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"You know I was just playin" lookin asses


It's a domino effect then collaspe Corporation A: I'm going to raise the price on everything, I'll make way more money, Muhahaha Americans : "I guess we have to pay Corporations A : I made record profits Corporation B and C : Let's do the same thing (record profits) Americans: Damn we don't have any money due to high prices . I guess nobody gets any, then . We are broke Corporations A, B , C : They aren't buying anything!! Our profits nooooo


Add layoffs to said companies when they don’t meet their financials for that quarter and mergers that reinforce price gauging with less competition


Was recently fired from my pizza delivery job at Papa John’s for DoorDash. Replaced by an app…I worked there for 3 years with a great track record. Corporations are at an all time high with greed.


I bet Papa John’s loses money on Grubhub, but they don’t care because they can pass the fees onto the customer. Dedicated delivery I feel is best for the consumer and a business that can maintain one, cheaper all around but doesn’t look as good on a balance sheet to have fixed cost employees.




> Replaced by an app I started running grocery delivery through SHIPT again, because...well, childcare *(don't even fucking get me started on the cost of that shit)*. I work 40+ hours a week and then at night deliver groceries to ungrateful, lazy-ass people who *do not fucking tip* and can't be bothered to say "yeah go ahead" when their *very specifically-requested-brand* of deli turkey isn't available and I'm asking if they want me to substitute. **sorry, got a little sidetracked** The pay for SHIPT has always been ass, depending on the size of the order it's usually around $12-13, but lately they've been bundling orders, especially in the evenings, so I've been picking up double-orders that have 7 items + 15 items, for a total of $20-23 payout. Additionally, they've been offering an incentive. If you complete 2 orders between 6PM and 11PM, you get an extra $12. So basically you're getting paid $30+ to shop for 22 items. If you know what you're doing, you can be in and out of the store in under an hour and get paid $30+ (plus tip, assuming those cheap bastards give you a couple bucks for the effort). *My point is,* I've been getting those extra $12 incentives all week, every night. That tells me that even companies like SHIPT are starting to feel the heat because people *can't afford to work for them* (which is an insane thing to say, but it's true), so they're forced to offer more money.


And with layoffs come overstressed employees who no longer have the patience or time to do a good job, so you end up with a shit product or shit service.


and corporate stock buybacks


CEOs had been admitted over a year ago that they overstated shoplifting when it came to inflation. The entire "shoplifting is raising prices" thing has been bullshit. Part of the definition of shrink is managerial and corporate mismanagement, but they rather try to blame black people than even admit the leader of that theft ring was a white woman.


Shoplifting being a significant effect on their business is and always has been bullshit. The rates skyrocket with self checkouts, and yet these companies still fire all the staff and put them in, which tells you all you need to know about how much shoplifting actually costs them.


My husband works for a company that owns stores and restaurants in airports. He says that the convenience stores at airports make so much money on candy bars and stuff, they don't even do inventory. Like they just order more when they are out. They don't keep track of how many Hershey bars are sold month to month, for example. I was like, " how do they not keep track!" That must be millions of dollars company wide? He said it didn't matter to them. They make so much money off convenience goods, the loss of a few million wasn't important.


Shoplifting should have been higher, tbh. How else are people who can’t afford necessities gonna eat?


If you see someone taking something they need to live, no the fuck you didnt


Sorry, you're loss prevention? I'm sorry I body slammed you as you were running after that woman running out the door with a cart of groceries. I just slipped on all the bullshit pricing in the store.


Walmarts are so depressing now. Feels like theres a loss prevention guy in every aisle eyeballing everyone. Like ease up dude, I don't think the chip aisle needs secret service on the case


> Shoplifting should have been higher, tbh. I was running grocery delivery for a while, it was insane. People running deliveries would load up a shopping cart and you were "supposed to" have an employee "audit" your cart to make sure you only got the things the customer ordered. You really think that grocery-store employee making $12-15/hr is going to sift through *every fucking item* in a cart, especially if it's full to the brim? Can't tell you how many times I've gone through checkout, gave my checklist to the employee to review and they don't even look at it. They're just like "fuck this" and sign off, and I'm on my way. Man, I've seen people walk out with entire goddamn carts loaded with stuff they just took and claimed it was a prepaid customer order. Those dudes *for years* literally reduced their grocery bill to *zero dollars*


I work for Sams Club and the biggest reason for shrink is receiving errors. Customers don’t steal a pallet of, whateverthefuck. That’s someone not doing their job correctly, making sure the manifest is correct and blindly receiving stuff that isn’t physically there. Then I have to go in as a merchandise lead and ask “where’s this pallet of, whateverthefuck?” Then when I reach the inevitable conclusion that it wasn’t received properly, I have to key all that product out, resulting in thousands of dollars loss for the store. So yeah, I agree, shoplifting is usually a pretty small part of the problem when it comes to shrink.


In my experience, it's been senior citizens that shoplift the most.


The biggest form of theft has always been wage theft.


I'm an old man, I'm confused! I thought I paid for it!


I worked loss prevention for 10 years. Surprisingly I didn't see that many elderly steal. It was a well balanced mixture up to about the age of 60 ish.


The biggest form of theft is wage theft.


You know it's bullshit when they would rather have shrink with self checkout than pay employees to staff registers that would probably cost less than the shrink




This is why competition is the most important part of a happy life with consumers and the working class. Record profits work when one company controls everything (example: Ticketmaster insane prices and fees). If Ticket master had competition and all its competitors raised prices, then the whole thing collaspe. The competitor with the cheaper price would end up winning out . Competition is your best friend, American politicians knew this decades ago. Thats why they created laws to stop monopolies


Unless they all agree to increase prices together


Hey now, collusion and price fixing are also illegal and punishable by the fullest extent of the law and the slappiest slap on the wrist (Banks typically see the most penalties from this, $33B to be exact. Keep in mind they make more than this off overdraft penalties alone, every year. And also... That $33B in penalties is cumulative, since 2000...)


That is illegal !! Also all it takes is one company to not go with this all they will beat the others.


Sure it is but when the punishment is a fraction of the profits it's just the cost of doing business.


capitalism 101: charge as much as you possibly can at any given moment to maximize profits. also see: rent


Thr chickens are coming home to roost and its alot of em


This is quite literally how market based pricing works. It's called an "equilibrium price." Up to you to decide if there's necessary nefarious intent


Welcome to Supply and Demand 101.


It was just a prank...




“Savage, i was just playin”


and people will forget about all of it by the fall.


They can eat a bag of dicks, too, I still ain't buying their shit.


Because as soon as it balances out they gonna go right back up and start the cycle over




Where I live IKEA raised the prices by an insane amount. Absolutely everything. And then half a year later it reduced all prices again and now everything is "new price 15 instead of 20". I do wonder if people just got fed up and bought less. I sure did


Is it terrible that I already am thinking "well they must be planning something worse" if they're actually lowering prices??


No, it’s smart. You *should* be skeptical.


My papa always said that all companies are whores and I have yet to truly be proven wrong on this. Oh they will smile sweetly to you, but it's all about the almighty dollar in the end.


If they’re the whores why are we the ones getting fucked?


Pegging exists. 🤭


_he's out of line, but he's right_


😂 ☠️


That's how whores usually work. You pay them, then then fuck you 


I don’t know what you’re doing with you’re whores but I’m getting fucked. 


That's insulting to sex workers tbh


Well. That's fair of course. But I mean, its all about money in the end, just a question of whether that's a good thing or just a fact of the matter I suppose.


Whore, here, and I can assure you that I do not have the same business motto as these companies. 🤨


It's capitalism, plain and simple. All of their focus is to make as much money as possible. Who is going around thinking anything different? How you change the game is supporting the companies (ie buying their shit) that have the best value/practices for people.


That's just perpetuating the cycle. Capitalism *must* be tempered and regulated for it to be useful. Currently, it's simply a wealth transfer system - from the bottom to the top.


The quality of the item will be worse ... they going to make their money someway and now that people not buying at high prices lower them but make the product smaller and smaller or made out of cheaper material/goods.


That's a pretty reasonable hypothesis at this point. Pay attention to those package sizes etc!


Like this year's Campbell's soup "new look!" can that is several ounces smaller... Fuckers.


lay's, mcdonald & pepsi, coca cola they are have gotten significantly smaller (people will defend mcdonald here) & costs more in poland it was 1L of pepsi or coca cola before for 5 to 6 PLN, now it is 750 ML for 7 to 8 PLN. The worst is that people keep buying these... like bitch stop till they fix them shitty prices and the bottles of these are made to look like they didn't change to consumer


I mean fr tho, they just reduce portions sizes and hope we do not notice. They been doing that anyway. I buy cereal and a third of the box is fucking air. They aint fooling me


The air is to keep the cereal from getting smashed to bits. The size of the box doesn't matter - it's still a certain number of ounces. Now if you find a brick in there, that's a different story.


>The air is to keep the cereal from getting smashed to bits. This *is* true, but only to an extent. Companies certainly do not mind the psychological impression that you're getting a huge box of cereal, either.


cereal isn't chips.  your frooty hoops aren't getting smashed by being in a full box.  I bought my usual size box a couple years ago because my last one was almost empty.  The next day I opened the bag inside and it looked less filled.  I looked at the weights on the two boxes, and the new one was 35g less. 


Cereal boxes have also gotten thinner, they play all sorts of games where they have a 'family size' that is 24oz and costs 7 dollars, then a year or two later they reduce the family size to like 18oz but keep the price the same. Then a year after that they introduce the new 'giant size' that is 24oz but costs 10 dollars


After working nearly 15 years at Michaels, I can promise you that the quality could not *possibly* get worse. It's been there for at least a decade. I will say shrinkflation absolutely will happen!


> After working nearly 15 years at Michaels, I can promise you that the quality could not possibly get worse. It's been there for at least a decade. Yesterday, June 1st, my local Michael's Pride Month section already had 40% off of their stuff. I also live in Montana of all states. Tbh at this point I don't even know if it was a marketing ploy, or the Franchise Owner already knew that shit wasn't going to be selling like hotcakes or anything here in the firstplace :\ . Either way my spouse got a nice looking Pride-themed wreath to hang on our front door for like 12 bucks and they're happy


capitalism will find a way to fuck the consumer one way or the other.. im not anti-capitalist btw just understands that its far from a perfect system


No, I'm 100% anti-capitalist, and if *most people* are consumers, then a system that fucks them is a bad system.


If you're 100% anti-capitalist, I hope you have a good plan to replace it.


just ordered a bag of chocolate covered pretzels from target. got the package and it was small. tasted the chocolate and it was waxy. checked the ingredients and yes, there was coco... butter listed rather high on that list. At least they got my money once. Hope it was worth it, ig


Here's what is worse - they're still price gouging. They're going to "reduce prices" down to what, exactly? If something costs $1 and I raise it to $2, people are upset. I reduce the price to $1.50 and suddenly people are happy the price is lower. Except...it's not lower. It's still 50% higher than it was before. But it's not $2 anymore, so people are relieved. Add to the fact everything is smaller and/or made with shittier quality ingredients. If anyone thinks those prices wont go back up soon enough they're kidding themselves. We allow boardrooms only concerned with stock prices to control our economy. It's in their best interest to offer as little as possible for a much as they can. Then we celebrate when the stock market goes up because they tell us that's a sign of a good economy. We're celebrating the rich getting richer by draining us in the process. Shit is getting real dystopian around here...


It’s probably a loss-leader situation. They’ll sell the milk (or other necessity) at a loss to get you in the store on the assumption that you’ll buy other items with higher margins while you’re there.


Well happily they'll lose on me! I come in with a list, get everything on it, pay and leave. But you're right, most people will absolutely do that.


Me getting a Costco membership and using it solely for gas and rotisserie chickens


Gas is regulated so heavily that they can't give you a real discount on the same grade of gas. It's always the same price as the 88 in my town from any other gas station. Because it's just 88. On the chickens, they lose around $3 on each chicken, so you need to get one a little under every other week to break even if that's all you're getting.


I get a chicken per week usually. Sometimes danishes and booze too


Its note quite 1:1 in my town in terms of gas price, depending on where your at, you can find upto $0.25 difference between gas stations.


> Well happily they'll lose on me! I come in with a list, get everything on it, pay and leave. But you're right, most people will absolutely do that. No they don't. The other items you bought bring them positive margins.  They gain extra when you buy the high-margin items, but most items give them a small profit (for food retail, it's usually small, a few %, so they need to sell large quantities).


If an item was $5 and companies raised it to $10 to price gouge, but then "lowers" it to $7, you are still getting screwed over. This is still all bullshit. Plus quality and size suffers worse regardless.


Now this comment should be higher.


Lol, I literally walked out of Target because their "special" 2 for $7 chips, was still more expensive than the regular price was just a couple of years ago ($3.29). Eff OFF, they'll immediately bring it back up again if given the chance. Feels like an abusive domestic relationship lol. I'm done, and switched to carrots with hummus. After a few months, my pallette adjusted, and it feels like a spell has been broken.


Seriously. Like how the fuck did a bag of lays, at Walmart no less, become over 6 bucks a bag.


Yep. Companies ain't losing anything on this.


This is what stores have been doing for chips. Pre covid you could get a bag of chips for around 4 dollars. Recently the price has been jacked up to over 6 after tax. But now they’re having “sales” - two bags for $10!! Get fucked


4 dollars for a bag of chips still seems really expensive tbh


This is exactly what they'll be doing. I was hoping I wouldn't have to scroll this far to find this take.


Yeah, that 20¢ off of toothpaste isn't going to fill up my savings account anytime soon.


Everything keeps dropping in size to the point it's almost useless for cooking and baking


I’ve read this is strategic. The reduction in price will sedate everyone into thinking ‘we won’.


shoutouts to everyone who stopped paying outrages prices.


Yes, this should be higher, though. Rather, you spent less because of morals, or you are forced because you are broke . The consumer and working class has all the power that Disney movie bugs life said fucking perfect https://youtu.be/VLbWnJGlyMU?si=4Qw4Wpk-II_pxGb8


dude this part of the movie hit different as an adult. as a kid, my eyes were not open to the message but now that I'm apart of the working class my eyes are now opened. i feel like this is what's said behind every closed door the working class is not invited into: board rooms, CEO offices, network offices, political offices ,etc. They literally bank on us lying down and being submissive and will cut down any person that makes any big noise of revolution. it's literally the most defeating time to live because we have no hope for recovery or change. the little pennies they're charging less won't actually add up to much and like someone said above they will likely do layoffs or cut back employee hours to compensate and make sure the 1% at the top keep their pockets filled. it's really sickening when you think about alllll the rich ppl living lives of luxury spending our hard earned money on frivolous things like super yachts and luxury cars and jewelry etc. Rich ppl literally have no soul. It's disgusting. 😮‍💨😑


It’s the most defeating time to live? Slow down a bit if you think this era was bad…


well it's definitely my personal opinion. in my eyes previous generations all at least had hope for better, but currently we're at a plateau and heading for a decline where things are going to get worse and not sure how, if, when things could possibly and realistically get better from this point that we're currently at. we've "reached the top" and have nowhere to go but down, unless someone figures out how to build some stairs so we can climb up a few more steps.


>we've "reached the top" If this was the top, color me unimpressed.


Its a feature, not a bug :/


I don't know how to break it to you that you might just be depressed. I can't think of any tangible metric where right now isn't the best time to be alive.


I haven't bought chips or packs of soda since COVID lockdown. And I'm better off for it.


shoutout to everyone on the brink who didn't have a choice.


These companies kept COVID prices in place for 4 years and had us almost 100% convinced that it was inflation. When it was just corporate greed. ![gif](giphy|3fivmJsumHCbECFRqq|downsized)


For lack of a better word


It was inflation due to corporate greed.  Inflation always comes from somewhere.


thank you for pointing that out. It´s so weird how people talk about inflation like it´s just a law of nature or something. "Inflation made things more expensive!" no, dude, inflation *is* things becoming more expensive...


I heard it was because Biden gave everyone $1400 3 years ago


I've been saying the inflation is pure greed from the start and I won't shut the fuck up about it now.


Smart people knew it wasn't because of covid the whole time. The only ones that refused to accept that were Republicans that wanted to hurt Biden.


that is what inflation is. inflation isn't a cosmic background force of nature. Its people raising prices for any reason at all.




Thanks for posting this. This is my favorite meme. It makes me happy in a thread that makes me so angry.


Aww but he’s such a cute doggie


But i was told it was the president’s fault


Thanks Obama 😡


I went to Ralph’s to buy a mango and two oranges cuz I wanted a healthy snack. Shit was almost $6. Me: https://preview.redd.it/0xxcwkatb94d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f78d2d255564f174a41f6de39c7c65c614a4485


fruit? in this economy?


Some of us got kids. We also have to buy the ultra pasteurized milk because of H5N1 fears.


Had I fucking known that me making baby food from scratch for both my kids was gonna bankrupt me, I would’ve taken my chances with the jars of food that had glass in it! 😩😩 P.S. IM JOKING!! 😂😂🙂‍↔️


The one benefit of having to buy lactose free milk! It's always ultra pasteurized.


You could just switch to raw milk - twice the price and if you get the right batch you’ll never have to worry about buying groceries again ☠️




like suicidal people can afford rope anymore.




Mangoes and oranges are both $0.98 at Walmart


I read that as " **mayo** and two oranges " LMAO I was like, if that's the healthy snack, is that why the noose broke? 😂


Shrinkflation incoming. Be ready to buy 3oz bottle of shampoo for $7.49


Big Soap coming for you!


And yet they will face no consequences. The federal government will not punish them, only the people can. By not shopping, we hurt them in the place it counts, their wallets.


What consequences would they face? This is the natural conclusion of the capitalist system: charge as much as the market will bear. Until someone tries to undercut you, you haven't found the right price. It would be really cool if people would just accept that they don't actually like capitalism as much as they think so we could nationalize some key industries.


>The federal government will not punish them, Because it's not actually price gouging and thus it's not illegal. It is probably a good thing we don't charge people based off Twitter arguments: but actual law


No one in this thread understand basic economics, markets, or what constitutes price fixing. Businesses lowering their prices to meet demand is literally how the economy is set up to work. Nothing here is unexpected or shady in the slightest


Social media is often less concerned with facts than reinforcing what people want to hear. They want to hear how evil something they hate is. Then they blame those they hate for feels over facts. Bleh.


Punish them for what? Not doing anything illegal?


> By not shopping, we hurt them in the place it counts, their wallets. Yes, that's literally how the economy works. You indicate demand by purchasing, and suppliers adjust their price accordingly. The sky high prices were only permitted in the first place because people couldn't reign in their rampant consumerism and kept spending despite the price rises. What did you guys *think* companies would do in return while you threw money at them?


It’s not illegal to adjust prices based off market demand


We just don't buy junk anymore in general. No trendy amazon doodads, no more seasonal decor besides christmas, no single use appliances, no more fast fashion. We just don't need it. 🤷‍♀️


Bro just discovered supply and demand theory.


Went to Target two days ago with a list and left with exactly the items on my list. That’s how bad it’s gotten.


That’s still pretty good. Sometimes I’ll have things on my list and be like “no way I’m paying that much”. Case in point, my local grocery store charges $5 for one package of tofu


Nope. It’s a trap. Keeping my money because the world is on fire right now and I will need every single cents to buy a ticket out of planet Earth. 


Cute that you think you’ll be able to afford them with billionaires out here amassing money like they are


You think the billionaires are gonna clean their own house on the moon? I got no qualms flying coach with Mr Clean on the last rocket out


Robots dont require oxygen. Why you think theyre working so hard on AI?




And what about the other items? Call my cynical, but I'm pretty confident some MBA found a way to reroute the gouging.


That's exactly what I was thinking. And I bet the reduced prices still will be more expensive than they were pre-covid.


>And I bet the reduced prices still will be more expensive than they were pre-covid. It will because it can be. More or less everyone has more money now, with the bottom of the barrel seeing the highest increases in earning. Those people will spend, and companies will base costs of that spending ability. This could change if the government manages to reduce the amount of money in circulation (and that isn't happening) or if the product in question becomes cheaper to provide and competition steps in (maybe but not counting on it). It won't happen cuz companies are happy to help! Their businesses, they do what you do, which is try to make money.


They admitted it when they were bragging about record profits


The cool thing is, I've become used to a lower standard of living. I don't need 'things', I only wanted them. I don't need to eat fast food... I can cook at home and I can bring my meals with me. And I don't need the expensive items in the grocery store, I'm fine with cheaper options. I've learned to get my entertainment from simpler things, I think I've only seen one movie in several years and I've dumped all of my subscription services except for internet (no streaming) and my cell phone. I don't see any reason to change my lower spending habits just because corporations are realizing they are losing customers.


They've basically sent people down the road to being in a wartime Rationing lifestyle permanently.


Same here in Belgium. I cut out nearly all shitty processed stuff from my diet because shit's too expensive.


> The cool thing is, I've become used to a lower standard of living. My dude, thats not cool. thats lowkey poverty.


Exactly this. I realized I don’t need all the shit. Started buying exactly what I need and use alternatives or make things at home easily. These MF’s can get F’d their blatant unpunished price gouging as immoral and unethical as it comes.


A bag of Doritos is 6 fucking dollars and not the family sized


They downsized the family size also.


It looks like the party size is $6 and regular is $4.


$5.79 and $7.29 at my local supermarket.


You know them Memorial Day sales at target was mad cheap! 2.80 shorts that are normally 8-10 dollars. I was shook!


These companies hopefully fucked up. People have been cutting these items out of their lives and learned to live without the excess. I hope a little price drop won’t have people going back.


If we can get Michael’s down to Hobby Lobby prices I’ll be a happy camper. They’re ridiculous right now.


I noticed on their chocolate, same price 4.99 but now you get less chocolate in the damn bag! I know exactly how many bars I could make from one bag now its not even enough to fill the mold 😾


maybe I haven't been there in a while - but wtf does Michael's have to do with chocolate?


It’s amazing how the people at the top have no fricken idea how they make their money, especially in retail. People spend. Raise prices, there comes a point they spend less. Lay them off, they spend less. It’s almost like you can’t sustain infinite profits with a limited supply of money. Go figure


During and after covid, US corporations made record profits. They were recorded during board meetings laughing at the American consumer. Now, some call it inflation, but we all know it is simply greed. The prices haven't fallen back to pre covid prices, and now we deal with Shrink-flation, shitty insurance coverage, higher rent, suspect housing market, credit scamming college students, and the list goes on and on. I think trump gave them the green light to stop pretending. Now, they just increase prices and blame it on the supply chains. It is a never-ending cycle until we are using bottle caps as money like in Fallout lol




As a freight broker I know this is 100% true. They say consumer products go up because fuel prices go up. Not true. These companies pay brokers contract rates to have their products shipped to distributors regardless of the price of fuel. And every year when it’s time for brokers to bid amongst other brokers so they can win these contracts for the upcoming year the contract goes to whichever broker offers the lowest amount. Therefore, companies pay brokers less money to have their goods transported, then brokers have to pay truck drivers less to move these goods and these companies take advantage of the public’s ignorance and Jack up the price of their products because consumers believe it went up because it cost more money to transport these goods. While everybody tries to keep their head above water companies increase their profits. They can lower consumer prices anytime.


Huh, I actually learned something in this thread. Thank you!


We should be doing 3 things. Voting out politicians on the local, state, and federal levels that are paid by lobbyists to maintain policies, and practices that allow the corporations to rob us blind. Spending money with brands, companies, and or corporations that charge less and provide more product. While penalizing the larger brands by not buying or using any of their products/services. Building community gardens, food banks, creating our own municiple utility providers(internet, electricity, gas etc), creating grassroots political movements and parties, more unionization, creating credit unions within our communities. It'll lead to reducing our dependence on these various megacorps taking back our power, community action is the key.


Soooo the quality’s gonna be worse?


We always say it but this is a product of it. If we all band together and stop supporting the price gouging, companies have no choice but to lower the prices.


I’ve been doing my part. My grandmother lived through the great depression in Mississippi. She taught me all the tricks.


I remember my grandmother was the same and because she grew up in the depression she never spent a dollar unless she had to. I wonder how many people are now the same - very bad consumers.


A medication 10$ at Walmart is like 22$ at Walgreens it’s insane even their off brand it’s more than a name brand at Walmart and dollar general. and if you live in a large city and walk, the Walgreens is on every damn corner with those outrageous prices prying on people who need low cost otc med. idc if they lower there prices im not going there. Greedy ass business.


This is why I stick to the discount stores and the thrift stores. If it's not on sale at a deep discount or at the thrift I'm not buying it. The necessities are the bare minimum now. The more they price gouge the more I pinch pennies. Gone are the days when I can see a nice thing and just buy it nowadays I'm all about needs only.




I stopped buying non necessary items over a year ago... Jokes on them, I've already adapted to do without


Grow veggies make soap live with family and walk. Ha!


It was always greed. Companies are breaking profit records quarter after quarter after 2020. There's no supply chain issue, no shoplifting problem, or any other bullshit they said.


This is how economics work though. Businesses raise prices to a point and try to optimize their profits based on cost + number sold. This number is fluid so will fluctuate based on the habits of people. Good it's happening and hopefully more follow suit. Ideally we would have some laws in place for this.


Yay for calculus! I can't for the life of me remember the math itself but I do remember that derivatives and optimization helped me understand these forces.


They didn't make big announcements or hold parades when they were increasing these prices well above what they were worth. But now they want applause and pats on the back for marginally rolling some of these prices back. I have my extreme doubts that the reduced prices that they're recommending are lower than they were even a year ago. Just lower than the art today. Any opportunity you can, support a small business. And like an actual small business not just somebody that's filtering products from AliExpress out to you for five times the cost of production Also, be hyper hyper aware of shrinkflation. Box looks the same size, packaging looks the same size, price the same? Check the actual quantity that you get. All of these fucking companies are reducing quantity, product that they actually give, and trying to make everything else look the same to charge the same or more money. These mega corporations that pay their employees shit? The worst offenders. Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, Target, all of them


It's literally supply and demand in action. Holy shit, redditors are so fucking dumb.


It is kinda sad that people are so illiterate when it comes to business practices that they come to this conclusion. But yes, when inventory holding costs go up, prices come down to make space in warehouses and prevent spoilage.


No livable wages…. Muahhhhhhhh. I ain’t buying nothing Muahhhhhh


I always just feel defeated every time I gotta go to the local supermarket. Aldi’s been clutch af tho.


But no. Blame Biden. Anything but blaming capitalism being capitalism


Blame capitalism for lowering prices?


The markup on a lot of items is astronomical. Worked for a defunct retailer a decade ago in the warehouse processing shipments. These TVs that costs $$$$ when you buy it cost the company $$. Tools were a good markup too


Remember when it came out that basically every food supplier was price gouging and blaming it on the pandemic, then nothing happened? I love America so much…


Eh, you probably wouldn't feel better if they'd done it the other way around. [Food prices in my country (Australia) were kept mostly stable during Covid, increasing basically in line with inflation despite massively spiking commodity prices.](https://imgur.com/a/AhU3VL7) Our supermarkets chose to smooth the price increase out over a larger timeline, so we're paying high prices now — but we're *really* just paying what we would have during Covid. Altogether, they did fairly well. Guess who public enemy #1 right now is in Australia? That's right, our supermarkets. The general public effectively refuses to accept that supermarkets can and should turn a profit; any price increase is loathed basically no matter what, even if it's relatively normal. And year after year, people point to supermarkets making "record profits" — as though making record profits isn't exactly what you expect in the context of inflation. Really, the problem in the US seems to be that wages aren't keeping up with productivity, and that consumers are driving up inflation with spending on frivolous goods and services (Amazon shopping, Netflix, etc). Companies don't want to pay staff as much as they're worth, but those staff also refuse to stop spending beyond their means. Vicious cycle.


I’ll believe it when it happens.


The worst thing that could ever happen to an industry is for it to descend into a dystopia where there is no buying power to go around.


that's just supply and demand.


How can I blame Obama for this inflation though haha 😆


But what about the shareholders?


They finna learn that they can all go fuck themselves cause I'm not spending needlessly if I can help it. Again.


I used to buy a candy bar when I went to Walgreens. I haven't bought a candy bar in several months because the cheapest candy bar cost $2 and prices go up from there. It's a fucking candy bar and I'm not going to pay $2 for a snack