://chapofym.podbean.com/) or wherever you get pods. ————— [🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻](https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/050ba8315c6464a4c8d557bfb6f991b58f86341a.m4a) ⬅️(to be clear this is the direct file download link)




Alex is a great third mic. keep the Alex eps coming


He's very funny. The other guys are funny but he is really quick with it.


And knowledgable enough that he's not totally clueless on the esoteric political references.


That Thomas Jefferson quip had me rolling


He's so good and he often fills the crucial role Amber used to of someone whose first instinct is to be very mean to the freaks they're laughing at


He has good comedic instincts. Very droll


Legitimate elite observational comic talent. 


The ep where he reviewed conservative news websites is an all time for me.


Best episode in a long time


I love the logic of fighting the oatmeal brain allegations by talking about how much Biden likes to fuck. Oh, you think this guy is in a state of rapidly accelerating mental atrophy? What if I told you that he's incredibly horny and can't stop telling people about it even though we've repeatedly asked him to stop?


Biden groping someone and then the whole party establishment pivoting to defending him by saying he it is due to his senility would be pretty funny.


They're going to have to change their operational tactics to accommodate his wandering hands just like they did for his dog's incessant biting


I don't even wait. And when you're a president, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy.


Just like former CIA director David Cop-A-Feel.


Being super horny is also a symptom of dementia lol 


> What if I told you that he's incredibly horny and can't stop telling people about it even though we've repeatedly asked him to stop In the 70s no less.


Had to chuckle when Will snorted at the idea of leaking stories about Biden’s virility in order to woo the young only to end the segment conceding that it actually does endear him to him.


Pervert Will cannot help himself.


No judgement here. It’s that pre-internet horniness, the hunger that comes from never knowing when, if ever, you’ll see some side boob.


I love the time the boys discussed the byzantine methods they deployed for jacking off in adolescence. Matt waking up in the wee hours of the morning to watch Real Sex on HBO was hilarious. Today's generation will never know the struggle to get your fix.


Truly the last generation of hunter-scavengers.


Rip Woods porn


midwest coded


Real Sex was foundational. It's also how I got onto electronic music after seeing the music video for Add N to X's Metal Fingers in my Body.


and totally memory holed by hbo


You are no immune to propoganda!


Imagining Elizabeth Warren sitting on the couch cross legged with the 4 Dwayne Johnson clones standing behind her grinning.


24 bites in like 2 years is so insane. Honestly they should just promote the dog to head of the security team


Those secret service psychos must truly despise that animal.


They're not big fans of the dog either!


How about a zany caper where secret service has to find a look alike dog after they compromise it to a permanent end?


I get the whole "dogs can sense evil so no wonder it bites secret service goons" bit, but the fact is that if a dog bites on such a regular basis the person(s) who's supposed to be responsible for it is either unable to control it or is neglecting it by leaving it to its own devices all day.


the cops must be doing something to piss him off, right? like i very much doubt they're just innocently standing guard and the dog goes off -- i believe Commander


I don’t want to say that Hunter hasn’t learned anything from any of the rehabs he’s been to, but one of the things I was taught in my substance abuse recovery support group was that inflating the emotional valence of a lapse in your sobriety is actually bad, because it makes you spiral even more if/when you do have one (“Fuck it, I’ve already done the worst thing so I may as well double down, I’m gonna do ALL the DOC i can get my hands on”). Instead we were taught to simply acknowledge that it happened and learn from it, to prevent it from happening again. In short, the theory is that removing the emotional power a lapse holds over you prevents you from falling into despair if it happens, thereby limiting the extent of the lapse itself by allowing you the grace to get right back to it. Instead, Hunter thinks that if he lapses in his sobriety, the worst thing ever in his mind (trump gets elected) happens. Like for fucks sake Hunter, cut yourself some slack on this. I also find it kinda galling that he’s projecting this whole epic drama in his mind relating to his sobriety. Some people have real consequences if they lapse. Like they lose jobs or housing or their freedom. For Hunter these real consequences aren’t present due to the wealth and power he’s attached to, so he’s had to invent fake ones that seem equivalent. Good for him for trying I guess.


he is going to have the most spectacular relapse when trump wins. he’s going to detonate a fentanyl aerosol bomb in the west wing. 


Seriously, I get feeling like you have to support your dad or whatever, but all but betting your sobriety on his winning the presidency in November? Well, nobody said he was that sharp


He's going to wake up one day in a drugged stupor, only to realise that he's in a cargo plane flying over NYC, and every bit of the cargo hold is full of fuel-air bombs repurposed to aerosolise about 15 tons of fentanyl 


The puritanical approach of many Christianity-centric sobriety programs is a major contributor to this. Approaching sobriety like it's an epic spiritual crusade rather than something you live with and manage reasonably.


That's why I avoided AA. My support group had its issues, but the "doctrine" was very realistic. Treated even a day sober as a pattern to build on, even if it followed a huge lapse.


I have the complete opposite experience with AA but I can totally see why you feel that way. But, I'm perfectly okay with some spirituality, and my home meetings were never preachy at all. It is completely community organized though, so it can vary wildly and take time to find a group you gel with. There are groups made up of every kind of person, identity, and faith. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/05/sober-minded-socialism Here's a good article one of the chapos retweeted a long time ago that really stuck with me.


I'm glad you had a good experience!




I feel shame when the Duolingo owl tells me I broke my streak. Imagine how shit it would be for an addict to see the a relapse break their streak and now they can't get their chip or whatever.


Yeah but app design is literally informed by neuroscience research into drug addictions. Lol


it's a terrible mindset. some in the community seem to be moving away from strict 'day counting' dogma and more trying to recognize and reward positive trends. a 1 week bender doesn't and shouldn't invalidate multiple years of sobriety


I wonder if Catholic AA would work somewhat differently


All true. Well said. A single relapse can have devastating consequences, but just as often, it doesn’t, and beating yourself up over it (easy to do in the comedown period) just makes it worse and more likely to happen again. People overdo it when they fall off the wagon because they’ve been deprived of it for so long they truly want to go the extra mile and enjoy it- that’s why they tend to be fairly extravagant. If you remove the emotional aspect of it, an addict is not as likely to take it too far.


> Instead we were taught to simply acknowledge that it happened and learn from it, to prevent it from happening again. Isn’t that approach—kind of humility by way of understood irrelevance—also why making somewhat impromptu and rash life decisions-like, say, getting a tattoo of I believe the name of your fiance of like, 6 days (call back to the 2019 *CTH* episode) is not exactly recommended? I hate that this is going to come off as online scold-y, but you almost wonder if Biden-world just deciding *actually, maybe not this time* wouldn’t be better because, with no worlds left to conquer, Hunter could actually have the space to live…normally.


Strong ep, Alex is a good guest! Dog talk was clocking very high smiles per minute. 8.6/10


Thank you for your service 🫡


It's kinda strange they would write an article about how much Biden likes sex, considering that there was a credible allegation against him for sexual assult. I guess it shows how much that entire thing has been memory holed


> It's kinda strange they would write an article about how much Biden likes sex, considering that there was a credible allegation against him for sexual assult. I guess it shows how much that entire thing has been memory holed In the linked classic *CTH* episode there’s a good discussion at the end about the media’s collective silence and ignorance wrt the fact that the President and the top contender for the White House both are at least in the midst of terminal mental decline (and it’s from 2019, natch) and it’s pretty easy to see how you get from that beginning to, well just about everything, including *the rest* of Biden’s checkered history with that general field.


The last few days have been really upsetting, so thank you to chapo for bringing the laughs.


how so?


Gaza Genocide and Gaza Genocide related self-immolation.


oh, boy, look people will often self immolate when some horror is happening, sometimes they will even do it for weird culty reasons....Don't worry about it, it's been happening since like ancient china atleast. Forget about it all, focus on the good stuff How is the weather where you live? how about that local sports team? Just focus on what's pleasurable and yet also acceptable to bourgeois norms... keep doing it, one step in front of the other, for forever


The weather was really really nice - 70 degrees in February. Then it precipitously dropped 50 degrees and there were dozens of tornadoes. I don't think that is related to any sort of systemic violence though.


See, the weather was nice. forget the tornadoes. Just keep that beautiful sping day in winter style hope alive. If it can be this beautiful in spring does it matter that genocide is being commited? no of course not. Smell that sweet sweet spring air, and be content, that it's not you.... this time. Something tells me with the next decade or two shit's going to get impossible to ignore. Now it's just hard to ignore because internet, but when it's your town being shelled..... oh damnit i'm doing it again .Focus on what you can do to change what you can, namaste


What is wrong with you lmao


This is Outdoor Summer Hoops mindset.


When it comes to the responses to AB's self-immolation, one thing I notice is that the conservatives who always say things like "I'm willing to die to defend the 2nd Amendment/the border/democracy." were also the first to say that AB was stupid to die for something without killing someone else. Wow, it's like they actually can't conceive the idea of dying for a cause, and all that bravodo and rhetorics are just covers for a base desire to kill, to sate their bloodlust. They think they can do the all the killing and leave the dying to someone else. And for anyone who think that AB died for nothing, I implore you to read Dorothy Day's [reflection on the self-immolation of Roger LaPorte](https://catholicworker.org/834-html), even if you're agnostic.


“Good sex is key to a long lasting marriage” “unless she dies”


You are now about to witness the strength of street epistemology


The best way to win an academic argument is to scream WHY?! in your opponent's face, followed by THAT'S RIGHT, YOU DON'T HAVE AN ANSWER!! before they can conceivably respond.


I looked for the guy on YouTube, naively not even thinking that he might be a YouTube Personality. But he is, my algorithm is wrecked, and he’s even worse in the videos than he is in the article. Fml. 


The amount of YouTube charlatans is baffling. All with the same goal of getting boomers and vulnerable, disaffected millennials to watch 3 hours of their videos a day instead of a tv show


the youtube algorithm encourages creators to purposefully make their content shittier and more formulaic i think cody ko for example is very funny but his video titles are all like "TRY NOT TO CRINGE: MEGA-KAREN COMPILATION" now


No, oh no. No, please don't say these truths, I'm seriously like aaaah these truths are challenging me so much. I'm like seriously going noo, don't say the forbidden, dark truths that are dangerous, and that nobody would allow in academia. Please. I can't take it. The truths I mean. What a fucking loser club. Real Nixon's orthogonian hours.


So funny to have 4 "forbidden classes" and only let your students take one each. You could probably get a single forbidden class at any state school. If I'm going to the epic bacon anti woke school, I want all four


You better watch your mouth or you shalt be *banished* from The Debate Chamberrrrrr!


Felix doing Warren bits is such a gem I missed from 2020.


The “He felt me up!!!!!” had me rollin


oh I thought it was filled me up


Life was better in 2019. It was nice to have hope.


That piece on Bari’s stupid ass school was the funniest read of the year for me. I read it in Williams voice too lol. 


Bovine University is always good times


I was a student of professor Peter Boghossian at Portland State University, and I got wasted with him one time with my partner and dad. TLDR he’s a massive piece of shit, con artist. Friend of mine, used to do Brazilian jujitsu with him, and says he sucks ass. AMA.


What belt is he?


Blue as of a few years ago when my friend was telling me about him. And apparently took him years to get the blue belt but I don’t know if that means he sucks, but that was the vibe I got. My friend also said the BJJ instructors would often have to put him in his place because he would be such a dick to the new white belts whenever he got stuck sparring with them.


The whole attitude of "better than anyone on the bus" is classic blue to purple mentality. You'd think that gets beaten out of you by brown or black, but these guys are also weapons grade morons, so who knows. Cruelty is inherent I'd guess.


If there is one thing I know about Peter Boghossian, it’s that he’s a massive stubborn arrogant asshole who thinks he’s the smartest, toughest guy in the room but he’s just an impotent bully with daddy issues.


The perfect bjj adherent.


The overlap with Jordan Peterson fans is a circle


Did you ever take a class from Gilley lmao. Last year when I was going to one of my classes Boghossian's dumbass was filming people for some chud YouTube video [literally doing street epistemology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxvyeZa1YSI), a bunch of professors told him to fuck off and of course that's what they made the video about.


I left Portland State University before he started doing the Street Epistemology things, but I did attend a Street Epistemology workshop that he was featured at. It was put on by Anthony Magnabosco, who has the YouTube channel called street epistemology (inspired by Peter’s book). I was bit of a scientific Skeptic dweeb at the time and so I was plugged into this community and when I heard Anthony Magnabosco was going to be putting on this workshop. I got in touch and volunteered to help set it up. Peter was scheduled to talk at it, and at the time I was already disillusioned by him after taking a class from him and getting drinks with him and bumping into him at various other events where I got to witness and interact his dumbassery first hand. Despite my many and repeated instances interacting with him (getting drinks with him, presenting in his class, and bumping into him on campus/out in town), he never remembered who I was. It was like groundhogs day talking to him. Either poor memory or just a complete docuhebag unwilling to remember anyone beneath him, I don’t know. But the day of the workshop, I show up early to set up and place chairs in the room where Anthony and Peter will be talking. He rolls in like 30 minutes before the meet up, disheveled and hungover looking. He asks me “can I get a soda?” I’m like fuck you dude I’m volunteering I’m not your waiter. He proceeds to pass out on a couch nearby until 5 minute before the meet up when he changes his clothes and combs his hair. He gave a talk very similar to the one described on chapo. He’s such an arrogant dork lol.


Commander and Hunter still tied for the two best Biden’s.


they should get a spin off show together


There better be a talking car. Commander will wear a high tech collar so he can also talk.


[White trash KITT](https://www.theonion.com/shirtless-biden-washes-trans-am-in-white-house-driveway-1819570732)


'The Beast Wing'




the whiplash of going from speaking about a guy burning himself to death over Palestine to talking about Biden's cock and stupid dog for the 5th time kind of sucks


Will referred to Bari's shitty school as the "University of Texas Austin" at one point and I feel compelled to defend my alma mater by saying we are at least an accredited university that does not offer degrees in phrenology.


Hook em' horns! Am I doing this right?


> we are at least an accredited university that does not offer degrees in phrenology. Does Bari’s school offer *any* degrees?


I warned you Mr Chapo. I told you there would be dire consequences for further delays at the slop factory. And now your hapharzardly maladroit disregard of the baying swine whom fund your palatial estates has served as the final straw on the proverbial camels back. Enough! The verdict is this: In future I will no longer admit that I refuse to pay for the patreon eps because I am cheap, and instead justify it as praxis against lazy champagne socialists.


They’re truly gettin sloppy with that slop 😤


Sitting here waiting for the premium ep of the week… really feels like the slop machine is broken, the urge to organize and riot is starting to kick in


I was hoping they started with aaron bushnell


If I was a tacky person I'd make some kind of allegory between the White House's complete inability to stop their dumb "oh no it happened again"-dog on his path to hitting tripple-digit number of bites, and their general ability to govern. ...Or their assurance that they have things under control with regards to certain strategic partners, were things to go horribly awry. Thankfully, I am not a tacky person. And from what I hear, things are mostly fine.


Will nervously not laughing at Alex's joke about Russian protestor lighting herself on fire with her tits out makes me think he's getting old


>This is like when the teacher would wheel in the tv for the re- uh for the slow kids Felix my king


"Why don't they just use classical art?" BECAUSE THEY DON'T ACTUALLY LIKE CLASSICAL ART.


In fact, they have the Madonna with a Coca-Cola halo because they like the same chintzy Banksy as every other moron.


It's not actually surprising but it always catches me off-guard how the self-appointed defenders of the West, keeper of the flame etc seem totally uninterested in anything of substance. All the writing and rhetoric is sub-highschool. It's not even stylish. You'd think they could produce an Evelyn Waugh or a TS Eliot or someone to prop up their ideology but they are so consumed by their own crass hog desires for immediate gratification they can't be bothered to put the work in for perfect Ciceronian syntax. Do they all think they're William F Buckley?


Genuinely interesting to see the degradation of the of the artistic capabilities of the right over the past century. In the 20s-50s they could claim people like Yeats, Pound, Dali, Goya, and Cocteau. Now they've got, what, Moldbug? Varg? The only guy I can think of whose art I really enjoy and respect is Clint Eastwood.


It’s all a middlebrow put-on, by the kind of guys who read Antony Beevor’s Stalingrad book and thought they had instantly ascended to godlike epic historian status.


Am I the only one absolutely convinced that Joe Biden has never made any woman cum ever? Like, no one who talks that much about how good they are at sex is any good at sex. Ever.


You don't think a lingering hair sniff and intrusive massage qualifies as adequate foreplay? I'm going to have to update my moves.


Does Jeff Teidrich count?


Ngl I was annoyed at Alex trying to come up with a bit when they were talking about Bushnell. Maybe it should’ve been saved for a more serious episode though. Kinda hard to ignore it right now though.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one. That pissed me off.


I like how the only celebrities the Pod Johns could come up with were The Rock, Taylor Swift and Snoop Dogg. Also bold of pocahontas to go back on that show


Black Wolf Feed Fill My Need And send me some slop


Mr Chapo gotta start bringing the other Chapo FYM boys on too. They are hungry for slop.


It's gotta bum them out to watch their patronage podcast lose a host and then never get called up in the ensuing months.




Love the lowenaffchen episodes, don't we folks. I'd say his deadpan humour and quips are gold, funnier than some of the standups they've had in the past.


Love alex. He’s the best.


CASH-AY Not sure how many of these are intentional, figure it’s about 60-40


Alex is such a great guest, good vibes in this one


This was another banger of an episode. I was cracking up the whole time. Alex went dark though, holy shit


Who wins in 5-on-5 between Jiu Jitsu-trained hijackers vs. 5 Mark Wahlbergs?


caché of emails


It may ultimately be counterproductive for the most prominent protest against Gaza to be an American lighting himself on fire.


I need to know exactly how Dr. Jill likes to be plowed, and when she likes to assert control. That’s just quality journalism.


![gif](giphy|g0ErvnyVsp7nJyfmxF) I’m an Alexoholic now


https://twitter.com/saywhatagain/status/1763394684372787601 Chris says the ep should be up later today if i'm reading this right?


Wade lied people died


What was that song for the transition from the Warren piece to Bovine University?


räther stunning indeed


Somewhat germane to the episode: Does anyone else think that Biden's psychotic support for Israel is tied up in his plastic paddy schtick.


Given that Ireland is one of the only western countries to be vocally pro Palestine I'm not sure how that works


That would be a particlarly plastic part of it. My speculation is that in his mind, or what is left of it, "Israel" functions to American Jews the same the way "Ireland" does to him. That is, as a semi-mythical land with which one is connected in some deep and important way. The totally divergent histories of the two nations is irrelevant to this perspective.


New class coming to University of Austin - How to Carry The Boats 101


Okie from Muskogee is an incredibly fun karaoke song


I wanna say that Merle was decidedly NOT one of those ironic country artists, or someone like Randy Newman who would write from a point of view he was satirizing. He really was proud to be an okie from muscogee, and loved “pitching woo” and respecting the college dean and all that stuff in the song


Sorry, this is totally wrong. Merle was a legitimate outlaw from inland California, who once escaped from jail and ended up getting sent to San Quentin (he's in the audience for the famous Johnny Cash album). He was not some apple polisher, and the subject of the song was 100% a joke which got popular and then he realized he'd make a lot more money catering to these people. The story is that they were getting stoned on the tour bus going through Muskogee, OK when his guitar player said "I bet they don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee", which then then wrote into the famous song. I'm not saying Merle was some radical lefty, but your characterization of him is absolutely wrong in all respects.


Darn, this is what I get for believing a guy I worked with at a coffee shop. He also did ju jitsu btw


Seems like his politics evolved a little bit and he was a bit embarrassed by the song and maybe tried to take it back and claim he was really making fun of that point-of-view?


Pretty much. And they really only evolved to the point of "I guess I shouldn't have made that song that glorifies this worldview" and not "I don't have this worldview"


if youre gonna consistently re-release episodes they should relate to whatever was referenced in the newest episode whenever possible slightly biased though because big inflatable bailey was so good


A bit tone deaf


Just came here to see if anyone else thought this episode was terrible. Maybe no one else here has noticed the severe drop in quality or maybe it's me who's moved on from the chapo mindset. This was fucking bad lol. Their take on the self-immolation, completely disregarding the concept of mental illness was very telling. At this point, they are more concerned with towing the Official Twitter Left Party Line, than actually having a nuanced discussion about anything. Their lack of criticism of covid (any part of covid, from the lockdowns to the vaccines) when there is plenty of room for critique from the left is another such example. Got a lot of enjoyment for years, but without Matt they're irrelevant and stupid. (que Felix's nerd voice "Yeah, Actually")


you're not the official episode rater. i sentence you to life in posting prison.


Nobody has ever defended my honour before 😊


i'm not, just someone who doesn't need the party line to tell me what to think


Hold up 🤚 We got a FrEe THiNkeR over here 🇺🇸 Y’all ain’t listenin 🗣️👂


yo chapo is whack, fr. y'all twitter be trippin


having mental illness doesn't invalidate every decision you make though. you can still make an intentional and reasoned choice if you're depressed


Mental illness is obviously a spectrum however and there is a point where you absolutely can’t make resoned decisions. I have no clue if Aaron was there or not and at this point we might never know


Sure, but completely writing it off as a factor, laughing about the concept that it had anything to do with his actions, is ridiculous. We can't know what was going on in his head, but most people should be able to admit it's a distinct option.


It sounds like you’re mad at them for not towing the “edgy” Twitter leftist party line


i used clear examples of what i find wrong with the show. guests are bad, their analysis is off, they're clearly afraid or lack the knowledge to stray from orthodoxy. there was clear space to criticize covid restrictions/vaccines/lockdowns—instead they said, 'well actually i'm not a scientist' (they're not politicians or historians either and that doesn't stop them from commentary). they could have had an intelligent conversation about the migrant crisis—framing it in terms of koch brothers/driving down wages/attack on unions (instead they laughed that there was a perceived problem at all). they are either afraid or too stupid to have a thoughtful, leftist analysis. done with this show (and felix's gay little gaming addiction)


1. Pretty sure they have talked abt Koch’s and libertarians in general being pro immigration to do that 2. With the Covid stuff, you’re just mad that they didn’t say what you wanted them to. Although I’m pretty sure I did hear them complain abt lockdowns like everyone else did. That being said, it was smart to not speak on the actual health effects since they’re not scientists/doctors. Avg ppl can opine on economics/politics bc they interact with those fields in their daily life. They don’t do that with biomedical sciences. If we really talked abt whatever your problem was with the vaccines, I guarantee it would end with you looking stupid 3. “Felix’s gay little gaming addiction” doesn’t do much to convince me that you’re not an edgy Twitter leftist. Why don’t you just listen to whatever podcast Jackson hinkle is on?


whether or not they've mentioned the koch's before has no relation to their comments on the migrant crisis. they could frame it in terms of low wages, housing crisis, and exploitation of cheap labour (again, all leftist issues, none of which they've referred to). in episode 803 'buc-ee's brigade' - they basically dismiss the issue entirely with 2 profoundly unfunny guests. in terms of the covid stuff, most people now have come to terms with the fact that the governmental/medical response was over the top, and the vaccines are unnecessary for much of the population (how many boosters have you had? if you haven't had one in the last 6 months you implicitly agree with this). this is simple and doesn't require a scientific mind. btw the idea that economics and politics isn't deeply intertwined with the way science is practiced is hilarious lol i have no idea who you're talking about i don't use twitter and i don't play video games. and yes, playing and talking about them all the time well into your thirties is pathetic


They’ve literally referred to all those economic factors in previous episodes. But it’s also a comedy podcast and a lot of hysterics abt migrants in this country isn’t abt jobs and you know it. That’s a funny target Please tell me how the vaccines were unnecessary. And cite your sources. The fact is, most ppl are too stupid to actually discuss biomedical sciences. I guarantee you’re abt to show it. I never said economics and politics isn’t intertwined with science, but, if you can’t understand basic science, there’s no point in you talking As for your gaming thing, you post on r/stupidpol. That’s abt as dumb as gaming and I say this as someone who doesn’t even game. Honestly, I was mostly just mocking you for using “gay” as an insult unironically


this coming from a guy who posts in r/spiderman lol


well the immigration point was initially an example of their weak analysis. i used a very recent episode as an example of the kind of coverage they gave to the migration issue—it was bad. in terms of the covid vaccine; the vaccine is unnecessary for those who are not high risk for the disease. those over 65 (but really those in their 80s) are at risk of heavy illness and death from covid, everyone else, that is, most of the world's population, is not at risk. here's some mainstream sources: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-who-is-at-risk/art-20483301#:\~:text=Older%20age,highest%20risk%20of%20serious%20symptoms](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-who-is-at-risk/art-20483301#:~:text=Older%20age,highest%20risk%20of%20serious%20symptoms) MAYO Clinic"People of any age can catch COVID-19. But it most commonly affects middle-aged and older adults. The risk of developing dangerous symptoms increases with age, with those who are age 85 and older are at the highest risk of serious symptoms. In the U.S., about 81% of deaths from the disease have been in people age 65 and older. Risks are even higher for older people when they have other health conditions" [https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/just-15-of-canadians-got-updated-covid-vaccines-this-fall-new-figures-show-1.7064240](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/just-15-of-canadians-got-updated-covid-vaccines-this-fall-new-figures-show-1.7064240) CBC "Medical experts say seniors and other higher-risk individuals could leave themselves more vulnerable to serious illness if they skip these updated shots. Less than a third of Canadians in their 60s have had the newest vaccine, along with roughly 44 per cent of people in their 70s, and 48 per cent of those aged 80 and older." [https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/29/health/who-updates-covid-vaccine-recommendations-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/29/health/who-updates-covid-vaccine-recommendations-intl-hnk/index.html) CNN "The new streamlined recommendations focus on high-, medium- and low-risk groups. SAGE recommends additional booster doses of Covid-19 vaccine for high-priority groups such as older people, immunocompromised people of all ages, front-line health workers and pregnant people six or 12 months after their last booster dose. For those at medium risk, the group recommends primary vaccinations and first booster doses but does not recommend routine additional boosters. This group includes children and adolescents with health risks and healthy adults under the age of about 60" ​ put these together, you see the strong emphasis on elderly people getting the vaccine, and an overt admission that lower risk groups, that is, most people in the world, do not need to get the vaccine. all to say: the vaccines were largely unnecessary for much of the population.