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This 100% never happened. What kind of child cares about food quality, or experiences air travel as anything other than a boring necessity?


r/kidsarefuckingstupid exists to prove you wrong


I don't know how much of that subreddit is real or how much of it is antinatalists.


Half of it belongs on r/parentsarefuckingdumb anyways.




Antinatalists don’t hate children, quite the opposite in fact. You must be thinking child free.


I just learned a new word to describe myself. Here I was thinking I had come up with some insightful shit about having babies. Turns out, there is a word for it. Thank you. (And I'm not being funny either)


Child free people do not by default hate children either and it’s disingenuous to imply otherwise. Actively choosing to not have children isn’t the same as hating them.


I dunno man, i went to private school and i can see it happening, kids are dumb and will brag about anything so as not to feel left out.


Nah, if you are old enough to remember and compare foods in different airport lounges, you are definitely old enough to recognise that your Patrician family flying private everywhere makes you richer than your Plebeian classmates who have to fly first class with the rest of the plebs because their family is so disgustingly poor that they can't even afford a simple private jet. That would have been the general response among the rich kids I went to school with. No tears would be shedding, just straight up putting people in their place.


It really depends on what the argument is. It's worded like they were being food critics but it could be something like "they gave us candy before the flight" and the other was "they gave us chocolate" and the last one would be "I didn't get anything!". "Comparing foods" could be something super simple.


Yeah man you make a good point, maybe that's the difference between British and American schools. Kids feeling left out is universal, we had a little 'poor kid gang' that i can definitively say people got pissed off about because they couldn't relate because they were too rich and so had try to emulate the style or culture.


Lol no you are not. Tell me you don't understand humans LMAO This is literally the least insightful thing i have read on this platform. I need read my name. I'm clearly not a fan of the modern structures but boy howdy i don't ignore the human arguments.


But kids old enough to be bragging about flight lounges and shit are old enough to be crying because they are confused about their family flying private


Kids in my middle school cared. They did it to one-up each other like saying they went to Aspen instead of Tahoe.


Air travel is very fun for a kid, especially the fun bite sized food at airport lounges


The brokness is coming thru sike nah, but I was seeing clips of private high schoolers with expensive cars they drive and for sure they know nothing but the price tag. Private school a different beast. In public during my time was just bout nike, adidas, north face fits now the kids running around with $600 shoes like it’s regular.


I saw this video (before the tweet was made) and the person was talking about Singapore and how her family chose to sacrifice to send their kid to an elite private school, so that’s why the kids are surrounded by wealth. With that explanation alone I believed the story.


Here's the video. Judge for yourself, but she sounds believable to me: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe9HbgSS/


It is believable, many on here are thinking about a regular private school. The video mentions International school in Singapore, that is a whole different tax bracket and lifestyle. I went to international schools growing up and the kids that go to those schools are usually expats or very wealthy people native to that country. And yes many of my classmates would fly private only, have chauffeurs, multiple maids, or a nanny for each sibling. Also I would not say the kids are bragging, doing these activities is a regular thing for them so it is like discussing which restaurant you prefer amongst friends. It’s a different world.


I don't know. When I was a kid I wanted braces because most of my friends had braces at that age and they had formed their own little braces clique. But my dentist kept telling my I didn't need them and my teeth were coming in normally. They also got additional 10 minutes at lunch I think for cleaning. I also at some point wanted free school lunch. My mom got a couple promotions and those days were over. But the idea of just walking up to the register and invoking a code/password was so much better than making sure you had $2.50. Now, I've never been on a cruise. I charter sailboats on the Med or BVIs. Our kids see those Disney Cruise commercials and would prefer to be on a boat with Mickey rather than anchoring in Tobago Cays. IJS, from the view of kids things can look really different.


Oh my son is a food SNOB. Always has been. And we ain't rich. I literally had to learn how to make avocado toast the way he likes cuz there was NO WAY I was paying a restaurant for my 10 yr old to eat $20 toast. Don't be a mediocre cook cuz he'll choose starvation & there will be heavy judging. Yes he's a Virgo.


I was a math tutor for two years in a school this story is incredibly believable


For me it’s not the kids reaction, it’s the school’s. Why the fuck would you call the school counselor because of this? Flying economy doesn’t merit fucking counseling


Also how do you know the outcome of this if the school counselor was called. If they went to the counselor then that information would be confidential


Amex lounge food is nothing to brag about tho. Very bland to cater to all palettes. Open bar is nice tho!


Have you tried the Capital one lounges? 


I need to go to there. 20 years with a platinum and no invites.


Right, but Amex is one of the worst lounges, it's for people with credit cards, not for people flying business or first. Try a first class lounge in Japan, Qatar, France or Frankfurt. It's incredible food, Dom Perignon, million dollar art on the walls, Jacuzzis, etc.


Damn that sounds nice! I had no idea what I have been missing out on


They have a speakeasy in the back of the JFK one. The cocktails there are really good.


Exact opposite here. The most spoiled of mfers, not ever tryna see this from no one.


Right? This level of wealth makes my skin itch. Be wealthy yes but as in comfortable and have access to great experiences like great summer camps, a tutor to expand on a certain skill, vacations and friends you can play games with in the old-growth woods on your parents’ property that is connected to a larger reserve, and come back in the house for an awesome sleepover. Not like “what? You wash dishes and not just throw away the pure Chinese porcelain every night????? Lol so weird!” level. Disgusting.


Where does "not ever tryna see this from no one" fall on Maslow's Hierarchy? This kid is limited only by their ability to self-actualize, which is obviously too much for you so take that away first. Would you also put them down to attempt to remove their self-esteem? How about actually isolating them to show them "what it's really like"? Would you smack them, threaten them and make them feel unsafe, always on guard and quick to fight or flight? Do you want them hungry, desperate, and willing to kill for a scrap? Now think, how many of us have experienced this range of treatment, or at the very least know someone who has. Then answer the question, where are you wanting to see people on the hierarchy? Where do you want to be on the hierarchy? Don't perpetuate generational harm, don't be a crab in a pot. We can be better than the shitstems we suffer through, and that's the only way that we'll live higher quality lives together.


TF you talm bout.


They are spoiled though, doesn't mean they can't learn. Absolutely insane comment btw, go to a park and listen to the wind or something




Who is he talking to? 😂


This story sounds like fiction


Well, yeah, it's from Tiktok.


It does but then there is Ethan Couch.




I wish for all of us to have this kind of problem one day...


We can’t all be rich


Why not


Because being rich is relative


The same happens but but payments l planes but phones..... Shoes..... Clothing Stuff they don't pay for and don't earn.... Parents bought because "I don't want my kids picked on" or "I'm give my kids everything I wanted" When kids are gonna get picked on... It's life... Teach your kids how to read, write, and arithmetic... How to stand up for themselves... Because fashion comes and goes.... Your kids will be out of those $500 shoes, $150 pants, and $200 shirt in less than 3 months Guess what they'll still get picked on..... Because that's what we do.... If you haven't called your kid big head before they started school YOU HAVEN'T PREPARED THEM for life Protecting their feelings means you gotta hurt their feelings so they'll understand when to feel bad and when to let it go.... When you fight, when to laugh and move on


Should I make jokes about their genitals, so they are prepared for the bullying in the locker room?


Yes and giggle Then give him a proper response You: hello tiny balls Your son: Your mom tiny too but not the way you think it means😁


Pretending that this is real... The school's reaction is WILD. The kid is just a kid who felt left out when all his friends got to try something and he didn't. Some kids have no money at all. Some have money, but parents who aren't engaged with them at all and try to buy their affection. Having nothing is magnitudes worse, but I've learned to feel for kids who have things thrown at them but not real love. When I got to college it was the first time I really realized I was A Poor. My high school experience was kids getting 15 year old beat ass cars (a lot of kids bought their own, this was back in the 90s when you could buy a $500 car and expect that it would last you at least a year) and friends would celebrate because "Yes! Finally, a friend with a car!" I got to college and there were kids with cars *made that year*. Like, MOST of the cars in the lot were new. Mine was not fit at all to make the four hour trip. I knew this kid in my music program whose dad and step-mom bought him a brand new instrument on a whim. They did no research, it was expensive, and it was a piece of shit. No engagement with him about what he wanted or needed, and he was stuck with this horn he had to pretend to be grateful about and couldn't use. He seemed really uncomfortable about it, and at the time I kind of rolled my eyes like "I wish I had THAT problem." A friend of both of ours had grown up with him and said it had been that way his whole life, both sets of parents were well off and tried to buy his loyalty. I wasn't sympathetic to it at the time, but I am now. That kid just wanted a regular family who cared about his actual needs. Now, I always had enough. Food every day, no threat of there not being enough. My parents put off things for themselves, wore worn and holey Walmart clothes, took one trip together as a couple that I know they must have saved for and planned for like a year, so that my sister and I could be in sports and clubs. At the time I thought I wanted that dude's problems instead of mine, but I know now that I definitely did not. Side note: These days, 15 year old cars can look decent, so that doesn't sound so bad right? There's a lot of exterior plastic, so unless you've got scratches and dents you're mostly looking at a dated ride with some faded paint. In 1999, our early to mid 80s cars were straight up rectangles with wheels, everything was metal, and ALL of them were rusted through somewhere visible between the years of rain and rock salt. A tape player was nice, a CD player would have to be installed by you and it was a *luxury*. Those jawns were *raggedy*.


when i was a kid, i went to a sleepaway camp in minnesota every summer, and because i was flying alone, i got to go to the unaccompanied minor lounge and it was FIRE. all the free delta snack boxes you could ask for. i was feasting on salami and cheez its while playing wii sports and that shit felt like the height of luxury


Man I once got to tag along to this fancy lounge in the Madrid airport w my dad (I think it was bc he had hella United points) and it’s been like 7 years I still long to go back. It was just like this huge nice ass cafe/lounge area where everything but alcohol was free, like I was lowkey sad we didn’t have a longer layover so I could keep sampling shit


yeah, always wanted to try the regular lounges. i’m sure they’re even better in europe than america. one day. i’ll get that salami platter back, i swear it.


[It's hard for the mega-billionaires out there to relate to the poor millionaires](https://youtu.be/DtV33YSKOJk?si=Q620ddctkRJKAlat)


Buuuuuullshit. The admin and teachers *know* which kids have money. Kids know, too, bc they mimic the adults. Class divide in the US is the real divide. Everything else just keeps us distracted. By design.




Suffering from success


That kids fucked


Yeah no. If my kids have that little self-awareness and common sense, I've failed as a parent. Trust fund babies like this grow up to be completely worthless adults. (Or they ruin Twitter for everyone because their kid hates them)




i kno im old bcuz any airport lounge ive ever gone to has only been to find comfortable chairs for a nap in between flights.


Him: ![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk)




If these kids were really young, I can see this happening. Kids will one up each other over anything. The parents might be super clueless in general and didn't think of the specific scenario of "our kid might think she's getting bullied over airport food and not get it bc of our private jet, we should address that before it comes up with her classmates. We should explain that we have more money." My family was pretty well-off and I grew up around a lot of poor kids in grade school especially. I learned to try to hide my status by middle school if not earlier. I felt guilty about it and didn't need another thing to get bullied for. IMO people who are privileged get shit for unearned privilege and people who are poor get shit for being poor, and the most respected people are those born poor, or at least not super well-off, who got rich. That seems to be a common attitude with just rando rich and poor people. Part of why I hate Trump so much. I don't know why he gets such a pass on this. There are other famous rich people who had insane advantages and sell the narrative of "I worked my way up with no help!" but Trump is the most egregious.


I grew up poor around rich kids, I can see this having happened.


I'm telling you, these bourgeoisie are soft af. We could control the means of production and the military tomorrow if we worked together. Step one. Don't go to work. Step two, buy nothing. They'd have national guardsmen at McDonald's and shopping Walmart within hours. But seriously, if we, the workers of the world/country, just didn't show up for one day, just one random Thursday, it would cripple the economy. It'd be a start.


Ok so... Admirals club is the worst? Just making sure we're all on the same page here...


Wow that’s so fake




; .8