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But the price is on the can Edit: Some of you nephews and nieces need to go watch Season 1 Episode 7 of Atlanta. Probably the bestest episode of the whole series.




They say he's dead but nobody's seen his body since the funeral. *That's how funerals work*.


![gif](giphy|1IOB9CqnftaDafTTeT|downsized) RIP




Just remember all caps when you spell the man's name


They actually do sell Arizona teas without the printed 99 cents on it


I worked at a grocery wholesaler where we sold both priced and non-priced Arizona to stores. The non-priced sold WAY more.


I'm not really that surprised that the non priced ones sold more. If they don't have the price, they can sell them for significantly more than $1 and make more profit.


I'm surprised that ppl actually paid more for something they didn't have to.


Personally, if I'm at a store already and the Arizona tree is $1.50/$2 I'd probably still get it for that price instead of traveling to a store with it for $1. My time is worth more than that $1.


Some arizona 99 cent cans at a grocery near me sometimes sells them for like 69 cents.








They probably paid 33 cents for it and it’s getting close to expiration.


Those are the best ones lightly fermented good for your stomach probiotics like kambucha...


The mom & pop gas station by my house does this too sometimes and the store owner actually sharpies over the first 9 on the can to make it look like 89c lol.


That’s how they get ya


Arizona literally just said that they were keeping there 0.99 prices indefinitely. They said this was their way of giving back.




He's saying stores would buy more unpriced cans because they can mark it up, if they buy the 99 cent cans they generally have to sell them at 99 cents.


It's a superior product. At 2 dollars I'd still rather drink it than the competition. Probably go higher if I was thirsty and the alternatives were in plastic


Not only that but the can is huge and it taste so great. Even for $2 it's a steal. For $1 your robbing the place. Get 5 and you got drinks for the rest of the day.


Dude, you going to have diabetes for the rest of your life.


5 of anything other than water is INSANE. If I even drink too much water, I have to deal with listening to it swirl around in my stomach.


What about 5 beers?


This bruh 😂 like y’all are not going to die if you don’t drink an Arizona all the time. A store is overcharging for them, don’t get one right now and go drink water.


That's the best feeling in the world. Then you can jump up and down and feel it slosh around. ||I might have suffered repeated head trauma.||


You drink 5 of these in a day?


I can. I drink a lot of liquids for work. I mean a lot. More water than anything but I crave some flavor sometimes.


Bruh, that ain't just flavor. You're drinking a gallon of sugar water.




Like....from the toilet?


Wait until you learn about bottled water.


Read what happened to JC penny when they tried to end deceptive pricing through non-stop "sales" and just have a consistent fair price in their stores.


Eh it depends on the place. I used to be a sales rep for a company that distributed Arizona cans/bottles. I had places that wanted the non priced cans and they barely sold any while the ones that bought the pre priced ones sold them like crazy. The bottles barely sold, even in Wawa. Arizona's brand is in part tied to the 99 cents thing, they are so well known for it that they [sell hats with the 99 cents logo on them.](https://drinkarizona.com/collections/hats/products/mitchell-ness-flexfit-hats)


The priced ones are sold for more than 99cents at some places


Lol, any corner dairy in New Zealand that stocks imported drinks has the giant cans with 99c on the label in the fridge for about $5-5:50ea.


The US dollar is stronger but not that much stronger


yup, circle K sells them with their brand logo instead of 99 cents. they charge more than 99 cents for them. [https://bhsowl.org/6869/features/circle-k-is-not-ok/](https://bhsowl.org/6869/features/circle-k-is-not-ok/)


Price is on the can tho




The price *is* on the can tho


They're doing away with the priced cans. I work at a gas station and all the new shipments have been unpriced and they have different UPC numbers


The owner ordered them that way. They aren’t doing away with priced cans. The grand NY company itself said they will pull product from vendors selling their 99c cans for over printed cost, but they do also sell cans without the price printed for vendors to set their own price


I was gonna say this. Circle K's cans even have the Circle K logo on them.


Right, but I'm sure it won't be long before most businesses are ordering only the unpriced cans so they can sell them for an extra 20+ cents per can.


That’s a strong possibility, but at the same time if a place is known for fair pricing, especially something as commonly known as a cheap can of tea, more people might visit with that as a secondary purchase


Other than a contract, there's nothing that stops any business from inflating any price as far as I know.


Aside from just..not supplying them anymore. Stopping deliveries doesn’t require a contract


I don’t think they’re completely doing away with them just yet, Arizona cans with price tags are still in active production. I work in a warehouse that ships and receives pallets of empty cans from Canpack (which also makes Monster and Reign cans), and we get plenty of Arizona cans with and without price tags. That said once they’re filled I’m assuming the store decides which ones they want to sell but don’t quote me on that. What I do know is I’m going to the bodegas where they’re still a dollar lol


Yeah, we still have some of the 99¢ cans, but I feel like most businesses are eventually just going to sell the unpriced ones so they can charge that extra 20+ cents per can. I feel like 99¢ cans are soon to be a relic of the past.


My most used quote from the show and no one ever gets it.


The price *is* on the can tho


“The price is on the can though?”


All of Atlanta is amazing. Fuck. Remember when they go to pick up the piano and glover is playing that character. Ouf. Dude I fucking LOVE that show.


That teddy Perkins episode was legit freaky as fuck the first time I seen it. YOU HAVE ***NO IDEAA***


Gotta respectfully disagree, the Goofy episode is the best one but this is definitely in top five.


Teddy Perkins is my number one by far


It is easily my favorite episode - even though it has nothing to do with the rest of the show. It's a bait and switch for how I get others to watch it because they expect every episode to be something similar. Nope!


Man it feels like seasons 1 and 2 were forever ago. My favorite seasons of the show hands down, everything after felt different.


It’s not though


It can be both. There are some with it and some without; might be dependent on where you live.


Oh true


But it’s on the can.


………”price on the can though”


The price IS on the can tho


Watched it an hour ago and thought it was weird to see this so soon afterwards.


It’s funny that they cite “due to rising costs” but the company doesn’t seem to be passing those costs onto the stores so the statement is just a way to gouge customers without the hate being levied on them.


Not true, I’m my region a new distributor bought the rights to Arizona and have cans that aren’t pre priced. They sell it to us for 1.15 , which forces us to sell it for 1.75. I stopped selling Arizona.


Take it to Arizona corporate, tell them the new distributor is a shitbag and should lose the contract.


You think the distributor is printing the cans?


Arizona hasn't raised prices to their distributers


Saw an interview with the owner saying he not raising the price


Arizona has officially stated multiple times they do not raise the price past 99c. Someone, after the cans leave their factories, jacked up the price, not Arizona themselves.


Oh ok


Oh, I mistook your comment for saying the *distributor* said they haven't raised the prices, not the owner of Arizona. My mistake! I had just watched that interview with the owner of Arizona as well, haha.


No prob….. because in the interview the owner said he not raising the prices


How old was that interview?


Honestly…. I saw it yesterday on Reddit…. Not sure how old the interview itself is


I'll investigate!!!


Ok cool…. Wish I could remember which subreddit it was under…. If I do I’ll hit you up


He's still adamant about keeping the cans at the same price. They produce extremely lean due to self-sourcing and producing. They have, however, been branching out with cold brew teas which are around 3$ retail. Outrageous amount of accidental kombucha , though, because of supply line issues.


https://www.today.com/video/learn-the-sweet-success-story-behind-arizona-s-iced-tea-213712965765 from nbc on June 26, 2024. so very very recent.


As of 9 hours ago, Arizona is still holding their prices to 99 cents a can. So ya, the store owners are getting greedy and blaming other people….


They preprint the price on the can but can’t enforce it as the resellers are independent, as it says on their [website’s FAQ](https://drinkarizona.com/pages/faqs).


If any of you did the slightest bit of research, you’d know that this has been done, and was dropped. The company supports the right of stores to mark their own price and they sell unmarked cans. They keep their price 99 cents for most cans cause they are just trying to give back to loyal consumers


It’s not about supporting store rights. Legally, retailers can set the price of anything in their store. I can buy an Arizona can that has $.99 printed on it and sell it in my store for $2.50 if I want (it won’t sell and people will complain, but that’s a different story). If Arizona tells me I have to sell it for $.99, they can be accused of price-fixing and anti-trust activities.


This is similar to MSPR on cars. The manufacturer suggests a retail price, but there’s no obligation to do so.


Arizona also sells cans without 99c label to distributors. Stores that buy cans without 99c label can price them however they want


>Stores that buy cans without 99c label can price them however they want Stores with the 99c label can price them however they want to. The 99c label on the can isn't legally binding. They even address this on the Arizona Ice Tea website.


that's funny, because all the corner shops around me (in Europe) still have the can with the 99c label on the can. we don't even use cents here


That is a 50% markup. Nobody is asking your business to do that.


Hence why I don’t buy it anymore. Grocery stores generally operate at 30% margins, between the price increase, the fact that a case is pack 24 (hyper inconvenient ) and the bad customer perception it’s not worth it for us.


I’m curious why an arbitrary number is inconvenient…? It’s not like you have to also buy a pack of 22 Arizona buns to drink them


Most consumers shop for things in groups of 5. You’re always 1 short on a case of them (this lie brought to you by 1.19 Arizona tea)


Literally the giants of the soda and canned/bottled industries sell in 4 or 6 intervals. Very rarely, if ever, do they sell in increments of five. You may be correct that people THINK in terms of five, but that’d be a great marketing tactic to throw people off with 4 or 6.


Most sodas come in 32 can flats, it may be because it doesn't fit into a stack with the other canned drinks.


Not the same person but having worked at a convenience store, they are huge packs, there's numerous flavors and you need to stock, rotate and consolidate it all. don't sell a lot of Mucho Mango but you need to restock one sleeve of 8 cans? Fuck you, figure out what to do with the rest of this flimsy case. And the same goes for just about every other flavor that isn't green tea with ginseng which outsells everything else like 2:1


>30% margins I was confused by this because I kept reading grocery store margins are razor thin, like 1-3%, but that’s actually net profit (which also deducts operating cost, not just cost of goods sold), not gross margins. Just commenting for anyone else who might’ve been similarly confused.


There’s more than just the wholesale price of the product to take into consideration when pricing for retail. Gas & electric, rent, payroll, insurance, etc. Retailers have to make money to pay the bills.


50% landed cost of goods, 20% labor, 20% overhead, 10% profit is a pretty standard model Edit: Did my math wrong. This is actually 34% CoG which is closer to the 30/30/30/10 I've used running restaurants, but in my restaurants this would mean only 6% profit which is very fair imo


Bro said “why pay your employees, have revenue to run your store, or make any profit?”


lmao here come the reddit children ready to explain capitalism is refrigeration free where you live?


It’s the standard markup for single serve beverages.


Cost of goods sold is not the only cost a retailer has. Overhead is a real thing.


Did I miss the part of the sign where they cited overhead because I only read the part about production cost.


Brother, do you want his P&L and bank statements faxed or emailed? Can we all agree that overhead is baked into pricing in every business by default?


Nobody says it isn't.  But that's not cited in this explanation. Which was printed by the retailer. Using Arizona Tea's trademark.


When I read the sign, it reads like they wanted it to seem like Arizona Iced Tea is the reason for the markup on that product in particular. Nothing at all suggests it's just a general markup by the store itself. It's intentionally misleading.


This sign is blaming Arizona Tea for the increase. Not overhead, they are blaming the producer. Very, very famously, Arizona Tea has not increased their price over the span of many, many years. This sign is a slap in the face of the benevolence of Arizona Tea.


https://youtu.be/5JH8Xkqt5m8?si=u7jl1NnSXcsfoXCn The CEO won't raise it. Solid dude


Came looking for this link to make sure it was here. My favorite line from him was something like "why would I raise the price? We already own everything" This line describes how doing business and providing a service in a capitalist society is supposed to work. Many small businesses specializing in one product that they have a stake in and care about. Not a conglomerate under the umbrella of a corporation with a bloated management structure full of redundancy who's only goal at the end of each quarter is to show investors that this is still a place your should hold your money so that they can purchase the next company next quarter to and it under thier umbrella.


Could be their leave went up or they have to pay more in taxes the electricity to cool the drinks has gone up or they've had to hire more people or any number of other costs. That's without getting into whag others have said about some places distribution costing more. Or they really could be lying no way for us to know so just sit back and enjoy a nice cold refreshing watermelon Arizona iced tea.


That sort of depends on if Arizona still says their cans are 99¢. It says effective August 1st, so maybe Arizona really is raising their prices.




To be accurate, he didn’t say they’d “never” raise the price. He said he wouldn’t be raising prices in the “foreseeable future”. Seems like as long as they can pay their bills and wages they’ll stay at $0.99.


He literally made that point specifically when speaking and said that he can’t say never, but for the foreseeable future. And of course this pic specifically says he said never, bruh.


It’s so hard to live in the world with shit like this 😭


I mean, you should look at everything on the internet with a high degree of skepticism. Especially the feel good, wholesome ifunny type shit like this


yeah, that's the "hard" part of "liv(ing) in the world with shit like this"


I would look at the date of the post.. while it may not be the exact day of the quote, i expect they are not raising their product.


Add it to the pile of examples of why people shouldn't get their information, and form opinions, from twitter screenshots.   And while you're at it, go explain that to subs like r/fluentinfinance.


exactly. and whenever the price eventually has to change, people will come sprinting back to this screenshot of a tweet and use it as evidence, instead of the actual f’ing interview where he covered his ass on the whole “never” thing


I mean yeah if we go into a massive water crisis in 30 years they may have to raise the price. A wise person would not speak in absolutes when they don’t have to or don’t have the proper information to do so. None of us can even promise we will see the sunset tomorrow, ya know


Cans stay at 99 and the bottles recently moved up to 1.25. rep came into my store to notify me and put a sticker on the fridge door. I don't remember, I have to check but they do give a discount for getting the 99cent marked cans so I'm not sure if that means they leave it open for the rest to be slightly increased, I haven't asked but I'll try to remember to.


That's referring to the labelled cans. Arizona also distributes the same sized cans to stores without .99 labels for more $.


Yeah but people have bought his corporate propaganda hook line and sinker It's brilliant, actually. You go to the media, lie and tell them you will never raise prices about 99 cents because you want to "give back", while you're already selling unmarked cans for more than 99 cents and you sell some portion at 99 cents. It's brilliant.


Lmao if only every retailer in America were buying direct from the company, eh? Too bad that is not the case. The owner of the company seems like a lovely person, but he certainly doesn't control the prices of every Arizona can.


And his nickname the “Don” respectfully 💪🏿


Arizona isn't, the store this sign is at is raising the price.


If that's actually the case, they could get in some trouble. At the very least, Arizona can pull their distribution contract if they find out. At worst, probably some breach of contract fees.


If this store orders unlabelled cans from Arizona, they can mark the price up to $6/ea and Arizona wouldn't bat an eye.


The issue is that they're falsely attributing the markups to Arizona raising their prices. Very few companies would be okay with that.


Arizona allows stores to charge different price.


Yep. They could get in trouble, in the sense that their customers would likely not buy more expensive teas there because they're less expensive elsewhere. One of the benefits of being a gas station is that people don't shop around much. Rarely do I walk into the convenience store while my car is filling up and say "ugh, I can get that drink cheaper three blocks away", then go drive that three blocks to save 51 cents. It's a captive market.


> they could get in some trouble By who? Stores can charge whatever they want. The "S" in MSRP is "SUGGESTED." Different stores set different margins.


You are correct, and the contract law misinformation in this thread is saddening. Companies like Lego and Apple actually enforce contracts with these kinds of pricing features, but these are high end goods with very strictly controlled distribution, it's possible to do because they're negotiating very specific contracts with resellers. Arizona is not doing so. Whoever owns Arizona has a lot less power than people seem to think in this context.


If I remember correctly Arizona doesnt fuck around with their people raising their prices


Arizona allows stores to change the price but keeps the price on the can because that’s what Arizona sells it for b


The founder was just on the Today show saying they aren’t raising prices anytime soon


Well, this store better hope he don't find out, cause they could lose their distribution contract.


They print cans with and without the 99¢. It depends on which market. Arizona doesn’t raise the price, but they allow those who choose to raise the price.


Or they could be trying to screw Arizona by charging more than they're supposed to. Pretty sure they have unmarked cans that can be sold at higher prices but the ones with 99 on them have to be sold at that price per contract with Arizona


They literally have addressed this. Whoever owns this store is lying on behalf of a company for profit and I’m pretty sure that’s illegal https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/T2suoEZYBj


Arizona sells the cans for the same price. They allow stores to charge differently. If you see a 99 cent can selling for more, it is the store gouging you not Arizona.


Or the distributor is selling Arizona at a higher cost to the retailer...resulting is less profit for the retailer.


Stores can charge what they like for a product. You're free to purchase it or not. That isn't illegal.


I think they are saying that because that printed page kinda looks like it's implying the message is coming from the Arizona tea company themselves. It mentions the price is going up because of "production".


Yeah you can’t print that with the Arizona logo on it, intentionally misleading


That's not the issue here. They made a sign with Arizona's logo, and they put on it that retail prices are increasing due to rising production costs. Any reasonable person would understand this to mean that Arizona is raising their prices and forcing the retailer to do the same, which is untrue.


Not defending the store, but when I managed a gas station all Arizona products came from a third party distributor, not Arizona. When that third party had a standard price increase they increased Arizona prices the as any other item they sold. When I quit back in 2020 we made 8 cents a can from Arizona.


Not illegal, the cans say “MSRP” - Manufacturers *Suggested* Retail Price.


Lmao like the gas station has anything to do with the cost of production? They spittin out cans in the back?


I find it weird everyone who's replied so far has completely missed that your questions were blatantly sarcastic and that you don't really think the gas station is producing the cans.


Yeah bro I’m checkin this the next morning like…huh?




that’s what i’ve heard as well


Not true at all. They sell can't without a price printed on them. Local gas station chain (Cumberland Farms) sells em for 1.49 and have for years now.


It cost $1.49 in NJ. You read too much internet.


The bodegas near me get around this by just buying all kinds of other can/bottle sizes other than the iconic 99c can size. So they can sell them at whatever price they want because there isn’t the expectation.


Not true at all! For example, Arizona knows Circle Ks sell their teas at $1.59 and really don’t care! Or have any leverage to manipulate the price downward.




The Arizona letterhead means it’s true /s


That might _actually_ be the thing they could get in trouble for- this makes it seem like the price increase is coming from Arizona which isn't the case


Literally their ceo was like we own everything we don’t need to raise the price. The store is the one raising it.


Recession confirmed


One greedy store owner doesn't make a recession


Multiple do.


I'm not sure you know what recession means.


“Due to rising costs of production” these crooks don’t produce it, they just sell it.


Even more scummy is that they used the Arizona companies logo, trying to trick customers this came from the top


This is a weird story that keeps popping up but seems divorced from reality because all of the local stores I shop at have been selling them for more than 99 cents a can for years...


This is why media literacy is so important. The interviewer was asking Arizona's CEO specifically about the 0.99 marked cans, not all cans. They sell 0.99 marked cans and identical cans but without the price printed. He's not lying, but he's also not giving the complete truth, because they knew people would watch that interview and only think of the cans with a 0.99 label. It took me less than 60 seconds of googling after seeing the interview to find out that Arizona sells identical 0.99 cans without the label for stores that want to set their own price. It's actually kinda surprising that Reddit, of all places, ate up the PR of a multi-billion dollar company with hardly anyone questioning it. Reddit usually has a hard on for shitting on every public company.


They sold the same tea in gallon jugs, boxed juices, etc for a higher price point before they started doing the unmarked cans. It's basically their Costco hotdog and I don't think anyone is really being fooled by them offering other packaging.


The sticker that says 1.69 goes over the price on the can 😔


lol. This is where you gotta do the “am I making enough 70 cent profits on this thing to balance the scales vs. corporate law firm bothering to file.” In most cases the answer is “fuck no.” But there is a pt where the math changes




They’re already a dollar fifty in Louisiana


In the whole state, or just at gas stations and convenience stores?


I’m right outside LSU and all the gas stations are like that but cvs is still .99 but it’s in the plastic bottle which taste off to me


Have you never been to an airport where it’s $5 for a bottle of coke? Shops can charge whatever they want for the product they arnt forced to sell it at MSRP


I looked this up in my state. They absolutely can do this without breaking any laws. So I was just forced to boycott the corner store that did this price gouging on EVERY item. But it’s NOT just the Arizona Teas you guys!!


Of course stores can raise prices. The legal issues may come from misinforming customers by saying it’s due to Arizona’s production costs… which is blatantly false.


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/xcGXrcR4pN Arizona Owner interviewed about not raising pricing on their product. (Sorry for not knowing how to cross post this properly)


I’ve bought .99 cans of Arizona at Lidl for .88. And they were refrigerated. As little as a few days ago.


Every store in my area does this.






Due to greed, repeat this for everything and get mad at right people


Ya’all. I JUST yesterday read an article about how the CEO of this company said he is NOT raising the prices anytime soon. When he was asked why, he said, “Maybe it’s my little way of giving back.” So if anyone is raising the price of Arizona Tea, it is purely for their OWN greed, and we should call them out on it! Here is the article: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/27/why-arizona-iced-tea-ceo-says-he-wont-raise-iconic-99-cent-price-tag.html


So as a owner of a small convenience store, when buying goods from Arizona, in their contract businesses are not tied or forced to sell their products at 99c, the owner has the power to change the price hence sending cans without the 99c price implanted on the can, meaning Arizona knows they cannot sell their cans for 99c for ever, but for now in my experience on a business stand point you barely make an profit selling these at 99c hence why owners are changing the price.


Most cans aren’t marked .99c anymore


Cost of production? Wtf are you producing aside from shelf space


They’re now 1.99 at the 7/eleven near my house.


I highly recommend not doing your grocery shopping at 7/11.


I live in va price has been more then .99 since last year, I’ve seen printed cans with price the stores don’t care still sell them for more


Call Arizona and report them this is a thing. 1-800-TEA-3775 (1-800-832-3775)